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Page 2

by Shae Mills

  Chelan gritted her teeth and pushed with all her might until she could push no more.

  Korba held her hand tight, watching her intently while keeping track of the doctor’s every move.

  When the contraction subsided, Chelan relaxed against Marri and caught her breath. Then she peered up at Korba. “Maybe you should let go of my sweaty little hand and go watch your daughter being born. I am not going through all this just for myself, you know.”

  Korba glanced at Stose. “Do they all get this snippy?”

  Stose shrugged. “Unfortunately, yes, but consider yourself lucky. So far, she has not lashed out and tried to kill you. I have seen that before.”

  Korba looked at her, just as her eyes narrowed. “I do not know, Stose, she appears dangerous.”

  Chelan licked her lips. “If you do not shut up, I am going to grab you by the balls, and every time I contract, I am going to squeeze with the same intensity. I know the men of your world do not have the same testicular sensitivity as the men of my world, but with my long nails, I will inflict some serious damage.”

  Laughter permeated the room, but Korba straightened. He knew his lady well, and he quickly shuffled down by Stose.

  Chelan smiled. “Now he will stay out of trouble,” she whispered with satisfaction. But then she stiffened, and everyone tensed.

  Stose nodded to her. “Deep breath,” he ordered.

  Marri braced herself as Chelan bore down. Korba could hardly tear his eyes away from his mate’s face, but finally, he looked down at her trembling thighs. He reached out and touched them gently.

  Stose smiled, noticing how the majestic Warlord was both spellbound by amazement and concurrently crippled by fear. The combination was volatile, but Stose could tell the Emperor was calling on every bit of control he had, calming himself as much as was humanly possible.

  Chelan relaxed as the contraction receded, and Stose redirected his attention back to her. He glanced at a monitor. “Baby is fine.”

  Chelan gave him a small smile. Then the next contraction came, and Stose didn’t have to say a word. She pushed hard.

  Stose nodded to her. “The baby should crown soon.” The doctor then reached behind himself and came up with a large cylindrical device.

  Korba grabbed his hand. “What is that?”

  “It is okay. It contains a medication that will freeze her flesh in case she tears. I do not think she will, but this will ease the pain of the passage regardless.”

  Korba released the doctor’s arm.

  Stose looked at Chelan, and she nodded her permission. He injected her quickly and then prepared for the next wave. He did not have to wait long.

  Chelan bore down, and Korba’s eyes widened. He watched with rapt veneration as the baby’s beautiful blue-black hair became visible.

  Chelan collapsed back and Stose patted her thigh. “One more should do it, my Lady.”

  Chelan rubbed her hands over her tummy and tried to relax. “Am I tearing?”

  Stose shook his head and reached for her distended flesh. His fingers expertly massaged her peritoneum. “So far, so good.”

  Chelan gathered herself together as the next spasm took her. She pressed her chin to her chest and pushed, straining as hard as she could.

  Stose touched the Emperor, positioning the man’s hands near the birth canal, and within moments, the tiny head emerged.

  Korba gasped, his eyes welling with emotion as he witnessed the gift of life coming forth.

  Chelan drew in another breath and pushed once more, and then, it was done.

  Marri and Stose smiled at one another as Chelan eased back and caught her breath. Lethiason and Zane shook each other’s hands. But Korba was as still as stone. He took a moment to process what had just occurred, and then cradled the little infant in his massive hands. Then... she cried.

  “Yes!” shouted Lethiason.

  Chelan could only stare at her beloved mate, the man still spellbound by all that was happening.

  Stose waited for the cord to quit pulsing and then clamped it off just before severing it. As soon as that was done, Korba raised his baby to his chest and held her to his heart as if he had done it a thousand times before. She whimpered a moment, and then slept.

  Chelan felt her eyes prick. Never had she been so happy. She had given the man she loved the most precious gift of all, what he had always dreamed of, their child, and her heart swelled.

  Stose turned his attention to her. “Very well done, my Lady, and no vaginal tears.”

  Chelan smiled. “I guess third time is a charm?”

