Book Read Free


Page 28

by Penny Hawking

  “He is fine.” Candace whispered to me and I just nodded as I stared at him.

  “Good evening class.” He spoke in a rich baritone voice with a slight accent. “I’m Dr. Guy Honsu and I’ll be teaching the remainder of photography 491 this semester.” He looked around the class, everybody’s attention was on him. “I can see that we’re all adults here, so you show me respect and I’ll be sure to do the same.” He walked around the class.

  “Damn you’re hot.” Carly said speaking up. A couple girls nodded and the class chuckled.

  Dr. Honsu smiled at her. “Don’t let the appearance fool you ma’am…I’m old enough to be your father.” He walked around the class and turned to Carly. “What’s your name young lady?” he asked.

  “Carly Groff.” She said flipping her blond hair over her shoulders shyly.

  Dr. Honsu nodded. “Ah Ms. Groff….student with a slight daddy complex.”

  The class erupted in laughter.

  I sat up straight. This teacher was going to be really cool. Dr. Honsu walked to his desk and sat on top of it casually instead of in his chair. “Ms. Groff please do stand.”

  Carly stood up shyly.

  Dr. Honsu looked her over. “Ah…a very chic lady…. Ralph Lauren sweater, Levi jeans and if I’m not mistaken are those Monolo boots?”

  I was in shock and so was the rest of the female population.

  “Your scene, from your posture surprisingly isn’t in the fashion industry but rather journal photography…I can tell from the way you observed your surrounding before standing up.”

  The class gasped. That was exactly her major.

  Dr. Honsu laughed. “And the journalism badge around your neck.”

  The class laughed louder. Carly smiled as did everybody else.

  “Thank you Ms. Groff, you may sit down.” Dr. Honsu turned around and addressed the whole class. “Can anybody tell me what I just did?”

  “Read her mind.” Benny said in awe.

  The class giggled.

  Dr. Honsu smiled. “No Mr. ----”


  “Mr. Harris.” He said standing up. “I came into unfamiliar territory and I observed my surrounding.” He walked around the classroom. “The most vital key for any type of photography is observance.” He made eye contact with several students as he strolled the class.

  “Ms. Groff was very outspoken…a must have trait in photo journalism.” He said. “Her attire was that of someone who knew her surroundings but didn’t immerse herself in it completely by her lack of excessive flashy objects. She took the neutral side of journalism with the white sweater and grey jeans...and of course her work badge was a dead giveaway…made my job a little easier.” He said.

  “Do me.” Benny said standing up.

  “Ah Mr. Harris…let’s see.” Dr. Honsu rubbed his goatee. “Checkered Cosby sweater, ripped jeans and red vans.” Dr. Honsu smiled. “Yours is easy Mr. Harris…you’re more of a graphic designer.”

  Benny’s eyes widened.

  Dr. Honsu smiled. “You’re pen is still in your pocket.” He said referring to the tablet pen that almost all graphic designers had.

  The class laughed and applauded.

  “So cool.” Benny said sitting down.

  Dr. Honsu returned to his desk and picked up a sheet of paper. “I believe it’s time for me to call roll.” He said staring at the paper.

  “Ms. Heather Adams.” He said looking up.

  Heather raised her hands. Dr. Honsu smiled. “Ah Ms. Adams, pleased to meet you.” Heather blushed and he looked down.

  “What’s my scene?” she asked.

  The class chuckled.

  Dr. Honsu squinted. “Ms. Adams…I believe you’re a digital painter is that right?” he asked.

  Heather nodded.

  “Now how did you know that?” Carly asked in shock. “There’s nothing on her that says painter.”

  Dr. Honsu smiled. “Ah…but did you notice the digital sketches on her binder?” he asked. “And she too has her pen tucked on the side of her book bag.”

  “Okay everybody pack everything away, we’re going to make this harder for Dr. Honsu.” Benny said.

  The class scattered to fix their surroundings as Dr. Honsu smiled taking in everything.

  “Read the next name, I know I’m next.” Rebecca Agrad said excitedly.

  Dr. Honsu read the names off the chart and almost perfectly cited everybody’s major or concentration in photography. He only missed one that was taking the course as an elective and one that was about to drop photography after the semester.

  “Ms. Ornelia Jones.” Dr. Honsu said slowly.

  I shyly raised my hand and Dr. Honsu looked up. He looked back down at the paper and up at me again. “Ah Ms. Jones….very interesting.” He said smiling brightly. Dr. Honsu looked me over and concentrated. “In fact you remind me of someone I knew back in college.”

  “Ooohhh.” The class erupted.

  “Was it an old girlfriend?” Mark asked.

  “She was none of your business.” Dr. Honsu answered.

  The class laughed.

  “Ah come on Dr. Honsu, don’t leave us hanging like that.” Mark said.

  “Perhaps sometime in the future, I will indulge you guys in my private life….but as for now, we just met…I never reveal everything on the first date.”

