Children of the Prime Box Set
Page 22
And somewhere inside - some bitter part of me - wishes for that to be me. To wipe away those sneers. To ascend above these men and women and subvert this whole proceeding, show them that anyone, whether born here to parents of renown, or nothing but a Fringe rat like me, can step up to the highest echelons of this false, contrived world.
I'll break it down from the inside out, I think, glancing over the assembly. I'll topple it from the top down, see it all crumble before me...
"Good afternoon, Children," begins the Overseer, lifting that smile of his. His eyes turn across the assembly, and as they come to mine, I see a subtle change in his grin, one side lifting higher, turning lopsided. Like Jude. It reforges to its original form as it goes on, the shift subtle but noticeable.
A reminder of some kind. Perhaps...a warning.
"You have come here today to compete in the Trial of the Chosen," the man goes on. "As you all know, there is a position open for a Chosen Fire-Blood, and the Prime wishes it filled. Now, after much early testing, we have sufficient candidates to begin the trial. It shall start this afternoon."
His eyes sway again, falling on me, drifting off. I feel my heart rate soaring, sense the excitement begin to spread. It sounds as though many of these people will have already had to prove themselves as possible candidates for this event, testing themselves against other more lowly Fire-Bloods who didn't make the cut.
And yet here I am, a nobody and outsider. No wonder so many of them are giving me death stares.
I risk another glance around at that thought and, this time, see someone I recognise. Blond hair, golden eyes like mine, a white smile offset by his deep tan. The young Fire-Blood who saw to my failed execution stands off to one side, up a couple of steps, as if attempting to attain a higher position than the rest. Closer to the Overseer. Closer to the temple that he no doubt knows well.
I find my gaze sticking to him for a moment, regarding that superior cast to his eyes, sleek and confident, irritatingly self-assured. As others appear to display some nerves at what is to come, he merely smiles with a look that suggests he relishes the challenge.
He, no doubt, never had to face preliminary testing to prove himself worthy of this trial. His part among the ceremony suggests that he's already highly thought of among the Fire-Bloods. A favourite, perhaps, to ascend to the Prime's side.
My competition.
I turn around the group, and regard them more closely now. Are the others who saw to the deaths of Raymond and his allies here? I search, trying to recall their faces, and memories stir once more. Memories of innocent men burning at the stake. Of voices screaming out in agony. Of faces contorted in acute, unbearable pain.
I pull back, retreating, and refocus on the Overseer's voice. He continues to address the assembly, clearly enjoying his brief speech.
"The trial will go on until a Chosen has been selected," he says grandly. "That may take days, or weeks. It has, in the past, even taken months for the Prime to be satisfied with their selection. It depends on the level of competition, the specific type of Chosen under consideration, and the Prime's personal feelings on the candidates. Some of you will be lucky enough to meet our great mother and father, a tremendous honour in itself. To have come this far makes you the finest Fire-Bloods in the land, but not all of you will go further. Those that do will engage privately with the Prime. Let that fuel your ambition, if nothing else does."
He lets the prospect settle, the faces of the gathered Fire-Bloods lighting up, as though fuelled by the flames within. I see that some are already trying to display their prowess, hands glowing, fingers splaying and bunching into fists. My attention, once more, flicks to the blond-haired boy, who stands with a casual smile, eyes swerving across his competition with an innate nonchalance.
"The trial," the Overseer continues, "will test both mind and body. You will discover the true extent of your power. Some of you may have already attained full awakening. Others will have more inside you, waiting to break free." His eyes fix to me directly. "We will find out in the coming days and weeks just what you are made of." He tilts his chin down a little, features hawkish, holding my gaze, before moving off again. "Be prepared to go through some...difficult experiences. Know, all of you, that the trial can be dangerous, and taxing, both physically and mentally. If, at any point, you wish to step down, that is your choice. No one," he says, his focus returning to me once more, "is forced to stay."
