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Page 14

by Dee Dawning

  "Thanks, Ginger, I owe you."

  "You sure do. A movie and a roll in the hay would be nice, but since you're involved I'll settle for lunch, unless your lady friend is into sandwiches."

  "I don't know if she is, but I wouldn't have the nerve to ask her."

  "Bye, coward. I'll be looking forward to our lunch."

  After he finished laughing, Carboni asked Goodwin, "Go round up Stevens, will you?"

  ~* *~

  Everyone sat around in the main showroom. Candy went behind the bar, and brewed a pot of coffee, which almost everyone gratefully accepted.

  Drew noticed Jamal, Brenna and Tiffany had accompanied Paige, Kelsey, Morina and Campbell. Drew noted there was a bounty of beauty in the room.

  Carboni addressed Drew. "Okay, Stevens, it's time we get into the nuts and bolts of this proposed operation. How do you propose to get to the top floor?"

  "Like we did before. I'm glad Jamal is here. He is in possession of one of three elevator keys that allows the user to go directly to the thirtieth floor. I suggest that you, I, Jamal and Goodwin go up there. Secure the top floor and begin sending the captive women down in the elevator."

  "No, you must send all women down," Morina warned, "even those who wish to stay. My father is not above using family for hostages."

  "Good point," replied Drew, "we'll send all women down."

  "I'm going with you," stated Campbell, "the women will need to see a familiar face. One they can trust."

  "I'm going, too," said Bromley, "somebody from Metro has to be there to make sure you cowboys don't fuck things up."

  Drew looked questioningly at Carboni,

  Ritchie said, "Bromley yes, the young lady, no way! Miss, I'm afraid I have to nix that. It's dangerous and you're not even a police officer. Besides, there are liability issues."

  Campbell's facial features twisted, "Liability issues? I'll sign a fucking indemnification. What about Khalid? He's not official."

  "You mean Drew. Yes he is. He's FBI."

  Surprised, Drew hid it well.

  Campbell retorted, "You guys don't know shit. Three years I spent there, waiting for somebody to rescue me." Her voice became softer and more rational. "Many of those girls have been there longer. Being held captive and having no will of your own is a humbling experience. They will be scared and reticent. That is all they have known for years. I must go. They are my family."

  Carboni's gaze fixed on Drew, trying to determine his take on bringing a woman.

  "I know Campbell, she is a trooper. I would trust her in a fight, if it comes to that," Drew assured everyone.

  "Okay, Campbell goes. She can take the women down to safety. Anybody have anything else to say."

  Jamal stood up. "For those of you who do not already know Morina and I are siblings. We have the same father—Prince Ali. Yes, we feel bad about turning on him, but he turned on us first when we were children, letting his insatiable prurient tastes take precedence over our welfare. Despite the fact that he betrayed us, he mistakenly trusted us, thinking that blood is thicker than substance. No one knows that hotel or the people who work there better than my sister or me."

  Jamal went on. "Do not think that Ali has never thought an assault on his fortress was not possible, just the opposite. He has been preparing for this since he bought the hotel. I would estimate that even with the loss of twenty or so men today, he still has fifty heavily armed warriors and we no long have the element of surprise. They will be dug in and waiting, and unless the charges we set earlier on the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth floors made access to the express elevator impossible, they will have disabled it. If that is the case, and I have no reason to doubt it, the stairs will be our only access."

  Drew said, "Jamal is right. And if they set explosives in the stairs then the only way we could access the thirtieth floor would be by helicopter, from the roof."

  Chapter Eighteen – Prince Ali

  Carboni asked all unofficial participants to step outside while they formulated a plan, except for Jamal, Morina and Campbell. He made sure Mallory joined Paige, Kelsey, Candy, Tiffany and Brenna. Mallory hugged Paige and all the other girls, and then Paige quizzed her friend about what happened. As Mallory explained what happened from the beginning, Carboni went back inside.

  The remaining members of the group sat at the runway portion of the stage, discussing the most probable methods for extracting the harem women from their prison when an explosion drew all their attention.

  Paige dashed in wide eyed, her face all red, screaming. She ran headlong into Carboni, but couldn't speak, so she pointed to the door. They all rushed outside. Two helicopters, out of control and locked together in a final embrace crashed into the roof of the central high rise. A larger helicopter took off from the roof. Flames engulfed the roof.

  So much for rescuing the women with helicopters. Thought Carboni.

  "What the fuck happened?" demanded Drew.

  The least hysterical witness was Kelsey. "There was a large explosion so I looked up and this news helicopter, I think it said Channel Six on the side, was smoking from the back portion. There was a faint trail of smoke going back to the roof."

  "An RPG." Drew said, "They shot a rocket-propelled grenade at it. Go on."

  "Well, the back part of the helicopter was missing and it began to spin around wildly out of control. Another copter from Channel Ten was in the way and they collided. It was almost as if they were suspended in midair for a few seconds, then they headed for the high rise. You saw what happened after that."

  Campbell and Morina ran up to Sergeant Carboni crying. "We've got to go in there and get those women. Right now, we can't wait. Do you realize they could all die?"

