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Page 12

by Wendy Stone


  “Yeah?” she turned and saw Nashe coming toward her. He was dressed all in black. A black silk shirt stretched across his chest, left untucked. Black dress pants fit him to a tee and he wore a pair of sandals on his feet. It looked slightly strange with the rest of his outfit.

  “Nice, boss,” she said, staring at the ancient sandals.

  “You’ve never been to a mating, have you?”

  “Nope, you took care of the last one.”

  He smiled. Then he frowned. “Are you all right? You look a bit flushed.”

  Sam glanced behind her, seeing Dimitri standing framed in the tent’s opening.

  Nashe followed her eyes and saw Dimitri as well. “Dammit, Sam is he bothering you?”

  “No, no, he’s been a perfect gentleman.” She held her hand up, stopping Nashe when he’d have gone after Dimitri. “Nashe, I can handle myself and you know it. Now, if you want me to be able to feed everyone coming to this shindig, get out of my way and let me start getting things done.”

  “Okay, fine, but if he starts to bug you, you let me know. Dimitri has a thing for women.”

  Sam laughed. “You make it sound like that’s a bad thing. I seem to remember someone else who had the same reputation, until he met a certain beautiful blonde.”

  “Shush,” he said, yanking on her dark hair. “Get to work, woman. I don’t know what I’m paying you for, but you’re damn sure not doing it.”

  Sam smiled and headed for the van once more, seeing the rest of her staff standing around. She never saw Nashe’s eyes following her, a strange look in them, or Dimitri’s, although his look she would have recognized. He was interested. Opening the back door of the van, she began to give orders and get things going.

  * * * *

  Terry knocked on Marissa’s door, her hand on her belly as one of the babies decided to do cartwheels. She was grimacing from a particularly good shot to a kidney when her friend opened the door.

  “You okay?” Marissa asked, grabbing Terry’s arm and pulling her inside.

  “Yeah, but I swear, one of these guys is going to be a field goal kicker for his high school football team.” She sighed and sat, the icy blue silk of her dress flowing around her.

  “You look so beautiful,” Marissa said, stepping back. It was true. Terry glowed with happiness. Her long hair was done up, with a long spill of thick curls sweeping the top of her shoulders, exposing the small scar at her nape that marked her as mated. Her dress was very simple, the blue matching her eyes. The hem was ankle length, the ring of orchids around her ankle and woven in her hair matching her icy beauty. She carried a bouquet of the same flowers.

  “You look flustered,” Terry replied, smiling up into her friend’s heather gaze. “Calm down.”

  “Remember what happened at the last mating we had here?” Marissa said. “I ended up dead.”

  “Yeah, but the Rhinos have lost so many of their herd it’ll take them at least a generation to recoup their losses. The Jackals are doing well under Shurene’s rule and everything has been quiet. You’ve got to quit worrying about what could happen. Instead, concentrate on the sexy man who is going to meet you out in that clearing.”

  Marissa suddenly just sat down and blew out a sigh, stopping the rushing around she’d done while Terry talked. “I am being silly, aren’t I?”

  “As a goose, girl. Come on, let’s get you dressed and ready to go.”

  Marissa nodded.

  Chapter Nine

  Charisma turned her head, staring back at Kadian as he held her hips, grinding his cock into her.

  “Well,” he said. “Will you?”

  She wanted so badly to just say yes. Belonging to Kadian would keep her safe. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her. He would love her the rest of their lives. Barring accidents, that could be a long time. Opening her mouth, she stared into his green eyes. “I can’t,” she said, her voice husky with unshed tears. “Not yet.”

  Pulling himself free of her, he turned his back, staring out the steamy glass. He nodded and she saw him reach for the door of the shower.

  “No,” she cried, grabbing for his hand. “No, don’t go,” she begged, big crystalline tears slipping down her face to mix with the water from the shower.

  “I’ll stay with you forever,” he whispered, pulling her into his arms. “I just want you to be happy.”

