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Page 66

by Penny Hawking

  Ornelia’s mouth dropped open. “That bastard….” She murmured.

  “And I bet she regrets it for the rest of her life. Ladies and gentleman when come back, questions from the audience. Stay tuned.”

  Ornelia turned off the laptop and smirked as she stared out of the jet. “Just some girl…” she muttered.


  Ornelia sipped on her champagne as she leaned lazily against the balcony of the castle. The wedding had been splendid as she expected. Perfection to a tee. Christina had been beautiful and the whole audience had been brought to tears when Jared read his vows and wept. She’d seen the band on and off during the years when they made tours in Europe and she was available, but every time she met them again, it felt like the first time. The same giddy excitement. She sensed him behind her and smiled into the night sky softly.

  He walked over silently and leaned against the balcony, his tux brushing against her arm. She’d purposely ignored him all night, even though he’d looked so devilishly handsome in his black tux.

  “It’s probably not safe for you to be out here with just some girl.” Ornelia teased, bringing her champagne to her lips.

  “I recall it being your bright idea to lay low.” Andy replied. “Something about ruined reputations and rumors.” He said a small smile appearing on his lips.

  “Oh and what a great job you’re doing with that.” Ornelia said turning to him, allowing herself to face him head on. Her breath still catching every time she saw him. If he had been handsome in college, he was now the epitome of gorgeous beyond belief. Even winning the sexiest man alive title didn’t seem to do him justice. With his short haircut, you could now appreciate his gorgeous eyes even more. She was even tempted to run her tongue over his exquisite jaw line. He reeked of sex appeal and mystery, this is what drove the female crazy. The only downside to him was that he was still too skinny. Even know Ornelia thought he was skinnier than the last time she saw him, that couldn’t be healthy. He wasn’t eating right, if he was eating at all.

  Andy’s eyes sparkled as he focused his blue eyes on her. “Oh no, Venice was all your fault.” He said with amusement in his low voice as he referred to the incident last year.

  Ornelia’s mouth dropped. “My fault?” she asked. “I told you, I didn’t want to go swimming at three in the morning.” She’d lost her top, and apparently one of the paparazzi had been hiding in a tree, it was by sheer luck that she was able to hide her face against Andy who’d quickly grabbed a towel and placed it over her body. Shielding her head with his arm from the light flashes, they ran back into the hotel, once again to have the tabloids going crazy bout Andy’s mysterious woman.

  “Okay that was my fault.” Andy said smirking. “But Italy was definitely your doing.”

  Ornelia took a step back as she crossed her arms across her chest. It only emphasized her breasts through the extremely deep v-cut in the front of her gold dress. Andy stared at her chest appreciatively as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip slowly. The Italy incident had happened three years ago, and it had been the second time they’d meet since college. The first time they’d meet had been in Paris, 3 years after college. She’d been hired to do the Vogue Paris summer shoot and the band had a tour in France for 5 days. It was on the second day that they’d bumped into each other at the runway show, purely by accident. The shock and excitement of seeing each other lasted for the first 2 hours. The next three days consisted of late nights, sneaking in and out of hotel rooms, being late for his concert and her photo shoots by a couple hours. The tabloids had gone crazy when a paparazzi shot a picture of them locked in an intimate embrace in his hotel room. Needless to say they’d assumed her to be a French model or actress and his relationship with his then girlfriend quickly went down the drain.

  Italy however 3 years later, the second time they saw each other had been one for the books. It was two weeks of pure paradise and hell however one wanted to look at it. Paradise of being on vacation in one of the most beautiful countries with the one person you couldn’t stop thinking about and hell of hiding from paparazzi left and right. Unable to find Ornelia’s identity, the tabloids had made her out to be a model, an actress, a prostitute, a man, a mother, a teenager…anything that made the information juicier. But one thing for sure they’d pegged Andy of having an obsession with darker skinned females. But that rumor only seemed to make the Torn Rose record sale even more, now gaining the black female votes.

  “Oh yeah why don’t we blame everything on me?” Ornelia said smirking as she walked around the balcony, knowing Andy’s eyes were following her every move and especially the dress from behind when it exposed all of her back down to her hip. A little further up to her right on her ribcage revealed her dirty little secret she’d gotten in Italy. A matching tattoo that Andy had on his forearm ‘il mio cuore.’

  “It’s easier that way.” Andy said smiling softly as he admired the view she presented to him. He ran his hand over his stomach and rested it on his belt. “You’re not a rock star.”

  Ornelia swirled around to face him and narrowed her eyes at him. “You cocky little bastard.” She whispered. She tried to hide the smile on her face as she turned her back to him once more. She was only able to take two steps when she felt his hands on her hips turning her around to face him.

  “How long are you here for love?” He whispered, bringing her warm body close to his. He dipped his head so their mouths and noses were mere centimeters apart. She could feel his warm breath on her lip. Ornelia held back a primitive sound when his hand slid down her back softly, leaving trails of need as he confidently rested his hand over her plump derriere.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” she whispered teasingly wetting her lips with her tongue. She smirked when she saw his eyes follow her movement. Without saying another world she brought her hands up slowly and cupped his face. Ornelia trailed her thumb over his jaw to his lip. Andy closed his eyes as he brought his tongue out wetting her thumb and sending shiver up her spine as he kissed it. Ornelia let out a long deep breath as she pressed herself against him feeling something hard against her upper thigh.

  “You sure you don’t want to tell me sweetheart?” Andy whispered. He brought his hand up to caress her neck, bending his head to press gentle kisses against her collarbone. He nipped her softly and with his other hand pressed her firmly against him. He knew he was working himself up but he couldn’t stop. As his hand drifted down her shoulder, to her chest and to grope her right breast. He thought of the last time he had her, moaning and squirming under him. A whole year had past. And even he’d only been able to take that trip to Venice because he’d read that she was going to be there. His fingers teased the now hardened nipple through her dress. He heard Ornelia’s deep breathing, knowing she was aroused. Moving up to place kisses by her ear, he slid his hand inside the deep V-cut of her dress and over to the right. He heard her soft inhale as his cold hand came in contact with her warm nipple.

  “Maybe I’m back for good love.” Ornelia murmured as she rotated her hips against his.

  Andy’s head shot up as he stared at her intensely. His heart raced as he tried to read her expression to see if she was lying or not.

  Ornelia stepped back grinning as she tucked her hair behind her ear. “Maybe.” She said in a sultry voice. She turned around to head back to the reception.

  “Ornelia.” Andy said his voice trembling. “Ornelia.” He said louder when she didn’t stop. He straightened himself as he watched her approach the door

  Ornelia stopped and turned her head around to face him.

  “Stop joking.” Andy said, his voice husky, laced with desire.

  Ornelia smiled and winked at him right before turning around and entering the reception hall.





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