He smiles, a look that tells me the opposite. I do have to be here. I have no choice but to stay, to do everything I'm told. The rules that apply to others don't apply to me.
And that's something I have to accept.
"Good," the extravagant man says, as if speaking solely to me, seeing that I've been so quickly broken. "I will reveal to you the specific tests as they come. I am the Prime's spokesperson here, and devise many of the forms of assessment myself. However, some come from a higher power. I will, therefore, not be able to provide you with any specific timescale on proceedings. You will need to adapt to survive. And not all of you will."
My chest tightens at his final words. I look around the group and see little reaction. To take part, it seems, is to risk one's life. The reward, no doubt, is worth the risk.
"The initial test is simple," continues the Overseer. "You shall be required to display your utter dedication to the Prime. I expect each and every one of you to pass. It is nothing but a formality. The true trial will begin tomorrow. For now, I pass you onto your attendants to get you settled into your new accommodation."
He claps a single time, the sound echoing across the square, signalling the end of his introduction. Then, suddenly, he spins and walks away, leaving us in the hands of our High Worthies.
I turn immediately to Marlow, seeing him so differently now. I've rarely been so happy for someone's presence. Let alone a man who, at first, I despised and is, in all truth, little more than a stranger.
"Come, Lady Amber, we'll get you settled," he says with a smile I now take as comforting, rather than synthetic in its delivery and sincerity. He regards me a moment. "Is everything OK? Do you have any questions I can help you with?"
"I..." I draw a breath, all of this overwhelming. I take a moment to steady myself as the Fire-Bloods and their attending High Worthies begin making their way into the temple.
"Come along," Marlow goes on, lifting a hand to guide me forward, though stopping short of touching me. I imagine that's probably prohibited, unless the invite is given. "The Temple of Fire is known to be quite stunning inside, as well as out. You'll like it, I'm certain."
I nod, unable to break words for fear of my voice cracking with emotion. It's...ridiculous really. It came so quick, this feeling of overwhelm. All I have to do is what I'm told, and Jude and Lilly will be safe. That's all. Nothing else.
I've been doing what I've been told all my life, haven't I?
"Thanks, Marlow," I say, my words steady, eyes turning up the grand steps and colourful facade of the temple beyond.
"For...what, Lady Amber?" Marlow asks.
"For being nice," I say. "For making me feel less...intimidated, I guess. I know I put on this front, but all of this is..."
"Overwhelming," Marlow says, nodding. His eyes shape in acknowledgement of just how I'm feeling. "I know," he says softly. "I felt just the same when I first came here. And, it was all I ever wanted, to see this city, become one of the Worthy. A dream..." He sighs wistfully. "So I understand, Lady Amber, at least to a point. I know this isn't what you desired or intended. And I know how strange all this must seem to you. But know that I am here for your needs. I am honoured," he finishes, looking at me with that slight bow to his head, "to guide and serve you."
He drops his eyes, holding them to the ground a moment, before lifting them up. It's such a bizarre feeling to be treated as such, to see a man behave like this for the likes of me. My gut instinct is to reach out and stop him, but somehow I don't. This is his life, his way of behaving, something
so deep in his blood he couldn't possibly act otherwise.
I'm not going to try to change that.
However, I do have one request, one I know will be hard for him to take.
"Will me Amber?" I ask, his eyes coming back to mine. "Drop the Lady, or any of the other titles. Just Amber. At least when it's just us, in private, if you'll get in trouble otherwise."
"I..." he starts, before nodding once more. "Of course. Anything you desire...Amber."
"Thanks, Marlow." I glance up at the others disappearing into the temple. "Now come on, we're falling behind."
With that, we move off after them.
Krun, as always - and somehow, becoming less of a unpleasant presence - lumbers behind.
The interior of the Temple of Fire does nothing short of take my breath away.