  The class laughed.

  “He is so cool.” Candace whispered. I nodded as I kept my gaze on my new teacher. He was more than cool, he was amazing.

  “Carl Jennings.” Dr. Honsu called. He stopped a minute. “Oh I do apologize Ms. Jones.” He said returning his attention back to me. “I will say…you’re a free-lance photographer. You take your talent wherever the wind blows…never tied down to one particular thing.”

  I smile and nodded.

  “Very good.” Dr. Honsu said brightly. Our eyes met and I felt such warmth in them. Dr. Honsu turned back to Carl. “Ah Mr. Jennings…”

  I put my hand over my heart, not realizing that it was beating so fast. I smiled at Candace. “I think this is going to be our favorite class.” I whispered to her.

  She nodded eagerly. “I agree.”


  “O.J. thank you so much for helping me with this last minute.” Candace said gratefully as she packed up her tripod.

  “Hey no problem.” I said picking up my camera. “That’s what friends are for.”

  She beamed at me as she pushed up her glasses.

  “Have you ever tried contacts?” I asked her as I stepped closer to her.

  She shook her head and I reached out and took off her glasses. “You have beautiful eyes that are hidden behind these big ass frames.” I said grinning.

  “You think---you think I should try them?” she asked nervously.

  I nodded as I put her glasses back on her face. “I’m sure you’ll like it...and once you do, every guy in this school is gonna be like DAMN! Where you been at shawty.” I said loudly.

  Candace laughed as she played with her braids. “I’ll go to my eye doctor tomorrow and see.”

  “One more thing.” I said pointing to her feet. “Lose the socks with the sandals.”

  She nodded eagerly.

  I kept pointing. “Like now.” I grinned.

  Candace bent down and quickly took her socks off and replaced her sandals.

  I let her finish and we started walking to the parking lot. “Besides it’s too cold out here to be wearing sandals…only white people wear sandals in the winter.” I said putting my arm around her shoulder.

  She nodded rapidly and I smiled.

  It felt good to take somebody under my wings. Candace was really sweet and extremely intelligent, her photography skills weren’t that great but she worked hard and in the end, it was going to pay off. I could tell she looked up to me in a way, so the least I could do was give her little subtle advice along the way. I already made her lose that hideous sweater that went with absolutely nothing on the planet. The socks and san
dals were gone, now with her glasses out the way, people could really notice how beautiful she was. She was also painfully shy…it was actually really cute. She’d never had a boyfriend and the closest she’d gotten to a kiss was a peck on the cheek. I was shocked, I thought things like that only happened in the 1800’s, and even then I knew they got their freak on.

  “Who’s that?” Candace said pointing.

  I looked up to see her pointing to a figure leaning against my car. A big smile crossed my face at the all too familiar silky black hair. The headphones, the slouched shoulders. Grey skinnies and a black sweater. “My friend.” I said excitedly. I skipped the rest of the way to the car and jumped on him. He stumbled back against the car but he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug. I smiled.

  “Hey.” He said releasing his hold.

  “This is a pleasant surprise, usually I’m the one doing the chasing.” I said grinning up at him.

  He let go of me and ran his fingers through his hair. “I got a new phone.” He said handing me his phone.

  “Oh my gosh, and you’ve been trying to contact me all this time but you didn’t have my number you poor thing.” I said gasping.

  “Not exactly.” He said smiling at me. He ran his tongue over his lip ring and I was momentarily distracted.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Candace said behind me.

  I turned around. “Oh hey Candace, this is Andy.” I said taking his arm. “Andy this is my friend Candace.”

  Andy shook her hand and nodded. “Hi.” He gave her a small smile.

  She looked at the floor shyly and smiled. “Hello.”

  “Hey if you need any more help, feel free to call okay.” I said giving her a hug.

  “Thanks again.” She said happily. “Bye Andy.” She said shyly.

  Andy nodded.

  I turned back to him. “What?” I asked. He was leaning against my car staring at me. His hands in his pockets.

  “She doesn’t seem like your usual group of friends.” He said calmly.

  “Neither are you.” I pointed out.

  “So she’s a charity case too huh?” he asked.

  “Andy!” I said hitting his arm. “You’re not a charity case and neither is she…stop saying that.” I pouted. “I have a right to other friends, not exactly like me right?”

  Andy shrugged.

  I grabbed his phone out his hand. “Did you want my number or not?” I asked as I started entering my number before he could change his mind.

  “Can you drop me home?” he asked. I looked up in surprise. “I came with Susie this morning.” He explained. “She has a couple unexpected meetings…I don’t really feel like hanging at school.”

  I smiled. I entered ‘wifey’ as my name in his phone. “Sure…but I gotta go home first, and I gotta go to the bank and then grab a couple things at Walmart, then drop it back home then we can go to your house.” I crossed my arms waiting for him to argue.

  Andy shrugged. “Better than staying here.” He said.

