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Convincing the Alpha (Hobson Hills Omegas Book 8)

Page 13

by C. W. Gray

  Zed looked away for a moment. He still didn’t know how to feel about his dad. He may not know for a while. All he felt was tired and sad.

  Noah’s arms wrapped around him, and he sank against him. They stayed like that for a while, and Zed let himself rest. Griff and Justin still think I take care of Noah. He shook his head. Noah was his rock as much as he was Noah’s.

  He leaned back and took a breath before signing. “I want to keep the kids.”

  “Me too,” Noah signed. “They need someone, and Griff and Justin both have kids. We’ll love them and make sure they’re safe and healthy.”

  “Are you sure?” Zed winced as he signed. “I know this wasn’t the plan. Life might be easier for you if –”

  Noah shook his head and pulled Zed’s hands down. “Now I know how you felt when we started dating,” he said aloud. “Don’t be stupid. We’re together in this. All the way. That’s what loving someone is about.” He let go of Zed’s hands. “I’ll talk to Uncle Marco and Uncle Bennett tomorrow. They’re still foster parents and have adopted three kids now. They’re actually legally adopting Tomás now too, even if he is an adult, so make that four. Maybe they can help us.”

  Zed chuckled. “Marco offered to take them in temporarily if they had to go to a foster home until we figured things out. I love your family,” he signed.

  “They love you too.” Noah traced his mouth. “I love you. I wish I would have told you sooner. I think I’ve loved you since I met you.”

  “Damn it, Noah. The things you do to me.” Zed kissed him softly and pushed him down onto the bed, covering his body with his own.

  “Are you my phone charger?” Noah asked, nipping at Zed’s chin. “Because without you, I’d die.”

  Zed snorted out a laugh, then covered Noah’s mouth with his own.

  Chapter 15

  Noah rolled his shoulders, then grabbed the last two bags of feed from the truck and held them over his shoulder. Mary tugged her tiny work gloves up her wrists, then picked up the last small bag of goat treats and put it over her shoulder. Together, they carried their load to the feed room at back of the rescue barn.

  Mary had been his constant companion since the kids arrived two days ago. She seemed content with the quiet but had happily started learning some signs from Noah and Olive.

  Noah worried about her. Seth was pretty open with his feelings about losing his parents, but Mary hadn’t said anything when they’d told her. She’d just hugged Noah and asked to play with Tuffy.

  The funeral for their parents was next week, and neither one of them wanted to go. Zed and Noah were both conflicted on whether they should ask them to or not.

  Noah tossed the bags of feed onto the growing pile and chuckled when Mary tossed her bag onto her own little stack of treats and other lighter weight supplies. “Supply day is hard work, Mary. Do you need a break?”

  She chewed on her lip and nodded. “Can we play with Peanut?”

  Noah scooped her up and hugged her before spinning her around. “That sounds fun.”

  They could really use some fun too. Yesterday, it had taken hours to finish with the people in Delamont. The police wanted to know what Seth saw, but there wasn’t a question of what had happened. The evidence was clear. They’d follow up with them, but that was the easy part.

  The hard part had been the lawyers and child services. It had taken Sheriff McKenzie, Diane’s letter of recommendation, and several of Uncle Bennett and Uncle Marco’s contacts within child services to ensure that the kids would stay with Zed for the time being. He really hadn’t wanted them to have to go a foster home while the courts figured their shit out.

  Denise, the kids’ mom, had planned ahead enough to make a will, but the fact she murdered her husband complicated things.

  For now, though, the kids were with Zed and Noah, and he had every intention of making sure it stayed that way.

  Noah grabbed the brushes and a bag of hair bows before opening Peanut’s stall. Mary had taken a liking to the pintaloosa, and, of course, Peanut loved being loved.

  He handed Mary a brush, and she started running it through Peanut’s mane. She watched Noah as he brushed down Peanut’s rump and side.

  She patted Peanut’s back to get his attention, and he looked up, smiling. “Mommy and Daddy are dead.”

  Noah’s smile faded, and he nodded. “Yes, sweetheart. I’m sorry.”

  “Is it…” She seemed to struggle with the words but kept her face tilted up toward Noah instead of looking away. “Is it my fault?”

