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Page 26

by Shae Mills

  Terig hesitated to continue as he observed the small tremors she sought to conceal, but he forged on. “My Lady, when he first devised the plan to drive you to Talon, I witnessed the Emperor supreme, consulting with his officers, knowingly make a sacrifice that we all knew cut him to the bone. But he did so with such conviction and drive that all of us were both astounded and in awe. The order was given, the impetus behind it revealed, and the communiqué delivered to Lethiason. The room was cleared, and I too left, knowing all too well the toll his decision had taken on him. But he needed you safe beyond all considerations, and that included from the military aspect of the final assault.”

  He paused, watching her carefully, her grievous eyes urging him on. “I was to rendezvous with the Cleosans after the meeting, to go over some strategies, when for some reason I felt compelled... No, that’s not the right word. For some reason, I simply knew that the warrior, the Commander, the Emperor, the strongest man alive, needed help. I knew within my heart he required a different kind of support... of a more personal nature. I returned to the meeting room to find him slumped in his chair, his emotions drained, his heart on the verge of self-destructing into so many pieces that nothing could put it together again. He didn’t move or even flinch as I approached him. Had I been the enemy, I could have killed him on the spot, and in my own heart I knew he would not have prevented his demise. It would have been the merciful thing to have happen to him in light of what he had just ordered.”

  Chelan slumped. “I... I had no idea. He never speaks of his time here... the dark times.”

  “He does that to spare both him and you the pain of that era.”

  Chelan paused. “What did you do for him?”

  Terig looked beyond her for a moment before returning his gaze to her dark eyes. “I sat before him, and I spoke to him as both a warrior and a friend. I told him that his strategy was sound on all fronts, and then I spoke from my heart to him as I thought of my love for Kip. I knew that what he lost was on a plane that made my situation pale in comparison. I knew this because I imagined all the scenarios, past and present, that had allowed him to have you by his side for decades, scenarios that flew in the face of Iceanean culture. Then I envisioned what it would be like to have Kip so deeply ingrained in my heart, not for a couple of years as she had been, but for decades.”

  He hesitated for a moment as emotions flooded in on him. His voice softened. “Then I tried to fathom losing her to a sworn enemy, a man who would take from her anything he desired no matter her strength or determination.” Terig clenched his fists. “I imagined that demon taking her body and breaking her soul, and my blood ran so cold, my heart pounded so hard, I felt I knew, with some certainty, what tortured his Lordship so grievously, and why.”

  Chelan felt her eyes water. “What did you say to him?”

  Terig looked down. “I told him the truth. I told him that this was going to be the hardest battle he had ever fought, and that the true enemy at his gates was going to be the war waged within his soul. I told him that as a warrior and a tactician, I could impart to him endlessly that everything he was planning and had set in motion was perfect, but I could not offer solace for the fact that his woman was going to be taken—mind, body, and soul—by the devil that had turned the whole Empire on its head. I told him that no matter the outcome of what was being launched, nothing would ever cut him deeper than knowing his woman was going to accept into her body the lance of his mortal enemy. No matter what your mindset, my Lady, no matter what drugs Lakit had administered to you, no matter what Lethiason had done... his woman was about to be violated, and because of that, every feeling he endured, every raw nerve and every tear shed—none of it was ever to be thought of as a sign of weakness. It was a sign of the undeniable love he possessed for the woman he was about to do everything in his power to retrieve. That showed the true warrior in him, for any lesser man would have long since crumpled under the weight of grief and impotence levied by the knowledge of what was to befall his precious mate.”

  Chelan swallowed hard, her voice cracking. “But still, despite manipulation, I accepted Talon of my own accord. In essence, he did not violate me.” Her throat burned. “The man... Talon... in the end, made love to me, and cared for me in all ways. He never raped me.”

  “No, but in the beginning, he did break you in the most horrendous of manners, by ordering the death of Dar’s child. And he did kill two of the most important men to you, plus he appeared to have killed the love of your life. He may not have raped you in the physical sense, but he did torture and plunder. And after he broke you, it made it easy for Lethiason to drive you to him.” Terig drew a deep breath. “And in some twisted way, my Lady, it was harder on Korba knowing you had lain willingly with the man in the end. I can also say, as a man whose heart has been laid bare in the past, that in some ways, losing you willingly was worse than if you had been taken by force. Though Korba wanted you protected by the act of consummation... that act, that acceptance, was harder than anything else fathomable.”