Entering through the central doors, tall and wide and built of thick stone, I discover a massive open space stretching away beyond. Pillars run down either side, statues fixed in various positions. Little fires burn from ceremonial basins, attended by Worthies in their grey cloaks.
At the centre of the temple, a much larger fire flickers, set in a recess cut into the stone floor. Four young women stand at each side, heads bowed, their cloaks grey, like the other Worthies, but with hints of red stitched into the lining.
"They attend the fire at all times," Marlow whispers to me, keeping his voice low so it doesn't echo. "It is the Eternal Flame of the Fire Elementals. These four girls have been granted the special honour of seeing the flame burn continually."
"And if it goes out?" I ask, looking at the girls as they gently stoke the flames.
"It doesn't go out," Marlow says resolutely. "But if it did...there would be trouble."
We move on, following the other Fire-Bloods as they venture through the main hallway. The effect is fascinating, the interior appearing so much larger than the outside of the temple suggested. And even with the fires burning around the perimeter and in the centre of the hall, the air remains cool and still, unaffected by the light smoke rising up from the flames in billowing waves.
At the rear, we come to a passageway that leads deeper into the building, ending in a set of stone steps. Down a couple of levels, a further passage beckons. Ahead, the Fire-Bloods move off into another stone chamber, a dim room set with little alcoves. I see beds set within them, half a dozen down each side. They afford some privacy but not much, more simple in design than others I've seen, and certainly far less glamorous than the bedchamber I woke up in earlier that morning.
Clearly, this is a place built without comfort in mind. A place to test those who stay here, keep them focused on the task ahead.
The Fire-Bloods disperse, moving off into their little alcoves, selecting the beds on which they wish to sleep. I immediately find my attention heading for the furthest bed at the rear, stepping quickly through the others as Marlow follows behind. Krun, finding it rather less easy to navigate through this tighter space, lingers in the doorway as he tends to do.
I rush to the back, wishing to be separated - as far as I can be - from the others. Noticing another of the candidates wandering more calmly towards my chosen spot, I hurry on, passing the man, and staking my claim. I offer him a shrug as I reach the bed, and plant myself down to assert my ownership. He grunts and moves off towards the other end of the chamber, clearly not wanting to stay anywhere near me.
"A fine choice, Amber," whispers Marlow.
I smile up at him, happy with my selection, before looking off to the other side of the chamber. There, sitting with legs crossed upon the opposite bed, I see the blond-haired boy staring right at me. He lifts a smile, lips closed, and drops a wink. To his side, his own High Worthy stands, several feet away, his head bowed. Under the dim light, I'm certain I see a glint of sweat on the man's bald head, a nervous expression to his face.
"Who is he?" I ask, ripping my eyes from the young man and back up to Marlow.
Marlow drops his eyes, chin to his chest. He answers quietly from the corner of his mouth.
"His name is Master Elian," he whispers. "He is of very high birth. A single rank below the Chosen and Heralds."
"As high as the Overseer?"
Marlow shakes his head noncommittally. "It is complicated. The Overseer is a particularly important Son here in Olympus, given his function. He stands alongside the Chosen and Heralds in many respects, but not in others. Unlike them, he only has access to the summit of the Hill of Olympus when summoned."
"And the others - the Chosen and Heralds - they can climb the staircase when they want? Visit the Temple of the Prime?"
"Yes. They live there in the Temple, though have access to certain areas only, as I understand it."
I turn my eyes back up to Elian, still looking over at me, his posture relaxed as his attending High Worthy stands nearby, head bowed, statuesque and still. Afraid.
Clearly, the bald priest is afraid of him.
"And him," I say, voice tinged with bitterness. "He's the favourite to join the Chosen?"
"Oh yes, Amber," whispers Marlow, glancing over. "Most certainly. Ever since his father died, he has been expected to take his place."
"His...father? The previous Chosen Fire-Blood was his father? The one who died?"
"Yes," says Marlow, clutching his hands together, whispering a quick prayer of remembrance for the lost. "Master Prost was father to young Master Elian. There is great power in their bloodline."
