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The Scars Keeper

Page 11

by Scarlet Wolfe

  “Oh, no.”

  “Get to your next class before your peers spread rumors about the crush you have on your physics teacher. I’m sure you wouldn’t want them calling you a slut.”

  My lip quivers, and it makes me think of Hayden and the way his thumb once skimmed over it, expressing his concern. I stomp to the door but turn around once I reach it.

  “You disgust me, and for the record, I’ll despise every second of you touching me.”

  “Oh, I think we’ll reverse roles tomorrow, and you’ll touch me. Maybe you’ll enjoy that more.” Leaning back in his chair, he threads his hands behind his head and smiles.

  This man believes he’s unstoppable, and the sad part is I don’t know how to change that.

  I flee his room, and the second my feet touch the hallway, my arm is grabbed. I’m pulled to the side, and Hayden looks me over. Panic, rage, anxiousness. It’s all visible in his facial expressions.

  Once his gaze falls to my hand, he swipes the paper from my fingers and reads it. His eyebrows pinch together, and he wads it up in his hand as he stalks away.

  “Hayden, no!” I hurry behind him, and before I can grab it back, he shoves it inside his pocket. “You have to give that back to me.”

  I scurry until I’m in front of him walking backward. “Please. You don’t understand what he’s going to do to me if I don’t go.”

  His eyes fill with fury, and he moves fast toward me, shifting our direction until I’m backed against a locker. A hand slams to the left of my head, and he leans into me.

  “I know exactly what he’s going to do to you if you do go, and it’s not happening.”

  “Hey, what do you think you’re doing?” Blake asks Hayden as he shoves him in the shoulder.

  God, could this get any worse?

  As if in slow motion, Hayden’s head turns to Blake. “If you touch me again, you’re going to regret it. Now, go away.” His eyes come back to mine, and the anger in them is rolling at a full boil, fogging over his black eyes.

  “Avery? What the hell?” Blake asks.

  “We’re talking, and I’m fine. Trust me, you need to go.”

  “Oh, I see. Is he why you were cool with us breaking up?”

  Once again, Hayden’s head turns.

  “Walk away before you end up in the fetal position at my feet.”

  “We’re talking about this later,” Blake spouts as he points at me. Once he storms off, I glance around, and several students have their feet cemented to the floor as they watch.

  “Are you trying to draw attention to this situation?” I whisper harshly. “Everyone in this school is going to be talking about this now.”

  “I don’t care about everyone else; I only care about you.”

  “That’s not fair of you to say after what happened the other day.”

  He drops his hand from the locker.

  “I know, but I can’t help it where you’re concerned. It’s become my job to look after you.”

  As he gauges my reaction, I’m unable to hide the way his words melt my heart. He has me if he wants me, and he knows it. “Will you meet me in the woods this evening to talk?”

  “If you’ll promise to give me back that paper.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Then I’ll ask him for his address again.”

  “Stop being stubborn and meet me tonight so we can discuss it.”

  “Fine. I have a tennis match, but I can be there at seven.”

  Satisfied with my answer, he steps back so I can move. We stroll next to each other without a verbal word, but there’s a vibration between us.

  An unspoken connection.

  A magnetic pull.

  To the naked eye we’re not touching, but there’s no denying the draw our hands have to each other’s. Our pinkies bump, and I can hardly resist threading my fingers through his.

  “Hayden,” I utter.

  Barely turning his head, he peers down at me. I feel the flush to my skin and the tingling, too. I tremble as I stare up at him.

  “Don’t look at me that way. It makes me want something I can’t have.”

  Like they often do, my ears ring, and I’m lightheaded, too, but this time it’s not from impending doom. It’s from the attraction I feel for Hayden.

  It’s the way each syllable from his lips is profound. They make up a heated branding iron that marks me and claims me as his.

  Words meant to push me away are unconvincing, betrayed by the longing in his gaze. He already kissed me and proclaimed his need to protect me. I don’t know why he believes he can’t have me, but I’ll prove to him he can.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Arriving at the circle clearing, I find Hayden. Like always in this space, he’s calm and appears cool as ever. Today, a brown t-shirt showcases his muscles and blends him in with our surroundings.

  He has an arm draped casually over the back of the bench while his stretched out legs cross at the ankle.

  “Hi,” I say.

  “Hey. How was tennis?”

  “I won.”

  He smiles. “I don’t know a damn thing about tennis, but I get the meaning of that word.”

  “Can I sit down?”

  “You don’t have to ask.”

  I take a seat on the bench to the right of him and think about how many things I do need to ask. There is so much more to learn about him.

  “So, did you work hard over spring break?”

  “All but the two days it poured down rain.”

  “It was a boring week for me.”

  “You never came back here, did you?” He shoves hair behind his ear, and it’s his one hint that divulges he’s at least a touch nervous.

  “Nope. I told you I wouldn’t.”

  “Yet, here you are.”

  Shoving his arm, I roll my eyes.

  “You insisted, but I can leave if you’d like.”

  “No, we need to talk.” Sitting up, he leans his torso over and rests his forearms on his legs. His hands lace in front of him. “You can’t go to Mr. Bradford’s house tomorrow. Tell me you won’t do it.”

