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Shadows of Deception

Page 13

by Amy Hale

  Inside, Blake and Wes were in the dining area looking at the folder full of information Dr. Weston had given Colt and Jane. They circled the biggest facility on the map and compared it to the various coordinates that Julia had written on her hidden map.

  “Knowing Julia, they’ll have gone there.” Wes pointed. “Her need for survival will outweigh her desire for comfort. The larger, sturdier compound makes the most sense, and the coordinates are close to a match.”

  Blake nodded in agreement. “I have no doubt she has operations back in full-swing by now.”

  Wes heard the door open and saw Colt and Jane enter, hand in hand. “Here come the lovebirds now.”

  Blake waved them over to the table. “Take a look at this.”

  Jane sat in the chair next to Blake’s and studied the map. “You think that’s the place?” she asked.

  They nodded in unison.

  Colt frowned. “Damn, that looks huge. Hopefully it doesn’t have all the underground bunkers the last place had or it will take forever to clear it.”

  Jane studied the area surrounding the building. It was littered with dangerous terrain. Getting there would be a challenge. They’d have to plan carefully so they aren’t caught out in the elements, or worse yet, caught by the enemy itself. Too much could go wrong too easily. She needed assurance that all the bases were covered.

  “I think it’d be smart to scout the area. We need to know what we’re up against.”

  Wes agreed. “Absolutely. We need information. The big question is how do we get it? And who do we send?”

  Jane stood. “I’ll do it.”

  Colt bolted up from his own chair. “Wait. We need to discuss this. You can’t just run off into enemy territory.”

  “I’m not planning to run in blind, Colt. I have a plan. The biggest issue will be timing.”

  Colt ran a hand through his hair. “So, what’s the plan?”

  She clasped her hand in front of her and tried not to fidget. “I’m going to try to get inside Julia’s head again. We still have the ribbon.”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” Worry formed creases in Colt’s forehead.

  “It’s the safest way to get a little intel before we send out a scouting party.” She took his hand. “I’ll be fine, Colt. Last time I was just caught off-guard. Now I know what to expect.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.” She pulled him close for a peck on the lips. “It’s just a mental trip. Nothing can hurt me in there.”

  He nodded, although, she didn’t think he was happy about it. She wasn’t looking forward to the experience again, but she had hope that if she timed it correctly, she’d only have to do it once.

  “I don’t know if what I’m seeing is current or past. I want to test that tonight.” She looked at Wes. “Would you mind getting me a test subject? I need someone that doesn’t know I’m going to be there. I have to be sure this is a one-way connection.”

  “On it.” He jogged out of the room.

  Jane sat down again and tried to get comfortable. She wasn’t exactly sure how it worked, so it might take a few tries. Blake went to the vending machine and got them all sodas while Colt took a seat next to her. Wes walked back in the room with a hat in his hands. He placed it on the table in front of her. She recognized it as belonging to Jeremy.

  She took in a deep breath, then picked up the hat and closed her eyes. She tried to concentrate on emptying her mind, but nothing happened. She tried again, that time mentally calling out to Jeremy, but still no visions. Her frustration was building as she attempted to reach him yet again. She heard faint whispers but only caught occasional words and her vision was black. She continued to try to push past whatever it was that blocked her success, but it was no use.

  Jane rubbed her temples. “This isn’t working.” Her eyes met Colt’s. “Maybe last time was a fluke.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know, baby. Maybe it had something to do with the environment as well as the object.”

  “Yeah, maybe so.” Sadness and exhaustion washed over her in a wave. It was going to be trickier than she’d hoped. “I think I’m ready to call it a night.”

  Colt rose from his seat then held out his hand out to help her up. She took it and allowed herself a moment to appreciate the tingle that still ran across her skin when he touched her. She’d never get tired of that thrill, and she hoped he never would, either. They still had a lot to learn about each other, but she prayed that no matter the situation, there would always be a connection that kept them together. She had a mission, and in the next couple of days, she’d push his trust to its limits. She hoped their bond would be strong enough to overcome that.

