The Golden Key

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The Golden Key Page 8

by Jeanne Page

  Chapter Eight

  The Friend in the Furnace

  As the Servant Girl stepped through the open doorway with her Companion she was surprised to find herself, not in the entryway of a cozy little house, but once again in the familiar hallway of Doors. Her Companion gently closed the Door behind them and pointed to the words emblazoned across it.: “And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asks receives and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened.” She smiled, for the truths surrounding these words were deeper than she might have first expected. To ask, to seek, to knock—all seemed like such simple actions, but they were so much more than just a question, a quick search or a rap upon a door. Each faith-filled action was indeed just the beginning of a journey through time. The receiving, the finding, the opening of the door were providentially held for the preordained moment—a moment agreed upon by The King, His Son and her Companion. As she waited for the fulfillment of these promises she had been strengthened and equipped for what was yet to come. And she didn’t receive only, or find only, for if she had asked and merely received, or sought and merely found she would never have experienced the blessing of that door opening and the sweet communion with The Son that followed. When that door opened it was so much more than what she had asked for or sought. A deeper blessing had been hers to enjoy. She lightly ran her fingertips across the shining words of this door. She was once again reminded of the words engraved on the stone step of the mountain: “Wait for the LORD; Be strong, and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord.”

  She sighed and turned to her Companion. “The journey behind this door was a hard one.”

  Her Companion nodded. “Yes, dear one, and more difficulties await you. For to whom much has been given, much will be required. You have been given much, and you are well-equipped for the journey ahead of you. Come.”

  He led her just a bit further down the hall way and as they paused before this new door she read words that were indeed as precious and as beautiful as the others, yet they frightened her, too. “I HAVE CHOSEN YOU IN THE FURNACE OF AFFLICTION.”

  “Oh, Teacher,” she said, and felt the trembling of her voice. “Are we to go through this door?”

  “Yes, child. This is where we journey next.”

  “Oh please,” she cried. “I am so afraid. Please, don’t take me here…may we open another door instead?”

  “This is the path that your King has chosen for you, little one. Have We not walked every step of your journey with you so far?”

  She nodded meekly.

  “And We will be with you in the furnace of affliction as well, child. You are ready for this task. We would not ask it of you if it were not so.”

  With head bowed, she nodded again for she knew His words were true, but summoning the courage to walk in His Truth was so very hard.

  “Put your key in the lock,” He said. “And open the door.”

  She closed her eyes for a brief moment and felt a breath of warm air swirl around her. And then the tiniest bit of courage found it’s way into her heart. She stepped forward, inserted her key and the door swung open.

  Light, brightness and beauty had been on the other side of each of the doors she had stepped through so far, but this door was different. It opened instead to darkness and blasts of hot gusts of air that stung her cheeks and face.

  “What does your key say, child?” Her Companion asked.

  She glanced at the familiar words engraved deep into the gold. ““Call to me, and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things that you know not.”

  “Those words are as True now as they were when you received the key, little one,” He assured her. “You have learned to call upon Us, and have learned to hear Our answer. Great and unsearchable things await you in the furnace child, I promise you that.”

  The Truth in His words calmed her heart and gave her a new courage. She stepped into the darkness and awaited the guidance of her Companion. All around her the harsh clang of metal on metal rang out. Red, flickering light glowed from a hole in the floor a few feet away. The ends of a ladder extended from the hole.

  “Come here, child,” He said, and took her hand to lead her to the opening. As her gaze dropped to the floor and through the opening she could not help but gasp. She was terrified as she realized the depth of the space below them and the length of the metal ladder. She knew without asking that she was meant to descend this ladder to the ground so very far below. “The furnace is below, little one, and a large pile of wood awaits you. You are to keep the furnace stoked—the fire must not go out. It is to burn day and night. You may ascend the ladder when ever you wish so that we may talk. You know by now, though, that even if you cannot see Me, I will be with you in the furnace as well.”

  “Oh Teacher, must I?” she cried. “I do know You will be with me, but my heart still trembles within me.”

  “Gold, silver, bronze, iron, tin, lead and anything else that can withstand fire must be put through the fire, and then it will be clean. All that is precious and valuable must pass through the furnace, little one, but be encouraged. The Son himself descended into the furnace and has walked in the very fire itself. He has made it possible for you to follow in His footsteps and not be burned. You are safe, because of Him.”

