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Page 32

by Penny Hawking

  Chapter fifteen

  Two days. That’s what I gave Andy. Two days to think things through and come back to his senses. But you want to know something. He did nothing. He was nowhere, he didn’t call and he didn’t show up to school. What the fuck? Of course I wasn’t going to call him and nag him…but come on I thought we were friends. I fucking did. Friends don’t do this…and why the fuck am I so upset? Whatever happened at lunch on Wednesday apparently was more significant than I thought. I rubbed my face and sighed. Taking the key out the ignition, I opened the car door and got out. I looked at the Perth’s residence. Yes…yes I did. I went to his house. I was concerned, I was mad that he was ignoring me, but I was also concerned. Two days of silence from Andy was like a lifetime of misery now. What was I getting myself into?

  I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. I prayed to God he wasn’t in his basement, otherwise my work here would be futile. I waited a couple seconds and rang again.

  “Open the fucking door.” I muttered. I pulled my leather jacket tighter around me, the brisk wind was hitting in annoying places. I fucking hated fall. I was in such a bitter mood, I had no idea why. What was wrong with me? I knocked on the door loudly. “Oh my gosh Andy!” I said annoyed. I opened my purse to get my phone when the door slowly opened.

  “About ti---” I stopped when I saw a thin tall blond girl staring blankly at me. I took a step back. What the hell? She looked like a raccoon with the heavy eyeliner around her eyes. Her pouty lips were a very dark shade of red. Her blue eyes seemed dull but very deep. She had on ripped fishnet stockings, combat boots, a short black skirt and a band t-shirt I’ve seen Andy wear several times. She was pretty…in a weird, I like to kill people and drink their blood kind of way. Was I at the wrong house?

  “Who are you?” she asked in a monotone voice.

  “Who are you?” I asked defensively. Our eyes met and neither of us seemed to want to give up any sort of information. She crossed her arms across her chest and swung her long blond hair to the side. No this couldn’t be….was this...could it really?

  “Carly who is it?” I heard Andy’s voice say before I saw him. He opened the door wider and froze when he saw me. I missed him. He ran his tongue over his lip ring. “Ornelia.” He said softly.

  “I’m sorry.” I said quickly. “I think I’m interrupting…so I’m just gonna go.” I said taking a step back. Who is she? What were you guys doing? What----

  Carly smirked at Andy as she twirled a blond hair around her finger. “Oh so this is---”

  “Shut-up.” Andy said quickly, cutting her off. He shoved his hands in his pocket. “This is Carly.” He told me quickly, as though attempting to explain something.

  I smiled at her briefly. “Hi.” I turned my gaze back to Andy.

  “She works with me.” He added sullenly. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. If she only works with you…why are you so nervous?

  He didn’t have to explain himself. “Okay…um…I was just checking up on you…but since you’re busy, I’ll um….I’ll…” I trailed off. Is he going to ask me to stay? This wasn’t how it was supposed to work. He was supposed to be alone, not with some sexy tall emo girl that looked ready to suck my blood. He was supposed to invite me in so I could work my charm and get him to open up…but why did I feel betrayed?

  Andy looked down at the ground. He’s not going to ask me to stay.

  This was getting more and more awkward. Andy please say something. “Bye.” I finally said taking another step back. One thing I’m good at is knowing when I’m not wanted…it was rare but it did happen. Before they could respond I walked quickly to the car. I’m not about to make an ass of myself over some guy I’m not even fucking! I fumbled with my keys as I got in and forced myself not to look at the house as I drove out of his driveway. I will not be that girl…I will not be that girl…I will not…Wait a minute there are people who would die to be in my presence. I reached in my purse and took out my phone as I stopped at a stop sign.

  I made a left and took a deep breath as I heard the phone ring. I hate feeling unwanted…shit.

  “Yeah wassup?” a groggy male voice answered.

  “I’m coming over.” I said.