  “You make me happy, but I can’t give myself to you. Not with the threat that is hanging over my head. If Hood doesn’t find me, I’m still on the run from ASP. I can’t let you be hurt by this.” She reached up to touch his cheek. “I love you, Kadian. But you’ve got to give me the time to fix all of this.”

  He nodded, bending his head to kiss her. “I have to ask for one thing,” he said when he lifted his head.

  “What’s that?”

  “Tell me you love me again,” he said, holding her against his heart.

  “I love you,” she said, a smile in her voice.

  “Now promise you won’t try to fix any of this alone. I can help you.”

  She was silent and he lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Charisma…” he began.

  “I won’t let my problems hurt you, Kadian. Don’t ask me to do that.” She pushed out of his arms and began to pace the small confines of the shower. “I could make you forget me,” she said, almost as if she were talking to herself.

  He grabbed her arms, turning her to face him. “Try it,” he growled, his eyes flashing the fire of the dragon. “Just try it.”

  Her mouth opened but not a sound came out. She couldn’t do that to him, he meant to much to her. But if it came down to him being in danger? She decided that was different. Then, she would do it without a second thought.

  “You pick the damnedest places to pick a fight,” he said, pushing his hair back and wiping the water off her face. He turned the water off and handed her a towel. “No more talk of making me forget you. I couldn’t, even if you wiped my mind clean. You’re in here,” he said, tapping his chest, “not just up here.”

  “I just can’t let him hurt you. Hood is evil. He’s hurt so many people. He killed my parents.”

  “I thought your parents were killed in an auto accident?” He took her towel and began to carefully dry her off.

  “Their brakes failed when they were driving through the mountains. There wasn’t enough of the car left to be sure what happened. Right after, I ran from my foster care home. How do I know he didn’t kill them to get his hands on me?”

  “We don’t,” Kadian said. “But he won’t get a hold of you again. I won’t let him.”

  “Do you even know who Hood is?” she asked him seriously. “He is the biggest evil there is in the city. ASP hasn’t been able to get anything on him. What makes you think you can take him on and win?”

  “I don’t work for the cops. What they can’t do, I can. Without the slightest worry. Honey, he will have to go through me before he can get to you.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  “No,” he said. “Today is a day for happiness. We aren’t going to even think about this today. We’re going to go to the mating and then afterward, we’re going to dance and eat and drink the night away. Now hurry up and get ready. Marissa left a dress in the closet for you.”

  Charisma wrapped the towel he offered around her and went back into the bedroom, curiosity leading her to the closet. When she saw the dress, she was afraid to touch it for a moment. “This isn’t for me,” she said to him when he came out of the bathroom dressed in his clothes for the mating.

  “Why not?”

  “Because it looks like something a bride would wear.” She turned toward him, holding the pretty white dress against her skin.

  “There’s no mistake,” he said, his eyes traveling over every line of her face, wanting to memorize this moment and the look in her eyes.

  There was a knock on the door and Kadian went to answer it, returning with a small wreath of flowers. “This is fo
r your hair,” he said, holding the fragile white roses with a tender hand. “Now hurry and get ready. We have to get to the clearing before Marissa and Terry do.”

  She took the wreath and the dress, rushing back into the bathroom. Kadian stood and stared at the closed door, a smile upon his face. He sank down on the mussed bed, content to wait for her.

  The door opened and he rose from the bed, waiting with baited breath for her to appear.

  Her hair was still damp, hanging in heavy curls the size of his fist down to the small of her back. The wreath lay against her curls, the roses mixing with the brilliant fiery tresses. Her eyes sparkled, a tentative smile upon her lips as she stood waiting for his approval. “Do I look all right?”

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered. “I’m going to have to fight the men down there for you tonight.”

  “Really?” she asked, her small smile turning into a grin.

  “Charisma,” he said warily, “Don’t make me regret taking you to this. There’s going to be a lot of men down there that you could work your wiles on. I’d better be the only one, got me?”

