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Page 21

by Penny Hawking

  My only problem was, Andy was not a socially awkward kid. If his problem was that he had a speech impediment, or he couldn’t talk to girls or he didn’t know how to make conversations, then his loneliness would make much more sense to me. He was none of the above, and the more he interacted with other people, the more I was convinced that Andy knew more about the popular crowd then he let on…I mean this kid spoke the lingo and everything. He was comfortable talking to girls when they approached him, he was confident talking to jocks…so what the hell was the problem? Why at school did he sit by himself in the corner trying to disappear? Why didn’t he interact with anybody unless I threw them at him?

  The more I watched Andy, the more I was determined to dig deeper. But I had to find a different approach, my flirting was getting nowhere. I mean there was so much a girl could do before falling short of ripping your clothes off in front of him. (I was tempted). I’d never felt so unwanted sexually before. Andy avoided all and every sexual reference or anything I laid in his path. I’m going back to my earlier conclusion that he was gay…there was no possible way that he didn’t want me. At the point it’d gotten a little personal, I mean yeah refuse my advances once or twice but after the third time give me a little nookie or something you know what I mean? It gotten to the point where I would flirt just expecting a rejection in return, but I still did it out of habit. I mean I even laid in the same bed with him for a couple hours watching movies late at night and not once was I tempted to try to seduce him. Well okay I lied. During a sex scene in one of the movies I did tell him he was welcome to try it one me as I rubbed my leg seductively over his. Needless to say my leg was rewarded with a smack and an eruption of laughter from Fleur. Andy gave me nothing… and in turn he got to experience a little more of me than I had wanted. Believe it or not, flirting is hard work, so when I decided to ease up a little, I rewarded him with more Ornelia…the irrational, spontaneous, clumsy, goof ball that I am mostly just around Fleur.

  Talking about Fleur, those two in three days’ time became like the best of friend. Every time we were at the house, wherever Andy went I was sure to find Fleur tagging along behind him. I told him he could tell her to leave him alone but he said he didn’t mind. I thought he was just being polite until I caught them several times on different occasions playing with Bubbles or playing one of Fleur’s many games.

  Or like today instead of going out with me, he decided to stay home with Fleur and Celine. I was really trying to figure out whose friend he was? Did Andy feel sorry for Fleur? Is that why he paid her so much attention? Or maybe he liked little girls. I mean I don’t know there are tons of creeps and weirdos out there and to be honest I really didn’t know him from anywhere. Still deep inside I somehow knew he would never hurt her. But that didn’t stop me from spying on them. He never did anything inappropriate, he never touched her in anyway, and he never said anything questionable. I felt dumb after, but at least I was reassured. I can get pretty anal when it comes to Fleur, I would never let anybody hurt her. Which is why I was comfortable leaving them (who cares if Celine was there) and doing my own thing.

  Now four hours later, I skipped to the house happily as I swung my little bag. I’d gotten Andy a small light blue shirt from H&M; he could wear it tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner. I just knew that it would bring out his blue eyes even more. Now the hard part was convincing him to wear a shirt other than grey, black and brown. I was so happy I could barely contain myself. I opened the door and closed it behind me.

  I ran to the stairs to get him when I heard voices in the living room. I stopped and turned around as I slowly made my way over there.

  “Your hair is soft.” Fleur said excitedly as she stood behind him. Fleur had her tea table set out and Andy was sitting in one of the chairs. “Have you ever braided it?” she asked as she ran her hands through it, feeling it and laughing.

  “No.” Andy said sitting back in the chair.

  “Why?” Fleur asked. She stepped from behind him and touched his chair, his shoulder, his leg and then the edge of the table.

  I could tell she was looking for something.

  “Because I’m white, and white people look horrible with their hair braided.” Andy said shaking his head.

  Fleur laughed. “Why?” she asked as her little fingers grabbed a big rubber band off the table. She slowly made her way back behind Andy’s chair.

  Andy shrugged. “It’s just one of those things that look better on darker skinned people.”

  “Well I’m gonna do just one braid okay.” She said as she took a part of his hair. “Nee-nee taught me.” She said happily.

  “I guess one is okay.” He said letting her take his hair.

  I smiled. Andy didn’t know what he was getting himself into, Fleur loved hair, she loved touching, she loved playing in it…more reason why she was more like me, but at least she had a reason…for me it was just some sort of weird habit to touch peoples hair and growing up I got yelled a lot for it.

  “Maria let me braid her hair last week, she said it looked nice…but she’s blind too, so she doesn’t know what she’s talking about…but when her mom came to pick her up she said it was beautiful.” Fleur said happily as she braided slowly.

  Andy chuckled. “I think it’s cool that you can make jokes about…you know being blind and stuff.”

  “Nee-nee taught me that, she said if I can’t learn to laugh at myself, than other people will laugh harder and I’ll get hurt more especially since I’m blind.” Fleur said. She put down the braid. “Can I do another one?” she asked.