  She had learned the pain of grieving her Companion already, and knew that no matter how difficult it seemed, complete obedience ensured His presence with her. She would not give up this precious relationship for anything and so she resigned herself to this journey into the depths.

  She carefully placed one foot on the ladder and clung with both arms wrapped around the top rung as she placed the other foot next to the first. She was shaking all over but as she looked to her Companion for help, He smiled and encouraged her. “Well done, child. You can do this.” She returned a weak smile then moved one foot down to the next rung of the ladder. Each time that she moved a foot or a hand to a new rung the rest of her body clung to the ladder. She did not look down, but continued the process step by step, rung by rung for what seemed like an eternity. She was so very high, and had so very low to go. When at last her feet touched the solid bottom of the floor she almost cried with relief.

  The air was hotter and dryer here, but it was exactly as her Companion had described to her. Several axes leaned against a huge pile of logs and a small door to the furnace was open, revealing the flickering flames within. She could see that some of the logs would not fit through the furnace door, so she would need to cut them down to size. Also, there was another door that seemed to lead out of this room, but it was closed. Suddenly a loud, menacing voice shrieked, “Cut the wood! Stock the furnace!” and the Servant Girl felt her heart jump within her. She quickly glanced around the room but could see no one. Trembling, she held on to the ladder and called up to her Companion, for this was not a voice she recognized, “What am I to do?” A still, small, comforting voice whispered to her heart, “Be not afraid, little one. This is the work you are to do. Close your ears to the voice you hear and listen only to Mine. The Accuser knows that this is the work you are to do, but he will attempt to make it something that it is not. Because I am with you, you are stronger than he is, child. Greater is He that is within you, than he that is in this world. Remember, too, that The King’s love for you burns hotter than this furnace.”

  She felt the strength within her surge and she set about to do what was required. It was grueling, back breaking work, and the heat left her drenched in sweat. The heat was so very intense, but not once did she feel in danger of being scorched. After a time the loud voice began to shout lies, “You are alone Servant Girl!” “Your Companion has left you!” “You are a fool!” “You will be here for eternity!” The Enemy’s words were like bellows fanning the flames, increasing the heat as he mocked her and hurled blasphemies against The King, the Son and her Companion. Many times he tried to con
vince her that the foul words he spoke were her own thoughts. He tempted her to leave this place and the service of The King and told her it was as simple as walking through the door that stood just a few feet away. He even knew about her crimes and accused her again and again of being a disloyal servant, and his lies that the King’s mercy, grace, forgiveness and love were not real shook her to the core.

  But the still small voice in her heart reassured her, “The Enemy hates you, because he hates Me, child. But My sheep hear My voice… where I am, there My servant will be also…trust in the Lord with all your heart…” and that still small voice was louder in her ears than the shouting lies in the furnace. In her minds eye she could see the stones on the mountain that were etched with these words and they seemed to glow and shine brightly as she considered them. She was even able to smile at the loud voice’s silly words. The loud voice was that of a fool. He thought he was causing her despair, but instead she grew even more sure of her growing love for The King, His Son and her Companion and even more sure that she was not alone at all. They were with her.

  Then something happened that at first puzzled her. She had not been surprised that the Enemy’s words, like bellows blowing on the flames, increased the heat and intensity of the flames. She could bear it because her Companion was with her. But now she felt the warm swirl of wind that she recognized as coming from her Companion, and this too increased the heat and flames. Why was her Companion fanning the flames of her affliction? She couldn’t understand why He was adding to her pain and difficulties. As the wind blew hot on the coals, though, she suddenly saw something that she had not seen before. The burning coals formed words that glowed brightly as the hot breath of her Companion blew upon them. The bright blaze illuminated His Words for only a moment, and she read them hungrily as His message to her, “Therefore thus says the LORD of Hosts, Behold, I will melt them, and try them.” The Words disappeared and then she thought she saw One walking in the midst of the fire, though unhurt, and it seemed that He blew again on the coals and new words formed: ‘The Lord restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends.”

