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Page 47

by Shae Mills

  Leeman looked down for a bit as she collected herself. “I wanted to offer him the family he desired, but it was not to be. But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if he could have lived as he wanted to, he would have been a warrior, yes, but he would have also wanted to be a father. He would have wanted that above all else.”

  Chelan glanced at Korba and then back to Leeman. “I do not understand, Leeman. What are you asking?”

  Leeman sat on the edge of her chair, her hands tightly clenched in her lap. “My Lady. At one point, Lord Terig and I discussed the possibility of a child between us, a child we could nurture together within the walls of his castle, a child of his loins whom we could raise immersed in the Scottish heritage he held so dear.”

  Then she glanced at Korba, and she faltered. She looked away quickly.

  Korba straightened. “Speak what you have on your mind, Leeman,” he whispered softly.

  Leeman squared her shoulders slightly. “I know Lord Terig did not see me... that way, but we did love one another so very much.” She willed herself to look back at the Emperor. “Just before you came to us during your exile, Sire... well... with a little help from our own breeders, we were going to begin a family. But all was put on hold while the Empire was in such upheaval.”

  Chelan’s head spun. “How—? I mean, what...?” She took a deep breath. “Leeman, I know Terig loved you, and admired you. You were all to him over these years. But I do not think the two of you could have ever conceived.”

  Leeman shook her head. “Oh no, my Lady. We could not. But the Telesians had suggested that he could mate with an Earth woman or fertilize an egg of an Earth woman that they would supply, and then I would carry the child to term.”

  Chelan’s jaw went slack. “How?”

  Leeman smiled. “An embryo transfer, my Lady. It is not a problem for our medical staff. It is done all the time.”

  Chelan stared at the floor between them. “But it would be an Earth child.” She looked up at Leeman. “It would not have two human parents. Its history—”

  “Oh, my Lady.” Leeman slipped off her chair and knelt in front of her. “It would have had the richest of histories!”

  Chelan stared into Leeman’s liquid eyes. “What are you suggesting?”

  “My Lady.” She looked at Korba. “My Lord. Lord Terig left genetic material with the Telesians as he was required to do, as he was a product of their alien breeding program. If you... If you...”

  Leeman glanced down, and Chelan was sure she could see a blush spreading across the woman’s soft features. Chelan reached for her face and raised it so that she could look directly in Leeman’s eyes. “Tell me what it is that you desire.”

  Leeman grabbed onto Chelan’s hands. “I loved the man with all my heart, and I still do. I came to embrace all that he was and all that he was about, all his rich history and all that he had amassed from Earth. If you grant me his child, my Lady, it would mean everything to me. If I had his child, I would ask your permission to retain the castle. It has been my home as much as Terig’s. I would take care of it and all that is in it.”

  Chelan was very still, trying to absorb just what Leeman had requested. But even before she could ask any questions, a sudden warmth overtook her. Finally, she found her voice. “But you and the baby would be alone.”

  Leeman shuffled closer to her and squeezed Chelan’s hands tighter. “My Lady, that is the most wondrous thing of all. Terig chose to live alone, but I would not wish that on anyone. I have spoken to the Telesian Ambassador. He can arrange for many more children to come, all of them of Scottish origin, just like Terig. Most of them would have human parents, just like you. The child would be far from alone.”

  Chelan’s thoughts swirled as she tried to fathom such a thing. Then she looked deep into Leeman’s pale green eyes and witnessed so much hope and excitement.

  “Think of it, my Lady. It would be as in your history—an entire clan, only here, on Cleos.”

  “A miniature Scotland, in space...,” Chelan whispered.

  Leeman smiled demurely. “Aye, my Lady.”

  Chelan returned the smile, warmed by Leeman’s mimicking of her language. Then her smile faded. “But Terig wanted the castle to be consumed by Cleos.”

  Leeman shook her head slowly. “It was the love of his life. He simply did not want it to be a burden to anyone. But I take will it on willingly. And where better to raise his child?”