  Marri leaned over her. “More like three times the experience.”

  Lethiason chuckled as he peered at the tiny bundle in Korba’s arms. “More like a third the size.” And they all laughed.

  Zane straightened. “May I make the announcement, my Lord?”

  But Korba was in a different galaxy. He continued to stare down at his tiny daughter, her entire body held easily within his bronze hands.

  Stose shook his head at Zane. “I should examine her first to make sure all is well.” The doctor looked to Korba expectantly, but the Emperor was oblivious to all around him.

  Then Korba stepped from the bed, studying his baby. She was as pale as her mother, her skin a porcelain white. But her hair was Iceanean, her scalp just covered by the blue-black down. He found himself wishing she would open her eyes, but for now, he let her sleep. He sank ever so softly into a chair, returning her naked little body to his chest for warmth.

  Zane rolled his eyes and looked at Lethiason. “He is a goner.”

  “Completely useless,” added Lethiason.

  Zane shook his head and crossed his arms. “Think he will ever rule again?”

  Lethiason took a moment. “For a while, no. But after that, watch out.”

  Zane squinted at him. “How so?”

  Lethiason chuckled and nodded to Chelan. “You have seen how that rogue runs things to protect his Lady.” Lethiason paused and then glanced at the engrossed Emperor. “Imagine what he will do in her name.”

  Zane sucked in a deep breath. “I think we should retire now while all is intact.” And the two men grinned at one another.

  “Speaking of names...,” piped up Marri, and she peered expectantly down into Chelan’s eyes.

  Chelan flinched as Stose touched her.

  “Easy, my Lady, just taking care of the afterbirth.”

  Chelan relaxed and cleared her throat. “We decided on Shanna, in memory of Shan.”

  Marri smiled. “That is beautiful.”

  Stose looked up over her knees. “He would have been honored, my Lady.”

  Chelan nodded. “It seemed like a lovely tribute. He cherished me, and without him I am not sure I would have had the will to survive the caverns.”

  Zane smiled. “He was a fine man.”

  Chelan looked over at her daughter, pressed tight to the ebony-haired Warlord’s heart. “Yes, he was,” she whispered, and Korba smiled at her.

  Zane glanced at Stose just as the doctor finished cleaning up. “When can I make an announcement?” he asked impatiently. “The whole damn galaxy is waiting, and the Palace is still on high alert.”

  Stose shrugged. “If you can get Shanna away from his Majesty for a moment or two, then you can make the announcement.”

  Zane smirked. “I guess the galaxy will have to wait.” And he returned to Lethiason’s side.

  Lethiason elbowed him in the ribs. “You always thought you could be Emperor. Now is your chance.”

  Korba finally looked up from under his brows, his voice deep and low. “Over my dead body.”

  Zane sighed. “Looks like I missed my opportunity already.”

  Chelan snuggled into the pillows as Marri pulled some blankets over her. Then Chelan threw Korba a look of warning. “We will not talk of dead bodies right now, my Lord. I have had quite enough of that.”

  Korba smiled. “No problem, my Lady. Just keeping my men in order.”

e bent over a bit, his eyes alight. “My Lord, could you please give Shanna to the good doctor so I can keep myself and the Empire in order?”

  Korba glared up at him. “Watch it, or I will give you Shanna while I make the announcement.”

  Zane took a step back. “No, thank you, my Lord. I would not dare to touch the newborn infant of the Lord God Emperor himself. With my luck, she would screech and then I would be dead.”

  Chelan rolled her eyes. “There we are, back to dead bodies again. How about I take my baby for a while, while all of you leave?”

  Korba smiled. “In a moment.” But then his eyes went wide. He looked down as Shanna’s little head began to bob about. Then she grimaced and began to wail.

  Korba looked frantically at Stose. “What just happened?”

  Stose chuckled. “She is rooting.”

  “She is what?”

  Marri laughed. “She is trying to nurse.” The tall warrior walked over to him and gently took the screaming infant from him. “I think we have found the one thing his Lordship cannot do.” And she turned away and brought the baby to Chelan.