  They said their good nights, then went to the bedroom they shared. Colt shut the door and started removing his clothing. Jane sat on the bed and admired the unintentional show. He caught her watching, and he focused his gaze on her face as he removed the last article of clothing.

  His powerful form filled her vision as he drew closer. Leaning down, he placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Her hands itched to reach out and touch him, but an odd trepidation held her back. She closed her eyes to push away the jitters taking over. She chided herself. It wasn’t as if it was their first time. But something was different, and she couldn’t pinpoint what it was. She felt a mixture of excitement and fear.

  Colt pulled her to her feet. He hadn’t said a single word since they left the dining room, yet there was an intensity in his features that spoke volumes. She wondered if he felt the same odd tension she was experiencing.

  One by one, he gently unfastened the buttons of her shirt and slid it off her shoulders. It hit the floor, followed by her bra. She stood perfectly still, afraid that if she moved it would interrupt the moment. He kissed her neck, then moved slowly and deliberately down her torso. It was the most delicious torture she’d ever experienced. Unable to stop herself, she put her hands in his hair, and she felt his smile on her stomach as he continued to plant kisses on her skin.

  When he reached her waistband, he ran his tongue along the ridge, and she squirmed. His hands reached around and cupped her behind as he tugged at the denim with his teeth. To her surprise, the button fly opened. He pushed the material aside and the zipper slipped down a fraction. Colt nuzzled the skin bared by that action while he caressed her lower back and bottom. She threw her head back and let out a husky sigh.

  The next thing she knew, he was gone. Opening her eyes, she looked for him. He stood in front of her, but his hands were at his side. He was breathing hard, and his eyes held that smoky, dark reflection of desire that she felt sure mirrored her own. He reached for her and pulled her up against him. He used one hand to cup the back of her head and tilt her face up to his. He looked as desperate as she felt.

  “I don’t think you truly understand what you do to me.” Despite only using one arm, he kept her pinned against him. “Every thought, every move, every damn breath I take is branded by your existence. I can’t get enough of you.”

  He bent and took her mouth in a passionate kiss. She returned it with equal enthusiasm. When they broke apart, he looked pained.

  “Jane, I need to hear it. I need to hear that you are mine and only mine. Now and forever.”

  Confusion clouded her features. “Have I given you reason to believe otherwise?”

  “No, but I still need to hear it. I need to know that despite our differences, I am enough for you. Those other guys out there… I can’t compete with that. I wasn’t born with gifts, and I’m not used to being the weakest link in a group.” He sighed. “I have to admit that I hate it. I want to be the hero in your story—the one you turn to when you need strength and safety, but I guess fate has other plans. Maybe that makes me a selfish, needy bastard. I don’t know. All I know is I don’t want you to ever look at another man the way you look at me. Just the idea of another man touching you makes my blood boil.”

  She reached up and ran her fingertips over his brow and down his templ
e. “My heart has only ever wanted you, Colt. That will never change.”

  He breathed out a sigh. “I know you once told me that you were no one’s property, and I swear I don’t see you as property. But when I hear your name or I see your face, the caveman impulse to stake my claim on you is overpowering.”

  Jane shot him a mischievous grin. “Well, if we’re being completely honest, I think it’s kinda hot when you turn caveman.”

  A smile crossed his face. “So you like the alpha side of me?”

  She lifted her hand and pinched her first finger and thumb together, leaving a small gap between them. “Just a little.” The twinkle in her eyes revealed that, in fact, she liked it quite a lot.

  He let out a tortured groan and then lifted her into his arms. Carrying her to the bed, he growled out, “Well then, you’re about to love what I’m gonna do next.”

  Jane awoke early the next morning. Colt was sleeping soundly, his face turned to the wall as he relaxed on his stomach. She kissed his cheek then slipped quietly out of bed. After a long hot shower, she dressed and slowly strolled to the kitchen. She was preoccupied with all she had to do that day, and she didn’t see Jeremy approach her in the hallway.

