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An Unusual Desconian Marriage (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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by Rachel Clark

  An Unusual Desconian Marriage

  The rules on Earth have changed.

  Chosen to protect and find suitable marriages for a group of human women expelled from their planet, Katarnia takes her duty very seriously.

  Jaegan and Luddeke love their wife. Katarnia is everything they’ve ever wanted and more. If that means no children for any of them, then that’s what their future will be. No regrets. No doubts. No worries.

  But when Katarnia brings Deanna into their lives, determined to step back so that Jaegan and Luddeke can take a new mubella, they find themselves torn. Deanna is sweet and shy and innocently sexy, and very easy to love, but they refuse to set their wife aside.

  Perhaps Earth is not the only planet that can change its rules.

  Why can’t Desconians live in quad relationships?

  Convincing the kings won’t be easy.

  But convincing Katarnia and Deanna? Hell, that’s a whole lot of fun.

  Genre: Futuristic, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

  Length: 20,759 words


  Rachel Clark


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage and More


  Copyright © 2012 by Rachel Clark

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-498-7

  First E-book Publication: October 2012

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Copyright © 2012


  Deanna wanted to offer comfort to the crying woman in the corner, but didn’t think it would be welcomed. Physical contact between any two people was not something most humans were comfortable with anymore.

  Yet, Deanna glanced around the crowded area of unhappy women and actually felt a spark of hope. Many of her fellow passengers on this transport vessel were being removed from Earth against their will. But not her.

  It might not have been her decision to leave but she was more than happy to wave good-bye to a planet that treated its citizens with such contempt. Ever since the new government had been “elected,” life on Earth had grown more and more unbearable. She wasn’t even certain the new government could claim to have been given power to rule by the people. They’d managed to remove the right to vote from more than half of the population beforehand, so in Deanna’s mind that wasn’t a fair election and they didn’t represent the majority of anything.

  It did prove their power though, that they could round up young women and throw them off the planet without trial, rebuke, or recourse.

  With a power like that, Deanna would rather take her chances in outer space.

  “Where do you think we are now?” her friend, Jenelle, asked quietly. The woman was about the same age as Deanna. They’d met the day they’d been thrown onto the ship and had built a comfortable friendship over the past three days. Jenelle didn’t seem to be as upset as most of the passengers crammed into this cargo hold, so it was a good bet she hadn’t appreciated the sweeping changes to many people’s civil rights on Earth, either. Unfortunately, until they knew where they were headed it probably wasn’t wise to speak of such attitudes out loud.

  “I don’t know. The men who arrested me said there was a place for whores like me, so I guess I’m hoping it’s an actual planet,” she said on a whisper.

  “I was thinking the same thing. If they wanted us dead I don’t think they would have gone to the expense of transporting us three days off planet.”

  There was a commotion at the doorway, raised voices, and then several minutes of tense silence. Whatever was happening on the other side of the locked door, Deanna wasn’t really sure she wanted to know.

  “Looks like we’re about to find out,” Jenelle said, gripping Deanna’s hand briefly. Even on the transport that was mostly filled with women, it wasn’t a good idea to show physical affection. Hopefully, wherever they were being taken would have different attitudes.

  Fortunately, they didn’t have to wait much longer to find out. A group of people, both male and female, came into the area. They seemed to be dressed like soldiers, but they didn’t appear likely to attack. If anything, they looked appalled by the conditions the women were living in.

  “Is there anyone with a language translator on board?” a woman, who seemed to be in charge of the soldiers, asked loudly.

  Deanna glanced around the crowded area and noticed many women react in fear. Clearly, implanted language translation devices weren’t as prevalent as they’d once been on Earth.

  “I do,” she said, raising her hand to get the soldier’s attention.

  The woman glanced over her shoulder, said something quietly to the man behind her who nodded in response, and then carefully picked her way through scattered women and their meager belongings to where Deanna and Jenelle were sitting.

  They both stood up as the woman moved clo

  “I’m Katarnia, daughter of Chabou, and currently in charge of Desconian border security.” She held her hand out in a gesture that Deanna recognized as typically human. At least, it had been typical until a few years ago. Deanna reached out and grasped the woman’s hand in her own.