  Chelan caught a soft sob in her throat. “But it was not freely given. It was extracted from me.”

  “I understand, my Lady, and so does he. But that act of docile acceptance still brings about a pain that I could not begin to describe.”

  Chelan wiped at her eyes and then thought back to Fremma and Lena, Korba and Marri, and the time Dar stepped away from her, telling her he was returning to his ship and to his ladies, and suddenly everything became clear. She stared into Terig’s emerald eyes. “You were such a great friend. You were there for him when no one else could be.”

  Terig gave her small smile. “I was glad I could be, my Lady. I truly believe I helped to give him the strength he needed to go on. I truly do.”

  Chelan drew in a deep breath and calmed herself. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Terig nodded. “It was all worth it, my Lady.”

  Chapter 21

  CHELAN KNEW THAT THE Cleosan morning was near, but after Terig left her, she also knew she could never hope to go back to sleep. Instead, she wandered the castle in search of the control room that housed all the computers. Finally she found it. It was not a large room, but the technology crammed into it was impressive. Right in the center was a large display of the storm, an aerial view that staggered the senses. It was immense.

  She pulled up a chair to the main control panels and looked over the icons. It didn’t take her long to find an external communications link. Pressing the single button, she was connected, the voice on the other end speaking in perfect Iceanean.

  “Cleosan Comm. Thrombic Sector.”

  Chelan took a deep breath, assuming she that whoever she had contacted could help. “This is the Lady Chelan. I require a direct link to the Emperor on board RIBUS 1, whenever that is possible.”

  “Yes, my Lady. You are in luck, as RIBUS 1 is within direct communication range. It will be but a moment.”

  “Thank you,” Chelan acknowledged, and within seconds, she heard Korba’s voice, but before she could utter a word, he spoke.

  “Chelan, are you okay?”

  “Yes, I am fine, and you?”

  “Busy, but my main concern is you.”

  “There is nothing to be worried about. Terig’s grounds seem to be well protected, and I am staying within the castle walls.”

  “We are monitoring the shielding and it seems to be holding. I know there are sensors throughout the grounds. If things begin to falter, there are underground containment areas to retreat to.”

  “Terig explained about the underground networks. He indicated that I would be whisked there if things looked dangerous.”

  “Terig would take no chances, especially not with you.”

  Chelan frowned. “Why is there no video link?”

  Korba laughed. “Even galactic technology fails. Actually, this particular storm is so strong, it has temporarily scrambled that aspect of the planetary communication grid. As we speak, some of my engineers are boosting the Cleo
san network. All should be online shortly.”

  And no sooner had he spoken but he materialized on the screen before her.

  “Oh,” she whispered, the sight of her handsome mate in all his military splendor standing in the Central Command Center stealing her breath. She took a moment to redirect her thoughts. At first she wondered if she should ask him to go somewhere more private, but not only did he seem to be relatively isolated from the crew, she knew she should not be wasting any of his time because of her Earthly inhibitions, and so she spoke frankly. “Ah... first things first before we cover anything else. I have encountered a small personal problem here... one I wished to inform you of.”

  A faint grin traversed Korba’s face, his voice tinged with a hint of humor. “Let me guess. Marri’s concern voiced to me when the storm hit has come to fruition?”

  Chelan blanched and briefly glanced down at herself. Then she smirked at him. “How did you know what I was going to mention? “

  Korba chuckled. “Oddly enough, I know about these things, and Marri was also concerned.”

  Chelan sighed. “How are the children?”

  “They miss their mom, of course, but they understand, although Shanna is none too happy about forgoing her favorite beverage delivered by you.”

  Chelan groaned. “I had no idea how much she was still getting until now. Anyway, give them my love and tell them I will be with them as soon as humanly possible.”

  “Of course. Now, as to your problem, can Terig help?”

