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Familiar's Ancient Throne(Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

Page 13

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “I never felt so scared and helpless in my entire life, laying there, unable to do anything.”

  Cage nodded. “I understand exactly what you mean.” He stated in complete seriousness. “The mage paralyzed you, but allowed you the ability to continue breathing. If he hadn’t you would have suffocated.” His fist balled and hoped one day to meet this Lord Doyle in person. “When you could do nothing except stare you began to think of how cruel and fragile your life is and all you’ve struggled for means so little. You had to truly face your mortality and realize you might die without a struggle or a good fight where you did your best and could die peacefully, but to be killed without a struggle makes you realize there are uncountable ways to die. Then you begin to think about all those you love and lost over the years and will miss them, especially if no one is there to see you off. You start wondering that if you do survive this and you cannot stand up how it will affect others. You’ll need to have others take care of you, feel a burden on those you love. They will have to take complete care of you, feed you, bathe you, and clean you if you mess yourself. All that means nothing when you realize you might never be able to stand or hug those dear to your heart or make love to a lover. You’d need to forever look up at people when you’re used to seeing them eye to eye. Children stand as tall as you sit and look you directly in the eye while your peers take pity. They won’t say anything, but it’s their actions that change. Truly feeling helpless is frightening. Paralysis is the cruelest condition anyone can face. You’d rather lose an arm before being paralyzed for more than a minute.”

  Brooke nodded and touched his cheek as the muscles in his jaw clenched. “That is exactly how I felt. Forgive me, I forgot how you were paralyzed too on your world. I did not understand or can come close to imaging what it is like till today, yet you lived with it for years and I a few hours. I forget because I see you as you are, My Love, not as you were.” She sat her head on his shoulder. “About two hours later I began to feel again. That spell must have wore off. It took time to even sit up and crawl away and get off the icy floor. Then I find my tomahawks missing, likely taken by now. I had never been so relieved to move though.”

  Cage grinned. “The first thing I did when I found my spinal cord had been healed is urinate on a tree. It might not seem a big deal, but something as simple as that made me feel alive and excited again.”

  She smiled and said “Then you show up and save me from a cowards fate.”

  He picked her up and sat her on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled her back against his chest. “I’m glad we got away.”

  She went to turn around, but he said “Don’t. If I see your naked body or turn on my lap I won’t be able to stop myself.”

  “I understand. It has been a hard day for me and I too want our bodies to meld. It is hard to resist mounting your lance to release the tension in my body. If your hands move any higher to my breasts it will be too much for me as well.”

  They held still for some time and she enjoyed the comfort of his embrace and his clean smell. When she relaxed she spoke. “How did it go at the castle?”

  Brooke stood and sat beside him again when he asked her to. “Well I too had a interesting day after we left the inn. I got to the inner wall and got stopped by…” He began to explain his day and got angry at one of the men said. Afterwards he repeated the story he had with Corbin and she became intrigued, wanting to know what they are to do and get Meeka. He told her to be patient and explained the time he spent with King Skylar. She laughed, thinking it a joke till realizing Cage is serious. He explained how he nearly managed to escape through the floor and how it had all been a test.

  Lastly he told her the prophecy and her eyes grew larger than her fists. “It is you.” Brooke explained. “You are the one our legends speak of. I feel the prophecy is solely yours. There are too many coincidences to ignore. I might not remember the far-seer all that well except as the blue man, but his last night alive made sure you would later hear the words as intended.”

  “Then why didn’t he tell it to you or Meeka to tell me?”

  “Perhaps as a warning or a means to successfully get the words to you.” He waited patiently for her thoughts. “It could have served a warning of your coming for people to treat you seriously. Or if Meeka or I died you wouldn’t have gotten the words from us and our own prophecy for each other wouldn’t have come to pass. Either can be true or both could. I do not know the ways of a mage, but if it were my last hours to live I would have done it like that. My words would at least survive long enough to reach your ears since you weren’t born here.”

  “It makes sense when you put it that way.” He admitted, glad to have her insight. “I’m just wondering what this darkness in the first line means. It sounds like I’m to fight or even lead this darkness. I need more information.”

  “Prophecy is meant to be understood only at the right moment to be used as a guide. It was like that for me when you and Meeka became my lovers. It will become clear later, when it needs to be.” She smiled. “Now tell me what I want to know. How are we to go after our woman?”

  He explained his first idea which she agreed and the fallback frightened her greatly. He spent hours trying to persuade her and eventually she conceded it to be their last option. She also explained she would need clothes to brave such an idea in the event it came to be the only way.

  Not long after, Brooke’s shock wore off and she fell asleep in Cage’s arms.