  Zeus kissed my shoulder as I fixed the button on my blouse. “Not mad at me anymore?” he asked. I smiled as I turned my head to face him. His usually thin lips were plumper from the heavy make-out session. I shook my head and kissed him softly. I could always count on him to get my mind off of things…why was I so ready to give him up?

  “Sorry for being such an asshole.” He whispered as he kissed me again.

  “Apology accepted.” I said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought his head against mine as I deepened the kiss. I didn’t want to think of anything, I just wanted to feel…at least make that crappy feeling I got an hour ago at Andy’s house go away. Zeus grabbed my thigh and leaned me back down on his bed. “No…I really do have to go.” I said laughing as I tried to sit up.

  “5 more minutes.” Zeus said pressing his erection against my belly. He kissed my neck as he rocked his hips.

  I laughed. “That’s all it takes?” I joked.

  Zeus looked up and grinned. His green eyes twinkling, his curly dark brown hair almost falling in his eyes. “That’s how long it takes to remove these clothes, but…” he said his voice lower. He leaned into my ear. “Once they’re off, that’s a whole different ball game.” He said sexily.

  I bit my lip and moaned. “You’re speaking my language.” I said tilting my head so his mouth captured mine. I relished in his tongue for a while and then reluctantly pulled away as I felt his hand sliding up my inner thigh. “Really I have to go…” I said pushing him away. Zeus groaned as he fell against the bed. I fixed my shirt again and got up. “I promised my little sister I’ll call her at 7, I know she’ll be waiting by the phone.” I said.

  “You’re so irresistible.” Zeus whispered as he sat up.

  At least you think so.

  I leaned over and kissed his cheek. “We’ll save the rest for next time.” I whispered. Zeus’ eyes sparkled as he grabbed my hips.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said after having agreed earlier that I’d let him take me on that second date. I let him walk me out to my car. I really didn’t want to leave, I was adoring the affection too much. I felt like I’d been neglected and now here I was all taken care of.

  “Call me when you get home.” Zeus said.

  “I’ll call you when I remember.” I teased as I got in the car. He leaned over and kissed me as I started the car. I waved goody bye and drove off. This day hadn’t been a complete failure. I lowered my music as I heard my phone vibrate in my purse.

  “No, Fleur…I swear I still have a couple minutes.” I said as I reached in my purse. Without looking at the name I swiped the screen and quickly answered. “It’s not 7 yet hun.” I stopped at the red light.

  “I never said it was.” A voice that clearly wasn’t Fleur responded.

  “Oh hey.” I said unemotionally. But my heart sure did skip a beat.

  “Are you mad?” Andy asked calmly.

  “No Andy I’m not mad, why would I be mad?” I asked in an annoyed tone. Mad isn’t even the word to describe how I feel right now traitor.

  Andy sighed. “She’s just a co-worker.” He said in an exasperated tone as though he was talking to a little child.

  “Fine.” I said simply. I don’t care if she’s your new whore, I don’t care. I really don’t.

  “Look, thinks for checking up on me.” Andy said. “Nobody’s done tha---”

  “Whatever.” I answered. “Look I have to call my little sister, who actually gets concerned if she doesn’t talk to me after 2 days.”

  “Ornelia…”Andy said annoyed.

  “I hope you had fun with your frie---”

  “Really Ornelia?” Andy said cutting me off. “Are you fuc---fine whatever….I just….whatever…say hi to Fleur. Call me when you stop
being irrational.” With that he hung up.

  I stared at the phone in shock. No he did not just hang up on me….I’m the one angry here. Irrational? How the hell am I being irrational? “Uuuggghhh!” What the fuck….no guy had me this irritated since 10th grade. I got ready to call him back and give him a piece of my mind until I remembered Fleur. I dialed my house number as I continued to drive.


  “Hey hun, told you I’ll call at 7.”


  I looked at my phone. It was 10:35 p.m. Kind of late and rude to be showing up on someone’s doorstep but this was nagging me and it wouldn’t let me go. I’ll show you irrational. I knocked and crossed my arms across my chest. Maybe I should have called him first.