  Chelan became rigid, his candid suggestion catching her momentarily off guard. “You are kidding, right?”

  Korba’s brows rose. “You forget my heritage, my Lady. There are no such bounds in my world.”

  Chelan slumped forward, holding her head in her hands. “For your information, there are such bounds in my world.”

  “For you, maybe. Not for Terig.”

  “He is of my world.”

  “Only genetically. He would do whatever was requested of him, even this, and other than dealing with your sensibilities, I doubt he would bat an eyelash.”

  “Bat an eyelash at what?” came Terig’s deep voice from behind her.

  Chelan nearly jumped out of her skin, and as she turned to glare at the Earth man, she blushed a deep red. She looked back at Korba, beseeching him with her eyes to remain silent.

  Korba shook his head and chuckled. Then he looked at Terig. “My good man. How fare thee?”

  “Very well, my Lord. A little irked by the storm and the havoc it is wreaking, but none too displeased by the fact that it has forced the extended stay of your lovely lady. Her company is delightful.” Terig took a seat next to Chelan, smiling at her as he did. Then he nodded to Korba. “I am sorry to interrupt, but I came looking for Chelan. Right now, I want her within my reach at all times for safety reasons.”

  Korba nodded. “That is appreciated, kind sir.”

  Terig smiled. “I will leave the two of you to your conversation momentarily, but Sire, you mentioned me? Is there something I can do for you?”

  Chelan slumped further into her chair while glowering at her mate.

  Korba nodded to her and then looked to Terig, his voice taking on a slightly more serious tone. “I shall respect my Lady’s desire to handle a little situation herself at her leisure. If she should... require assistance, any assistance at all, I trust that you will accommodate her.”

  Terig bowed his head reverently. “Oh course, my Lord. Anything she requires.”

  Chelan exhaled sharply. “We are not speaking of unscrewing a tight lid on a container here. This is a little more personal.”

  Korba went to speak, but Terig spoke first, glancing at Chelan. “Umm, I am more than aware what matter we speak of.” Then he looked intently at Korba. “My Lord, I understand my Lady’s hesitation, but I will state this firmly: I will not allow her to become ill, and therefore, to possibly be compromised by the need for our alien medications here on Cleos.” He looked to Chelan again and stared into her eyes while still addressing his Lordship. “I will do whatever is necessary to remedy her situation before it becomes a problem... professionally.”

  Chelan looked back at Korba. “See? The situation will be handled, one way or another. I understand everything, and I will not put myself at risk by being a... well, by being... uh... shy about the problem.”

  Korba nodded, his shoulders relaxing. “Good. I am glad that is settled.” He looked at Terig. “On any other topic, do you have any concerns, worries, or new information?”

  “None that you do not have, my Lord. The storm is a stubborn one. Having acknowledged that, it seems all is holding at this end, but if you have any worries about Chelan, I will move her underground for the duration. And if you wish, I could relocate her beyond the storm to a surface extraction point.”

  Korba looked at Chelan. “That is also up to you, my Lady. You may stay within the keep with Lord Terig, or move underground to a holding area, to nearby city, or even to an extraction point. It is up to you.”

  Chelan glanced between the two men. “If it is safe here, I would rather remain here. From what I understand, it could take days to reach an extraction site, and the logistics surrounding my protection during such an endeavor would undoubtedly involve a fair bit of planning and a potentially complicated execution. There is no need for any of that. Besides, by the time I reached an extraction site, the storm may have abated.”

  Korba nodded. “That is all true. Frankly, you are fully protected from any external threats by my airborne contingencies directly above you. As for the threat from the storm, Terig can have you underground in seconds, and then we can discuss things from there, either your sequestration or your retrieval, if that is all fine with Terig?”

  “Absolutely, my Lord. I would be more than happy to be in the company of Chelan for the duration, as long as she does not get sick of my incessant babble.”

  Both Chelan and Korba smiled at him. Then she nodded to the man. “With our shared ancestry, we will see who gets tired of whose babbling first.” And they all laughed.