  A whoosh of air swirled from behind her and as she turned the door that had been momentarily opened slammed shut. A young girl lie in a heap on the floor, sobbing. When she lifted her head, the Servant Girl recognized her as an old Friend from the palace. The Servant Girl ran to her Friend and held her in her arms, comforting her. The Friend finally spoke through her tears, “I have been forced to work in the furnace! I’m so afraid! But so glad to see you here!”

  Suddenly the voice boomed again, “Cut the wood! Stock the furnace!” The Friend was startled by the angry voice and quickly, the two began to work side by side. “Don’t worry, all will be well. My Companion is with us,” the Servant Girl tried to comfort her Friend.

  The Friend looked around the room, puzzled. “Where is your Companion?”

  “He is sitting even now, at the top of this ladder. Do you want to meet Him?”

  “Oh no!” she cried. “I could never climb such a ladder! Can’t He come down here?”

  “He is here...” the Servant Girl tried to explain, but had difficulty putting into words all she had learned about the continual presence of her Companion. And then He whispered in her ear, “Come to me, little one.”

  The Servant Girl turned to her Friend. “I must climb the ladder to speak with my Companion.”

  Her friend grew pale. “Oh no! Don’t leave me!”

  The Servant Girl embraced her Friend to give her comfort. “I must obey His voice. But I know I’ll be back.” She carefully climbed the ladder to the top and when she reached her Companion she told Him all about the girl. She told Him how kind the girl had been to her when they worked in the palace together, and she told Him how very frightened the girl was now.

  “Yes, little one. I know all about her. You are joining Me in the battle for her heart.—a battle I will win. Do you remember how The Son spoke to The King on your behalf in the throne room?”

  She nodded.

  “In the same way you are speaking on behalf of your friend. Sometimes the furnace is used to work death in one, while at the same time it is working life in another. And don’t worry, your friend will not be in the furnace long. Go back to her and comfort her with these words.” The Servant Girl again descended the ladder and her Friend was so relieved when she returned. The one comforted the other, but the Friend couldn’t understand how the Companion knew these things. The Servant Girl tried to explain, but felt frustrated that she couldn’t find the right words. Again, the Companion whispered, “Come to me,” and again, the Servant Girl obeyed. This time her Friend was not as frightened for she knew the Servant Girl would return, and this time the climb was not as hard, for the Servant Girl felt more strength had been given to her.

  “There is a sprig of herbs nestled into one of the logs. You are to find it and put it in your pouch.” He paused. “And little one…was there not a time in your memory when your Friend offended you?”

  The Servant Girl paused, for she had not wanted to bring it up for fear that her Companion would not think well of her Friend. Her Friend was the one who had reported her crime to the Kitchen Master. “Yes, Teacher. But I have forgiven her. Though I was offended by her actions, she was right to do them. I was the one who was wrong. Please do not hold it against her.” Her Companion smiled. “Well done, child. Return to your Friend and be strength to her.” The Servant Girl once again descended and began her search of the logs. When she finally found the little sprig of greenery she was so relieved! She put it with the other herbs and spices and tied the little leather string. Her Friend was confused by these actions, and again, the Servant Girl found it difficult to explain. The two continued their work of splitting the logs and stoking the fire, and as they did The Friend shared her story. It was filled with much pain and anguish. The Servant Girl wept for her Friend as they worked side by side and she was exhausted from it all. It was then that the Servant Girl noticed for the first time that numerous pouches of small weights were loaded on her Friend’s back. The still, small voice that she knew and loved prompted her, “Take some of the weights and place them on your own back, child, then bring them to me.”

  She did as she was told and her Friend was surprised and relieved to have some of the weight removed from her back and did not even question when the Servant Girl ascended the ladder this time. Her Companion removed the weights and then instructed her to repeat this again and again until all the weights of her Friend had been carried to Him. The weights were so heavy on the Servant Girl’s back, but each time that she made the trip ascending and descending, she felt her strength grow.

  As the Servant Girl reached the top of the ladder with the last of her Friend’s weights her Companion announced, “It is time, little one. The sacrifice has burned all night. The flesh that needed to be removed is but ashes and has fallen through the grate of the altar that you willingly laid yourself upon. The fellowship of sufferings is a blessing, child, and it is one you will experience again. But now, this time of affliction is finished. Do not forget, no affliction lasts forever.”