  “When I’m with you, Kadian, no other men exist.”

  He moved forward, taking her hands in his and dropping a kiss to her lips before tucking her hand possessively on his arm. “Good answer, love. Very good answer.”

  Charisma giggled, a delightfully melodic sound that made him want to say something amusing to hear it again. Instead, he escorted her to the door and down the stairs. Keeping her close, he took her out the back door and past the big tent she’d watched being delivered this morning and then down what looked almost like a path, a white carpeted runner that ran the distance to a clearing. They weren’t the first there. Several men and women, some couples, others singles, stood waiting, talking quietly among themselves. Some of them saw Kadian and smiled or waved hello.

  “How does this work?” Charisma asked.

  “You see the elder up there? Terry and Marissa will come down the runner to meet Nashe and Lukah. They will take their ladies in front of the elder where he will tie their left hands together. He will cut each of their left hands and press them together while he speaks words over the joining. Then they will repeat their vows. After that, it’s party time.”

  Nashe and Lukah took their places in front of the elder, turning to watch as their mates came toward them.

  Terry was first, one hand resting against her belly, the other carrying a small bouquet of orchids that matched the ones in her hair.

  Charisma watched Nashe’s face as he saw his mate. There was pride and love in his gaze and he stepped forward, reaching for her. The look that passed between the two of them made her sigh. Kadian glanced down at her.

  Then came Marissa, curvy and beautiful in a soft purple gown. The hem barely grazed her knees, leaving her tanned legs exposed. She was barefoot, gardenias woven through her long red hair. More trailed from her bouquet, mixed with carnations and roses. She walked to Lukah, her smile for him alone. Taking one of the gardenias from her bouquet, she tucked it into one of the buttonholes of his shirt. Her hand trailed down, smoothing his shirt before she gave him her left hand.

  As Charisma watched, Marissa mouthed the words, “I love you,” to her mate. He smiled, kissing her hand before pulling her on the other side of Nashe and Terry, facing the elder.

  It grew quiet in the clearing as everyone waited for the elder to speak. Charisma felt as if she were leaning forward, eager for something, but she didn’t know what. She jumped as the small man’s voice filled the clearing. “These two couples wish to be mated!”

  Her hand went to her chest and she laughed with the rest of them. She felt Kadian pull her in front of him and wrap his arms around her waist. She let her own rest on his, leaning back against him.

  She’d been to a wedding once, long ago with her parents. She remembered a long drawn out process that had bored her to tears. This mating seemed much more beautiful. Watching the looks that the couples had for each other as they repeated their vows, the love in their eyes, the commitment they felt for the other, was beautiful and wonderful. “Would we do this?” she asked Kadian softly, not wanting to bother those around her.

  “Yes, or something like it. It wouldn’t be this big,” he said, nodding at the hordes of people who were gathered around the two couples.

  The elder lifted a knife, making a small cut in each of the two couple’s left hands. She watched as he tied their hands together, making long loopy bows over them.

  “They’ll stay tied to each other until later tonight,” Kadian said. “It’s the mixing of our blood that makes us mates and we celebrate that mixing here at the mating ceremony.” He dropped his head, kissing the softness of her shoulder and then her neck, breathing in the scent of her. He lifted his head as those around them began to cheer, signifying the end of the ceremony. “It’s short and sweet,” he said. “Now we’ll go to a dinner and sometime after that, the two couples will turn into their other selves and leave the party for the night.”

  “But if they change, what about the ribbon holding their hands together?”

  “It’ll come off. It’s good luck if you find the ribbon. You’ll see people searching for it tonight.”

  Charisma looked up, watching as Terry and Nashe kissed. She smiled as the big man bent, kissing his mate’s stomach where his babies grew. “They look so in love,” she whispered.

  “They are,” Kadian said, turning her face up so he could look into her eyes. “Like I love you.”

