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Steel Glances (Rocky Mountain Novella Series #1)

Page 9

by Rory Chambers

  Chapter 9

  Kristen was excited at the new discovery…so excited that she couldn’t think of anything else for the rest of the night. After tossing and turning for hours, she finally just decided to wake get up and make some coffee.

  There were only three other times in her life when Kristen felt so restless: the night before taking her SATs, the night before she graduated from college, and the night before her wedding. She could remember clearly the stomach full of butterflies as she lay in bed wondering if she was really ready to get married…to be a wife. She second guessed herself over and over again, and, at one point, even picked up the phone to call of the wedding. She wondered how different her life would be if she had gone through with that call.

  As she sipped her coffee, she wondered how she was going to track down the storage facility her father used. Surely there were records of the rental or the monthly payments somewhere. Since she couldn’t sleep anyways, she threw on a pair of sweatpants and tee shirt and grabbed her purse and coat. The fastest way to get some answers was going to be by going back to her fathers and looking for any records referring to a storage facility.

  To Kristen’s surprise, her car started right up, in spite of the cold of the night. She wasn’t concerned for her lack of sleep as she drove. She was running on adrenaline and felt wide awake. As she pulled up to her father’s she wished that she would’ve left on some lights…at least the front porch light.

  The house and yard were pitch black as Kristen attempted to navigate her way up the stairs and to the front door. Before even reaching the first stair, she tripped over a hedge and stubbed her foot on a rock. After hopping around and shouting some expletives under her breath, she kept going.

  When she finally made it to the door, she felt around for the key hole. It took some time, but she was able to get the lock to turn. It became a little easier each time she did it.

  “Now I just need to turn a light o….,” she said aloud to herself, but before she could reach the light switch, she tripped again, sending her to the floor. She felt broken glass under her hand and wondered what she had broken during her fall.

  It was clear when she finally turned the lights on. Kristen looked around and saw a mess. Boxes were overturned, and their contents scattered. Someone had broken into her father’s house!

  Suddenly, the thought occurred to her that whoever had broken in could still be in the house. Without pause, she fumbled for her phone and quickly dialed 9-1-1 as she headed back towards the door. She needed to get outside and back to her car ASAP.

  “9-1-1, what is your emergency?” a voice asked as Kristen’s call was answered.

  Kristen looked around to make sure no one was there before answering. “There’s been a break in,” she whispered but the operator couldn’t hear her and asked her to repeat herself. Kristen’s hands were trembling as she slowly walked toward her car. With it so dark out, she didn’t know if there was anyone watching her, or even approaching her.

  She managed to make it to her car without incident. After checking the car and making sure her doors were locked, she felt safer. She still couldn’t control her trembling. She felt so violated. It occurred to her that the robbers could’ve been broken into while she was there packing.

  The 9-1-1 operator kept Kristen on the phone until the police arrived fifteen minutes later. Kristen remained in her car until the police approached her car.

  While she answered questions, three of the other officers searched the house to see if anyone was inside. “It’s clear, boss!” one of them yelled.

  “Ms. Casey, the house is empty. I know it may be disturbing for you, but we need you to walk through and see if anything is missing,” the Sergeant that was interviewing Kristen told her.

  “Why would they break in and not take anything?” Kristen asked. She assumed the crooks were mainly after electronics, jewelry, or anything else that was valuable and easily pawn-able. As she walked through the first floor of the house, though, her father’s television and computer were still there.

  “Maybe you scared them off when you arrived,” the Sergeant suggested. “Did you see anything when you arrived…anything at all? A light, a movement?”

  “No…nothing. It was so dark,” Kristen answered. She tried to replay the event in her head to see if anything stood out, but all she remembered was darkness and quite all around her. “Maybe something else spooked them,” she said, thinking aloud.

  “Kristen, what’s going on?” It was Steel’s voice. He had been in bed when he noticed the flashing of red and blue lights reflecting off his bedroom walls.

  Uncharacteristic for her, Kristen ran into Steel’s arms. “Someone broke in and trashed the place,” she cried. With her arms wrapped around Steel’s waist, she felt safe. She could hear his heart beating quickly as his strong arms embraced her.