  Chelan sat up and opened her arms. Once she had the wriggling infant, it was her turn to look befuddled.

  Marri hesitated. “What is the matter, my Lady?”

  Chelan swallowed hard and glanced about at the men, all their eyes on her. Then she looked down, and her eyes filled. “I have never nursed before,” she whispered. “I have never had the chance.”

  Marri sat down beside her. “I will help you,” she offered warmly.

  “Wait,” interjected Stose. “Let me have her, temper and all. That way we can release those two vultures over there to do their work.”

  Chelan gave Shanna to Stose, and within moments her exam was over. He nodded to Lethiason and Zane. “The Empire has a healthy new baby girl. Now you two can get lost.”

  Both men bowed and then nodded to Korba. When they were gone, along with Yanis, Stose handed a now bright red screaming infant back to Chelan. Korba moved to the bed and sat down.

  Marri sat next to her. “Okay, let us see how you do, and I will help if you need it.”

  Chelan pulled down on the low neck of her gown, the soft material easily stretching over her breast. Then she cradled her daughter to herself. Instantly the crying stopped as the little head sought out the warmth pressed to her pink cheek. Chelan’s eyes widened as Shanna’s tiny mouth immediately found her mother’s nipple. Then Chelan winced at the strength of her grip.

  Marri smiled. “That worked well. Now, nurse her until she is done, about ten minutes on that side. Then burp her. If she falls asleep, that will wake her, and then try her on the other side. Always alternate, and do not let her go too long in the beginning. Short, frequent nursings are best while your nipples are still tender. You can let her use you as a soother once you have hardened.”

  Chelan nodded and then watched her baby suckle. Korba nestled down into the pillows beside her and observed mother and child with awe.

  Stose nodded to Marri. “I think we should leave the new mom and dad for a time.”

  Marri concurred as she stepped from the bed. “You can summon me any time, my Lady. If you need help in any way, do not hesitate.”

  Chelan looked up. “Thank you, Marri.”

  Stose shuffled about collecting his equipment. Then he offered Chelan a tiny white pill.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  “Put it under your tongue. It is a short-acting muscle contractor, similar to the pills that you take for your menses. The nursing will cause your uterus to contract, but this will strengthen the contractions and stem the flow of blood sooner. It also has an anesthetic in it. And remember, the more you nurse, the faster things will return to normal. Call me if you are in pain. Do not suffer through it. Now that she is born, I can give you almost anything you may need. Very few of our medications are transferred through breast milk.”

  “Thank you, Stose. I am okay so far.”

  The doctor smiled, and then both he and Marri left.

  Korba continued to stare at his new daughter as she fed contentedly. He reached over and touched her sleek hair. “What does the nursing feel like?”

  Chelan shrugged. “It feels odd.”

  Korba looked up at her. “Does it hurt?”

  Chelan glanced at him. “Yes and no. It tingles and feels nice, yet she sucks pretty hard, and that hurts a bit.”

  Korba propped himself up on his elbow. He watched for a while and then grinned. “I guess I have been displaced.”

  Chelan smiled broadly. “Only very temporarily, my Lord. I will not give up the very dear and beautiful sensations that only you can give me.” Then she looked down. “Uh oh—I think she is asleep.”

  Chelan went to move her but Korba placed a hand on her arm. “Let her sleep,” he whispered, and he kissed Chelan tenderly on the lips.

  “What was that for?”

  “For what you have allowed me to witness.”

  “It is I who should be thanking you. You have given me everything. This time, all is complete. Nothing is missing, and nothing has been taken from me.”

  Korba settled back down in the pillows. He reached up, his fingers gently tracing over Chelan’s face. “I will make sure nothing is taken from you this time, my Lady. In the past, I have been remiss where you have been concerned. But now I have learned my lesson.” He looked down at the numerous barely visible fine scars that coated his upper body. His hand traced over them, stopping at a sizable one that traversed his breast. “I received this the first time I left you.”

  Chelan stared at the scar, her memory catapulted back through time. “The explosion on board the fighter,” she whispered.