  “Hey? Where are you going so early?” he asked.

  Jane startled out of her concentration. “Jeremy! Good morning. I was planning to have some breakfast then work on some strategies.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll join you.”

  When they reached the kitchen, she opened the pantry and pulled out a box of granola bars. Jeremy made a face.

  “Are you gonna eat those again? What is it with you and those stupid bars?”

  Jane looked at the box in her hand. They were the same flavor and brand of bars she’d survived on when she’d ran into the woods and learned how to control her gifts. As crazy as it sounded, they felt lucky to her. She intended to have one in her system and others on her person when she left later in the day.

  “What can I say? I like them. And I’m not in the mood for anything heavier.”

  Jeremy shrugged. “Whatever. I’m starving so I’m gonna make an omelet.”

  Jane watched Jeremy make his breakfast as she nibbled on her own. He prattled on about some group and cool names, but she wasn’t really paying attention. Her mind was on the task ahead of her. It was going to be long hard day, but it couldn’t be helped. They were out of options.

  Jeremy finished eating and pushed his plate away. “So, what are you working on?”

  “Huh? Sorry, what did you ask?”

  “I asked what you are working on.” He pointed to her head. “Up there. The gears are turning. I can tell when you’re not paying attention, you know.”

  She frowned. “Sorry. I’m just preoccupied. We still have no solid information on The Curator’s new location.” She paused and looked at him cautiously. “Did anything odd happen to you last night?”

  “Odd?” He wrinkled his brow. “Like what?”

  “Like seeing visions or hearing voices? Feeling an intrusion mentally or like you were being watched?”

  It was his turn to frown. “Wait. Did those twin freaks try to get inside my head?”

  “First, they are no more freaks than you and I are. Second, no it wasn’t them. It was me. I was trying to replicate what happened to me in Julia’s room, but I also had to know if she could sense me there.”

  Jeremy swallowed, looking uncomfortable. “So, did it work?”

  She sighed. “No, it didn’t. On one of the tries, I got a hint of something—like faint whispers—but it wasn’t clear enough to be useful.”

  He released a breath. “Listen, I get why you did it, but damn. It’s freaky thinking someone has been in your personal head space.”

  “Sorry. I know it wasn’t a cool thing to do. It was just supposed to be a quick experiment. If it worked, I was going to promptly disconnect and then get the experience from your end.”

  “No problem. I know I can trust you. You always try to do what’s best for all of us. Despite my reservations about all this, I know you’re the perfect person to lead us. If anyone can see this through, it’s you.”

  “I appreciate your vote of confidence.” She walked over and gave him a quick hug.

  He waved her away. “Don’t go getting all mushy on me. I don’t need Colt kicking my ass over an innocent hug.”

  “C’mon, Jeremy, you know he’d never do that.”

  Jeremy barked out an incredulous laugh. “Have you taken a good look at him, Jane? The man is smitten. You don’t see the way he watches you when you aren’t looking. Or the way he bristles just a little bit when you show attention to another guy. Hell, I have no doubt he’d rip the eyeballs out of any guy that looked at you wrong.”

  She tried not blush at this information. Colt had said as much the night before, although, she thought he was being a bit melodramatic. Having someone confirm it was sweet. It also added to her guilt. She knew Colt wouldn’t be happy about her upcoming plans. She’d have to convince him it was the right move.

  “Don’t worry, Jeremy. He knows you and I are practically siblings.”

  Jeremy gave her a skeptical look, and said “uh huh” as he took a sip of his coffee.

  It wasn’t long before the rest of the crew was up and enjoying breakfast. Colt staggered in last which surprised Jane. He’d slept in later than usual, and she’d thought he slept rather well after the night they’d had. He’d certainly wore her out. She displayed a secretive smile at the memory. When she looked up again, he was looking at her and had a similar smile on his own face. She couldn’t stop the heat from rising to her pale cheeks.