  “Deanna Chase, displaced human,” she said with a wry smile. The woman returned her smile briefly, but then glanced around the area once more.

  “Can you tell me why you’re here, Deanna? The captain of the ship has been less than cooperative.”

  “To be honest, I’m not sure any of us know why we’re here. I was taken from my home, loaded on the ship, and brought here. I’m not even sure where ‘here’ is.”

  “So you’re not all criminals?”

  “What? Criminals?” Jenelle asked in shock. Apparently, the word Katarnia had used was in the standard Earth tongue and not actually being interpreted by her translator.

  “I don’t think so,” Deanna said, glancing around at the sad group of women. Some of them were barely old enough to be considered adults, but she was fairly certain there wasn’t a criminal among them. Of course the word “criminal” could mean just about anything these days. Considering some of the dramatic changes in Earth law over the past few years, “criminal” was very likely just another word for “woman of childbearing age.”

  “Deanna,” Katarnia said, glancing around at who might be close enough to overhear their quiet conversation, “the captain of this ship is trying to sell you to the Desconian government. Buying sentient beings is not something we do, but I’m not willing to let the ship leave this sector until I know what’s going on.” She glanced around the area again. “My planet is willing to offer sanctuary to anyone who wants it, but the lifestyle on Descon is very different to what I suspect many, if not all, of these women are used to. Can you help me talk to them?”

  “Of course.” Deanna hesitated and glanced around the area before continuing. “And thank you. I appreciate your honesty. I’m sure every woman here will be glad for your help.” Impulsively, Deanna leaned over and hugged the Desconian woman. Immediately, strong arms wrapped around her, hugging her close, and she felt a sort of peace she hadn’t known since her husband’s death several years ago. In this woman’s arms she felt safe for the first time in a long time.

  Hopefully, getting kicked off her home planet was the best thing that could have happened to her.

  Chapter One

  “Need you,” Jaegan said as he grabbed Luddeke and kissed him hard. “Can’t wait.”

  “Then don’t,” Luddeke said as he tumbled facedown onto the bed with his husband, his tredella, close behind. The sound of the lube bottle had him half hard. The slippery touch of fingers on his ass had his cock standing to attention. But it was the quick, hard thrust that lodged his lover deep in his ass that had him gasping for breath.

  Jaegan knew him well, his forceful thrusts pushing Luddeke up the bed even as he gripped the sheets and pushed back.

  “Okay?” Jaegan asked quietly.

  “Perfect,” Luddeke answered, squeezing his anal muscles tighter, caressing his husband intimately.

  Jaegan groaned, as Luddeke knew he would, and then started pumping into him, harder and faster, moving more forcefully, plowing into Luddeke without falter.

  “Come for me,” he said with a growl as he tipped them both sideways, grabbed Luddeke’s cock in a tight grip, and squeezed hard enough for him to see stars. Luddeke cried out as cum spurted from him, coating his lover’s hand a moment before he was pushed facedown once more.

  And then Jaegan truly began to fuck him.

  * * * *

  Katarnia was running late.

  It seemed to be a rather regular occurrence in recent times, but ever since she’d gotten her promotion she’d found it harder and harder to get out of the office. It didn’t help that she was so busy that she’d almost forgotten about the play party Ewin had invited them to tonight. Even without going home first she was still going to be late.

  As she finally reached the entry to Ewin, Dayved, and Kimberley’s home, Katarnia couldn’t help but smile when Prince Eric arrived at the same time. He looked more unsettled than she’d seen him in a long time. In fact, the only time she’d seen him show any sort of vulnerability was when the Intergalactic Ambassador Corps had accused his human wife, Cindy, of wrongdoing. Fortunately, Eric and Loukie had refused to believe any of the charges against their wife and had soon discovered the conspiracy behind it. Katarnia had been on the security detail for that mission to Earth. It hadn’t been a pleasant trip.

  But the prince’s agitation sent her own imagination spinning. It was her job to anticipate problems. She was very good at it. It was why she’d been given a promotion in the first place.

