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Freezing Page 14

by Tarrah Anders

  He sets the coffee and the tablet down and stands. His boxer briefs hug him perfectly, the waistband accentuating his “V” even more than I ever thought was possible on a real person. The subtle line of hair that leads to a happy place and his defined stomach make me want to jump on him and ride him like a pony. I lick my lips as my eyes trail up his torso. When my eyes finally meet his, he’s standing in front of me with a cocky grin and his hands on his hips.

  “You done?” he asks.


  “You done thinking of all the things we could do if we were naked?”

  “I might need a few samples. Could you jog my memory?” I smile with a tilt of my head and an arch of my eyebrow.

  “You seductress.” He smiles and places his hands on my shoulders. “I don’t want an out. I didn’t realize it when I made my starting-over goals, but the one about family? It doesn’t need to be the Maddox family specifically.”

  “I’m not following.”

  “Sure, it would be spectacular if Jake and Ty allow me back into their lives, but what I didn’t think about was that I could have my own family.”

  I’m stunned silent and I’m sure my eyes are wide.

  “Okay, that sounded creepy.” He appears to regroup and take another approach. “So, I love you. I’m not trying to force myself into your family, but I’m being honest. So, no. No, I do not want an out. I want you. I want Jared. And I want whatever this is and will become.”

  “What if I become a mess?”

  “Then I’ll clean you up.”

  “What if your character is attacked?”

  “I know who I am; they’re just words.”

  “What if—”

  “We can play the what-if game all day. Bottom line: I’m here with you, if you’ll let me.”

  I wrap my arms around his waist and breathe him in.

  “Thank you,” I mumble against his chest as his arms squeeze me in return. “And for the record, I like you too – a lot. Even love you too.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Brad. Your one o’clock is here. A chat window comes up on my screen.

  I open my email calendar and see that I have no appointments today. Confused, I scoot my chair back and stand. I smooth my jeans out and pocket my phone as I walk to reception. I see no one in the waiting area and approach the desk.

  “Hey, funny joke. Was that my reminder that I needed to move? You know, I could get a Fitbit and it would do the same thing.” I smile at the receptionist.

  “Funny, funny, har har. Your meeting is sitting in the conference room. I didn’t see anything on the schedule, but I know how absent-minded some of you techies can be,” she says. By her tone, she’s clearly bored and she never takes her eyes from the magazine in her hand.

  I walk over to the doorway to the room and peek my head inside. There are four people in the room, two male and two female.

  Why are the four of them here?

  Is this a four-person fuck you?

  A Maddox Family middle finger?

  I clear my throat and approach the table and sit down. My palms are sweaty and my heart is hammering in my chest.

  “Hey, guys. So, uh, what can I do for you?” I nervously ask.

  “Software development? That’s different.” Tyson says, splaying his hands out, motioning around the space.

  “You’ve never mentioned software as something you were into.” Jacob adds.

  “It was initially just something to keep me busy.” I shrug. I look to Allie and Beth and they both offer me a smile.

  “So, what brings you guys here?” I repeat.

  “We wanted to come by and see what our brother does for a living. He’s no longer a part of Mad Designs, so we’re poking around.”

  “You called me your brother.” Honestly, I didn’t hear a word they said after brother.

  “Turns out you weren’t lying,” Jacob says dryly. “For once.”

  Beth elbows him in the ribs and he winces.

  “We haven’t completely forgiven you, but we’re trying to,” Tyson explains. “We checked in with the lawyers and it turns out that Dad had a whole shit-ton of skeletons in his closet. He kept some journals that were given to us in the event we found out about you being who you are. It explained a lot, which makes sense and doesn’t at the same time. So, we kind of understand why you kept that secret from us.”

  “You’ve done some fucked up things, but Beth was right: you’ve paid for it all. So, we’re extending an invitation for you to – I don’t know – join us for dinner?” Jacob asks, running his hand through his hair. Beth grasps to his other hand and smiles as he speaks. I see her squeeze his fingers as he looks her way.