  Noah set the brush down and skirted around Peanut so he could kneel in front of May. “No, Mary. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Fuck, what do I say? How do I explain this?

  She looked down, mumbling something, so he tilted her chin up. “Remember, sweetheart. I need to see your face to speechread.”

  “Sorry,” she said, then signed I’m sorry.

  He hugged her, then leaned back. “It’s okay. Now, why would you think it was your fault?”

  “Mommy was upset,” Mary said, then waited for Noah to nod before continuing. “I wouldn’t clean my room, and Daddy kept yelling at me.”

  Noah wanted to growl at the thought of anyone yelling at her, but he could admit to himself, he was a little attached to Mary. He may not have the clearest head here.

  “Mommy got mad at me too.” Mary’s lip trembled, and she spoke a little too fast for him to read the rest of her words.

  “Can you repeat that last part for me, Mary? I’m sorry.”

  Mary patted his cheek. “It’s okay. Mommy told me I was selfish and lazy. She said I made her sad all the time.”

  Now Noah wanted to yell at Denise. “I think maybe your mom was upset about something else when she said those things.”

  “But she said them,” Mary said, eyes watering. “Then she died.”

  He closed his eyes and hugged her as her small body shook with her sobs. Peanut nuzzled her arm and leaned against them, offering what comfort she could.

  “I’m sorry they died, Mary, but I’m so happy you’re here,” he said against her ear. He really hoped he was whispering like he thought he was. “I don’t think you’re selfish or lazy. I know your mom loved you too. She sent you to Zed, and he’s the absolute best person in the whole world.”

  Mary leaned back, face red and eyes swollen from crying. “You won’t leave. Right? You and Zed won’t die, will you?”

  Shit, shit, shit, he thought. What do I say to that? He licked his lips. “We’ll be here for a good long while, M.”

  She wiped her eyes. “I like it here. Peanut and Tuffy are my friends, and Olive is nice too.”

  Noah hugged her again, then stood. “Let’s finish pampering Peanut. You know Jelly and Butter want their turns too.”

  Mary smiled shyly and nodded. “Okay.”

  A few hours later, he left Mary with Olive in the living room. The two were playing some game on the Xbox. Mary would start school next week, even though there was only a month left in the semester. Noah was glad Olive would be there to make sure she settled in.

  Connor, Bea, Min, Cooper, and Captain Hoof chased each other around the house, stumbling over toys as they went. Olive and the twins had donated a couple of boxes of toys and books for Mary and Pike. Connor had even spent half an hour trying to show the baby how to play with his ABC Carrybag. None of them had the heart to tell him Pike was too young for the toy.

  Noah’s house had never been so cluttered, and he kind of couldn’t wait for Zed to get home and see it. He wanted to see his alpha’s eye twitch.

  Elijah puttered around the kitchen making lunch while Noah changed Pike’s diaper on the fold-up card table he used for poker nights.

  Noah’s eyes watered. “Are they supposed to smell this bad?”

  Elijah’s body shook as he laughed and nodded. “Welcome to fatherhood.”

  Pike smiled around the fist in his mouth, and Noah couldn’t help but smile back. “You stink like a decomposing, beached whale, Pike,
but I still love you.”

  Elijah tapped the table to get his attention. Noah looked up.

  “Where’s Seth?” Elijah asked.

  “He went to work with Zed today. I think Z wanted them to have bonding time.”

  “Are you really okay with all of this?” Elijah signed, shooting guilty looks toward Mary and Pike.

  Noah took his time and really thought about it. He’d do what he had to because Zed’s family was Noah’s family, but he found that he truly enjoyed the kids being here.

  “I like spending time with Olive and the twins,” he finally signed. “This is different, but it’s just as good. It’s new though. Ask me again in a month, and we’ll see if that changes.” He really didn’t think it would, but the kids had only been there two days.

  Elijah kissed his cheek. “I love you,” he said aloud.

  Noah finished fastening Pike’s diaper, then gave his brother a hug and gently rubbed his large baby bump. “Love you too. You’ll show me how to be a good dad, right?”

  Elijah’s eyes lit up. “I’m the big brother, aren’t I? It’s my job.”

  Later that night, Noah left the kids in the house with Marco and Bennett and worked on finishing up his chores.

