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Page 14

by Wendy Stone

  He kissed her neck, licking at the sensitive spot behind her ear. Pulling the lobe of her ear into his mouth, he nipped at it, making her cry out again.

  “Oh God,” she whimpered as he continued his assault, tipping her face to the side to give him more access to her neck.

  Dimitri felt as if his soul was splintering. The beast inside of him broke off, part of him leaving his body to be inside of her. He knew he’d never feel complete again unless he was with her. Grabbing hold of her hips, he bent over her, drawing her back and up until her neck was against his mouth. His teeth grew larger in his mouth, his fangs hanging out above his lower lip. With a heartfelt groan, opened his mouth and caught her flesh between his fangs.

  * * * *

  The sound of many car doors closing woke Kadian and he sat up, feeling a bit confused. No one should be here. Lukah and Marissa should be off, away together somewhere romantic to celebrate their mating. Nashe and Terry had left last night. No guests were scheduled to stay at the mansion, much less the number that would be needed to make the racket going on outside.

  Next to him, Charisma stirred, turning toward him and running her hand up his thigh until she reached his groin. Then she seemed to calm.

  He slid out from under her hand, groaning at the sensations that flashed through him. “This had better be important,” he growled, looking out the window.

  The tent was still up. Workers would be back later this afternoon to remove it. As he watched, he saw a hint of gray, his eyes growing wider as he stared at the ASP members that were moving around the back yard. How had they found them?

  He hurried back to the bed. “Charisma,” he said urgently. “Wake up, baby. We’ve got to go.”

  “Why?” she moaned, rolling in bed.

  “ASP is here,” he said, shaking her again. “We’ve got to go.”

  “Where are we going?” she said, sitting up and pushing her hair out of her face. She still didn’t seem to be aware of the danger they were in.

  “I don’t know. We’ll discuss it when we’re in the air. Ready to earn your wings?” he asked, seeing her eyes suddenly flare open.

  Almost as if that was a sign, the sound of a helicopter buzzed past and Charisma’s eyes went to the window.

  “Oh God,” she moaned, her hands going to her stomach to stop the surge of fear that wanted to swamp her ability to think. “We can’t fly, not with that thing out there.”

  “Baby, I’ve fought bigger and meaner things in the sky than that.” He sat down next to her, kissing her quickly.

  “But not with me in your arms,” she said, sliding her hand into his.

  A sudden pounding on the front door startled her to her knees, staring at him. “What are we going to do?” The house phone rang and he grabbed the extension in their room. “Yeah!”

  “Kadian James?”

  “Yeah, who’s this?”

  “Never mind who this is. You’re in a hell of a bind right now, aren’t you?”

  “I’ve been in tighter,” Kadian growled. “What the fuck do you care?”

  “Charisma Snow,” the voice said. “I have no wish to see her harmed or to see her fall into the hands of Hood.”

  “And?” Kadian asked, his eyes on the door as he heard more pounding coming from down stairs.

  “I can help get you out of there, but you’ll have to trust me.”

  “Fuck that, I don’t trust anyone who won’t give me their name.”

  “I will, after we get you out of the house. If you’re going to go, you’re going to have to do it now. They have a battering ram and once they’re inside, I won’t be able to help you.” There was a pause and then the voice came back. “Mr. James, it really is in your best interest to make up your mind quickly.”

  Kadian watched as Charisma scurried out of bed, going to the window to stare at the ASP members that were circling the house. Downstairs the sound of glass breaking sent her gaze to his, her green eyes full of fear.

  “I could sing…” she said softly, “but I’ve never tried it on so many at once.”

  He made his mind up then. “Fine, but if I find out that you’re lying to us, I’ll take you apart limb by limb and use your bones to pick my teeth, got me?” he growled furiously.

  “Yes, Mr. James. That was very definitely clear, and quite colorful as well. Now, grab the girl and head down the stairs to the second floor. Go into Mr. Alexandros’s suite and pick up the extension there.”