  He raised his hand in front of him and splayed his fingers, his lightly deformed knuckles before him. “And for what happened to you when I left you in Ticees’ care.”

  Chelan glanced down at Shanna for a moment as past memories coalesced and mercifully vanished. Then she watched as he looked back down at his chest. He went to speak but she interrupted. “Shhh, my Lord, you deserved none of this.”

  “But I had left Iceanea again...”

  “Talon would have struck no matter where you were.”

  “But you were alone.”

  Chelan reached for his face and raised his heavy eyes to her. “No one could have predicted all that happened. And now it is over. We have the Empire, we have Iceanea, we have two beautiful children, and most of all, we have each other.”

  “I will not fail you again, my Lady.”

  “You have never failed me, if the truth be known. And I know very well why you harbor the scars upon your body even though they could be removed. But let us not talk of such things. They can only bring us pain in this time of great happiness.”

  Korba took a deep breath. “You are right, as usual.”

  Chelan beamed. Then she peered down at the sleeping baby. “I wonder what color her eyes will be?”

  Korba sat up and shuffled closer. “I don’t know either.”

  Chelan squirmed uncomfortably. “Oh, what if they are like mine?”

  Korba was taken aback by her tone. “Well then, my Lady, they will be beautiful.”

  “No, that is not what I meant. Jason, he is practically a clone of Dar. Stose says his genetics are a marvel. He has Iceanean eyes. He can see in the dark. What if she cannot?”

  Korba smiled. “Then, pretty woman, she will be even more like her beautiful mother.”

  “But I do not want her compromised.”

  Korba groaned. “Oh, Chelan, she would not be compromised by that. I certainly do not plan to train her as a warrior. Do you?”

  “No. I guess I never thought of that.”

  Korba looked down and raised his brows. “But you do have me curious about her eyes.”

  “I don’t know if we will be able to tell for a while. On Earth, some infants are born with light eyes and then they darken with age. What about here?”

  Korba shrugged. “I d
on’t know. Other than with Jason later on, I was never involved with children.”

  Chelan nudged him with her leg. “Think we should wake her and take a look?”

  “If we wake her, there is no guarantee she will cooperate.”

  “True. We will wait.”

  Korba looked toward the intercom. “Jason will be anxious.”

  “I know. Maybe Marri should bring him. I bet he cannot wait to meet his sister.”

  Korba moved carefully from the bed. But before he could hit the switch, the indicator light flashed. He glanced at Chelan, and then hit a button.

  “My Lord,” began Lethiason, “I hope I am not interrupting, but there is someone here for the Lady Chelan.”

  Korba looked to Chelan, and she nodded. “Send them in,” he ordered.

  Chelan held her breath as she watched Korba don his jacket and then tuck a lazgun into the small of his back. “Surely, Lethiason has cleared this person?” she whispered anxiously.

  Korba’s eyes narrowed. “I take no chances, Chelan. Talon once trusted Lethiason; I once trusted Ticees. Now, with Shanna, I trust no one.”

  Chelan glanced down and pulled the bodice of her dress up, covering her exposed breast and only marginally disturbing the baby. Then the doors opened, and she watched with heartfelt joy as Braedon entered.

  He instantly went to one knee before them. “My Lord, my Lady,” he acknowledged. He rose. “I would like to offer my congratulations, if you permit.”

  Chelan’s heart beat faster. “How did you get here so quickly?”

  “Lethiason has kept me posted at my request. He called me at my home a couple of days ago saying he felt you were close. I have been in the Palace since then.”

  Chelan looked to Korba. “You knew he was here, didn’t you!”

  Korba simply nodded.

  Chelan smiled at Braedon and patted at the bed beside her. “Come, sit with me. You have to meet the new addition.”

  Braedon looked to Korba, and the Emperor granted permission in battle language.

  Braedon took a seat beside her and then stared at the little bundle. “Oh, my Lady, she is of your coloring.”

  Chelan smiled. “Well, her hair is a little off, but the rest is right.” And she grinned at Korba.


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