  Dean had stepped up to work with Diane and the three patients scheduled for the day. Noah had never been so glad he’d hired the man, even part-time. He’d make him full-time in a heartbeat, but Dean worked full-time for Marco, and there was only one Dean to go around, damn it.

  I need more help. With more patients, he finally felt like he could hire another employee.

  The lights flickered on and off, and he looked up, smiling when he saw Emmet at the door.

  “Where’s your little partner?” Emmet asked once he’d moved closer. Noah had sent him pictures of Mary in her overalls and straw hat earlier that day.

  Noah nodded hello. “She wanted to play with Tuffy. Uncle Marco and Uncle Bennett are watching Mary and Pike now. You and Saul need to come meet everyone. You’ll love them.”

  “Do you need help with furniture or painting?” Emmet asked.

  Noah shook his head. “Pike’s room is all that’s left to finish up. Yesterday, everyone came and got Seth and Mary’s rooms ready. I never realized kids needed so much furniture.”

  Sadness flashed in Emmet’s eyes before he managed to hide it. “That’s what I hear. Do you need any help around here? Saul and I have more free time than we know what to do with.”

  They already did so much, so Noah almost told him no, but something stopped him. He thought of Zed and how much he liked staying busy. Emmet worked at his dad’s hardware store a few towns over, and Saul worked as a mechanic about two hours away. They seemed to enjoy the ranch a lot and spent more days here than not.

  “Would you or Saul be interested in a job here?” he asked aloud.

  Emmet blinked in surprise. “I know I would. My dad is retiring and my brother’s taking over the store. We don’t get along. I think Saul wants to make a move too.”

  It took him a minute to process Emmet’s words, but Noah liked the idea of having Saul and Emmet closer to him. “Come to dinner tonight and bring Saul. We’ll talk about it.”

  Emmet smiled widely. “You just want us to change diapers, don’t you?”

  “It crossed my mind.” Noah made a face. “Babies are cute, but they stink. If you don’t mind helping, I’m a little behind in bringing the horses in. I don’t like leaving them out overnight. It still gets a little too cold.”

  “I’m on it.” Emmet spun around and headed for the doorway where Zed stood watching them, Pike on his hip. The two men fist bumped, then Zed slowly walked toward Noah.

  Why does he look like he’s stalking me? Noah emptied the bin of food into Roger’s feed bowl and eyed Zed warily. Carrying a baby shouldn’t be sexy.

  Zed smirked and slid into Noah’s space, wrapping an arm around him and bringing him in for a kiss, then leaning back so Noah could speechread. “How many kids do Marco and Bennett have in total?”

  “A million,” Noah answered quickly. “Are they all here?”

  “Yeah.” Zed kissed him again. “Tomás and Shawn are painting Pike’s new room, and the rest are hanging out with Seth and Mary.”

  Noah nodded. “Elijah and his brood were here this afternoon. I don’t think we’re going to have any privacy for a while. I’m sorry my family is a little overwhelming.”

  Zed gave him a soft look. “I’m not complaining. It’s not like Griff and Bea aren’t here too. Even Justin, Ronnie, and Tanner showed up. Why do you think Pike and I came to the barn?”

  “Can we just stay here?” Noah asked and tickled Pike’s sides. The baby’s face lit up with laughter.

  He was too busy laughing at Pike to see what Zed said. When the other alpha stiffened and spun around, Noah turned around. The barn door was open, and Marco had Noah’s dad pinned to it, hand wrapped around his throat.

  Shit, Noah thought and followed Zed to the two men.

  Noah couldn’t tell what Marco was saying, but Steven’s face was white and full of fear. When he saw Noah, a dark little wiggle of cruelty flashed in his eyes. “Son,” he said. “Help me.”

  Steven tried to say something else, but his lips moved too fast. It didn’t matter though. He was there for one reason – money. Steven didn’t care that Noah had three children now or that he was getting married. He wasn’t cooking dinner for Noah and Zed so that they could catch their breath. He hadn’t hauled over furniture for the kids. He wasn’t painting Pike’s room. He hadn’t texted Noah a thousand times today to ask if he needed anything.

  He didn’t care a single bit about Noah or Elijah. For once, it was very clear to Noah that Steven Wilson wasn’t his family. He wasn’t Noah’s dad.