  Morning returned and they knew it would be wiser to leave as soon as humanly possible. Each dressed, shouldered their packs and left the room. They found Keegan moving around the main dining and entertainment room. “Leaving early, are we?” The proprietor asked.

  “We are, but we’ll take that complimentary breakfast before.” Brooke said.

  “Certainly!” The average looking man gestured towards the nearest table.

  A few minutes later the man brought out eggs, sausage, hot biscuits, steaming water and a small package of tea leaves to serve two. After the owner left Cage gave his sausage to Brooke and she gave him some of her scrambled eggs. They didn’t converse on what occurred yesterday and still tried to come to grips. Words didn’t need to be said and just being near didn’t make the silence uncomfortable. It was what each needed, to figure it out on their own.

  They finished their meals and Brooke returned the silver key to Keegan who said “Come back any time.”

  Outside the inn they headed for the stables and saw Kieran. Cage smiled “Morning, Mr. Grumpy. How’s our girl doing?”

  The burly stable master scowled. “She is much better in my care. She is strong, but I was mistaken. After I brushed her I realized she is healthy. She just hadn’t been brushed lately. I shoed her because the mare needed it. If I hadn’t, her hoof would have split soon. She is also fed and watered.”

  Brooke walked up to her horse and the mare got clearly excited. A quick snout rub made the steed whinny in readiness. She undid the easy stall gate and opened it. The mare stepped out and allowed her rider to secure belongings. She looked at the iron shoes nailed securely into the hoof and saw the great work. Utala never shoed horses, but for the coming travels she knew it would be needed. Then Brooke mounted the barebacked horse and trotted ahead. The metal clopped loudly on the stone road. Cage smiled as the man shook his head. “Thanks for shoeing the horse, I was going to do it soon.” He tossed the man a silver. “If I come back I want you to have my horses treated just like her.”

  Kieran nodded and the coin disappeared in a pocket.

  Cage caught up and asked “Which should we do first, getting weapons, clothes or provisions?”

  “Clothes. I found a shop that sells proper tribal clothing from trading with the tribes. I would prefer to wear clothes more suited to our people. We will need food next. Lastly I’ll hunt for new weapons…” Brooke patted her hips, missing her tomahawks dearly.

  Brooke led the way to a clothing store where all they sold were leather
or tribal trinkets. Brooke knew she had money in her pack from dispatching the highwaymen and thought it would be a good time to learn a new skill, shopping. Inside she found a worker who kindly directed her to the finest leather clothes she’d ever seen, with barely noticeable needlework at the seams. Brooke found a deerskin wrap that had sleeves and pants that covered nearly all of her. Only her head, hands and feet were uncovered. She got hot quickly in the material and knew it would work well. She also tried on matching gloves and found a pair that fit properly.

  While Brooke tried wearing the brown leather Cage came across a large, harder and thicker style of leather that had been dyed jet black. It had long sleeves and pants. The closer he looked the more it had what he liked. Instantly he knew he had to have them. It offered protection from the elements and acted as some armor. The leather was a good quarter inch thick and would allow to keep mobility without sacrificing anything. His personal favorite colors to wear are green and black and this outfit called for him.

  Another worker came up to say “Wonderful work isn’t it?”

  “How much?” Cage asked without looking away from the uniform leather.

  The man smiled and shook his head. “I’m sorry, but that particular item is very expensive. The owner is a bit eccentric and liked that suit so much she hired a mage to spell it to achieve a stylish vision. It doesn’t hold any magic as it had only been altered. The mage supposedly put holes all through the material so it could allow the wearer’s skin to breathe. I personally cannot find these holes with my eyes. It is also said it repels water, keeping the wearer dry even in the heaviest rains. The supposed airflow also keeps the person from overheating and sweat keeps the leather from needing to be constantly being oiled. The last is said the leather has been worked so much it doesn’t creak when moving.”

  “Again, how much?” Cage asked, especially after sending his magic and found the thousands of microscopic holes. He really knew it would be what he needed to succeed.

  The man sighed. “Eight gold.”

  “Done.” Cage pulled out the coins and took the leather shirt and pants off the wire mannequin. He went up to the desk and said “I’m going to see if it fits.” Cage then showed he could afford it and went into a small room to try it on. He did and found it hugged his entire body. For once, he found something that fit properly for a person of his build. The pants even had loops, perfect for a belt.

  He came out with it on and felt great, ready for anything. The workers there stopped to admire him.