  Kadian dropped the phone and grabbed the bathrobe out of the closet, throwing it at Charisma as he grabbed the pants he’d worn last night and slipped them on. Then he went to the door, opening it slowly and looking out both ways. The hallway was still clear. He could only hope the stairway and second story hallway would be the same. “Come on, baby, time to leave.”

  She took his hand and they ran for the stairs. Scurrying down, Kadian stopped outside one door and opened it, going inside. He drew Charisma with him as he went for the phone. “Okay, we’re here,” he said into the receiver.

  “Inside the walk-in closet, press on the two brass hangers to the right of the door. It should unlatch a fake back to the closet wall. You’ll see a set of stairs there. Take them down. You’ll see a tunnel at the bottom. Follow it.”

  “Wait,” Kadian growled. “You said should. Don’t you know for sure?”

  “Do you want to waste time arguing word usage?” the voice replied. “They are getting closer, you’ll have to hurry.” The phone disconnected and the buzz of the dial tone sounded in his ear.

  “Baby,” he said, hurrying toward the closet, “do you remember what you did to Hood’s men?”

  Charisma nodded, her eyes wild as she watched him open the closet door and start to push on the brass hooks to one side of the door. “Yes, but…”

  “No buts, baby. If I tell you to, do it again, okay?”

  He heard the click and turned, seeing the back panel, covered in clear boxes full of shoes, move just a touch. He went and pushed on it. It opened, revealing a long staircase. There was a flashlight on a shelf just inside the door and he grabbed it. “Come on,” he said softly, holding out his hand.

  The sound of the outside bedroom door opening sent Charisma rushing forward and taking his hand. They stood just inside the opening and pushed the door closed, the boxes of shoes hiding the hidden entrance. The outer door to the closet opened seconds after they’d clicked it closed. They stood in the dark, holding their breaths, waiting to see if they would be found.

  * * * *

  Shadow stared at the beautiful house full of lovely things. He hated letting the whole crew get involved because he knew what would happen. “Daniels,” he said into his communicator. “The property seems empty to me. Since this place belongs to Lukah Alexandros, don’t you think we should get in contact before we just barge in?”

  The communicator squawked and then Daniels’ voice came over it. “Orders have been given, Shadow. Are you having problems with what you’ve been ordered to do?”

  “Respectfully, sir, yes I am. Lukah Alexandros is a powerful man with extremely powerful connections. Breaking into his home just because of a tip seems a little foolhardy.”

  “Do I need to remove you from command of this mission, Shadow? I know Kit would just love to take over. Say the word, Shadow and I’ll have you removed from this mission so that you can kiss Alexandros’ toes.”

  Shadow felt the beast inside of him well up in anger and resentment. He corralled him with difficulty. “No, sir. I am in command.” He glanced to his side as a hand fell on his shoulder. “No one’s in there,” Marcus said. “The place is empty.”

  “Daniels wants the place searched, so we’ll search. Don’t make me sorry that I didn’t leave you back at base with Angel.” Shadow’s words seemed a little snappish, even to himself. He quickly started to apologize. “Marcus,” he said.

  “Don’t worry about it boss,” Marcus interrupted. “I understand. You might not want to snap at Callie that way though. She might not
take it as well.” He slipped by Shadow, stepping inside the doorway and moving cautiously through the downstairs.

  Shadow followed him, Callie slipping like a wraith at his side. “He’s got a point, baby,” she said softly.

  “What, that I shouldn’t snap at you?” Shadow asked, winking at her.

  “No, though that’s true too.” She smiled at him for a second. “You feel it as well. This is a wild goose chase. There isn’t anyone here. If there were, why wouldn’t Daniels be here to head this mission himself?”

  “Are you trying to tell me that our unblemished leader might finally have a flaw?” Shadow asked her.

  “He isn’t unblemished, Brian. You know it as well as I do.” She headed up the stairs, her taser in hand, hearing him follower her. “Damn, this place is huge.”

  She threw open the first door, going in low despite her assurances that the house was empty. He slid in the other side, taking the high ground. “Phew, can you imagine the cost of some of this artwork alone?”