  Andy nodded. “Yeah.” He rubbed his right arm. “Were you born blind?” He asked softly.

  “Yeah.” Fleur said. “But I don’t really miss anything I guess…I mean sometimes when all my other friends that can see, talk about something they saw, sometimes I wish I could see it too…but oh well, that won’t happen. Nee-nee says I need to make the most of it and move on and focus on what I can do.”

  I leaned against the wall as I heard my little sister. She listens to me? I was surprised and happy.

  “Nee-nee’s right.” Andy said.

  “I know.” Fleur said putting his hair up in a ponytail. “All done…how does it look?” she asked grinning as she made her way to the other side of the.

  Andy touched his hair. “I don’t know I don’t have a mirror.”

  Fleur laughed. “That’s what Nee-nee would say….mom and Cece would just say it looks nice.” Fleur slid her hand across the table until she came across her little tea kettle. She grabbed the handle. “Andy may you please slid your cup next to mine?” she asked lifting the kettle.

  Andy reached over and slid his cup next to hers. “It’s on the right of yours.”

  “Thank you.” Fleur said as her other hand grabbed it. She touched the rim of the cup as she descended the kettle. “It’s actual green tea…Nee-nee said we can’t have a tea party with juice.”

  “I like green tea.” Andy said.

  “That’s almost to the top right?” she asked as she stopped pouring.

  “Yep.” Andy answered. “May I take my tea?”

  “Yep.” Fleur said imitating him. She fumbled a little when she reached for her cup. “Sorry.” She said softly.

  “It’ okay.” Andy said as he patiently waited for her to pour her tea. I could tell he was trying hard to stop himself from helping her. I smiled. He understood there was stuff that Fleur had to do on her own.

  “Sugar?” Fleur asked reaching for the bowl of sugar cubes.

  “No thank you.” Andy said.

  “I take 5 cubes like Nee-nee, mom and Cece always take two, sometimes one.” Fleur pointed out.

  I smiled as I backed away. I shouldn’t intrude on their little tea party. I went back to the stairs and quietly went upstairs. This boy called Andy was pretty much amazing. I went into my room and flopped on my bed…well Andy’s bed for now. I lifted my head and grabbed the pillow and smelled it more making sure I didn’t imagine the scent. Nope Andy�
��s scent was on the pillow. It smelled faintly of his shampoo and his body scent. I’m not talking bad body order or his cologne or whatever men put on. But I mean that pure clean men scent right after they get out the shower. Maybe it was his deodorant…whatever it was…I inhaled again…my body loved it.

  I smiled as I closed my eyes, his scent still lingering in my nostril. I spread myself on my bed. I could feel my heart beat start to race and tingles run down my leg. I really needed a man right about now…where was Zeus when you needed him?

  My phone rang. I sighed and took it out my back pocket. “Speak of the devil.” Zeus was calling me. “Shut-up, I was just thinking about you.” I said grinning.

  “Yeah, yeah.” Zeus said not convinced.

  “No seriously.” I said laughing. “It was the weirdest thing…I was laying down on my bed and I was starting to get real horny and I was like where’s Zeus?” I explained as I situated myself more in bed.

  “Oh I like that picture…you on your bed, horny, looking for me.” The sexy Argentinian whispered.

  I giggled. “You know it.” I said lowering my voice. “Too bad you’re too far to fulfill my fantasies.” I said pouting. “I guess I have to look elsewhere.” I said naughtily.

  “Who Andy? Good luck with that, that fag lost his balls a long time ago.” Zeus said.

  “Hey!” I said sitting up. “Don’t talk about him like that he’s my friend…matter of fact scratch the phone sex idea.” I said suddenly no longer aroused.

  “I’m just kidding…what are you his bodyguard…come on babe you was about to give me some phone sex?” he asked in awe.

  “Not anymore…call me when you stop being an asshole.” I said and hung up on him. I laid back down on the bed. I don’t know why I overreacted. Why did I just do that? I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why I was so mad.

  My phone rang again.

  “What?” I snapped as I answered.

  “Babe I’m sorry okay, it was a joke…forgive me.” Zeus said. “Please hun…I’ll do anything.”

  “Uuggghhh whatever.” I said rolling my eyes. “But no more Andy insults.” I ordered.

  “Got it.” Zeus said. “Now what were you talking about phone sex?” he asked.

  I laughed. “I don’t do phone sex Zeus, I’d rather have the real thing…you up for it?” I asked.

  “Sweetheart, I’m always up.” Zeus said sexily.

  “You need to get that check.” I responded. “I gotta go, I’ll call you later.” I said as I remembered the blue shirt. I got off the bed and grabbed the bag.

  “Aight, I love you.” Zeus said.

  “Bye.” I hung up and dropped the phone. I grabbed the shirt. I needed to see this on him. I grinned as I ran back downstairs with the shirt. To my surprise, the tea party was still going on. I was about to interrupt when I heard something interesting.

  “Nee-nee likes you.” Fleur said biting into the scone mom had made earlier for the tea party.

