Blood Cursed
Page 19
The other night at dinner, Leslie said the other detectives believed the killer would choose to attack a random person caught outside alone. His boss wanted the police to patrol the residential neighborhoods, where the past attacks occurred. Leslie took a lot of crap to get cop number one and cop number two at our house.
As planned, Gaven, Rebecca and I snuck out through the doggie door. We crept behind the house. Keeping out of sight we ran the two blocks to meet our ride, an ostentatious shiny white Bentley complete with chauffeur, Mr. Jeffries.
I sat, no I melted, into the plush leather upholstery, “Could he have sent anything more pretentious?”
Mr. Jeffries turned his head, “Please buckle up, safety first.” He then faced forward and began to accelerate toward Jacob’s place.
“Nice ride,” Rebecca remarked.
Gaven scooted closer to me, draping his arm around my shoulders and squeezing my shoulder in support. “It’s not too late to turn around,” he offered supportively.
“Yes, it is. It was too late the day I had the witch dream.” I looked Gaven in the eyes, “I want you to know I love you very much.” I swallowed, trying not to get choked up. “And I will always love you, no matter what happens.”
Gaven leaned over and held me. Rebecca stared silently out the window. Ten minutes passed in silence as we made our way to our destination. Before we arrived, Rebecca suggested I focus my energy. So I did. I wanted to arrive at Jacob’s with all my energies centered and chis aligned. In order to better defend myself, I needed to shift at a moment’s notice. Rebecca also thought it would be a good idea to flex the new powers Gaven had so kindly provided.
“You need to practice touching the new power and pushing away from it so it doesn’t overwhelm you. And you also need to mask its strength or Jacob will suspect something is up” she instructed. She’s such a worry wort.
I got pissed. “My god Rebecca, how could I mask it? It’s trying to sneak out of every crack in my armor. I’ve been struggling since the boat ride last night. I’m doing my best. Could you please just back off a bit?” I snapped.
Her face softened, “I’m sorry. I’m just nervous about tonight and every time I remember something I feel the need to remind you. Sort of a verbal sticky note.” She smiled, “you’ll be great. I’ll keep it to myself.”
I reached out touching her arm softly, “I appreciate everything you have and are doing. Thank you.” We locked eyes and I could feel her energy relax. I sent some of my new power toward her causing her to jump as if shocked.
“Wow,” she rubbed her arm while staring at me. “Nice. I am officially finished worrying.” She sat back into the lushness of the leather and closed her eyes, but the smile didn’t fade.
Gaven leaned over to whisper in my ear, “That shut her up, I guess you have all you need for tonight.”
I leaned over and kissed him a very big wet mushy kiss. He kissed me back, wrapping his arms around me. We cuddled as we rode in silence. I guess I shut you up too, I thought smirking.
We pulled up to the main gate, which opened quickly by a guard I didn’t recognize. Badly Bean was not at his post. I wondered what his role would be this evening. We passed through the second gate in front of Jacob’s house. Mr. Jeffries pulled into one of the giant garages, closing the door behind us.
Mr. Jeffries opened our door, “Please follow me.” He led us to a covered lanai at the rear corner of the house. I didn’t remember seeing this room the other night, but it was a big house.
The lanai was covered by an overhang attached to the roof. It was furnished with two patio sofas and several chairs artfully arranged with throw pillows. The outdoor space was cooled by two ceiling fans silently spinning at high speed. The space overlooked an enormous pool which had a waterfall and fountain. Both of which I missed my last visit. To the right of us was an art nook, well more like a small room. It contained two of Gaven’s coral reef pieces. They were artfully displayed and lit to perfection.
“I guess you impressed him with your sculptures,” I offered.
Gaven walked over to the art nook to inspect the pieces. “I sold these several months ago to a collector working through a buyer. That jerk was keeping tabs on us for much longer than I ever suspected,” he said with a touch of controlled anger in his voice.
“Yeah, I know.” I put my arm around Gaven’s waist, “we can’t waste our energy being angry at him, at least not tonight.”
