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The Scars Keeper

Page 13

by Scarlet Wolfe

  I push forward until our chests are flush and he’s hard beneath me. While gripping the back of my head, he pulls his mouth away with a sharp inhale and presses my head to his shoulder. His choppy breaths flow into my ear, causing a shudder.

  “Damn, that was intense,” he utters, “and hot as hell, but we need to slow down. After everything you’ve been through, I’m not rushing with you. We’ll take our time.”

  I sit up and smile. “You plan for us to do more of that.”

  He chuckles and cradles my cheeks.

  “Yeah, if you’ll let me, I do. At least through summer, and we can figure things out then. I give, Avery. You’re mine, and I won’t fight it another second if you’re willing to accept what that means.”

  “OK,” I say quizzically.

  “Where I come from, making you mine means I’m taking full responsibility to protect you. It also means you’re only mine.

  “You have to be able to tell me you won’t go back to Blake, because I can say with certainty that he’s jealous.”

  “I only want to be with you.”

  “Another guy cannot touch you ever, so I’m trusting that you’ll do your part to prevent it. If it happens, the person will pay. I won’t be able to restrain my anger.”

  “I won’t allow another man to touch me.”

  “I get the impression a lot of people in your life have controlled you, especially that cocksucker teacher. I’m not trying to do that, but I was raised to be possessive.”

  He presses his lips to mine with an ease and softness that pulls me into a deeper well of comfort.

  “Baby, I want to be the only man privileged enough to peel away these unique layers of yours. Can you do all this for me?”

  I nod fast and grin broadly as my world blooms wide open. Reaching into the gift bag, he pulls out the journal.

  “When you feel the need to cut, write in this for me. Tell it your secrets because it pains me not to be able to protect you from yourself.”

  “OK. I’ll do it with my girly pink pen.” Letting my face go, he grips my waist.

  “Shit, you’re twisting up my insides. How did you do this to me? I think the princess has magic powers.”

  I frown. “Please don’t call me that. You should see by now that I’m no better than the next person.”

  “I get it, but you’re you, and she’s special, especially to me.”

  “You’re special, too. So, so special. I can’t thank you enough for saving me.”

  “Kiss me again. That’s enough of a thank you.” I’m eager to do what he says because he’s different. He’s kind and thoughtful, and makes me feel safe.

  We kiss and kiss, our tongues learning, memorizing, and tasting. His gentleness almost brings me to tears. The way his hand strokes my back or moves to touch my hair.

  A thumb grazes my cheek or skims down my neck. When our kiss becomes heated again, and I sense we’re both about to take it to another level, I free my lips and rest my head on his shoulder.

  “I’m so glad you found me that day. To think I could’ve missed out on this hurts.”

  “I’m glad I found you, too, even if you are trouble.”

  I giggle against him before I reluctantly climb off his lap. After picking up my bag, I kiss his cheek.

  “Thank you for the gift. It was thoughtful. I can’t figure you out, so I look forward to peeling back your layers, too.”

  He frowns, and I wish I knew why. I glance to the ground. “Um, what happens at school tomorrow?”

  “You’re the one in the spotlight. I’ll leave it up to you. I’m good with whatever makes you comfortable. For now, anyway.” He smirks. “Possessive, remember?”

  “I wish I didn’t have tennis tomorrow. I’d have you give me a ride to school on that badass bike of yours.”

  His eyes light up. “Hell, yeah. I’ll come back and get you after tennis.” He pulls his phone from his pocket. “Give me your number, and I’ll text you. You can let me know when you’re ready in the morning.”

  “Cool.” I spout off my digits and walk away. I’m giddy, nervous and overwhelmed. So much is happening and fast, but the excitement is amazing.

  I’m barely to the path when my phone buzzes. Coming to a stop, I fish it from my front pocket, read the words and smile.

  Chapter Twenty


  Sleep was scarce again, but I didn’t mind because it gave me more time to fantasize about Hayden and all I’m loving about him: our kiss, the way his body felt against mine, and his intense dark eyes.