  Bromley's phone rang.

  While he took the call, Carboni tried to calm the women. "Look, ladies, we will do something, but we have to come up with a plan. We can't just run in there willy-nilly. Some damn good men could get killed."


  "Sergeant." Carboni corrected.

  Campbell said, "Sorry, Sergeant. You and all policemen are expected to risk they're lives. They risk their lives for a living. But those women aren't supposed to risk their lives. They're victims. Your men need to risk their lives to save those women."

  "Risking their lives is one thing, throwing them away is another. Excuse me, Campbell," said Carboni.

  "Yes, Sergeant."

  Bromley relayed the message, "A reporter I worked with, gave me something that hasn't been confirmed. He told me that a good-sized helicopter landed on the roof and picked up about a dozen passengers. One of whom is suspected of being Prince Ali. Several of the news helicopters were hovering about and taping the planned departure. It seems they took exception to this, because one of the passengers disembarked and fired a RPG into the nearest helicopter, then hopped back on for takeoff."

  Bromley continued, "The RPG struck the helicopter in the rear section, causing it to lose control. Spinning wildly it spun into another news helicopter. The ensuing crash sent both copters into the roof and top floor. The other helicopter lifted off the roof and headed in the direction of McCarran International Airport, which is only three miles south of here, most likely to catch a flight out of the country."

  "That's great, but according to Morina there are sixty-three women in the Harem in danger," Campbell insisted.

  Carboni placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't forget the fire sprinklers went off and it's keeping the fire from spreading."

  "Lieutenant, I mean, Sergeant. I may be a blonde, but don't for a minute believe those blonde jokes. I'm no dummy. I know the biggest danger to those women is smoke inhalation and that's why we have to get moving."

  ~* *~

  Jamal grabbed Drew and pulled him away from the group. "Cousin, I really screwed up. I should have known my father wouldn't sit tight. I feel so guilty. We must do something."

  Drew put his arm around his blood friend. "Jamal, I must go after Ali. After I leave, tell your idea to the
Sergeant Carboni and Sergeant Bromley. Make sure that firebrand Campbell knows, too. But I must go."


  "Yes, Jamal."

  "What is my plan?"

  "Of course. How stupid of me." Less than a minute later, Drew rushed across the Strip, where the traffic had suddenly come to a crawl with all drivers rubbernecking the strange events that had befallen the Babylon Hotel. Hopping in his Xterra, he backed out and drove to the side street. He was going to take the strip, but with traffic backed up, he decided to take the sidewalk. He made a left hand turn onto the sidewalk, honking and scurrying pedestrians as he went.

  The McCarran Executive air terminal was on the far side of the large airport from the main terminals about three miles up the Strip. Drew rolled down the window, stuck his bubble gum red light on his roof and activated his siren. By the time he reached Tropicana Avenue, the traffic jam had subsided enough to get back on the street. He jumped the curb, cut off some cursing northbound drivers, jumped the median and finally headed south toward the private airport.

  He was still a mile from the airport and sixteen minutes had passed since he had seen the helicopter take off the roof. Not good. They probably got there and disembarked in ten minutes. Ali would have called ahead and had his pilots and attendants ready the plane and set flight plans making sure the plane was ready to leave the minute the prince boarded. Five minutes max to run from the helicopter to the all green private Boeing 737, so the plane was likely taxiing to the runway where it would wait for its turn to take off. Please be busy.

  ~* *~

  Jamal and Campbell looked out from the roof of the intermediate twenty-six story high rise. The roof of central high rise was two hundred-fifty feet away and forty feet up. "I hope we can make this contraption go uphill like that," worried Jamal aloud.

  "I hope we can make it work period," exclaimed Campbell. "Lieutenant, are you sure this harpoon thingy is going to work?"

  The swat team arrived minutes earlier and, upon the recommendation of Sergeant Bromley and subsequent instruction of Captain Hardy, was working with Jamal.

  "Yes Ma'am, guaranteed. And it's Captain. Captain Granger."

  "Sorry, Captain."

  "It's all right. I understand the stress you're under."

  Jamal said, "Okay, Captain. Do you want to explain to me one more time what you are going to do?"

  "It's very simple really. We're going to shoot this claw over to the top floor of that taller building and, once it catches on something good and solid, we'll send Sergeant Hopkins up there to send the women back on this motorized chair. For the next six trips, one of our armed men will go over there on each trip to cover the entrances to make sure none of the bad guys try to interrupt the rescue."

  "It is very simple, except you made one mistake, Lieutenant."

  "It's Captain, Ma'am. What mistake did I make, Ma'am?"

  "Yes, sorry, Captain. The mistake you made is that I'm going to precede Hopkins."

  Captain Granger of the Las Vegas Metro SWAT team was perplexed.

  "And I, too, will precede Hopkins, Captain." Jamal said.

  "I can't allow that. This is highly irregular. You're both civilians."

  "And we've both indemnified your department. Ask Captain Carboni."

  "I will." He addressed Sergeant Hopkins, "shoot the projectile will you?"

  Granger stepped a few paces away to call Bromley while Hopkins aimed and fired the harpoon.