He nodded, “I know, but I don’t have to like it or him.”
“Agreed,” I said in my Jacob imitation voice. Gaven smiled and we sat down. Mr. Jeffries placed a tray of iced tea in front of us.
“Where is he?” I asked Mr. Jeffries.
Jacob appeared from behind another door that I assumed led into the main house. “I’m right here.” He was overdressed as usual. He wore a warm weather suit, business slacks and button down shirt, open at the neck. I felt totally underdressed in my yoga pants and favorite Namaste t-shirt. I had dressed for comfort not style.
“So, we’re here. What’s the plan for tonight?” I asked pleasantly.
Jacob sat next to Rebecca on one of the sofas. “First we get Gaven settled in one of the upstairs rooms. The room is fitted with metal shutters to protect the windows. There are special deadbolts and metal reinforced doors to keep you locked in and safe from any of my wolves.”
Gaven sat upright defensively, “I am not letting you lock me in a room all night.”
“No, Gaven, you will be in control of the locking mechanism. It can only be locked from the inside of the room and you will have full control of locking and unlocking the door. The room has been stocked with drinks and there are sandwiches in the small refrigerator prepared by Mr. Jeffries. There will also be plenty to keep you occupied: computer with Internet access, TV with full access to my library of over 20,000 movies, books, and music. Also, there are several video game consoles and a large assortment of games. Pretty much anything you need to keep you busy until tomorrow morning, when it’s safe for you to unlock the door. I strongly recommend you keep it locked the entire night. There is CCTV throughout the complex, so you will be able to watch the proceedings.” For the first time since we met, I saw concern for someone other than himself on Jacob’s face. I really wanted to believe he actually cared about Gaven’s safety. But then the thought diminished and I was catapulted back to reality.
Gaven nodded at Jacob in agreement. “Ok, so I lock myself in. What if something happens to Hannah? Am I supposed to just watch her get hurt?”
“Yes,” Jacob answered. “You cannot help her tonight. She will have both Rebecca and I to aid her if she needs assistance. I have an extensive medical team within my pack that can do whatever is required to help. If it is even necessary.” He added with a smile.
“What did you mean by that,” I asked. Maybe he wasn’t the selfish jerk that I first suspected.
Jacob faced me. “I meant I fully believe it will not be necessary to give you any medical assistance tonight. Kristi is strong, but you are smarter. I have full confidence in you.” He paused. “I would not have chosen you to be my Co-leader if I believed you were weak.”
He sniffed in my direction and smiled again. “It seems, Hannah, something is different in you. I cannot place it, but it smells and feels very powerful.”
He paused while glancing back toward Gaven, “He must have helped you in some way. For you carry the cold power of the ocean with you. Excellent.” I swear he was almost jumping up and down like a kid on Christmas morning.
Sarcastically I said to Jacob, “It’s nice to know you have confidence in me, considering its my neck on the line, not yours.” I refused to acknowledge Gavens spell and what it meant for my power levels. I figured I could destroy Jacob with a glance. That thought made me feel eons better.
“You forget, if you lose my neck is very much on the line. Alexander will waste no time attacking my territory and attempting to kill me in the process,” he reminded me.
t enough talk. What happens now?” I didn’t want to waste my energy fighting with Jacob. Very leader-like, I congratulated my self-control.
“Mr. Jeffries will show Gaven to his room. Barbara, will you come in here please?”
Rebecca and I shared a questioning glance. “Who’s Barbara?” I asked.
An attractive woman, in her late twenties, long light brown hair, green eyes and an athletic build walked into the room. “That would be me,” she answered lightly. She dressed in long drawstring pants, a tank top, and flip-flops. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She stood about 5’6” and had an easy relaxed way about her.
Jacob introduced her quickly as a long-standing member of the pack. “She assists me with both pack business and my construction business.” Addressing only me, Jacob added, “after tonight, Barbara will also be your assistant. I thought an introduction would be beneficial.”
