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Page 34

by Penny Hawking

  “Look Bri--” I stopped when I realized she wasn’t there.

  I heard the roar of an engine outside. I pouted. Great. I didn’t need to go out and look to see Brittany had just left. I left her room and slammed the door. I walked into my room and slumped on my bed. I’m the worst friend alive. I grabbed my phone and without even thinking called Andy.

  “Wifey.” Andy said as he picked up after the third ring.

  “Brittany hates me.” I said sadly.

  “She doesn’t hate you. You were probably being a bitch and she’s just mad at you for the moment.” Andy replied calmly.

  I stuck my tongue out and frowned. “Yeah thanks for the word of encouragement.” I said sarcastically.

  Andy chuckled. I heard noise in the background, something crashed.

  “Where are you?” I asked.

  “We’re setting up and stuff…that old rundown building on Park…hey you still coming?” He asked.

  “Yeah, I feel like I had something to do tonight…but whatever, I’ll come.” I said.

  “It starts in 2 hours.”


  “I would’ve wanted to grab a bite and come get you, but I gotta stay.” Andy said. It sounded like he moved away and was in a quieter place.

  I laughed. “That’s fine…besides that would’ve sounded too much like a date, remember…casual.”

  “Yeah like you were casually moaning my name this afternoon.” He said in a lowered tone.

  I gasped. “Oh my---I know you didn’t just say that…Andrew Perth…I’m gonna get you.” I threatened. “This is why a date with---oh Shit!” I groaned as it hit me.

  “What’s wrong?” Andy asked.

  “I promised Zeus I’ll go on a date with him tonight…I totally forgot.” I said slapping my head with my palm.

  Andy was silent on the other line.

  What am I gonna do? “Hello?” I asked into the phone because Andy was silent for a while.

  “Okay well do whatever you want.” Andy responded calmly. “Look I gotta go help set up.”

  “Okay bye.” I said. Andy hung up, and I didn’t feel any better. Date with Zeus? Concert with Andy?


  The place was dark, it was creepy and it was safe to say I kind of had a subtle fear for my life. I put my hands in my leather jacket and marched toward the fat guy with the green Mohawk. We’d exchanged glances earlier, but I had been hesitant to approach. Besides I was so late, the whole thing was probably over. Two teenage girls with really short skirts, one redhead, and the other blue; giggled as they brushed past me.

  “The bass player is so hot.” One of them said excitedly.

  I watched as they went to the fat guy with the Mohawk. He stared them down and I watched their nervous pacing. Was it my imagination or did he snarl at them, because the two girls jumped back nervously. He grinned, showing sharp pointy teeth but let them through. He crossed his arms as his gaze came back to me. “Oh fuck.” I said under my breath.

  I sighed and walked up to him. “Hi.” I said uncomfortably. I looked up and gasped uncontrollably. His eyes were white and it scared the shit out of me. “Sorry…I…your eyes….sorry.” I said trying to apologize for my reaction.

  Green Mohawk and white eyes grinned, and believe me when I say it was far from comforting. “Finally got the guts to come up to me?” he asked. His voice deep, but with a light sense of laughter underneath.

  I nodded. No point in lying, with eyes like that he could probably see through my soul.

  “I don’t bite.” He said making it a point to show all his pointy teeth.

  I gulped. “Are you sure?” I asked. His laughter sounded more like a bark from a pit bull.

  I should have went on the date with Zeus. This was a bad idea.

  “I like you.” He said suddenly. “But you don’t belong here.” He said, the laughter gone, his face turning back into a menacing scowl. I took a step back. No wonder they had him as a bouncer.

  “You’re probably right.” I said nodding.

  “Sike.” He said smiling broadly.

  Oh he was playing. I took a deep breath and took a step but he stepped in front of me.

  “No but really.” He said, once again the smile gone. The scowl returned and he was just as intimidating as before.

  “Oh stop playing with her Bernard.” A female voice said behind him. I looked up to see the familiar face of the girl from Andy’s house. Carly was it? She looked beautiful in a short white dress, black combat boots and a skull head piece. Her blond hair was flowing down her back. She looked paler than before with the black lipstick and heavy black eyeliner. So this was my savior. She pushed green white eyed Mohawk aside, or should I say Bernard as her eyes locked with mine.

  “But she’s so scared.” Bernard said whining.

  “Don’t let his look fool you. He’s just a big goofball.” She said taking my hand. I was in no position to refuse. “Follow me.” She said as she pulled me into the alley. Well if I was going to die, I would rather it be her than Bernard.

  “See you later Ornelia.” Bernard yelled happily. I turned around in shock. How did he know my name?

  Carly sensed my reaction. “It’ not everyday Andy tells him to look out for a beautiful black girl in front of the Dungeon.” She said casually. I was caught off guard by her offhand comment. Beautiful black girl?

  “By the way…” She said stopping abruptly, I bumped into her back. She smirked. “Andy wanted me to tell you that we didn’t fuck.” She grinned. “You don’t have to worry about that, you have the wrong sister.” She pushed through a metal door and pulled me into darkness.