  The door opened. Andy saw me and didn’t look the least bit surprised. He sighed and leaned against the doorpost and crossed his arms across his chest. His black skinny jeans were hanging lower than usual with his grey boxers showing. He had on a plain dark grey V-neck. His black hair was even darker than usual too, but his blue eyes seemed brighter than usual. Why the hell did he look like he was up to something? “Came to check up on me again?” he asked sarcastically.

  “You…” I said pointing at him. “Don’t hang up on me.”

  Andy smirked as his blue eyes roamed over my body. He casually put one hand in his pocket as he watched me.

  “You are so rude and ungrateful and very very very mean…you don’t care about anything.” I said angrily. “Friends don’t just not talk after two days, just because some chick brings up shit about your past…which you won’t tell me about, but that’s another argument in itself…but all in all that doesn’t mean you had to become such a distant ass.” I said putting my hands on my hips.

  Andy didn’t respond as he kept watching me. He didn’t even look like he was listening to me. He was too relaxed. He was too sure about something. What the fuck? He’s composure was driving me nuts.

  “I mean, you could’ve at least had the decency to tell me you found somebody else to replace me. I mean I was fucking worried, you didn’t show up to school, and you know the attendance policy is hell…I mean…” I took a deep breath. Calm down Ornelia…don’t care so much. “I missed you…I guess I assumed you would miss me too.” I finished softly. “… not that you should.” I added.

  “What do you want from me?” Andy asked calmly. He stood up straighter as he put both hands in his back pocket. His blue eyes were twinkling and he had a small mischievous smile at the corner of his lips.

  “What?” I asked confused.

  “She’s just a co-worker.” He said shrugging. “Why do you care?” He flipped his hair back and touched his lip ring.

  “I don’t care who she is. It’s none of my business…” I said quickly.

  “Yeah right.” Andy said sarcastically. “Cause you usually start ranting like a jealous girlfriend.”

  “I don’t do jealous.” I said.

  “Could’ve fooled me.” Andy said with a smirk. He ran his tongue over his lip ring and took a step forward.

  “Oh fuck you.” I said rolling my eyes. I’m not jealous. I turned around to leave when I felt Andy’s confident grip on my upper arm. I halted. My heart jumped and I tried my best to put away the small smile on my lips. So he did care. Without saying anything Andy took a couple steps into his house and pulled me in. He closed the door calmly behind me and locked it. His hand touched my shoulder and he pressed me gently against the wooden door. I heard a sigh as he placed a hand against the door next to my face and leaned into me, his nose just inches apart from mine. He seemed so calm and collected but as for me and my hormones, we were raging. All of my senses were on high alert at his proximity. That is when I smelled the faint trace of alcohol on his breath.

  “I’ll tell you what you want from me.” Andy said seriously. He ran an index finger gently down my left cheek. “You want to fix me. You want to take away all my scars and pain.” He brushed his thumb against my chin and I held back a moan. “You want me to be happy, go back to the person I used to be. Believe me, I’ve been there and done that. I hate that world, all the lies, the parties, the fakeness….shit it’s the same thing now just darker and more morbid. But right now, at this moment I’m more alive than I’d ever been. Do you understand?” He whispered passionately. He leaned closer and pressed his forearms against the door. “This fucking pain that I can’t let go of…that shit keeps me going, so you sweetheart, don’t have to try and fix me just so you could feel better about yourself.”

  I inhaled sharply. Not just from his rude comment but from the way he was making my blood race through my body. I felt the familiar tingle at my fingertips, letting me know I was that much closer to getting turned on completely.

  “Just so you can attempt to fill that little empty spot in the corner of your heart.” Andy said as he pointed to my left breast. “…because trust me…no matter what you do the emptiness will still be there.” Andy said remorsefully.