  “Go check the closet,” he said, nodding at the closed door. “I don’t know why you should be so impressed. I’ve seen the house that you lived in before moving in with me. You’re used to this.”

  Callie opened the closet door, seeing nothing. Closing the door, she shrugged her shoulders and shook back her long dark hair. “Not even my father has this much wealth,” she said offhandedly, reaching up to touch a gorgeous watercolor. “The Alexandros line is pretty pure. They can trace lineage back to Greece and a lot further back than my family. Besides, we have the occasional mutt. Lukah Alexandros is the product of a lot of grooming.

  “Didn’t he just mate with some girl he met at a bar?” Brian asked pointedly.

  “Well, kind of,” Callie said.

  “There goes the neighborhood.” Shadow grinned as they left the room and turned to the next. It was not until they reached the fourth door that Shadow grabbed Callie’s shoulder. He inhaled, turning to look at her. “Maybe Daniels wasn’t as off his rocker as we thought,” he said quietly. He gave her a push that put her on the edge of the door and then threw it open, hearing the door hit the wall. He went in first, not willing to put his mate at risk.

  “I’m not imagining this,” he said to himself when the room seemed as empty as the last three.

  “No, because if you are, than I am too.” Callie snuck across the floor, pushing open the closet door and staring at the large room full of clothes, a long wall of shoe boxes on the far wall. “I can smell them,” she whispered. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and then followed the scent, stopping inches from the plastic boxes of shoes.

  “What are you doing?” Shadow asked, watching her.

  “It’s a strange scent. I’ve smelled it before.”


  “Kadian James,” she said.

  “Baby, I hate to argue with you but, unless the man has shrunk, he isn’t in those boxes.”

  “No, not in them,” Callie said, more certain with each second. “Behind them.”

  “A fake wall? Come on, how many people have fake walls put in their houses?”

  “The rich and the guilty,” Callie said. “My father has three escape tunnels in his house.” She turned and looked at him. “Don’t you ever tell him I told you that.”

  “I wouldn’t dare,” Shadow grinned. “So how do we get back there?”

  “Well, we could waste time and try to find the trigger that will open the door or we can…”

  “Chop through it,” Marcus said, coming into the room. He held up the battering ram he’d dropped when they’d forced the front door open. Coming closer to Callie, he grabbed the handle and got ready to strike.

  “Wait!” Callie shouted, watching Marcus stumble back a step to keep from hitting the wall.

  “Wait for what?” Shadow asked.

  “The shoes,” she said as if they were crazy for not understanding. “You can’t hurt all those shoes.”

  “Is this a woman thing?” Marcus asked, as Callie began to empty out the shoeboxes, piling the shoes into one corner where they’d be out of the way.

  “I’d say so, but feel free to ask Angel when we get back to the house.”

  “Do I look dumber than normal?” Marcus asked. “I’d like to live to see tomorrow.”

  “You’re immortal, idiot,” Shadow said. “How can you be afraid of someone like Angel?”

  “You ever been on her bad side?” Marcus glanced at Callie and then at Shadow. “It’s not a pretty sight. I don’t think even I’d be able to survive something like that.”

  Callie emptied the last shoebox and then waved Marcus back to the wall. He lined up the ram, setting his sights on a spot that was low and to the left hand side. Heaving back, he brought the ram around with a crash and watched as the door swung open, slamming against the wall of the room.

  It was empty.

  “Well if they were here, we know where they went,” Marcus said, glancing at Shadow.

  “Yep, down,” Shadow said, pulling his flashlight out of the pocket of his uniform. He turned it on, though now that he’d become wolf-kind, his night vision was much, much better than it had been. Shining it down the long flight of stairs, he held his breath, listening intently.

  “Can you hear it?” he asked softly.

  “Yeah, footsteps, moving fast,” Callie said, her hand reaching out for his arm.

  “Think you can tear yourself away from the shoes to come with us?” he teased.