“Okay,” I said dumbfounded. I never expected to actually be treated as a real co-leader, cool. The way Jacob talked made me believe I would be more of a silent partner. Good to know he actually planned on treating me as an equal. Even if I was way more powerful, I still had no experience and probably needed some guidance.
With my psychotherapy practice, I had always served as marketer, assistant, boss, billing, and even occasional maintenance. I’ve never had a secretary, so this might be fun.
“Nice to meet you Barbara,” I said cheerfully.
I turned to Gaven and gave him a big hug and kiss. I looked deep into his eyes, “I will see you in the morning, Okay?”
He pushed a curl from my forehead and smiled at me, “Okay.” That okay carried so much more meaning. I tried not to tear up when he walked away.
Rebecca and I followed Barbara to the pool house. She led us through a set of sliding glass doors into the main part of the building. It was equipped with several large day beds decorated with a ton of large fluffy pillows. There were His and Hers showers and bathroom areas. Barbara led us toward a wardrobe with two plush terrycloth robes and slippers.
“Here are your robes to change into for the ceremony. The slippers will protect your feet from the rock path. Please leave your clothing in the hamper. In the morning, you will find everything clean and pressed. I’ll leave you to change. Please feel free to relax afterward. I’ll come back for you when we are ready to begin.” She let herself out through the glass doors and headed toward the main house. I noticed it was beginning to get dark outside and I could feel the moon rising in the coming night sky.
“Just remember what we practiced,” Rebecca reassured me.
“I know,” I said beginning to change into the robe.
I knew deep down I could handle this and come out the other end safely. I sat on one of the day beds in half lotus position, taking some breaths to calm my fluttery nerves and center my chi.
Rebecca finished sliding into her robe and then we waited.
Chapter 29
Jacob and Barbara walked into the room. They wore matching bathrobes and slippers. We might as well have been heading to a spa for our evening massages instead of a werewolf binding ceremony.
“Please follow me,” Jacob said. I wanted to say something snarky about our matching outfits, but I was too nervous to concentrate on a suitable insult.
He led us to a hidden path behind the brush which covered the side of the pool house. It could not be seen from either side or from overhead. The trees, bushes, and fences leading us away from the house, heading left toward the water. I bet even the landscaper was unaware of parts of the property. The path would have been difficult to find unless you knew what you were looking for and even more difficult at night.
The night had fallen quickly. The moon and stars generated the only light. As soon as the light touched my skin I felt a shimmer of power. The rest of the group stopped, turning toward me. Jacob scanned me both with his eyes and his wolf senses. Again, he couldn’t figure out what he felt. He scrunched his eyes together in confusion, then turned and resumed leading our little group. I looked at Rebecca who signaled with her hands, slow it down Hannah and get some semblance of control. I nodded, continuing to follow Jacob and Barbara.
We walked for about 200 yards then came into a clearing. It was mowed into the shape of a circle. I think they used golf course grass. How nice for my furry feet. I suspect only pack members did the upkeep on this sacred circle. I could only smell wolf. No human had set foot on this land for several years. I was shocked that somehow, I knew this information, but did. Well that was a very interesting super power. I looked up at the rising moon. Its power filled me and realized this would intensify as it reached its zenith in the sky. Somehow, I managed to control the power inside of me and nothing spilled out, yet.
In the middle of the circle stood an altar of rock. It reminded me of the rock overhang from The Lion King movie. There were steps to one side of the main altar also made from stone. The rest of the clearing was… well clear. Along the outside perimeter of the circle were about 20 people, all dressed in white robes and slippers. I knew for sure I had walked into the oddest spa in the world. It didn’t stop me from wondering if someone would offer me a cup of chamomile tea or cucumber water. I could use a good hot stone massage, maybe a foot rub.
I stifled a giggle and Rebecca nudged me, “focus,” she hissed under her breath. I was having more and more difficulty as the moon continued to rise and the stars shone brighter and brighter.