  Chelan leaned forward, and within Leeman’s eyes she saw small tears cloaking a deep desperation. “You loved him dearly, didn’t you.”

  Leeman’s tears finally flowed. “With all my heart and soul, my Lady. We had everything. But there was the act of intimacy which he could not share with me. When you arrived, I was so wary. I know the Iceanean way, and I saw the adoration he had for you in his eyes. You shared a past history, a history I know he wanted to continue. But he never foresaw this. I know of his final wishes spoken to you. But if you grant me this, in essence you would be giving me back a life with a part of him.”

  Chelan looked at Korba. “You knew the man far better than me. What do you have to say about this?”

  Korba smiled. “I think had Terig known he was about to die, and if he had known this was an option, he would have taken it in a heartbeat.” He paused as he looked to Leeman. “But I know this has to be the Lady Chelan’s final decision, as there is more involved here than a simple embryo transfer, right?”

  Leeman cast her eyes down. Chelan looked between the two of them, nervously. “What do you mean? You are simply asking permission to maintain Terig’s estate and to have Terig’s genetic material released to you. On Earth, we fertilize eggs all the time and then transfer the embryo into a woman once the fertilization is complete. If the Telesians have eggs of an Earth woman and Terig’s sperm, then it is simple, right?”

  Leeman looked up at her, her eyes heavy again. “It has to do with my anatomy, my Lady. What you have said is true, and that would happen, but...”

  Chelan edged forward. “But what?”

  Leeman went mute.

  Korba settled further back into his chair. “I actually know nothing of Cleosan anatomy, but during my decades of dealings with the Iceanean Breeding Guild, I did come to understand that with some cross-species inseminations, success was ensured only if the embryo was gestated for a certain length of time in the native host. Once the embryo was sturdy enough, and once viability was assured, then the transfer could occur to the alien host. That means, of course, that at the time of the transfer, the embryo is no longer an embryo.”

  Chelan’s attention snapped back to Leeman, her voice rising with surprise. “You want me to carry the child for a time, until the transfer is possible?”

  Leeman could not look at the Empress. “It would take the Telesians a long time to find a willing and suitable Earth surrogate, my Lady.” Leeman finally found the courage to look at Chelan. “I would wait decades if I could, but by Cleosan reproductive standards, I do not have that time.” And she averted her eyes away again.

  Chelan glanced at Korba and then back to Leeman. “I, uh, I do not know what to say or do. I... All of this has just taken me by surprise!”

  Korba spoke. “I will take one portion of the uncertainty out of the equation right now, and then you may make your decision, my Lady. I have no problem with any of this. You would carry the child for only two to three Earth months, and then the transfer would take place. It is all very safe, and we will be here long enough for this to occur should you wish it.”

  Chelan was still trying to process everything that was in front of her. Then her thoughts shifted, and she saw Terig within the keep. She remembered the light in his eyes as he took her through the castle, the pride and the love that he had for all that he had acquired and held dear to his heart.

  Rising to her feet, she walked about the Command Center, and images intruded of the devastation caused by the sandstorm swallowing all in its path. Then she stepped up to Leeman. For a moment, she
closed her eyes and imagined Terig’s domain, brimming with love and the sound of children. But could she do this? Could she carry a baby, not her own, for a short time, and not end up keeping it?

  She opened her eyes and saw the frantic, longing gaze of the woman before her, desperate for a child, Terig’s child. “I grant you your wish,” she whispered.

  Leeman’s head sagged into her hands and she cried. When she was finally able to breathe again, she looked up at Chelan. “Thank you, my Lady. You have just completed my life, and Terig’s too. Oh, thank you!”

  Chelan smiled. “I saw, the other morning in the kitchen, how you blossomed being around all the people, so happy and eager to please. And I know how hard you tried to include my children in all that you did. This new life will enrich yours as much as my children have enriched mine. How could I ever refuse?”

  Leeman bent over again as renewed tears of joy flowed ever more.