  “Dinner?” I finally say.

  “Dinner.” Beth and Allie repeat in unison.

  “Sure. When?” I ask nervously.

  “Friday night?” Jacob looks to Beth for confirmation.

  “Sure. I’ll be there.”

  “Great.” Everyone stands.

  “Can I bring a date?” I ask.

  “Not if it’s Candy.” Jacob immediately says.

  Both Beth and Allie hit nudge from both sides.

  “Ow. What? It’s definitely a legit no if you want to bring Candy,” Jacob mutters.

  “It’s my girlfriend, Mika, actually. If not, I understand.”

  “No, we would love to have her over and meet her,” Beth says with a smile, as everyone exits the room.

  Tyson and Jacob both extend their hands out and I eagerly take their hands to shake. As they leave, I stand there in the waiting area like a fool watching them walk to their car outside and drive off.

  “No matter how long you stare, it still won’t bring them back. Who were those beautiful people?” the receptionist asks.

  “My family,” I say quietly.

  “Huh,” she grunts in acknowledgement, and then looks me up and down. “I can see that. They dress nicer than you, though.”

  I blow out what seems like the first breath since I walked into that conference room and head back to my desk. I pull out my phone and type a message to Mika.

  Me: We have dinner plans Friday night.

  I see the bubble appear on my screen. Moments later her message pops up.

  Mika: Um, I have Jared. Is this a date or something he can come to?

  Fuck! I didn’t think about that. It’s probably too much to ask to add one more to the dinner plans.

  Me: Maddox Family Dinner.

  Mika: WHAT? R U 4 REAL?

  Me: They surprised me at my office and just left.

  Mika: Gimme a sec. Let me ask my parents to watch him.

  I’m staring intently at my phone, willing her to respond. A moment later, my phone buzzes in my hand.

  Mika: As long as it’s not a really late night, my parents will hang out with Jared.

  Me: You are amazing.

  I don’t think she understands the enormity of her agreeing to come to dinner with me. I’m terrified that the dinner will be horrible, but I know that as long as she’s beside me, I will be fine.


  Holy shit on a stick! What the hell am I supposed to wear to meet Jacob and Tyson Maddox? I mean, they are celebrities. I don’t have anything that resembles something their fashion line makes. Being in the same room with them when they are fashion, will make anything I wear look like a trash bag.

  I have Target clothes and scrubs. Lots of scrubs.

  I don’t think it would be acceptable to show up in either, but looking at my closet, I don’t have a lot of options. Brad walks into my bedroom with Jared behind him. The two of them plop down on my bed and watch me as I stare at my closet.

  “Mom, why do you look sad?” Jared inquires.

  “I’m not sad, Jare. I’m just not sure what to wear tonight,” I say honestly, looking to Brad for some direction.

  “Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. This isn’t a dog and pony show. I’m not dressing up.”

  “I want
to see a dog and pony show. No fair!” Jared pouts, crossing his arms over his tiny chest and sticking his bottom lip out.

  Brad pulls at Jared’s lip playfully. “One day, when you’re older, we’ll go to a dog and pony show.”

  “I’ll be older in one minute. Then we can discuss,” Jared proclaims proudly.

  I laugh and turn back towards my closet while shaking my head.

  “Seriously. What do you wear to these kinds of things?” I stomp my feet.

  “Clothes. People tend to wear clothes when they eat dinner with others,” Brad deadpans.

  “High five!” Jared says, holding his hand up, eagerly waiting for Brad to slap it with his.

  “I mean, we’re eating dinner with people who own a fashion line. A fashion line, Brad! That’s some serious shit!”

  “Potty mouth.” Jared points at me.

  “Look, the girls are down to earth. They only dress up if it’s an event. Jacob may seem all proper, but he’s comfortable in sweats. Tyson is the only one who doesn’t seem to ever dress down. I’m wearing what I’ve got on plus a blazer. Wear whatever you want. You can wear a potato sack and I’ll be fine with it. This dinner is not to impress anyone; it’s a reconciliation – I think.”