And doesn't he know it, I think, looking again at him.
"Not to say, of course, that you don't have a chance to best him," Marlow goes on, his enthusiasm seeming to lift with each passing moment alongside me. It's quite amazing, in fact, how he is around me now that he knows what I am. "What is happening with you is happening for a reason. I have faith that it shall be you who wins the trial."
"Happening for a reason," I murmur, repeating his words. I glance again around the chamber, at the Fire-Bloods in their shimmering robes, lit more subtly here in the gloom of this subterranean place, and their High Worthies, many standing nearby with hands clasped, few actually speaking with their masters. "What reason?"
"To be what you were born to be," Marlow says piously. "This is where you belong, Amber. And even if you do not attain the rank of Chosen, you still belong in this city, with your own people. I understand there are great plans for expansion, and you could well be at the forefront of that."
That's what I'm afraid of, I think to myself, my thoughts turning to the devastating power that lies within my blood. To be part of something...dark. To become nothing but a weapon for the Prime to use in their conquest of the lands to the south. Surely, I think, that is what they desire.
And in that thought comes something unexpected. A sense of excitement, almost, at the prospect. Not at being a weapon, or helping to cleanse the lands south of non-believers, but at seeing those lands in the first place. Seeing something more than all this...well, that does excite me. However much I try to deny it, the mundane nature of my life around Pine Lake was ever a source of frustration.
I always yearned for something more. Perhaps, against all logic and reason, this is it?
"I suppose I have no choice right now," I say, starting to come to terms with the idea. "Will you do me a favour, Marlow?"
"Of course," says the High Worthy, bowing his head in almost theatrical fashion. "Anything you wish, my Lady."
"Keep an eye on Lilly for me," I say. "If that's possible. Just check in to make sure the Overseer is living up to his word, OK?"
"Of course. It shall be done."
"And Jude," I say. "The Overseer said he'd be released back to Pine Lake. I need to know he's taken there in safety and returned to his Auntie. Her name is Grace. Can you do that for me?"
I take a breath of relief, though know I'll feel a lot better when I know Jude's home, and Lilly has been assigned to a form of service that suits her. Something she deserves. Something she wants. No, Jude
will hate leaving me here, and will probably prefer to be kept in jail just to be closer to me, but Lilly always wanted this life. She'll be happy here, and Jude will move on, find someone else, and eventually be happy too.
That's enough for me. And, in all honesty, it's more than I deserve.
Around the chamber, the Fire-Bloods begin to gather, their movement drawing my eye. Once more, I get a range of filthy looks, ranking from dismissive to downright hatred, as they head towards the exit that leads back up into the main hall above.
Across from me, Elian stands languidly, his eyes running over me in his typically supercilious way. It comes with a smile, a sort of teasing look, before he turns his attention to the others and begins leisurely moving their way.
"The first trial is set to start, Amber," Marlow informs me. "I'm not sure what it entails exactly, but as the Overseer said, it's about displaying your dedication to the Prime. Just try to be positive, OK?"
"About the Prime," I grumble. "I'll have to try very hard."
"I'm sure that will be good enough. I think everyone here knows that you are a special and rare case. I doubt the Overseer is expecting much, and isn't looking to fail you quite yet. But, he will test you at all times. Be aware of him at all times. He is much more than he seems."
"Um, that's...disconcerting. What do you mean?"
"He's a telepath, Amber, and a very powerful one at that. Such people can take others under their spell with little more than a glance of eye contact. He will attempt to penetrate your mind and read your thoughts. He may even try to force compliance."
"Force compliance? You mean, change the way I think? Make me...want to be here?"
"It's possible. Mostly, the residents of this city are here by their own free will. It is a more powerful emotion than being under the coercive and persuasive influence of a telepath. However, some may have their mind subtly changed over a period of time. The Overseer may attempt to do this with you."