  Korba nodded. “Then all is relatively well.” The Warlord’s eyes settled on Terig. “If there is nothing else you wish to discuss, I would like to finish up here with my Lady.”

  Terig stood quickly and gave Korba a small bow. “As you wish, my Lord. It has been a pleasure connecting with you. We will remain in contact, and I will alert you if there are any issues at this end.” And with that, Terig left the control room and shut the door behind him.

  Chelan refocused on her mate, his azure eyes drawing her in. “I miss you, my Lord. We are not meant to be apart like this.”

  Korba’s eyes glinted as he took in the full measure of his mate, clad in Terig’s oversized shirt. He knew that if he were within the castle walls, Chelan would not be clothed for long. She completed him like no other, and being apart, even for this short time, was not his preference by a wide margin. “I miss you too, my Lady. But this separation will afford both of us a couple of unforeseen opportunities.”

  “And those would be?”

  “Foremost, it will give you an opportunity to connect with your roots and your world through Terig. I know you will find everything about the man fascinating.”

  “Of that I have no doubt. And what of you?”

  Korba laughed. “It will give me the chance to work around the clock on RIBUS 7’s retrofit without worrying about you getting onto her decks.”

  Chelan grinned. “Uh-huh. The truth comes out. The Lord God Emperor probably manufactured this storm to do his bidding.”

  Korba continued to chuckle. “I can do many things, my Lady, but conjuring one of Cleos’s storms is not one of them. Nor would I ever take you away from our children... or from myself, for that matter. I delivered you to Terig’s domain as a diversion—a one-day diversion. I have to admit, I miscalculated on this one.”

  “We shall manage, but you will have to spend more time with the children in my absence, if that is possible.”
  “It has already been arranged, my Lady.”

  “Great!” Then Chelan’s heart suddenly became heavy. “Terig... He told me of your exile here. I had no idea that the two of you knew each other so well.”

  “He is like a brother to me, my Lady, a true brother.”

  “He told me...” She stilled herself. “He told me of the emotional toll I caused you throughout the whole mess with Talon. He told me how candid you were with him.”

  Korba glanced down, a thin smile momentarily traversing his lips. Then he looked back at her. “Most of what my men saw in me was born of rage and determination. But there were times when, alone, I became the mortal man that I am. Terig caught me in one of my more vulnerable moments, and on that occasion, I no longer had the strength to retain my façade of unshakable strength. After that, he and I shared much.” Korba paused as he reflected. “I found that by opening up to him and revealing my true feelings... my true reservations, he could take what I had revealed to him and mold it into a palatable pill that I could both swallow and continue to take. He validated my decisions and kept me focused at times when desperation threatened to break me apart. Nothing I planned from the beginning, whether it was allowing Dar to sacrifice himself so that I could live, or the organization it took to mobilize a depleted force into a viable, powerful threat to Talon... or all my decisions concerning you... was easy, not even remotely. There were times I questioned my own sanity for even attempting what I was trying to accomplish... especially after Talon married you.”

  Chelan bit at her cheek, forcing herself to remain strong. “Why was that such a trial, my love? The defeat in itself would have crushed anyone else. The logistics surrounding putting together a galactic force strong enough to overthrow Talon in such a relatively short time could have been accomplished only by you. You made it through all that. You knew I was safe, so why were you ready to falter then?”

  “That is exactly why. My whole impetus for the takeover right from the beginning was to get to you, to save you, and to keep you safe. In the beginning, it was all about survival—mine, yours, that of my remaining forces. Then it became about your safety, and your life. Initially, it was never about reclaiming the Empire. Not at first. I had thought of simply launching a rescue for you and then disappearing into the cosmos with you, to live out the remainder of our lives in obscurity. But as things progressed and I saw the viability of an all-out attack, I then thought about reclaiming my rightful spot at the head of the Empire. But it was also about that time that I achieved my ultimate goal, my most heartfelt goal, and that was your safety, even if it was within Talon’s arms. With that achieved, making the decision to levy the attack actually put you in harm’s way yet again. Failing you then, that way, was what plagued me most. Knowing you could die at my hands if I botched any aspect of the attack left me bleeding with indecision and guilt. I almost pulled out.”


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