  I turn and notice the nerves radiating off him.

  “I’m sorry. I’m making this about me, when this whole night is for you.”

  “Is it your birthday?” Jared asks, looking up at Brad.

  “No buddy. Just dinner with my brothers.”

  “You have brothers? I WANT BROTHERS!” Jared exclaims.

  I roll my eyes, turn back around to the closet and pick out a fuchsia dress and a black cardigan. I throw it on my bed and usher the guys out of my room.

  I dress quickly, add some blush and lip gloss – that’s as much makeup as I’m willing to fuss with – and go downstairs. I hear the voices of my parents and suddenly realize I didn’t give any warning to Brad or them. This is the first meeting. How could I have let that slip from my mind?

  Entering the kitchen, I find Brad leaning against the counter, while my mother leans toward him. My father is sitting at the dinette talking to Jared, oblivious to my mom’s flirting. I stand just inside the kitchen. Brad notices me first; his eyes light up as he stands straight. My mother’s head turns, then her whole body as she opens up her arms.

  “Oh honey, you didn’t tell me you were dating such a wonderful fella,” she says into my hair as we embrace.

  “Sorry, it just slipped my mind. A lot has been going on,” I say quietly. My mom holds me at arm’s length and smiles a knowing smile.

  “Reed filled us in. I’m sorry, dear,” my mother says, palming my cheek and trying to not look too concerned.

  “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay,” I say quietly. I’m not sure if I’m telling her that or telling myself that.

  My mother releases me, claps her hands and says to the room, “Now, back to this beautiful man you have in your home.” She turns to Jared, “Why has it been so long since I’ve seen my grandson?”

  Chapter Eighteen


  I had the doorman call up to Jacob and Beth’s to grant us entrance. As we step inside the elevator, Mika grabs my hand and squeezes.

  “You got this,” she says evenly.

  “So do you.” I smile, leaning down and kissing the top of her head as she snuggles into my side.

  I’m a wind-tunnel of nerves as we ascend in the elevator. When the doors open, I take my first step into the foyer and know there’s no turning back.

  “In the kitchen!” Beth yells.

  We walk into the large chef’s kitchen and we’re greeted by both Jacob and Beth surrounded by pots and pans. Beth looks up and wipes her hands on her waist apron and then nudges Jacob who was staring intently into the pot he was stirring.

  “Hi. I’m Beth.” Beth immediately steps around the massive island and reaches for Mika’s hand.

  “Beth and Jacob? This is Mika, my girlfriend. Mika, Jacob and Beth.” I make introductions.

  “This is a lovely home you guys have,” Mika says, shyly looking around the space.

  “Thanks. I would prefer a little house, but this one can’t let go of all this space.” Beth hitches her thumb over her shoulder in Jacob’s direction.

  Jacob steps around the island and comes to shake Mika’s hand.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Jacob says. He then turns to me and offers me his hand. His demeanor is tight, not exactly forced, but he’s not completely comfortable either.

  “So, you’ll probably have to tell the story again when Allie and Ty get here, but I’m not going to wait for them because I’m selfish like that. How did you two meet?” Beth asks, looking between us.

  Nervously, Mika looks to me.

  “Her brother is my parole officer. I spotted her at his office, then we ran into each other at the gym and the corner store and then, yeah, here we are,” I offer.

  “Was. My brother was his parole officer. This is his last week and then he’s cleared.” She smiles up at me proudly as I run my hand up and down her back.

  I had forgotten about that. With everything going on, I wasn’t sure how fast the time had passed.

  “Are you a parole officer too?” Jacob asks, his eyes locked on her face.

  “I’m a nurse,” Mika says. “Not like there’s anything wrong with being a PO, I just don’t do well with people.”

  “She’s a cardiac nurse,” I contribute.

  “Cool. So—” Beth starts, but is interrupted by Allie yelling through the house.