“Okay stop hitting me,” I whined like a toddler. Not very leader like, oops. The power was overwhelming and I was losing my self-control. I wasn’t sure if the normal annoying Hannah coming through or if this was something bigger. Either way I was pissing off Rebecca.
The others were sitting under the trees, shadowing them from the moons rays. They were quietly watching my every step. I recognized Badly Bean and a few other faces from the fundraising party. There were a variety of emotions I read with my super therapist powers. Not everyone seemed very happy about my joining the party. Some looked worried, while others held restrained anger. A few looked hopeful. I glanced at Barbara behind me. I read support on her face. Good, somebody liked me. I smiled at her before turning around to follow Jacob.
Everyone was struggling to hold their wolves until Jacob gave permission. Tension levels increased rapidly. Some of them already begun to change, which I saw as their wolf eyes flashed in the moonlight.
Jacob avoided walking directly under the moonlight. He worked his way under the shade of the trees then toward the shadow thrown by the rock altar. Rebecca followed Barbara toward the edge of the circle with the others.
I walked through the moonlight. When I didn’t shift, there were gasps from the pack. It was important to show them my strength. As co-leader, I needed to both seem strong and elicit fear. I tried to remember where I learned that, maybe ‘The Art of War?’ Either way, I was new to the pack and had to prove myself. Showing my strength was the best I had to offer. I guess I could break out in song and dance, but I had the sneaking suspicion it wouldn’t go over very well. It didn’t stop me from humming ‘The Circle of Life’ under my breath.
Jacob climbed the steps to the top of the large alter. He gave me a dirty look that I took to mean ‘stop humming jackass.’
I stopped.
He stepped into the center of the altar exposing himself to the full rays of the moon. He looked regal. If he pulled out a laptop to begin his Keynote speech, I wouldn’t have been surprised. I had a Steve Jobs joke on the tip of my tongue when he motioned for me to climb the steps to the top of the rock.
Jacob was sweating from the effort of fighting off his change as he removed his robe. He was a very naked Jacob. I quickly averted my eyes attempting not to look at him at all. I knew I would have to look down and see his little Jacob, which would embarrass me in two seconds flat. I heard a snicker from the group, but Jacob growled in that direction and the snickering stopped.
Jacob managed to catch my eyes and gave me the ‘you too’ look. I neve
r considered I would have to get naked in front of a large group of people. I guess I should have taken that stripper exercise class that was so popular last year.
I took a deep breath and dropped my robe to my feet. I realized everyone was now naked as well. Ok, so if you’re naked on stage and you look into the crowd and they’re also all naked, does that make you feel better? The answer was a big fat NO.
I modestly attempted to cover myself with my hands. The only problem was I was surrounded on all sides and my hands could only cover two body parts at a time. I gave up when I realized it was an exercise in futility. Oh, and I was holding up the ceremony.
Jacob continued to sweat, shaking from the strain of holding off his change. He was extremely powerful, and I realized for the first time just how much. I hoped he had the ability to help me with my upcoming challenge.
Jacob ordered the others to walk into the moon and change. I watched everyone stand and walk into the moonlight. As soon as their feet touched the light, they began shifting. Some stood and howled at the moon, some screamed and fell to the ground, others slid onto the ground rolling to their sides allowing the change to sweep through them. It was the most interesting and gruesome sight I had ever seen. Fur sprouted out of their skin in waves, faces elongated and fangs grew. Claws formed from hands and within minutes I was surrounded by twenty or so werewolves, all shapes and sizes. Red coats, brown coats, blond coats, grey coats, they were all beautiful and I felt drawn to them as a new mother is drawn to her newborn. I wanted to protect them all even the ones who were angry and projected their hate toward me. It reminded me of parents and their teenagers. ‘I love you, but I don’t like you right now.’
Well welcome to Hannah World wolf pack, you are all grounded until further notice. I wanted to laugh at the thought, but Jacob might lose it and try to eat me.
Jacobs’s eyes began to glow. “Change your eyes and hands. Nothing else,” he ordered.