  “Sir, this is a cri…,” the Sergeant began before realizing the man hugging Kristen was Andrew Steel. “Steel, is that you?”

  “Sergeant, how’ve ya been?” Steel would’ve shaken his old Sergeant’s hand, but both of them were currently busy consoling Kristen. He could feel her shaking as he held her tightly.

  After the police report was completed, everyone but Steel left. “Let me help you clean this mess up,” he offered. He had seen a very different side to Kristen. A side that only made him like her more. She was not the headstrong woman he had encountered before, but someone more vulnerable. She needed him and he was glad he could be there for her.

  “Everything is such a mess!” Kristen cried as she looked around overwhelmed. Although she was no longer concerned with why nothing was missing, Steel was. He knew that the way the place was ran-sacked could only mean one thing…the robbers were looking for something very specific. He wasn’t sure if they had found it or not, but he certainly intended to find out.

  As he and Kristen cleaned up and re-packed the boxes, he wanted to get something off of his chest. “Kristen, I wanted to apologize to you for how I behaved that first day,” he said.

  “You already made up for that when you brought over lunch,” Kristen said with the first signs of a smile Steel had seen on her all night.

  “I know, but I wanted to actually say it,” Steel replied. Kristen couldn’t figure him out. How could someone be so arrogant at one moment, yet sweet at another? And, how could she be attracted to both the arrogance and sweetness.

  Kristen stared at Steel for a minute. She could see he meant every word. She stepped towards him, hoping she could reach him before she lost the courage to do what she had wanted to do from the first day she met him.

  Steel stood still, bewildered, as Kristen pulled his face towards her. He knew she was involved, but he didn’t care. He wanted her and, at least at that moment, she wanted him too.

  As their lips met, he felt his heartbeat quicken and his manhood begin to harden. He pulled back to look in Kristen’s eyes. He needed to see if she had any regrets over kissing him. The only thing he saw was her desire for him. Not wanting to give himself a chance to turn back, he scooped her into his arms and carried her upstairs. He laid her gently on the bed, before going over to close the door. “Is this okay?” he asked, giving her one more chance to stop what was about to happen.

  Kristen couldn’t speak. Her heart was pounding, and she wanted Steel more than any other man she had ever been with. She nodded her head to show her consent. It was then that Steel returned to the bed and kissed her once again.

  As they kissed, Steel pulled Kristen’s shirt over her head. He kissed her neck, making his way down to her cleavage. Both of their breathing was heavy, and Kristen released a soft moan as Steel expertly unhooked her lace bra.

  Steel stood before going any further and removed his shirt. Kristen was in awe as she looked at his perfectly sculpted body. The only imperfection was a scar on his abdomen. It looked too messy to be from a surgery,
so she assumed it that he was stabbed while on the job as a police officer. Somehow, that made the scar sexy.

  “I want you so badly,” Steel said breathlessly as he returned to kissing Kristen’s cleavage. She cupped her breast in his hand and softly kissed her erect nipple, tracing it with his warm and wet tongue. He repeated the process on the other breast, taking his time to make sure Kristen was enjoying every second.

  “I want you too,” Kristen said back. She couldn’t take it much longer. Her body was on fire. She pulled Steel towards her and quickly unbuttoned his jeans. As she pulled the zipper down, she kissed his stomach…giving each ab muscle its own kiss.

  As she kissed her way farther south, she lowered his jeans, exposing the rest of his tanned and toned body. He kept kissing until she reached his erect manhood. Giving head was never something that interested her very much, but Kristen was dying to pleasure Steel’s firm cock with her mouth. He was bigger than anyone she had ever been with, but she did her best to please him. From the sounds of his load moans, she was doing a good job.

  “Wait up!” Steel said, stepping back. “You’re doing too good of a job,” he laughed as he explained that he wanted to prolong the pleasure.

  The two made love for two hours before collapsing in each other’s arms. Steel gently caressed Kristen’s forehead, combing the hair from her face, as she fell asleep. As much as he loved the intimacy they shared, he found his mind circulating back to the robbery. He knew he needed to figure out what was going on. Kristen’s life might depend on it!


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