  Korba reached for Chelan and drew her into his lap. He smiled at her and gave her a reassuring hug.

  Chelan stared at him. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He smiled. “I love you, my Lady.”

  IT DID NOT TAKE THE Telesians long to find a suitable Earth egg donor to supply the Cleosans. Two short Earth weeks later, Chelan lay in the sickbay of RIBUS 1, right next to a very nervous yet effervescent Leeman, who could hardly sit still. Cleosan doctors hovered about them like anxious handmaids. Stose finally entered, and Chelan sighed with relief.

  “How are you doing, my Lady.”

  “Fine, considering.” She looked beyond him as Korba entered the room, and instantly the sea of doctors parted as the Emperor slowly approached her.

  He smiled. “I will be by your side through the entire process, my Lady, short as it is.”

  Chelan nodded as she took his hand. “I know.”

  Korba’s brows rose. “All ready for step one?”

  Chelan nodded to him. “You mean step two. Hormones shots to get me ready for this were officially step one.”

  Korba bowed his head to her. “I stand corrected.”

  Stose grinned. “That is a first.”

  Korba glanced at the doctor through narrowed eyes. “You will strike that admission from your memory banks, Stose.”

  The doctor chuckled. “Not a chance, Sire.” Then he smiled at Chelan. “We may begin, my Lady, at any time you feel ready.”

  Chelan looked between the two men. “Yes,” she whispered. “I am fully prepared.”

  A Cleosan doctor stepped up to Chelan. “We are so privileged that you are doing this for us, my Lady.”

  Chelan smiled. “Terig was a very special man, and Leeman held a very special place in his heart. I am happy to be a part of this.”

  The doctor nodded. “The earlier fertilization with the donor material and Lord Terig’s sperm went flawlessly. Cell divisions are proceeding perfectly. Your hormones are just where they need to be, so this procedure is ready to go and very simple. You will feel some minor cramping as we prepare your uterus for the insertion. Though your hormones are optimal for implantation, we wash the uterine lining with a sort of binding agent to ensure the embryo takes. Once prepared, we insert the embryo, and after that you must remain on your back as we scan to make sure an accelerated implantation takes place. As soon as that happens, you are free to leave.”

  Chelan nodded. “It was explained to me earlier. I am ready.”

  “Good. The pelvic numbing medication is all you need. If you should feel anything more than mild cramping, you let us know.”

  Chelan nodded. Stose gestured and most of the room cleared. But Leeman was allowed to stay. The woman leaned forward in her chair. “May I take your hand, my Lady?”

  Chelan smiled and offered Leeman her other hand.

  The Cleosan woman took it in hers and beamed. “In but a moment, you will be pregnant!”

  And in just a moment, Chelan was.

  CHELAN CLUTCHED AT Korba the moment the all clear was given. “I want to go home,” she whispered.

  Korba helped her to her feet and escorted her to the Command Center. Once in their chambers, Chelan sat on the edge of the bed. Then she looked up, surprised to see Korba smiling down at her. “What is that grin for?”

  “You are pregnant again, and this time, through no fault of any Iceanean man.”

  Chelan laughed. “Well, the one thing I know for sure is this delivery is going to be a piece of cake by any standard.”

  Korba sat next to her. “That is true. I am sure all will go well, and according to the lead geneticist, you only have to carry the child for eight of your Earth weeks.”

  Chelan looked down and slid her hand over her tummy. “It is rather odd to think that there is a piece of Terig within me. And even odder to think that some unknown Earth woman whom I shall never meet or ever know a single thing about is also within me.”

  Korba frowned. “Do not overthink this, my Lady.”

  She smiled at him as she hugged into his side, his arms surrounding her. “I am not overthinking this at all. I am staying very grounded. It is just such an unexpected event, or rather, one of many unexpected emotionally charged events happening in quick succession. It has all been a bit overwhelming.”