  Well not complete darkness…I guess it was a like a club setting as soon as we made it through the short tunnel. I looked around, it was empty. Where was she bringing me? I felt panic rise in my throat.

  Carly pushed a big golden door and we stepped into a red room. All eyes turned to us. I bit my lip and gave a small smile. Awkward…get me out. Carly shrugged. “This is Andy’s friend.” Carly said letting go of my hand. There was another moment of silence and then just like that everybody went back to their business. I took the time to look over my surrounding. There was a guy sitting on the red couch. Both arms covered in tattoos as he strummed away on a bass guitar. He looked up and winked at me. He was hot! His black hair fell gently around his face. He had an eyebrow and a nose piercing. He was really tanned with olive skin. He wore black skinnies and a grey shirt.

  “Hey Andy’s friend.” A guy said walking across me causally with no shirt on. He smiled as he twirled his two drum sticks in the air. His blond hair was cut in a mullet, which on anyone else would look hideous but with him, just made him look adorable.

  “Hi.” I said, unsure of what to do. Carly had disappeared and I was standing in the middle of the room filled with nothing but white boys with tattoos and piercing. I did note that the majority of them were actually very sexy…but that’s beside the point.

  “Andy’s friend, wanna sit?” The blond drummer asked as he put a grey shirt on. He grinned as he patted a stool next to him at the small bar.

  I smiled grateful that I wasn’t making more of an ass of myself. I walked over, well aware that I was being stared at. But it’s okay, I’m a big girl, I can handle myself.

  “I’m Brad.” The drummer said as I sat down. He sat next to me and handed me a beer. I hated beer, so I shook my head. He shrugged and took mine. “Andy’s somewhere over there, but he’ll be back soon.” He said reassuringly.

  “Thanks.” I said taking him in. He looked so adorable, but he also looked young. Maybe 17 at the most.

  “Don’t worry about their lack of conversation…they’re just nervous, we’re up next.” He said, his grey eyes boring into mine.

  “Wasn’t worried at all.” I joked.

  Brad grinned, showing sparkly white teeth. Was he sure he was in this emo band….he seemed really joyful.

  “Alright guys’ you’re almost up.” A man said pushing his head throu
gh a door and then closing it.

  “I’m Seth.” A voice said behind me.

  I turned around, to see a pale boy with long brown hair. And when I say long, I mean pass his shoulders down to his lower chest long. He had big light brown eyes, which seemed to draw me in.

  He slid a shot glass to me. “The beer’s nasty, have this.” He said sitting down on the other side of me. Seth had a very slow drawn out tone, it was soothing but eerie at the same time, if that made sense.

  “Andy’s gonna kill you.” Brad said, shaking his head.

  “What is it?” I asked looking from Brad to Seth.

  “The devil’s blood.” Seth replied calmly. I noticed he had his own shot glass and he quickly downed it and shook his head. “It goes straight down.”

  Brad smacked his forehead and shook his head again.

  Always up for anything, I took the shot glass and raised it to my lips.

  “Don’t do that.” A familiar voice said behind me as the shot glass was removed from my hand. I turned my head to see Andy glare at Seth.

  Seth shrugged and took my shot glass from Andy and downed it again.

  “What’s in it?” I asked Andy. I wanted to jump on him and hug him, but I didn’t know if it’d be embarrassing in front of his friends. He just looked delicious in his black skinnies, black converse and dark red shirt.

  Andy looked at Seth wearily. “We still don’t know, but it’ll have you gone for hours.” He said. He placed a hand on my shoulder. “Thought you weren’t coming.” He said in a softer tone.

  “So why’d you ask Bernard to look out for me?” I asked slyly.

  Andy rubbed the back of my neck. “Just a precaution.” He said, his blue eyes shining.

  “Yeah, he was scared you’ll take one look at the dungeon and be like ‘what the fuck.’” Brad said laughing.

  I smiled as Andy looked down at me warmly. I could see he was more relaxed then I’d ever seen him. He played with his lip ring and leaned against my chair.

  “Okay you guys are on.” The same guy said as he stuck his head back in. I sensed the energy in the room as Brad, Seth and the sexy bassist got up. Everybody else grinned at them and patted their back.

  “This is for you.” Andy said putting a V.I.P badge over my neck. He paused as he stared at me. I thought he was going to kiss me, but he just brushed my chin and pulled me out the seat.

  “Let’s do this!” Brad said excitedly, causing everybody else’s shoulders to relax as they laughed and patted them on the back.

  “They’ll get on stage…we’ll go through here.” Andy said pointing to another door. I grabbed his hand as I let him lead me. It was weird because I felt the excitement in his voice, he was happy or something. As soon as he pushed the second door, I was hit with the intensity of the loud music and screaming fans. Those walls must have really been sound proof. He led me towards the railing that was cut off from the screaming crazy fans.

  “Now to the stage Torn Rose!” The announcer said and jumped in the crowd. The crowd went crazy as they screamed and shouted and lifted him in the air. I watched in amusement, my eyes adjusting to the darkness mixed with blue and white lights.