  He stepped back and shoved his hands in his pockets. I couldn’t speak. All the thoughts racing through my mind…none were making it through my lips. “Who’s Christina?” I asked my voice breaking. I will fix you…you will be happy…but don’t you ever try to fucking read my heart again.

  Andy chuckled and moved his bangs out of his face. “She’s the poison running through my veins Ornelia." Andy rubbed his tattooed arm. “I can’t live with her and I can’t live without her…ain’t that a bitch. Is that what you want me to say?” He said. Andy threw his hands in the air in surrender. “There you go, you have me all figured out Ornelia….now what?” he shrugged. “You wanna fuck?” He asked sexily as he leaned a shoulder against the door. He put his hands in his pocket as his chest brushed my shoulder. “You smell good.” He whispered.

  I took a step back but I was already pressed against the door. What was going on with him?

  “You’re crazy.” I said honestly. You’re crazy, yet you’re turning me on, yet I’m still mad at you…how is this working?

  “I’m a lost case.” Andy said correcting me. “I’ve been trying to tell you that…that bitch Jeanie did on Wednesday. I’m sure Sirota had a few words to say…but you’re just as stubborn as they come huh?” He asked calmly. “That’s what I like about you.”

  “Andy.” I said turning my body fully towards him. I could see the hurt in his eyes, the despair…the loneliness…how could I walk from that? Stop thinking about your hormones for a minute…I’m probably misreading everything, this is Andy, of course he doesn’t want to fuck me. He needs me to help him get better.

  Andy smiled sadly as he looked down at the ground, he then looked up at me. “You don’t listen do you?” He took a deep breath as though he’d read my mind. “I don’t want help…I’m doing fine on my own…I got this far and I’ll get further.” He reached out and touched my side. “But right now we could work something out.” He whispered as his thumb made small circles down my waist. “We can definitely work something out.” He added in a sexy tone.

  I ignored him. “Christina made it so you’ll never trust another girl in your life.” I said matter-of-factly. “We can get past that.” I can help you. I reached up to touch his cheek.

  Andy grabbed my waist firmly and stood in front of me.

  “Did Steven’s rejection of you make it so you can never trust another guy in your life?” Andy asked with a smirk on his lips

  My hand froze midway, along with the beating of my heart. I dropped my hand. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said calmly.

  Andy stared at me, I uncomfortably looked away. “I guess we’re more alike than I thought.” He said evenly. He took a step forward. His body was barely touching mine, I could feel his breath on my cheek. I turned my gaze back to him but regretted it as soon as I saw his piercing blue eyes connect with mine. His hands slid down to my upper thighs. His soft lips were gently placed against my ear. What was going on? “I too can numb it for a while.” He whispered.

  “I gotta go.” I said placing my hands on his arms to move away. Why is he hitting so close to home?

  “Of course you do.” Andy said with a small smile. “You run, I cut…we all cope differently.” He let go of me.

  I turned around and grabbed the doorknob but couldn’t bring myself to turn it. My hands were shaking. It wasn’t supposed to be like this…he wasn’t supposed to say those kinds of things…I’m supposed to fix it…I need to be in control…I dropped the handle and turned around.

  It was as if he was waiting for that moment. Andy’s hand immediately snaked to the back of my neck and pulled me into an open mouth kiss, which was easy because my mouth was open in shock so his tongue had no problem finding its way in. I tasted the faint remain of alcohol on my tongue. My hands immediately went up to his chest but I didn’t push him away…I couldn’t push him away…I didn’t want to. Andy’s mouth hungrily moved over mine as he pressed me against the door. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly and moved my head so we could have better access. After what seemed like a couple minutes, our lips broke apart, our heavy breathing mingled as we stared at each other. My hand caressed the soft hair at his nape as his hand on my neck slid down slowly. He took his time as he brushed my shoulder, ran his hand over my collarbone, gently over my breast, down my stomach and finally rested on my belt loop before looking up at me. Everywhere he touched, left a longing sensation.


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