  “Very funny,” she said, but she dug out her light as well.

  “Marcus, I want you to go out and run herd on the idiots. Make sure they stay outside. If we need you, I’ll call.” Shadow glanced at the tall, well-muscled, golden-haired god, knowing he was not going to be happy with this assignment.

  “I don’t like this, Shadow. I think I should stay with you two.”

  “No, I think we don’t want Lukah Alexandros causing a stink down at the station because some of those others can’t respect property. I need you to do this, Marcus. Tell you what. Next time, you can go down the long spooky tunnel to run into the unexpected and possibly dangerous and I’ll stay outside with the stupid monkey job, okay?”

  “Okay,” Marcus said. “When you put it like that, how could I refuse?”

  * * * *

  Kadian led the way, keeping hold of her with one hand while the other held the flashlight. The long tunnel was full of rocks and he regretted not grabbing shoes for both of them, especially as Charisma cursed beneath her breath as she stepped on another one.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” he said, slowing down just a bit more, though he knew it could mean their capture.

  “No, it’s okay,” she said bravely, smiling up at him. “Let’s just keep going and get out of here. This place is giving me the creeps.”

  They followed the twisting tunnel until they came to a place where it split. One end going off toward the left, the other right. “Which way?” he growled, glancing behind them and hearing the sound of pursuit.

  “Let’s go left,” she said.

  “Why left?” he asked Char.

  “It looks lighter down that way, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes it does.” He turned, giving her a grin and a big hug. “When we get out of here, I’m buying you a huge breakfast.”

  “Sounds good,” she sighed. “I’d just like to see the sun again.”

  “We will, real soon.” Then they were off again, following the tunnel. It did grow lighter and then lighter still until they came to the end of the tunnel. The entrance had a huge grate over it and was locked from the inside.

  Charisma shook the lock. “Oh damn. I’m sorry, Kadian.”

  “Back up, baby,” he said. “Back up until you’re right behind me.”

  “Why?” she asked, though she did what he wanted.

  “I’m going to burn the lock off,” he said.

  “It’s metal, Kadian. It’s going to take some pretty heavy heat to melt that.”

  Instead of answering,
Kadian concentrated on what he needed to do. He got a bit closer to the lock, spitting the fluids that he used in combination to make fire one at a time. The first fluid hit the lock, sputtering like acid as it hit the metal. It sank deep into the material of the lock, only starting to flame when he used the second liquid. Letting it burn, he backed up and sent a burst of fire, concentrating on the locking mechanism.

  When he was done, the lock glowed red-hot and was on the ground in front of the grate. Kadian reached out, grabbing the grate and pushing it out. He set it next to the hole, staring at their surroundings as he tried to figure out where they were.

  Before he had a chance to say anything, a huge net hit him hard, knocking him to the ground. He hit his head on a rock, the impact making him dizzy and sick, but he didn’t lose consciousness.

  “You’ve done well,” he heard an unfamiliar voice say, even as he felt Charisma’s hands touch him. She jerked at the sound of the voice and turned, screaming before she tried to run. But she was caught easily enough and held by two of Hood’s men.

  “The usual amount will be waiting in your account when you get back to the city,” Hood said and for an instant, Kadian’s eyes flashed to the face of the man he was talking to.

  “It’s been a pleasure,” the voice said, the same voice that had called him in the bedroom. “What do you want me to do with this one?”

  “That’s up to you. Just make sure he doesn’t come looking for her.”

  Daniels stuck his hand out and shook Hood’s hand, then came over to stare at the man in the net. “I don’t think you’ll have anything to worry about. I don’t think Mr. James will ever be found.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Sam was lost as waves of heat slammed into her. She barely felt the bite, lost in the wonder of his touch and the orgasms that hit her with such force, a small scream was torn from her.

  “Oh God!” she shrieked.

  Dimitri licked the small bite, watching as the blood stopped welling and pink skin closed the wounds. Bringing his own wrist to his mouth, he bit down with his fangs then held it to her mouth. “Drink,” he growled.


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