  She joined him at his table. “Sleep well?”

  He gave her a sideways glance. “Here and there.” He grinned as he took a bite of toast. “How about you?”

  She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m well rested.”

  He leaned into her, his mouth hovered near her ear as he said. “Glad to hear it. Maybe I should make sure you sleep well every night.”

  Jane ducked her head to assure no one else saw the glow his words were surely causing. He chuckled and pulled her in close for a hug. She clung to him and prayed it wasn’t the last time he held her like that.

  Two hours later, Jane had pulled Jeremy and Kyler away from the group practice. They sat in the library, all of them looking pensive as they talked.

  “Colt is gonna kill us all,” Jeremy said as he shook his head.

  Jane leaned forward, looking at both of them. “He won’t be thrilled, but I think once we explain it to him, he’ll understand the necessity of it.”

  Kyler snorted. “I have no doubt he’ll see the need, I’m just not sure he’ll be thrilled that you are among those taking the risk.”

  “You guys, that’s not fair. Colt cares about the safety of everyone.”

  “Of course he does,” responded Kyler, “but you’re the one he’s in love with, so naturally it makes sense that he’d be more protective over you.”

  “Okay, were getting off point here. Colt may or may not have an issue with the plan, but I’ll deal with that when the time comes. Right now I need to know if you two are in or out.”

  They both took a moment to consider their options. Kyler nodded first, then Jeremy agreed as well.

  “Good. Thank you. I’ll break the news to Colt when he and Brett get back from the supply run.”

  Kyler stood. “Awesome. Give me a heads up, and I’ll be here for support. It may be a crazy idea, but I think it’ll work.” He stood. “I’m off to take a nap. I’ll need it for later.”

  “Thanks, Kyler!” Jane called as he walked out of the room. He sent a “no problem” wave over his shoulder before he disappeared from sight.

  Jeremy stayed put and looked at her expectantly. “I know you were distracted this morning, but did you hear any of what I told you?”

  She tried to think of their early morning conversation, but she honestly couldn’t recall what he’d said. She thought he was talk
ing about band names or a sports team of some kind.

  “Sorry, what little I heard has slipped my mind already.”

  “Not surprised. Anyway, I was thinking that maybe we should consider a name for ourselves.”

  “A name? Why would we need a name?”

  “Well, we’re a group of the gifted about to take down a tyrannical system of oppression. It seems fitting we have some kind of name.”

  “Um, I guess so.”

  “Ah c’mon, Jane. It’d be cool! We’re practically superheroes.”

  She rolled her eyes and let out a chuckle. “Leave it to you to romanticize all this mess.”

  He winked at her. “I’m an optimist. Sue me.” He stretched, then rose to leave. “I’m gonna go for a run around the building. I need to work off some pent-up energy.”

  She nodded, but kept her eyes on the maps before her. “See you in a bit.”

  Jane pulled out a notepad and pen, then jotted down important details she needed to remember. She also made of list of items to pack for their trip. Thankfully, their destination wasn’t but a few hours hike from their current location. They could stake the place out and be back by morning.

  Gathering up her materials, she moved everything to the dining room. She was assembling water, food, and various survival supplies when Colt walked through the door, followed by Kyler, Jeremy, and Brett. His eyes immediately went to the table in front of her.

  Colt surveyed the items she had laid out. “Hey, sweetheart. Are we going somewhere?”

  She bit her bottom lip. “Sort of.”

  Kyler and Jeremy exchanged looks.

  Brett picked up a small fire-starting kit and inspected the contents. “Where are you planning to build a fire?”

  Jane pressed her lips together, not quite ready to get into the details. She knew she had to tell them, but her courage was faltering now that the time had come.

  Colt put his hands on his hips and looked at Kyler and Jeremy suspiciously. They were far too fidgety—something was up.

  Colt crossed his arms and took up an authoritative stance. “All right. Out with it.”


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