  I don’t reply. I can’t. He’s going to get angry like every other male I don’t agree with. He turns his head back to peer at me. “Tell me you won’t go.”

  “I don’t know what else to do. He has me trapped and will fail me.”

  Jumping up, Hayden stomps a few feet forward before he spins around to face me. His hands are formed into fists and eyes glacial.

  “So you’re going to give him whatever he wants just to pass a class? Explain to me how that’s more important because I sure as hell don’t get it.”

  “I told you I don’t want everyone finding out. The media will run with it, and I won’t put my parents through that.” I press my elbows to my knees and bury my face. “And what if no one believes me?”

  My hands are yanked down, and Hayden is squatting in front of me. He’s squeezing my fingers inside his and breathing harshly.

  “You’re better than this. You don’t deserve to have him controlling you or touching you.” Leaning his forehead over, he presses it to our entwined fingers. “Fuck, I can’t even think about his hands being on you. It makes me want to kill him.”

  His eyes bore into mine again. “Sometimes we have to do what’s difficult to keep us and others safe. It might not be what we want, but it’s what’s right.

  “Hell, it’s why I’m almost two thousand miles from home. If you don’t have the ability to stop him, then I will. He’s not touching you again.”

  “No, I can’t risk you getting in trouble.”

  “I won’t. You have to trust me on this.”

  Staring at the dirt ground, I shake my head.

  “What if he’s dangerous? He’s evil, and I couldn’t take it if he hurt you.”

  “He’s not gonna do shit to me. Once he finds out I know, he’s gonna back the fuck off.” Hayden grips my chin and tilts it up.

  “Look at me. Let me
handle this for you.”

  I imagine Mr. Bradford opening his front door to me. He’ll be wearing that sinister smile while he makes me do things to him I’ve only ever done to Blake, someone I felt safe with.

  Then, I can picture my teacher doing things to me that’s never been done to my body. He’d break my last shred of hope and dignity in two.

  “Don’t cry,” Hayden whispers. I blink a few times not having noticed the tears trailing down my cheeks. Releasing my chin, he brushes them away. “Say it’s OK for me to fix this.”

  “OK, but only because I wouldn’t survive the deplorable acts he wants to do with me. He’s twisted.”

  Pursing his lips, he scowls.

  “He’s not even going to look you in the eye after today.”

  Cupping his cheek, I lean my head to the side.

  “You look scary on the outside, but you’re not.”

  “I’m scary to those who threaten or harm the people I care about.”

  “Are you saying you care about me?” I use the vulnerable moment to admire the wavy hair surrounding his chin. My fingers have to touch it, too.

  “Yes … as a friend.”

  “Right. I almost forgot.” Frustrated that he’s denying there’s more between us, I slide my butt along the bench some so I can get up and around him.

  Upon standing, I feel my muscles getting tight from tennis, so I stretch. He’s standing facing me now, and as my tank top rides up, I watch his eyes travel to my stomach. It’s the part that’s unscarred and toned, the skin smooth and perfect.

  He grumbles and shifts his gaze. I can’t figure the guy out.

  “I need to go,” he says.

  “Be careful, Hayden, and thank you.”


  Easing up on the throttle of my bike so Mr. Bradford won’t hear me approaching, I come to a stop in front of the home I think is his.

  The ride here was a blur as my anger grew and grew. I kept picturing the fear I saw in Avery’s eyes as she thought about his plans for her.

  I want to do more than bloody the man up, but it’s not who I am, and I have no desire to go to prison.

  I pull out the slip of paper from my pocket and make sure I’m at the right address in a town about fifteen minutes from me.

  It’s a small, older brick house in an established neighborhood. I’m guessing this is his first home purchase, and if he doesn’t want to lose it, he’ll do exactly as he’s told.

  Leaving my helmet on my bike, I march up the sloped driveway toward the garage ahead. I then veer left to tread along the small concrete walkway that leads to his front door.

  I suck in a breath and knock. Footsteps get closer, but about twenty seconds pass before he cracks the door with a look of panic and trepidation.

  He must’ve peeked out his large living room window that stretches across a portion of the front of his house.

  “Uh, Hayden, what are you doing here?”

  Without hesitation, I draw my right fist back and drill him straight in the nose. He stumbles back, so I step inside his house.

  He slumps over while holding a hand to his nose that’s already gushing blood. I grab his shoulder and sucker punch him right in the gut. Groaning, he slumps to his knees.

  He’s trying to get words out, but he’s too stunned and in pain. He’s more of a wuss than I thought. I grab his shirt and drag him up.

  “What the hell was that for? I’m calling the cops as soon as you leave.” I shove him against his open front door and pin him there. Blood is seeping through his fingers as he stares at me in fear.

  “We’re having a chat, and you won’t be calling the cops unless you want to leave here in handcuffs for assaulting Avery.”

  His eyes widen, the fear in them magnifying.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Bullshit. Everyone in class sees you stealing looks at her tits and ass. I saw your hands on her that day after school, and she told me about your sick plans for her.