  Andy rubbed my shoulder and put his hands in his pockets and stared at the stage. Would it be too much to say I expected more? I mean I really did, I didn’t even get a hug or a kiss or anything. I looked out at the stage as Brad, Seth and Mr. Sexy walked out. The crowd screamed as they took their place. I saw that Seth was the keyboardist.

  I turned to Andy. Wait wasn’t his ex-supposed to be in the band? The lights came off before I could ask my question. I heard the chillness of the music start up. The crowd went crazy as the lights came back up and a girl stood in a short black dress. Her head was down, her long blond hair flowed around down her back. Her head covered by the black veil she was wearing. I didn’t have to be told who it was. She rubbed the microphone bringing it to her lips. She slowly lifted her head to stare at the crowd.

  I held back a gasp. She was beautifully ethereal. Her first note was low and enchanting. The crowd screamed madly. I looked at Andy and wished I hadn’t. He was completely mesmerized.

  Chapter sixteen

  “So is this your way of keeping me interested.” A more than familiar voice whispered in my ear. Zeus plopped his book bag on the table and slid in the seat across from me. I sighed and muted the music on my laptop. So much for editing my pictures.

  “Hi Zeus.” I said putting a smile on my face.

  Zeus sat up straight and weaved his fingers together. He leaned closer to me. “For my own sanity, I need to know if you’re bipolar or some shit.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. What the fuck was he talking about?

  “Cause I swear one day, you’re about to rip my shirt off and the next you’re blowing me off for some---“

  “You wish I was blowing you.” I teased as I ran my tongue over the top of my bottom teeth.

  Zeus faltered for a minute as his gaze drifted to my mouth. He sighed heavily and slammed the table. “O.J.…” He shrugged in frustration. He looked halfway between strangling me and kissing me.

  I closed my laptop and crossed my arms. I leaned forward on the table. “What are you so worked up about? Stop worrying it gives you wrinkles.” I teased as I rubbed his cheek. He really was adorable.

  “I don’t like sharing my time with Perth.” Zeus said. He leaned in closer. “You want to be his friend fine, be his one fucking friend.” Zeus reached out and took my hand. “But don’t let it come between what we could have.” He gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

  Okay I wasn’t a complete bitch. I mean something tugged at my stomach; it was an all too familiar sense of guilt. I liked Zeus, I did but obviously not on the same level he was aiming for. I sighed. How the hell do I break this down to him? I shouldn’t have fucking went to his house, yeah Ornelia put that on the list of another screw-up. “Zeus we talked about this, I don’t….I just don’t think we’re ever going to be on the list as more than just friends or buddies….”

  “I know.” Zeus said. “I know you’re saying that now, but seriously O.J. we’re attracted to each other. You like me, I like you, there’s nothing wrong with that. You’re not giving me a chance.”

  “Zeus.” I said in an exasperated tone.

  “Fine.” Zeus said. “I guess I’ll just wait around for your late night phone calls when you feel like making out.”

  I sat up defensively. “Hey you could have said no. I didn’t force you to make out with me.”

  “Why the fuck would I say no?” Zeus asked incredulously. “I like you O.J.….I like you a lot.” He whispered passionately.

  I looked down guiltily at the table. Fuck.

  “This has to do with Perth doesn’t it?” Zeus asked slowly.

  “What?” My head shot up. “No.” I said defensively.

  Zeus narrowed his green eyes at me. “Regardless of how you perceive me, I’m not dumb. I know Perth okay; nobody hangs out with him without getting affected by him.” He said seriously.

  My heart stopped at Zeus’ words. What did he mean? What was that look in his eyes? “What are you talking about Zeus?” I asked lightly.

  “He’s not this fucking innocent helpless kid you think he is.” Zeus said in frustration. “You might try to help him, but you’ll just end up getting fucked. Perth doesn’t care about anybody but himself…”

  “Whoa! Whoa!” I said with a smirk on my face. “Damn were you in a relationship with him or something?” I joked.

  Zeus reached for his book bag. “He was my fucking best friend in middle and beginning of high school, I think I know a thing or two about that asshole.” He said annoyed. “I erased him from my life for a reason.” He angrily snatched his book bag and got up. “Whatever O.J.…I like you, but I won’t let Perth fuck me over again.”

  I watched him walk away in awe. That was the sexiest thing Zeus had done in a long time, wow, he really was a man. Maybe that’s what I was attracted to in the first place
. Would it be wrong to say his attitude just turned me on? I smiled as my phone vibrated. Maybe I was letting go of Zeus a little too soon. I picked up my phone and smiled at the picture.

  “Hello?” I said in a sing-song voice.

  “Wanna join me on the roof of the art building?” Andy asked casually.

  I smiled at his voice. “I’m in the art building.”

  “I know.” He said with a chuckle.

  My smile got bigger. “I’ll be there in 2 minutes.”


  “If we get caught, I’m saying you kidnapped me and forced me up here.” I said as I closed the door to the roof behind me. The roof was off limits, apparently last year there had been too many accidents and suicide attempts off this one particular roof. It was just a convenient place, with a convenient location.


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