  “Running late?” she asked with a smile, trying to act like nothing was wrong. Unfortunately, Eric wasn’t just a figurehead when it came to planetary security. He, too, had a well-developed sense for when things weren’t quite right.

  He breathed out a deep breath and then smiled. “Is it that obvious?”

  “Afraid so,” she said with a wry smile. She’d worked a lot of years with the Royal Guard, but she was also friends with Cindy and Loukie. It was very likely it wasn’t just her work instincts picking up on Eric’s agitation. “Anything I can help with?”

  “Not unless you can convince my pregnant mubellabina not to climb on rickety stepladders.”

  “Why would she do that?” Eric’s human wife, Cindy, was nearly seven months pregnant. Her center of balance would be very different now. Climbing on anything “rickety” would be a very bad idea.

  “She wanted to clean the back of the cupboard.”

  “Clean th—” Katarnia cut off her words. Cindy Richards was not only a well-loved wife. She was also a princess on this planet. It had taken years for her to become pregnant. It didn’t make sense that she would risk her baby doing stuff when she had employees who could do it for her. But that also raised the thought that Eric would never risk his employees’ safety by owning a “rickety” anything. “What stepladder did she use?”

  Eric laughed as if he’d been caught out in a lie. “Okay, it was more of a solid box than a stepladder, but she should have been resting, not cleaning.”

  Katarnia tried to hide her smile. It was obvious that Eric adored both his wives—and she could certainly understand him worrying about Cindy’s pregnancy since years ago she’d been told she was infertile—but Katarnia could also understand Cindy’s boredom. She’d gone from hectic full days dealing with all sorts of intergalactic treaties and issues and everything else her life as a princess and former ambassador had entailed to being told to rest thirty hours a day. She wasn’t even getting to spend as much time with their other children as she usually liked. It must have been annoying as hell for a woman so used to being in the thick of things. Katarnia couldn’t even imagine being relegated to the sidelines. Thanks to an infection in her youth, Katarnia would never experience a pregnancy of her own, but she could definitely understand Cindy’s current frustration.

  “About time you two got here,” Ewin said as his image appeared on the front door monitor. “Your partners started without you.”

  Katarnia smiled. Of course her husbands started without her. Considering how often she was late, waiting for her would be a waste of time and energy. “Tell them I’ll just grab a quick shower.”

  “Will do,” Ewin said in a strained voice. Apparently, one of his partners had decided he’d talked long enough. Eric and Katarnia both laughed at the man’s slight hiccup. Whatever was happening off screen was almost enough to make Ewin’s eyes roll into the back of his head. The front door swung open and the screen went dark a moment later.

  * * * *

  Jaegan was relieved to hear Ewin talking to two people, not just one. Katarnia had been working so hard lately that both he and Luddeke were beginning to worry for her health. They’d known when she’d gotten the promotion that there would be an adj
ustment period—especially considering that it had been the change in laws on Earth that created the need for the type of protection Katarnia now supervised—but they hadn’t really been expecting it to take such a toll on her. More and more women fled, or were expelled from, the stifling rules on Earth. Many were simply seeking a better life, but most of them arrived completely clueless. Few even understood the mechanics of sex and procreation, let alone the carnal nature of the Desconian lifestyle.

  Ewin cut off the conversation with the people at his front door as his husband slid down the bed and took his hard cock into his mouth. Ewin’s eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head as he thumbed the button on the remote control to let Eric and Katarnia into the apartment.

  Jaegan and Luddeke stayed on the bed, lazily caressing each other as they watched Dayved and Kimberley pleasure their husband. Cindy and Loukie lay on the third bed in the room, waiting for Eric to join them. Loukie caressed Cindy’s pregnant belly adoringly, her love for the woman and the child she carried very clear in her eyes.

  Eric stepped into the room, already naked, and moved to join his wives on the bed, his eyes only for the two women despite the gentle moans, soft sighs, and deep growls coming from the threesome in the corner.

  Luddeke moved slightly, trying to look around Eric. The prince saw what he was doing, smiled at the low groan that escaped Ewin as he came hard, and tilted his head toward the door he’d just come through.

  “She’s having a quick shower.”


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