  Lord, everything about him sets me on fire. The way he declared me as his didn’t feel controlling. I felt loved and protected. Of course, I’m sure he doesn’t love me, but it sure seemed like it from his words and gentle touch.

  I believe I’m already falling in love with him, and that scares me since he might not attend college with me, but there’s still a lot of time for his mind to change.

  My hair is in a ponytail today, since I’m riding his bike, and I put on a pair of red skinny jeans, too, with a long-sleeve plaid top in case it’s cold on the way. I have no idea what to expect, but it’s exhilarating to imagine.

  Ready to leave, I shoot him a text message.

  Me: I’m ready, but do you care if I drive down and leave my car parked at your house? I don’t know if my parents would mind me riding on a motorcycle.

  He doesn’t respond immediately, so I grab my book bag and jacket and head to the kitchen. Since I’m early, my dad isn’t down yet. I don’t want to take the time to make coffee, so I drink a glass of orange juice. My phone buzzes on the counter, and I can’t grab it fast enough.

  Hayden: Uh, sure.

  Hmm … I wonder if my request upset him. Maybe he thinks I’m embarrassed for my parents to meet him, but that’s not the case.

  I hurry out the door and make a left out of my driveway. Our homes are spread far enough apart that my parents won’t see my car there unless they go that direction, which they won’t. Since there are vehicles in the driveway, I decide to park on the street.

  He’s doing something at his bike as I stroll up.

  “Hi. Crap, will I be able to take my bags?”

  “Yeah, I can strap them down on the back.”

  “I’ll shove my tennis clothes in my book bag and leave my gym bag in my car.” Hurriedly, I open them up and start moving things around. I run to my car and back and take a deep breath.

  My book bag is on his bike now, and once he turns to me, I see he’s amused.

  “It’s cute that you’re nervous.”

  “I am.”

  “You thought to wear warm clothes. Perfect.”

  Stepping up to me, he ducks his head and plants a short kiss on my lips. The heat is creeping up my neck as our mouths separate. I look away and bite down on my lip.

  “You’ll probably think it’s cheesy, but I missed you already.”

  “You’re gonna force me to share my sissy feelings all the time, aren’t you?” He smirks. “I missed you, too.”

  “Oh, I have something for you.” I reach in my back pocket and pull out the folded bills. “Here’s the money for the doctor visit.”

  His brow knits. “Keep it.”

  I push it toward him. “No. I think my parents were feeling guilty over not allowing me to go on the spring break trip I had planned.

  “Since I would’ve spent money in Florida, they gave me quite a bit of cash last night to go shopping instead. It makes me feel spoiled, so please take it.”

  He swipes it from my hand.

  “OK, but I’m spending it on you. You need a helmet if you’re going to be riding with me.”

  Loving that he’s thinking about a future with me in it, I smile. “I haven’t told you today that you’re sweet.”

  He shakes his head and grins.

  “More feelings. What will I do with you?”

  “I can make you a list of things I’d like, or you could read my journal. I wrote a lot of ideas down in it last night.�

  “Damn, that’s hot, baby.” His heated eyes convey he has a list of his own, and that heat causes the blush of my skin to travel even higher.

  Dropping my gaze, I admire how sexy he is in his ragged leather jacket and frayed jeans, and I can’t wait to wrap my arms around him.

  Picking up a helmet from the seat of his bike, he puts it on me.

  “It’s a little big and why we need to get you your own.”

  He has one for himself, too, and that eases some of my tension. Once we’re on the bike and he starts it up, the sound and vibrations ignite every nerve ending in me.

  My arms encircle his waist snugly. He places his arm over them and pulls them tighter to his body. I squeeze to let him know he has no worries; I’ll be holding on for dear life.


  I take a longer way to school so I can feel Avery’s body against mine. She’s clinging to me like she’s terrified, but once in a while, she’ll let up on her hold, and I could swear I hear her squeal from excitement. I have to laugh.