  “Nee-nee likes everybody.” Andy answered as he took a bite of the scone.

  Fleur thought about it and shook her head. “She just pretends to like everybody.”

  My mouth dropped open. That little sneaky…

  Andy looked up. “Yeah?”

  Fleur nodded. “But she likes you though. You should ask her to be your girlfriend.” She said.

  My eyes got wider. Why is she doing this?

  Andy drank his tea, probably to wash down the sweetness of the scone. My mom had a tendency of making them sweet. “She already has a boyfriend.” He said

  Well technically…. I thought.

  Fleur shook her head. “Nee-nee doesn’t have boyfriends she just has boys…that’s why mom says we have to pray for her every night to make sure she doesn’t go down the path of destruction.”

  Andy choked on his tea. He tapped his chest to get the breath back in as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  Oh so that’s how you guys think of me….

  “Are you okay?” Fleur asked.

  Andy looked at her in amazement. “Are you supposed to say stuff like that?” He asked

  Fleur grinned. “No…but when mom has her church friends over sometimes she forgets that I’m blind…not deaf.”

  I clenched my jaw. Mom’s talking about me to her church friends again…Last time that happened I was cornered in my room when my mom was at work by 5 fat church ladies singing hymns and trying to free me of my lusting spirit. Needless to say, I gave my mom a piece of my mind for that one, those ladies never showed up when I was around.

  “Ms. Tina said it’s cause she’s pretty she think she can do whatever she wants.” Fleur drank her tea. “Do you think Nee-nee’s pretty?” she asked.

  I was curious for his response.

  “Huh?” He asked looking up.

  “Do you think my sister’s pretty?” Fleur asked putting her cup down carefully.

  Andy leaned back in his small chair. “Which one?”

  I opened my mouth. What does he mean which one? That traitor…

  “Do you think they’re both pretty?” Fleur asked curiously.

  If nobody noticed yet, Fleur asks a million and one questions.

  Andy shrugged. “Yeah they’re pretty.”

  That wasn’t enough for me.

  Fleur nodded as she sipped her tea. “But who do you think is prettier?” she asked. Just like me, that answer wasn’t enough for her.

  Andy rubbed his face and sighed. “Uh…let’s see…” He leaned in closer. It was kind of comical seeing such a tall guy in that little girly chair. “Okay….but don’t tell her because she already has a big head.” He took a deep breath. “Ornelia’s very beautiful.” He whispered.

  He whispered but I still heard. My heart lifted. So he thought I was beautiful? There’s hope for me then….

  Fleur giggled. “Too late because she’s listening by the entryway.” Fleur said as she poured herself more tea.

  Andy turned around. I smiled sweetly and waved. “You think I’m beautiful?” I asked walking towards them.

  Andy rolled his eyes. “You misheard, I said Celine.”

  I laughed and ran to him. I wrapped my arms around his head and kissed the top of his hair. The shirt was in his face. “Thank you.”

  “Fleur did you set me up?” Andy asked trying to get my hands off him.

  Fleur shook her head. “No, I thought you heard her come down the stairs.” Fleur said sincerely.

  “I got you something.” I said letting go of him and holding out the t-shirt. “What do you think?” I asked.

  Andy stared at the shirt.

  “What is it?” Fleur asked.

  “It’s a light blue t-shirt that matches his eyes.” I said.

  “Cool.” Fleur said.

  I turned back to Andy. “And I think he should wear it tomorrow for thanksgiving dinner.” I said grinning.

  “Thanks…..but no thanks.” Andy said.

  My face fell. “Why?” I asked sadly. I looked at the shirt. “Don’t you like it?” How could he possibly not like it?

  “It’s not really my thing. I don’t think it’ll look right on me.” Andy said.

  I rolled my eyes. “Why cause it’ll actually make you look happy and bright instead of a walking zombie?” I asked.

  Andy narrowed his eyes at me. “Yeah that’s exactly why.” He said sarcastically.

  “Fine whatever.” I said throwing the shirt in his face. “Excuse me for thinking about you.” I said with an attitude. I turned around.

  “Why are you trying to change me?” Andy asked getting up.

  “I’m not!” I said raising my voice as I turned back around to him. I threw my hands up. I knew my voice was going to be shaky because I was mad and sad at the same time. “I…I really saw the shirt and thought of you…that’s it.” I grabbed the shirt out of his hand. “You don’t have to wear it, it was just a suggestion.” I turned and walked away. “Sorry for interrupting your tea party.” I left the living room, he
aded up to Fleur’s room and made sure to slam the door.

  “Fucking asshole.” I muttered as I plunged on the bed. Honesty I had no idea why I was this upset. I mean in the back of my mind, I had a feeling that he would reject the shirt, but the fact that he actually did…well….that hurt. I threw the shirt on the floor and an annoying tear rolled down my cheek. I brushed it off angrily. Why the fuck am I crying?

  I heard a knock on the door followed by Andy’s low voice. “Can I come in?” He asked.

  I ignored him.


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