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Page 40

by Penny Hawking

  I nodded as chairs scraped the ground and everybody packed up their rounds of cards. Brad was still fumbling with the clothes as he tried to sort them out. “We need a fucking stylist.” He groaned.

  Christina rolled her eyes and made her way to Brad. “Give me this.” She said as she grabbed the clothes out of his hands and began sorting.

  Brad smiled and whistled. “Always works like a charm.” He said snickering. He strolled away from the pile of clothes.

  “What do you want me to do?” Andy asked. “Hey, I’m Andy Perth, and I’ll be your assistant today.” He said stoically.

  I looked up and smiled at him. Even though he wasn’t smiling as he was staring down at me, I knew he was in a joking mood. “Well Mr. Perth, you can be the equipment manager.” I said happily. “All that means is if I have to change lens or move the light around or need to do whatever, you just hand it to me.” I explained.

  Andy nodded as he held up the tripod. “Sounds easy enough.” He grabbed the light cover. “What if I break it?”

  “I’ll kill you.” I said swiftly without hesitation. I changed my memory card and looked up when I saw he was still staring at me. I batted my eyes and gave him a bright smile. “Now be a good boy and be careful.” I said my voice dripping with sweetness.

  Andy looked at the stuff he was holding in his hand and shook his head. “Where do I set these up?” he asked.

  I looked around at the different wall options. I pointed over to the brick wall. “Let’s do that one first.”

  “I’ll help you too.” Brad said excitedly as he ran his hand down his blond mullet and came to my side. “I won’t break anything I swear.”

  “Actually Brad, you’re kind of in the band, so I need that pretty face in front of the camera.” I said sweetly. Brad was the youngest of the group. He was 17 and full of life to be in such a band. I couldn’t quite put my finger on how such a bubbly boy was related to two of the most somber girls I’d ever met.

  I grabbed my Canon and got up. “Okay, I think I can start you guys over there,” I said pointing to the brick wall.

  “We need to change into our outfits Ornelia.” Christina said holding up a couple pieces of clothes. Seriously her voice was like silk, and she wasn’t even singing.

  “Okay no problem. You guys go change and I’ll keep sitting up with Andy.” I said. I watched as Jared, Seth and Brad went over to Christina and she handed each of them their outfits, not surprisingly it all consisted of mostly black tuxes, but she had a gorgeous white tattered dress she was holding. I held in my excitement. This was going to be fun. I went to Andy and showed him how to set up some of the equipment, he could do it, but it would be easier if we had one more hand. I turned around and my gaze drifted down to Bernard at the table, still shuffling cards. He could help out, he wasn’t doing anything and he wasn’t going to be in the pictures. I opened my mouth to call him.

  “Bernard go help Andy.” Christina said coolly as she picked up her white combat boots. I looked up at her to thank her but she was walking away in the other direction to change.

  Bernard groaned but got up.

  “Thanks.” I said to both of them and none in particular. Bernard growled at me. I made a face at him. I still can’t get over his pointy teeth and his white contacts. But today his mohawk was white and not green. And when I say white, I mean white, not blond. This chubby kid was a character.

  Andy looked up from me to Bernard, a little amused and went back to what he was doing.

  “Okay what am I doing?” he asked reluctantly as he rubbed his belly.

  “You’re running back and forth with the lights and stuff and Andy will help me with the cameras.” I said grinning at him.

  “Why do I get the hard work?” He asked squinting at me.

  “Cause I’m not fucking you.” I said casually.

  Andy knocked over the tripod and quickly caught it before it hit the ground. Bernard and I both turned to stare at him. I smiled as I saw him blush. The tip of his ears pink as he nervously played with his lip ring.

  “Well fuck.” Bernard said amused. He leaned his head back and let out a long belly howl. His shoulders shook as he laughed. He looked a bit like Buddha actually. Well if Buddha was a white eyed, white Mohawk Caucasian gothic man with pointy teeth.

  Bernard reached for the lights. “Where’d you find her seriously?” He asked chuckling as he wiped his eyes.

  “She came out of nowhere.” Andy admitted shrugging.

  “Hey I’m still here.” I said. They guys ignored me as they continued talking about my antics amongst themselves.

  “She’s strange.” Andy said changing the memory card on my second camera that I rented out from the school.

  “Stranger than Christina?” Bernard said. I didn’t turn but I could feel him looking me up and down.

  “Nobody’s stranger than Christina.” Andy said.

  Bernard laughed and Andy chuckled softly. I turned to watch them joking amongst themselves. I had yet to see Andy laugh. I watched his face break out into a small smile. The most I’d ever gotten from him was a chuckle, he’d never given one of those belly hurting, tear jerking laughs that Bernard always seemed to spew out. He looked so relaxed and comfortable in this atmosphere. He joked with Bernard about something and ran his hands through his bangs to move them out of his face. He adjusted the beanie on his head and chuckled some more. He must have noticed me looking at him because as Bernard recounted a story, Andy’s eyes drifted over to me.