  Korba kissed her forehead. “I understand. And to do such a selfless thing on the heels of all we are dealing with—you amaze me.”

  Chelan hugged him tighter. “You amaze me, my Lord, granting me the permission to do this for Leeman. That is truly the selfless act.”

  Korba chuckled. “You should have seen Leeman while you were being inseminated with the embryo. I thought the woman was about to burst.”

  Chelan smiled. “I am so happy for her. And I am so impressed with what she is taking on. She is just as passionate as Terig.”

  Korba looked down into her eyes and kissed her lips. “Love, they call it. We do many passionate things for love.”

  “Yes, we do,” she whispered. “Yes, we do.”

  Chapter 36

  THE NEXT MORNING CHELAN awoke in Korba’s powerful embrace. She nestled into him tighter and inhaled his intoxicating male scent. His hand stroked down her back, sending shivers throughout her entire being. Then she looked up. His azure eyes cut through the dim light.

  “Good morning,” came his chesty rumble.

  She smiled. “Morning.” Her fingers travelled over his chest and abdomen, her touch confirming his reality to her, his alien body alluring as ever.

  “How are you feeling?” he whispered.

  Chelan stretched a bit. “Fine, I think.”

  Korba rolled her to her back and looked over her sleek, white body. Her breasts were full, her nipples dark and hard. Her waist was small, her hips beautifully rounded. Long, lean legs completed her, her milky thighs molding into the apex of her inviting womanhood.

  Korba’s fingers brushed over the golden brown curls that guarded her, her body tremoring to his touch. Then he bent over her and kissed the deep valley between her breasts.

  Chelan sucked in a breath. “My Lord... Stose—”

  “Shhh, I know what Stose said. I can make love to you with my eyes.” His lips brushed her navel, and she moaned.

  “That is not your eyes, my Lord.”

  Korba grinned. “I can also make love to you with my hands, my fingers, and my mouth. Trust me.” Then he reached for her legs, parting her trembling thighs.

  “Korba,” she gasped.

  Korba’s mouth lingered among her curls, a deep moan emanating from him. “Soon, I will have all of you again. Soon, I will be inside you,” he rasped.

  Chelan tried to catch her breath. “Soon,” she agreed.

  Korba raised up and threw back his head. His iridescent mane cascaded over his shoulders and down his back. He smiled. “You are definitely pregnant.”

  Chelan’s fingers played over his skin. “So says my scent, I assume?”

  He kissed her pretty lips. “So it says,” he murmured. Then he looked deep into the dark pools that were her beautiful eye
s. “What do you wish to do today?”

  Chelan’s fingers entwined in his ebony hair. “I wish, firstly, that I could make love to you. But that has to wait a couple of days.”

  Korba grinned. “I would be very gentle.”

  Chelan smirked at him. “Stop it. You are tempting me, but Leeman will not be happy if you undo the Cleosans’ medical handiwork and we have to start all over.”

  Korba reached for one of her hands, kissing the inside of her wrist. “That is true,” he whispered. “What else do you wish to do?” He lay back down on the bed and drew her into him, turning her back to him. Then he reached around her and tucked his hand between her breasts.

  Chelan curled up, feeling him snuggle in all around her, hugging her to him seamlessly. “Later, we should both go see the children. But right now, I just want to lie here with you.”

  Korba kissed the back of her neck. “Then, my Lady, how about we take this quiet time to talk.”

  “About what?”

  “Let us start with some of Terig’s last words. He said you were to tell me something. And somehow, I think whatever the two of you discovered together has something to do with the huge bruise on your hip.”

  Chelan winced. “I did not think you had noticed.”

  Korba turned her face to him. “Are you serious? My Lady, I could scent the anxiety seeping from your pores weeks ago. And during our loveplay, you unsuccessfully tried to keep that area of your body protected.”

  “Why did you not say anything?”

  “I knew you would come to me with the story when you were ready. I also knew you had probably put Terig up to something, but I was not going to harass the man for anything you may very well have ordered him to do.”


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