  “Shut up,” Noah said aloud and pulled his phone out. “Why can’t you just go away and stay gone? You ruin everything. Elijah and I aren’t afraid of you, and we don’t care about you anymore. You lost us. Now, I’m texting Sheriff McKenzie, and if you’re still here when he arrives, I don’t give a fuck if you rot in jail.”

  Steven snarled and started to say something, but Noah didn’t care. He turned around and sent a quick text to McKenzie. By the time he turned back around, Steven was gone, and Marco and Zed watched him with wide eyes.

  Noah sighed and hugged Marco, trying to push away the guilt shooting up in his gut at the words he had spoken. He wasn’t responsible for Steven Wilson. “You’re my dad. You’ve been there for me since I moved here. I’m done with him. Completely and utterly done.”

  Marco’s arms tightened around him, and Noah let himself enjoy the dad hug. Marco was so good at them. He jumped a little when Zed hugged him from behind but settled easily, until Pike gave him a slobbery kiss on the cheek.

  “Eww, baby drool.” Noah made a face and wiped his cheek before grabbing Pike to press kisses all over his chubby face.

  Marco’s laugh shook his body. “Get used to it,” he signed. “Babies drool a lot.”

  A couple of days later, Noah lounged on the couch and watched a movie with Zed’s arm stretched over his shoulders. Mary leaned against Noah as she sat beside him with Tuffy, and Pike slept in his lap. Seth and Captain Hoof shared the recliner.

  The lights were dimmed, the room smelled like slightly burned popcorn, and toys were still strewn all around the room. Noah loved it. It was a soft and quiet moment after a hectic week.

  He turned and watched Zed. His alpha was focused on the show, brow furrowed in concentration. Noah felt a surge of affection for him. He loved the man, but he respected the hell out of him too. Zed was a calm and steady presence and a natural nurturer.

  Despite being thoroughly loved and spoiled by the Wilson family for the past three years, Noah was well aware other families weren’t always as accepting and loving. His parents had sold him out in a heartbeat for a small monthly check, and most people wouldn’t have taken in three surprise siblings.

  People like Zed, Elijah, and Marco were meant to be cheris
hed. Noah would do his damnedest to make sure Zed knew how valuable he really was. For now, he would relish this happy moment.

  A horrible stench wafted from Pike. Damn it!

  Noah wrinkled his nose and stood. Zed started to get up too, but Noah waved him away. Mary just wiggled closer to Zed and settled her head against her brother.

  Noah wished he could take a picture of the two, but his eyes were watering and he was sure the paint would start peeling from the walls soon.

  He held Pike away from him and carefully walked up the stairs, only stumbling once. By the time he made it to the changing table in the hallway, he was gagging. “Pike, what did we feed you today?”

  Drool dribbled down Pike’s chin as he grinned. Noah’s eyes widened, and he whimpered when he saw a trail of watery brown shit slowly running down the baby’s plump leg.

  “Zed,” he screamed, throat aching at the volume.

  Seconds later, Zed tripped up the stairs, Seth, Mary, and Captain Hoof hard on his heels. Zed gave him a panicked, scared look. “What’s wrong?”

  Noah shuddered and handed him Pike. “I’m going to puke.”

  Chapter 16


  Zed scowled as he tugged on the strap of one of the bags he carried. “Why the hell am I here?”

  Carter gave him a dry look. “I ask myself that same question every time they drag me out here.”

  Noah grinned and leaned up to kiss him before following Juan and a very pregnant Ernie with his own bags of equipment. Oh yeah. That’s why I’m here. A break from the kids is supposed to be nice, right?

  Carter, Mateo, and Zed brought up the rear of the group. The sun was getting low in the sky, and they’d been tromping through the woods for a good three hours.

  “Does Ernie really need to be out here?” he whispered to Carter and Mateo.

  “Not at all. In fact, Reuben will likely be waiting on us when we get back. He’s going to be pissed.” Mateo seemed unconcerned. “Don’t worry too much though. Juan is taking it real slow, and if you watch, him and Noah are hovering over Ernie instead of focusing on the woods. They won’t find Bigfoot that way, but Ernie was desperate to get out of the house.”


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