  * * * *

  Sam snuck away from the clearing, a tear slipping down her cheek. Nashe had been a friend of hers for so long; she was happy to see him happy. The look in his eyes as he’d made Terry his had been so tender, it struck feelings inside of Sam. The worst was loneliness. When was the last time anyone had looked at her with anywhere near that kind of feeling?

  The answer was quick to her lips. “Never.”

  “It was a beautiful ceremony, was it not?” Dimitri said, coming up behind her and grabbing her hand.

  “Very beautiful,” she agreed and tried to tug her hand away. Instead of giving it up, he placed it on his arm and then covered it with his own. “Let me walk you back.”

  “That’s not necessary,” she said quickly, but she quit trying to pull away, afraid of making a scene.

  “Of course it is. We can’t have you get over heated, not in your condition,” he argued affably.

  “Okay, fine then let’s go. I don’t want anyone seeing me.” She tugged down her chef’s white coat, aware of the stains that covered it. A sauce had decided to explode on her this morning and had rained down on her before she could move.

  “They will have to get used to seeing us together some time or another, sweet,” Dimitri said, shrugging his shoulders. “I have decided that we suit each other and we need to see where this will lead.”

  “You’ve decided?” Sam growled, her eyebrows becoming lost in the bangs of her hair. “What the hell gave you the right to decide anything for me?”

  “There’s no reason to have a snit,” he said, his hand patting hers.

  Sam stopped dead in her tracks. She turned to look at him, her eyes glaring. “Snit? You think I’m having a snit?” she asked, her voice rising as she confronted him.

  “Samantha,” Dimitri tried to say reasonably but he could see the color rising high on her cheek and knew he’d said the wrong thing. “Is this to be our first fight?” he asked, letting go of her hand.

  “Our first and last. You Alexandros’s are a strange breed,” she growled, snatching back her hand. Then turning and marching toward the tent to help her team.

  “Annoying, aggravating and downright rude!” she fumed as she entered the tent, not even stopping to see the magic that had been going on during the ceremony. Light shows were playing across the roof of the tent, different colors swirling and mixing, changing constantly. Each of the round tables had been laid with either icy blue or the soft heather purple silk that matched the co
lor of Marissa’s and Terry’s gowns. They’d been laid with the finest of china and the most elegant of stemware. White suited steward’s waited to fill glasses and set out the food that would be served in a stylish buffet.

  Flowers filled every available space, perfuming the area with scents of gardenia’s and roses. It was absolutely glorious. Later, after everyone had eaten, a band would be set up just outside the tent and a small area would be laid with a wooden stage for dancing.

  Samantha stomped through, her eyes going over each table, straightening a setting, moving an arrangement of flowers one way or another. Her anger kept her stomping and she walked up to one of the stewards and fixed his tie.

  “Sam,” he said as she yanked on it hard enough to almost strangle him. “Are you okay?”

  “Fine, I’m just fucking fine,” she growled.

  “O—kay,” he said slowly. “You just seem to be in some kind of snit and I wondered if I could…”

  “Snit!” she interrupted, twisting the bow tie in her hands until his face turned red. “I don’t have snits! Is that clear?”

  “Crystal,” he managed to say, taking a deep breath as she let go of his tie.

  “Fix your damn tie, and hurry up. The happy couples will be here soon.” Sam turned and headed back to where her second in command was working. She took a deep breath, calming the worst of her anger and began to work.

  * * * *

  Charisma was following the couples, Kadian wrapping his arm around her shoulders. A photographer was taking pictures and suddenly she couldn’t move. The bright flash of his bulb made her dizzy.

  “Charisma?” Kadian asked, stopping and staring down at her. “Are you okay?”

  “N-no p-pictures,” she managed to say, holding her hand up and over her face. “Please,” she whined, cringing as the man took more pictures.

  Instead of stopping the photographer, Kadian picked her up in his arms, and stepped into the woods that grew so lush next to the path.


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