  “Oh my gosh, you’re letting me drag you around, I feel so honored.” I said opening the car.

  “Nothing better to do.” He said calmly.

  “Smart-ass.” I said sticking my tongue out at him. He grinned and got in the passenger side.

  I started the car and put on my seatbelt. I turned and Andy already had his on, go figure. “I actually also have to go to Zeus’ practice real quick, he left his cleats in my car.” I said apologetically.

  Andy unbuckled his seatbelt. I grabbed his arm. “It’ll be quick I promise.” I pleaded. Andy gave me a look like he didn’t believe me. He cursed under his breath which sounded a lot like ‘fuck’. I smiled as he put his seatbelt back on

  I pulled out the parking lot and headed towards the soccer team’s practice field. “Thank you for coming with me.” I said sweetly. Andy didn’t answer.

  “Hey guess what I got.” I said excitedly. I changed my CD to 6 and grinned. A very mellow sound came through. I watched as Andy stared at the CD player.

  There she walks

  Disappears right in front of me

  (oh oh oh)

  No turning back

  (heavy bass drops)

  Cause it goes On and On and On and On

  Piercing my heart with the shot of a gun

  I see in your eyes the venomous hate

  And now, and now and now

  And now I’m alive

  “Pretty sad song if you ask me.” I said. “But I like it…in a weird way…its creepy.” I said lowering the volume. I turned to him. “So how does it feel to know that millions of people have heard your lyrics…and are probably singing it right now.” I asked.

  Andy stared at the CD player and shrugged.

  “Wasn’t this their number one single 2 years ago?” I asked.

  Andy nodded. “Yeah it’s a different band…its not the one I just signed with.”

  “What happened to them?” I asked.

  “Jimmy decided he didn’t want to sing anymore…so the band broke up.” Andy said.

  “Andy you’re like famous….cause people are still singing this song…are you like filthy rich?” I asked.

  Andy laughed. “Jimmy was my friend…he needed a song, I gave it to him free of charge…didn’t know it would jump off like that.” Andy shrugged. “Doesn’t matter…I hate this song, fucking depressing ain’t it?”

  “I like it.” I said. “It’s like he’s living off the pain of all the shit she’s done and that’s what keep him alive.” It was actually a really twisted song, but it was intriguing.

  Andy didn’t say anything but stared out the window as he sunk further into his seat.

  I turned to look at Andy. “We could listen to something happier.” I said switching the CD. “Just wanted you to know I actually researched your songs and you’re talented.” I said. “It surprisingly wasn’t that screamo music you had in your car before.”

  I pulled up to the soccer field before the next CD could start. I turned off the engine. “Can you come with me please?” I pleaded sweetly.

  Andy stared at me like I’d grown 2 heads.

  “Andy….” I whined.

  Andy groaned and unbuckled his seat belt. I smiled as I hurriedly got out the car. I took Zeus’ cleats from the backseat. “I’m going to be fast I promise.” I semi-jogged up the little hill and Andy followed calmly behind. I saw the boys practicing. Rigo and Lark were passing the ball while Zeus and Pierre were stretching. The rest of the guys were running and passing.

  “Boo!” I said wrapping my arms around Zeus’ neck from the back. Pierre grinned up at me and I winked at him. I kissed Zeus’ cheek. “Got your cleats.” I said dropping them on his lap.

  “Thanks babes.” He said turning his head and kissing me.

  “I want kiss too!” Pierre said in his heavy French accent as he grabbed me. I laughed and hugged my favorite soccer player.

  “Perth?” Coach said with a confused look. All three of us looked up at Coach Smith. Zeus turned his head to look behind him. Pierre looked up to see who Perth was.

  “Coach.” Andy nodded. He stretched his hand and shook the coach’s hand.

  Coach smiled. “Wow…Perth, never thought you’d grace the field again…you’re here for try-outs?” He asked happily.

  I sat up confused. Andy here for try-outs? I looked at him questioningly but Andy wasn’t looking in my direction.

  Zeus scoffed. “Coach, Perth doesn’t even remember what the ball looks like.”

  I didn’t miss the glare Andy shot at Zeus.

  Whoa, wait a minute Hold fast…I missed a whole episode here!

  “Sirota!” Coach said sternly. He turned to Andy. “Once a soccer player always a soccer player, no matter how long it’s been.” He seemed to look at Andy pleadingly. “You’re welcome anytime to try-outs or practice.”

  Zeus snickered.

  “Sirota, on the field.” Coach said hitting Zeus’ head.

  Zeus finished putting on his cleats an
d stood up. He smirked at Andy. Andy held his gaze. “Let’s go Moliere.” Zeus said to Pierre.

  I was still staring at Andy when Zeus pulled me to him and kissed me hard. It caught me off guard. He squeezed my butt. I pulled away and hit his arm. It was weird because I didn’t miss the fact that Andy witnessed all of it.

  “Sirota field!” Coach said.


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