  He stared at me straight in the eyes for a good couple of seconds and then turned around and smiled at something Bernard said. I turned on my camera as I went to the wall. His gaze was something else, it’s like he could see straight to my soul.

  “We’re ready!” Brad said excitedly as the rest of the band members filed in. My eyes popped open at them.

  “Oh my gosh, you guys are perfect.” I said excitedly. They seemed to be modeling for Calvin Klein. Well that is if Calvin Klein made gothic dark clothing wear.

  “Is the dress too much?” Christina asked stepping out from behind Jared.

  I shook my head as I looked her over. “It’s perfect.” I said in awe. It fit her perfectly, the front stopped mid-thigh and she had a long white train in the back. It complemented her figure. I gave her thumbs up, she didn’t smile, but the corner of her mouth went up as she nodded.

  Jared placed his hand on her lower back. “Told you.” He said kissing the side of her head.

  “Well you’re a guy.” She murmured. As if she realized I was still there she looked in my direction and straightened herself up.

  I took off my lens cap and put my camera around my neck as I advanced towards them. “I’m just going to do a couple practice rounds just to test the lighting.” I told them.

  I shot a couple pictures and Andy came by my side. I motioned Bernard over so the lighting was perfect. When I got it exactly like I wanted, I smiled and told them to relax, act natural. The boys were absolutely perfect, it’s like their natural poses were one of top-notch models. Not to mention the tux they were wearing just emphasized their classiness. Christina on the other hand was nervous, I didn’t think she liked the camera, but she was gorgeous behind the lens, she needed to ease up a little so I could catch the perfect frame of her face.

  “She’s nervous.” Andy said handing me the next lens I asked for. I nodded as I turned to look at him. So he’d noticed. I watched him watch her, but then he turned around to look at me and shrugged.

  I turned to watch the band. Jared was holding her hand and gently rubbing it. I couldn’t understand what he was saying but it looked like he was trying to comfort her.

  “It’s like this with every shoot.” Brad said sitting on the floor.

  Christina kicked him and he winced.

  Seth slowly left the wall and made his way to the table. He picked up a metal bottle and took a big drink of whatever was inside. I had a feeling it wasn’t water.

  Okay I have an idea. I bent down a
nd took the remote for my camera. Andy watched me but didn’t say anything. “Okay great job…let’s take a five minute breather.” I said happily as I stood up, holding the remote in between my left hand.

  When everybody left the wall, I quickly jogged up to Christina before she could leave. “Hey you okay?” I asked.

  Christina looked up at me and then away. “Sorry, I hate cameras, I’ll try harder.”

  I pressed the remote.

  Andy’s head turned to the camera he was standing next to as it took a picture.

  “No it’s fine.” I said smiling. “If it helps, they taught us a little trick.”


  Christina took a deep breath and let it out. “If you think it’ll help.”


  I stood next to her and leaned into her ear. “Every time you get nervous, imagine the ugliest person you can think of…” I turned my focus on Bernard. Click. Click. Christina’s eyes followed mine and landed on Bernard. Click. Click. Click. “Now imagine him naked jerking off in a public bathroom.”


  “Eeewww.” She said trying not to gag.

  Click.Click. Click.

  I laughed and stared at her.

  Click. Click.

  Christina stared at an unsuspecting Bernard and shuddered. Click.Click. She turned to me with a slight upwards tug on her lips. “That’s complete bullshit isn’t it?” she asked.

  Click. Click. Click

  I nodded and laughed. “But you weren’t thinking of that camera flashing were you?” I asked.

  Click. Click. Click.

  Christina turned to the camera and I flashed it a couple more times with the remote in my hand.

  Click. Click

  “You’ll be fine.” I said smiling at her. I turned and walked away. I turned off the remote and put it in my pocket as I looked over the pictures in my camera.

  Andy’s eyes had followed me from when I went to Christina to when I returned, and they were still on me.

  “What?” I asked not turning to look at him. I changed the setting on my camera and he didn’t answer. “Can I have that lens you’re holding?” I asked impatiently. God, don’t just stand there and stare, say something….anything.

  I grabbed the lens, but when I tried to take it out of his hands he gently pulled it back. I tugged again but he still pulled it back. I turned to look at him. He innocently opened his hands out for me to take the lens. I quickly grabbed it, but he didn’t do anything. He smirked and looked away.

  “I fucking hate that smirk.” I said. I changed my lens and called everybody back. “Okay we’re going to take a couple more shoots and then you can change into your next outfits.”

  “Okay that’s really good.” I said as I snapped a couple pictures. “Christina put your hand up like….yeah just like that…great…look at…Yes!” I took some more pictures. I would not be exaggerating if I said that every single one of the band members were photogenic. Yep even Seth. He had amazing jawline, and his glare worked perfectly for the shoot. I was so happy, I think I was literally bouncing half the time. The only person who seemed to be as happy as me was Brad, but then he was always happy. After their fifth wardrobe changed, they were all now laid back in their band shirts and tight skinnies. Well except for Christina, she had one a puffy black skirt and I loved it.