  The Servant Girl felt relief flood her being.

  “It is time to tell your Friend that she is to ascend the ladder, little one. She will be frightened, and you are to give her your golden key. After this, she will join you.”

  The Servant Girl gasped. “But how will I enter the doors without the key?” she cried.

  “Have I not always provided a way for you, little one?”

  With tears in her eyes, she nodded, knowing it was true.

  “It is I who opens the doors. And something else, little one.” He looked deep into her eyes. “There have been others in the furnace before you who have surrendered their keys so that you might have yours. Someday you will rejoice with those who spoke your very name to me while they were in the furnace. It is your turn to do as they did—your turn to speak the name of your Friend so she may take her own journey with me
.” The reluctance in her heart melted away and was filled with a joy that she could share this gift with her friend. For the last time, she descended the ladder and met her friend there. “We are to go up the ladder together, my Friend.”

  “But I’m too frightened! I can’t do it!” her Friend cried.

  “I am to give you this,” the Servant Girl said, and she removed the key and chain from her neck and handed it to her friend. It glowed in her Friend’s hand and when she had placed it around her neck a new courage shone on her face.

  “I think I can do it if you go with me,” she said meekly.

  “I will go first and lead the way. You come right behind me,” the Servant Girl said.

  The two began their climb and before long they stood at the top of the ladder where the Companion waited for them. Immediately her Friend cried out and ran into the Companion’s arms. He smiled at the Servant Girl, even as He comforted her friend. “Well done, child, there will be dancing and singing today! A pure, soft and moldable heart is your reward,” He said. And the Servant Girl glowed with contentment. Her Friend turned back to the Servant Girl and paused to embrace her warmly. Then The Companion led her Friend to another door saying, “Come. The King has summoned you to His Throne Room.” He bid her insert the key and the door opened easily. As the two of them walked through it, her Companion turned back to the Servant Girl and smiled. “Your work in this furnace is completed, little one. Go back through the door we entered through.” And with that He closed the door behind them.

  The Servant Girl was glad to have been obedient and completed her task and realized that so many doubts had been burned away there. She wondered, though as she looked at the door, what would happen next in the hallway. She no longer had a key to continue her adventure through the doors, and though her Companion had promised that He would open the doors, He had left with her Friend. She was alone. She smiled, though not really alone, she corrected herself. The Servant Girl took a deep breath and opened the door, stepping back into the hallway.

  Questions for Reflection

  Why was the Servant Girl frightened by the words on this next door?

  Are you frightened by the thought of affliction?

  Do you find yourself begging God for a different path instead?

  What does her Companion assure her about this journey?

  Where did she find her first tiniest bit of courage?

  What is different about what lies behind this door?

  How does our walk with God change when we encounter affliction?

  What Truth did her Companion remind her of?

  What are the Servant's Girl's thoughts as she learns of her task?

  What kinds of emotions have you felt when God called you to a difficult task?

  What did the Servant Girl's Companion say to comfort her?

  Do these words comfort you?

  Describe the voice the Servant Girl hears in the furnace. Why does it surprise and confuse her?

  Have you ever been surprised and confused by another voice when you were enduring affliction?

  What is the Servant Girl's response to the voice?

  What should our response be?

  How can we discern whose voice we should be listening to?

  What happened in the furnace that puzzled the Servant Girl?

  Does it surprise you to learn that God might increase your afflictions?

  What did the Servant Girl learn about who fans the flames and why?

  Describe the Servant Girl's encounter with her friend.

  Have you experienced having a friend in the furnace?

  What did her Companion mean when He said, "sometimes the furnace is used to work death in one, while at the same time it is working life in another?"

  How does the task given the Servant Girl mirror our own responsibilities concerning our friends?

  Why do you think the Servant Girl's Companion asked her to give up her key?

  What does it mean to be melted and tried?

  How is it that we can be safe while in the furnace?

  What comforts can we find in the furnace?

  What is the result of our time in the furnace?

  What do you know about the "Refiner?"

  Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego lost one thing in the furnace. Do you know what it is?

  Do we lose the same thing in the fires of affliction?

  Do you know what God asked Job to do while in the midst of his afflictions?


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