  I had entertained the idea of giving into her and making her mine countless times, but I thought I could fight it.

  Then, she poked at my heart over and over again in the woods until it busted wide open and let her in. The gratefulness her eyes showed once I told her Mr. Bradford wouldn’t touch her again was one of the times.

  Next, it was her reaction to my gift. She said she sees me, but while she admired the journal, it seemed like no one had ever truly seen Avery.

  My first assumption about her was that she was probably ungrateful for all she had, but it’s the furthest from the truth.

  She appreciated that gift like it was the first one she’d ever received. But, maybe it wasn’t about the material item. Maybe it was because I was being empathetic of her pain.

  She gives me the impression no one else in her life would be understanding if they knew her secrets, and that’s pathetic.

  The Knights Union MC is messed up in a lot of ways, doing shady shit and engaging in wars with other MCs, but all the members in KU are there for each other.

  Sometimes we have to give a member a reality check when they’re jacking up their life, but we’re loyal regardless, always having each other’s back.

  It’s why I listened to Jewel when she told me to help Avery. There was no denying I cared for her already, so being there for her was the right thing to do.

  After all I’ve been through and witnessed in my life, I’m the last person who should be passing judgment.

  The final thing she did yesterday that shredded my restraint was when she held my palm to her hammering heart and then her wet lips.

  The desire she held for me, that wildly intense kiss, and the feel of her body rubbing against mine … There was no way I could deny her after that. I didn’t want to. Not only for her but for me.

  I’m pulled from my daydream once I turn into the parking lot of our school. It should be an interesting day. I don’t know how open Avery will be about us dating, but I have no problem showing every student in this school that she’s mine. All mine.

  She’s grinning like a five-year-old holding an ice cream cone when I remove her helmet.

  “That was a freakin’ blast! Scary at first, but I loved every second of it.”

  I chuckle. “Cool. I like to ride a lot, so it’s a relief to know you enjoyed it.”

  She adjusts her ponytail and straightens her clothes as I get her book bag for her.

  “I meant to talk to you about something at the house, but all this sexiness …,” she says, waving her hand toward my body, “distracted me.”

  “You’re cute. What is it?”

  “I don’t want you to think I’m embarrassed for my parents to meet you. They’re strict and judgmental, and I didn’t want them trying to stop me from riding on your bike. I couldn’t let them spoil our first whole day as a couple.”

  She glances to the ground.

  “I get it, and that’s fine … for now.” I wink at her. “You’re eighteen and going away to college soon. You have to start standing up for yourself and living without fear.”

  “I know that, but I think it’s better for me to wait until I’m out of their house. It’s easier that way.”

  “That’s you still doing what they want. That’s not you having a voice. I think your voice is coming out in another not so healthy way.”

  “OK, Counselor Jamison. Let’s get to class.” She starts to walk but spins around. “Oh, do you mind if I sit in the back of physics with you? It wouldn’t be right for me to sit in front of Blake, nor do I want to.”

  She sways over to me while wearing that damn seductive smile. “Besides, then you can rub my thigh under the desk.”

  “Trouble.” I kiss her lips, take her hand, and walk us toward the institution of judgment. Before we even make it to the doors, students are staring.

  They remind me of how deer behave around here on the country back roads. You surprise them with your vehicle as they cross ahead of you, and instead of moving out of the way like they should, they freeze and stare wide-eyed right at you.

  Yep, that’s about every student we try to pass. Move it, douchebags. I want to ask them if they’ve never seen a stoner and a princess together before, but I already know the answer to that at this school.

  Although, I am finding Avery isn’t much of a princess, and my occasional indulgence of marijuana sure as hell doesn’t make me a stoner.

  I lean my mouth down to her ear.

  “I think we’ve contributed our part this morning in breaking down the stereotypes of this school.”

  She giggles and leans into me. We stroll to physics, and the few students already inside take notice.