  “Shit you guys are gorgeous.” I said as I took a couple close ups. “I think I might just be a groupie.” Jared and Brad laughed and I saw the corners of Christina’s mouth go up. Seth leaned against the wall casually. This kid was just the epitome of cool. I went up to him and pushed his hair to the side. I looked it over and shook my head. I reached out and brushed his hair, and parted it down the middle. It seriously almost reached his hip, I had no idea how he did it. I stepped back and nodded in approval. Andy came around the side with the second set of lights. He didn’t need me to tell him as he positioned them the right away.

  I took a couple more individual shots as I felt Andy’s gaze on me. He’d been doing that the whole shoot. It’s like I would periodically look up just to catch him watching me, then he would look away. I didn’t understand, it was weird, but then I shook it off as another Andy antic. I did Christina’s individual shot in the black skirt last because I had a feeling it was going to take longer than the rest. She was an amazing model, she never smiled but that was the beauty of the shoot. She was ten times more relaxed than from the first couple shoots and it improved her already beautiful image tenfold.

  “Christina can I?” I asked as I went towards her. She didn’t answer as I carefully brushed her hair to the side. I put it up and tousled it some more and let it fall freely. “Perfect.” I said. The corner of her mouth went up again and I came to the conclusion that was her version of a smile. I took a couple steps back and continued taking more pictures of her. After about 30 minutes on her alone, I threw my hands up as I sat on the floor. “It’s a wrap guys!” I said excitedly.

  To my amusement, everybody let out a grateful sigh. I turned my back to see them and hadn’t noticed that the guys had already ordered pizza and gotten some beer. They were stuffing their faces as Christina and I finished up.

  “Great job Ornelia!” Brad said his mouth full of pizza.

  I smiled and turned away from them and slowly got up. This had been tiring but fun.

  “I don’t think we’ve ever officially met.” Christina said walking towards me.

  I shook my head. “No I don’t think we have.”

  “I’ve heard a lot about you.” Christina said. To my surprise she reached out her hand and I shook it. Her hands were small and fragile and cold. When I shook it our eyes met.

  “I’ve heard a lot about you too.” I said. Trust me, I’ve heard a lot. We stared at each other silently. Would it be too much to say we bonded in some unspoken kind of way over this shoot? Or am I stretching it. Either way I liked her, and I hated myself for it. I really wanted reasons to hate her. My expectations of her were way off. She was not at all like I had imagined. I mean she looked the part, she looked exactly like the type of girl I would see Andy fall for…but she didn’t seem to be in turmoil like Andy was. She wasn’t the wreck I imagined. She was the backbone of this team and I saw it throughout the shoot. Jared might be the spokesperson, but Christina didn’t talk a lot. But when she talked, she got stuff done. I tried to see what similarities she had with Andy and believe me they had a lot. Even right down to the scars on her left hand. I noticed she watched Andy carefully and gently but it wasn’t anything sexual, I tried to find sexual stuff in their interactions, but she treated him the same way she treated Brad and Seth and Bernard. Like her brothers…like her family. That’s what they were a family.

  It kind of hurt, I’m not gonna lie, that people with lives as fucked up as some of theirs were could depend on each other and call themselves a family. I on the other hand couldn’t put mines together to save my life.

  Christina nodded knowingly as she let go of my hand. “I know I’ll see you around.” She said assuredly. She moved her head to look at Andy and then back at me. She gave a slight nod of her head and walked past me and I stared at the place where she was last sitting. No wonder Andy fell for her, everything about her was pulling me in.

  “Hey I saved you some pizza.” Andy said behind me. I turned around and smiled as he handed me a plate. He had two beer bottles in his hand and another plate with him. I took off my camera and sat on the ground with the plate of pizza. I took a bite of the slice and groaned.

  “So good.” I murmured.

  Andy did a slight smirk as he sat down on the floor right across from me. He was close enough so our knees touched. As I ate, he opened a bottle with his teeth and placed it in front of me. He opened the other bottle and took a drink.

  “You’re really into it when you take pictures.” Andy said putting his pizza down. He shook his head, to move his bangs out of his face as he played with his lip ring.

  “Really?” I asked finishing my first slice. “I
never noticed.” I grabbed my beer and took a drink. I looked down at it, it was sweeter than any other beer I’ve tasted.

  “I bought you the woodchuck cider, since you’re not a big fan of real beer.” Andy said noticing I was looking at the brand.

  “How thoughtful.” I said smiling as I brought it up to my lips again. It was good. “How sweet.” I put the beer down. I took another bite as Andy stared at me.

  “They really like you.” Andy said rubbing his arm slowly. “They think you’re cool and funny….different, but in a good way...congrats.” He said twisting his beer bottle in his hand and looking down at the floor.

  I chuckled as I took another bite. “You make it sound like I passed a test or something.” I said joking.

  Andy didn’t laugh as he met my gaze.


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