  “I’m also aware she’s supposed to show up here tomorrow, but here’s what’s going to happen instead. You’re not going to so much as look her in the eye from here on out.

  “You’re going to give her an A in physics, too, which you damn well know she would’ve earned if you weren’t messing with her head every day.

  “If you don’t follow my instructions with Avery, you will pay for it big time. You have no clue where I come from and the power I hold.

  “One phone call, and there will be fifty men or more on motorcycles rolling into this subdivision who’d fuck someone up for me without question. They’ll do to you all the perverted things you had planned for Avery. Have I made myself clear?”

  He nods swiftly, terror owning every ounce of his being. Damn, this man is weak. He’s not even going to lie again or put up a fight with an eighteen-year-old.

  “One more thing … Shit gets around, so if Avery or I ever find out you’re doing this to another girl, we will go to the school and authorities and turn your ass in.”

  I free him from my grip, and he slumps again while choking on the blood running down the back of his throat.

  “My job here is done. I’ll leave so you can tend to that broken nose.”

  With adrenaline roaring through me, I storm to my bike and take off. I rev the engine, reveling in the fact that I own his ass and I protected my girl.

  My girl.

  I wish. Why does my life have to be so damn complicated? Someone as smart and driven as she is has to be going off to college. Maybe we could be together until then.

  I’ll convince Pop to let me move back to Arizona while she leaves to become something great she can be proud of. That’s not the life I’m destined for, but I’d at least have the memories of a short time spent with her.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “You seem nervous,” my mother says as we sit at the dining room table eating a late dinner. By late I mean it’s almost nine o’clock.

  “Oh, I just have a lot on my mind about school and tennis.”

  “The news about your tutoring is promising,” Dad says. “I’m proud of you for bringing that grade up and for doing well at your match today, although, I wish you’d scored more points over your opponent on each set.”

  I drop my fork onto my plate.

  “What news about tutoring?”

  “Oh, before you came to the table, I received an email from Mr. Bradford saying you got a 100% on your pop quiz and wouldn’t need to be tutored any longer.” Dad points his fork at me. “So, no backsliding.”

  Although I’m a nervous wreck wondering what Hayden did, and how things could’ve changed so quickly with Mr. Bradford, I smile at my dad.

  “Of course not. I’m studying hard.”

  He still criticized me about tennis, but at least he said he’s proud. He hasn’t spoken those words in a long time.

  My phone keeps blowing up with texts as it rests in my pocket. I shovel the last few bites of food inside my mouth and hurry to my room.

  I wish I’d gotten Hayden’s number so I could find out what happened. I pull my phone out and see I have a missed call from Madison. I also have a string of texts from Blake demanding to know what’s going on with Hayden and me.

  I’ll call Madison first.

  “Hey,” I say once she answers.

  “Hi. Is everything OK?”

  “Yeah, why?” Oh, god, is something going around about Mr. Bradford and Hayden?

  “Blake was furious today. He told Keegan at track that you were up close and personal with Hayden Jamison.

  “I didn’t believe it, but he had too many details about Hayden telling Blake to leave and stuff. What happened?”

  “Oh, uh, Hayden is my neighbor. We just realized it recently. Anyway, we were chatting in the hallway about our physics lesson, and Blake showed up being aggressive, so it pissed off Hayden and they exchanged words. It wasn’t as big a deal as Blake made it out to be.”

h. Blake must’ve been jealous then. So, do you like the bad boy? He is so fine to look at, but isn’t it weird to talk to him? And how does he have the money to live in your subdivision? What kind of jobs do his parents have?”

  “Slow down there, Maddie. One question at a time.” I’m quiet, shuffling around in my head the things I could say. She is my best friend. Maybe it’s time for some honesty.

  “Weeelll?” she asks.

  “OK, listen, I will tell you, but I’m begging you to keep it between us until I see what happens. You can’t even share it with Keegan because he’ll tell Blake.” Keegan is Madison’s boyfriend and Blake’s best friend.

  “Sure, what?”

  “I like him, but he claims we’re only going to be friends. I’m hoping to wear him down because he’s amazing. He’s nothing like he seems on the outside. He’s so sweet.”

  “You’ve hung out with him already?”

  “Only recently, and it’s why I didn’t mind Blake breaking up with me. Not to mention, he was pressuring me way too much for sex when we weren’t even staying together.

  “I knew he’d screw around on spring break, so it was time to end our relationship.”

  “You’d really date Hayden?” she asks almost sounding repulsed.

  “You just said he was fine looking. What would be wrong with us dating?”

  “Yeah, he’s hot, but he doesn’t hang out with us. Ave, he’s like a total stoner. Rumor is he might even deal drugs like his friend Joey. Do you really want everyone seeing you two together?”

  “I don’t care what everyone thinks. It shouldn’t matter that he’s not popular or in our circle of friends. He’s nice to me and respectful.”

  “It does matter. You have a reputation to uphold, along with your friends’ reputations. Maybe Hayden’s not nice. You don’t know him that well.”

  “And that’s you forming an opinion based on rumors and his appearance. I’m well aware we’re popular, but I would like to think one reason why is because we’re nice to others. It’s not all about us being attractive or wealthy.


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