  “Don’t worry. The party has arrived!” Allie and Tyson enter the kitchen. Allie is wearing black leggings and a patterned shirt with the shoulders missing. Tyson is dressed in his usual suit but minus the tie. Looking at Jacob and Tyson, they’re night and day. Jacob is dressed casually like myself in jeans and a t-shirt, while Beth is dressed as comfortable as Allie in a layered shirt and tank top over skinny jeans.

  “Bradford,” Tyson acknowledges while shaking my hand.

  Allie moves around him and hugs me. “Glad to see you here,” she whispers in my ear. She smiles as she pulls away.

  “So, you must be the date?” Allie smiles, her voice genuine.

  “I’m Mika.” She extends her hand to shake, but Allie pushes it away and goes in for the hug instead. Mika’s eyes are wide as she’s engulfed in Allie’s arms.

  “That’s Brad’s girlfriend,” Beth says from in front of the stove.

  “Wait, really? Girlfriend?” Allie looks between us.

  “Girlfriend,” Mika confirms. “Wait a minute, do I know you?”

  Allie blushes and looks to Tyson who is smiling proudly. He steps beside her, wraps his arm around her waist and kisses her beneath her ear.

  “Allie models part-time. She’s been on billboards around the city, in print and such for Mad Designs, our company,” he tells Mika.

  “Oh! Shit. I’m sorry. I totally forgot that you guys are them.”

  “Them?” questions Tyson.

  “Them Maddox people, not just Brad’s family, but the celebrities.”

  “Oh, no one here is a celebrity. We’re just like you. I mean we’re not heart surgeons or anything, but yeah, we’re just like you,” Beth says warmly.

  “You’re a heart surgeon?” Allie gapes.

  “I’m a cardiac nurse.”

  “It’s basically the same thing. Nurses are more important than doctors. Everyone knows that,” Beth says from her station.

  “At least just as important. Mika says with a small smile, without correcting either of them.

  “I remember the nurses when Dad was in the hospital were around more than any of his doctors. They knew more about him than we did,” Jacob says quietly stirring his pot.

  “Thank you for your service.” Allie smiles and salutes Mika.

  “Al, she’s not military.” I roll my eyes.

  “Whatever. So how did you two meet?” Allie links arms with Mika and they stand by the co
unter where Beth is finishing whatever she’s cooking, leaving Tyson and me standing together in uncomfortable silence.

  “So, girlfriend?” Ty asks after a few moments.

  “Yup,” I confirm.

  “Interesting,” he says.

  “I’m a little bit different than I used to be.”

  “I can see that. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in jeans.” A hint of a smile forms on Tyson’s face.

  “Yeah, I don’t miss the suits. Too confining,” I say, pulling on the collar of my shirt.

  “What else is new?”

  “Well, you saw the job thing. I spend a lot of time with Mika and Jared, and most weekends, I play on a work basketball league.”

  “Who is Jared?”

  “Um… Mika’s son.”

  “Wait a minute, you’re dating a woman who has a child?”


  “And you’re okay with it?”

  “I am.” I nod.

  “A real child?”


  “And you’re okay with that? I mean, that’s quite a commitment and shit?”

  “When we first met, I didn’t know. But as things unfolded, I found out, and I’m cool with it. He’s a great kid, really smart and funny even. And she’s… well, she’s just incredible,” I say, looking toward where she is standing with the girls.

  “Well, hey, I’m happy for you.” Tyson pats me on the shoulder.


  “So, tonight. This is more than dinner, you know that right?” Tyson quietly divulges.

  “I think I do.”

  “While I think your actions were poorly thought out, some of it makes sense. I know you paid for it. Jacob has his reservations, but overall this dinner was his idea. It was also his idea to go to your work.”

  “His idea or Beth’s?”

  “I don’t know how much is her and how much is him. But maybe enough time has passed.”

  “Maybe,” I reply.

  “For what it’s worth, I’m glad we’re doing this tonight.” Tyson steps away as he pats my shoulder.


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