  "Perfect," Hopkins said with glee. "Now, let's see if we can catch it on something." He reversed the winch and the line pulled taut. "Fantastic," he yelled. "Now, let's attach the motorized chair."

  Granger came back. "Hopkins. The lady is going first. They all know her and she will calm them down and organize them for transport."

  "Whatever you say, Cap'tn. Ma'am, the chair will be ready to go in two minutes. It's real easy to use. There's a forward and reverse button. You have to keep holding the button down. If you release it, the chair stops."

  "What about me?" Jamal asked the Captain.

  "I asked. They said they never agreed to let you go."

  "But it was my idea."

  "And a good idea it is, Sir."

  Jamal took Campbell aside. "I need to talk with you."


  "First of all, I want you to take this." She took it. "I want you to know that I never agreed with the things my father did. I despised what he was doing. I hope you will not think I am like him."

  "You know, Jamal, in the three years I was there, I never saw you much and that's good. You could have come up to our floor and have taken the maiden or maidens of your choice, but you never did." She kissed him on the cheek and ran to the chair. "I guess that's why I believe you."

  Jamal rubbed his cheek as he watched Campbell traverse the chasm between the two monoliths. He smiled and the further she retreated, the more his smile grew. He was glad she had taken his gun.

  ~* *~

  Campbell made the mistake of looking down and started to feel nauseous. She leaned forward as she began to throw up and disrupted the chair. The mic they had attached to her blurted out. "Keep still, Ma'am. You can unbalance the unit if you're not careful. Even get the motor off the track. Then we'd have a mess."

  "Okay sorry. I made the mistake of looking down. I'll be more careful. Hopkins, how come this is moving so slow?"

  "It moves pretty slow on a straight shot, but you're going uphill. Looks like a twenty-percent grade. You're probably zooming up there at about a foot a second, should take about four minutes to get there. Coming back will only take half as long."

  "That's reassuring."

  ~* *~

  Drew searched for the green airplane, painted to resemble the Saudi Flag. What a fake. He was a better Muslim than his uncle and he didn't even practice. At least he respected Islam, the religion of his mother and stepfather, the Sultan of Oman.

  He couldn't spot the plane. He needed to get closer to the field. He pulled in a rental parking lot that abutted the field. There it was, right at the end of the taxiway. It was behind two smaller private jets scheduled to get the green light first, but it jumped the line and edged in front of the queue. Drew was off to the front and side of the plane about four hundred feet. Not even waiting for the go ahead it turned onto the runway. With brakes applied, it revved its four Pratt Whitney engines.

  Drew had to do something. Or Ali was gone. He buckled his seatbelt and crashed through the chain link fence about the same time the Boeing released the brakes and shot forward.

  ~* *~

  Campbell arrived at the high rise safe and sound. The crash and fire were located on the west side of the building and she entered on the east side. The sprinklers hadn't activated here. She grabbed the first girl she could find, a young tyke in a bikini. She didn't recognize her, but asked as she strapped her in. "What's your name?"


  "How long have you been here?"

  "Since yesterday. I've been hiding."

  Campbell sent Tish on her way. "Stay away from the pool area." She figured, based on what Hopkins said she had approximately seven minutes to locate the rest of the women. She was in the Spa area just off the pool. She marveled that the smoke wasn't too bad here. Where is everybody?

  She peeked around the pool area and discovered the women. Many of the guards, too! The sprinklers were active here, but the guards weren't paying attention. There were about sixteen guards. Some were holding the women at bay. Some were chasing after women and five guards were raping three of the unlucky women right on the pool deck or in the pool. When the prince is away, the creeps will play. Campbell backed away to use her mic without being heard. "Carboni, can you hear me?"

  "Go ahead, Campbell."

  "I found the women. There's a little problem. They're all being held in the pool area by the guards, sixteen of them who are trying to get an orgy going. This ought to make it easier to get up here and help, right?"

  "It would seem so."

ell hurry up then."

  "Campbell? Where are you?" Hopkins called softly.

  "I've got to go. Sergeant Hopkins is looking for me."

  After an excruciatingly slow trip between the towers, Sergeant Hopkins joined Campbell.

  Campbell went and intercepted Hopkins. "The guards have all the women under guard in the pool area and they seem to have an orgy on their mind. How are we going to get the women away from the guards?"

  Hopkins frowned. "How many are there?"


  "They aren't supposed to be with the women are they?"

  "No, but Ali is gone."

  Hopkins stomped his foot. "Shit! We can wait for a couple more of my team to get there. I'm sure we could take them then."

  "That would be fourteen or fifteen minutes. They could be in the middle of a full-blown orgy by then. Besides, I'm worried they may start shooting the women after they rape them."

  ~* *~

  Drew had his superchargers blazing attempting to speed up and intercept the fast moving green monster. He was doing 130, but the plane appeared to be going faster. It was pulling away and Drew was going to lose it in about five seconds as the ailerons were being set for lift off. He swung hard right where his high roof clipped the bottom of outermost engine. It wasn't much of an impact, but the effect was amazing.


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