  A couple of guys smirk and a trashy looking girl rolls her eyes. I’m wanting to think she’s the same girl who’s a bitch to Avery sometimes.

  We take our seats, and while I listen to Avery talk, I’m also glancing to the door, waiting for both Blake and Mr. Bradford to enter.

  I catch sight of Blake first out of the corner of my eye, but Avery doesn’t notice until the sound of something scraping across the floor startles her.

  Now that he’s taken his anger out on his desk, shoving it back against another, he points straight at her.

  “This is fucking low.”

  “You dumped me, asshole. Do you want me to tell the entire class why?”

  “I guess what I did in Florida wasn’t a mistake after all.”

  “I agree. You did us both a favor.”

  Damn, I hope my girl isn’t growing a real pair of balls from that badass burn. Several students in the class are laughing, and I’m struggling to hide my amusement, too.

  He can talk smack all he wants. As long as he doesn’t cross the line and touch her, or call her names, I’ll spare him bodily injury. Anyway, Avery is handling it great on her own. She grins as she brings her eyes back to mine.

  “I did that in front of everyone,” she whispers. I lightly squeeze the back of her neck. “I’m stronger with you by my side,” she adds.

  I frown. She can’t become dependent on me. I might not be around forever. The thought irritates me and gives me a sense of dread.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” she asks.

  “Nothing. You’re getting stronger on your own. Remember that.”

  Mr. Bradford walks in, so I glance to him. His eyes lock with mine for all of two seconds. Clearing his throat, he drops his messenger bag on his desk.

  “Oh, my gosh. Did you break his nose?”

  “No, that was my fist having a mind of its own.”

  She giggles, which is about the third time today, and I like seeing her happy instead of in tears.

  Mr. Bradford is solemn and mainly keeps his back to the class by going over our homework on the dry erase board.

  I do as Avery suggested and rub her thigh a few times. My hand rubs farther up her leg the next time, so she tenses, her breathing becoming erratic.

  The way the simple touch aff
ects her has me fantasizing over her potential reactions to me pleasuring her in more intimate ways.

  Shit, I’m getting a boner in class. I remove my hand from her personal space and adjust my jeans that have suddenly become too tight.

  Avery giggles. Dammit, she’s on to me. That’s all right; I’ll get her back for it.

  Class ends, and she turns to me.

  “I really want to hug you right now. This is the first time this year I’ve not been afraid in this class. I owe it all to you. I get to leave here with my head held high. Thank you for that.”

  I shrug it off, unable to speak or smile. She sees me as perfect, and I’m far from it. I keep thinking about all the secrets I hold.

  She wouldn’t judge me for most of it. She’s shown me she’s that great a person, but the fact I took someone’s life is another thing. Could she ever see me the same if she knew, or would she see me as another monster like Mr. Bradford?

  As we stroll to sociology, Avery holds my hand. I’ve never held a girl’s hand until today, and I can’t help but wonder what my cousin Ricky and my friends back home would say about it.

  They only saw the tough exterior I used to wear. I’ve hardly had to be that person in Indiana.

  Our peers continue to gawk at us as they walk down the hall and stand by their lockers. I didn’t think today’s attention would make me uncomfortable, but it has.

  I’m not used to it, and I have to keep reminding myself that attention in this building isn’t going to cause certain people in Arizona to discover I’m alive.

  “Are you OK?” Avery asks, peering up at me.

  “I’m not used to anyone here watching my every move. It’s different.”

  She releases my hand.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t think about our hand-holding making it worse.” Her eyes avert to the floor. “We can slow things down.”

  We’ve reached our classroom, so I don’t respond as we enter. I’m not sure what to say, but I didn’t like it one bit when she released my hand.

  Things get more awkward when I notice there is only one empty chair in the back row. It’s the one next to Joey that I usually sit in.

  Avery doesn’t know it yet, but I’ve never had a girlfriend before, so if there’s a boyfriend etiquette I’m to follow, I don’t know shit about it.


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