  Brooke stepped out of the dressing room after finding the clothing fit and accentuated her figure wonderfully and stopped as she saw her mate handing over eight gold coins. Her jaw dropped as she looked hungrily over his lean and powerful form. She preferred him naked, but if he had to wear clothes he undoubtedly found nothing better to be seen in. His whole appearance made him find the perfect union of attractiveness and lethality. Whomever would die by his hands would go without regret after laying their eyes upon him. As so many referred to him as Death in the flesh, none could doubt he could wear such a mantle so well when he wore such a striking outfit. Just looking at him made her heart flutter with desire and fear, mostly desire. The other females in the room seemed just as helpless when looking upon him.

  Turning around Cage asked “Well, do you like my extravagant purchase?”

  Brooke put the set of clothes under an arm and used a free hand to run it up and down his length. She smiled secretly. “Better be careful or you may have many women want to challenge you for mating rights.”

  “You don’t have to worry.” He gave her a quick kiss. “I only want you and Meeka. I will belong to no other except for the two of you.”

  “Good. Keep it that way unless I want another sister to bed with us.”

  “Anything to make you happy, My Love.” At that, she smiled brightly. “I see you too bought clothing.”

  “Yes, and I look just as good as you in these.” She walked to the counter and put the sturdy tribal attire on the table. “How much will need to be traded?”

  “A silver and five copper.” Brooke nodded and pulled out the leather pouch and extracted the amount and looked back. “Love, I’m a copper shy.” He handed her one of his and she promptly bought the clothing. She smiled again at the jealous look the other women gave her and she took his large hand in her own as they walked out.

  Outside they found someone trying to take her horse. They watched merrily as the would-be thief couldn’t figure out how to pull it off while they were inside. Brooke gave an audible command and the horse nearly kicked the thief in the chest. The man saw the two striking figures laughing and realized they were the owners and fled down the street. Brooke checked her belongings to find everything remained and pushed her new clothes in the bag. “Good thing our horses are so well trained to only respond as we teach them.”

  “If it were any other horse he would have walked off without us even aware. Can’t blame him though. She is a prize.” He patted her brown flank.

  “I raised her as a foal four years ago and trained her all by myself.” Brooke admitted proudly. “It is good the thief tried stealing her here in the capital. If he were to steal on our lands he would have been killed.”

  “Ready to go to the market?” To which she nodded and mounted.

  Several minutes later they found one of three bustling merchant and food seller centers. They stayed close and took time buying foods that would keep longer. They bought fresh bread, crackers, an assortment of vegetables, beans, nuts, cheese coated in beeswax to stay fresher and reduce molding and ten ripe red apples that would be good for about four or five days.

  While they were storing food in their packs they heard a small voice ask “Priestess?” Brooke and Cage turned around to find three tribal women and a young girl of no more than ten standing near. All four wore similar bottoms and a strap over their breasts just like Brooke.

  “Yes, Child, what may I do for you?” She knelt before the girl.

  The child shook her head and brought her arms around, as she hid them behind her back, to reveal a pair of tomahawks with black crow feathers. Brooke’s eyes widened as she looked upon her trusted weapons. “I feared to never see these again! Where did you find them and how did you find me?”

  The girl returned the hatchets with a smile as one of the sisters said “We were among the crowds before it rained when you beat that weak man. We are sorry we could not offer aid, but that magic-man did something to us and we could not move or speak. When you were taken and the feeling left, this child moved in behind the stupid man and the one who does magic to retrieve your weapons before they were lost. Many tribes heard of your actions and went to free you from prison this morning. When we got there the angry man was yelling madly and we learned you escaped without anyone noticing so we went in search of the whole city in hopes to return what rightfully belongs to you.”

  Brooke strapped her tomahawks to each thigh and found renewed comfort. She smiled and said “This means a great deal to me, Sisters, thank you ever so much.” She knelt and laid a hand on the child’s shoulder. “And I thank you most of all. These belonged to my father who died a long time ago. May the spirits bless you your whole life and may you bear many children as kind and smart as yourself.” The girl blushed and the women smiled kindly. Brooke stood to ask “What of the pregnant sister? How is she?”

  The oldest woman explained “She did not speak for several hours as another tribe brought her out to the tents where we begin preparations to reclaim our lands. One of the elders made a poultice and helped lessen the swelling to her face. Her nose was broken and her lips split. She didn’t react at all, like she was dreaming. That was until she heard his voice. She became very frightened and said for those helping her to let her leave or else he would start causing problems, but she didn’t know we do not give people up for our own safety. That magic-man was there and led Lord Doyle right to her, but we blocked his path and warned us to leave before he ordered his magic- man to
start killing us to retrieve his property. Then General Corbin stepped between us and said ‘Lord Doyle, you have no jurisdiction to enter my garrison without permission. If your servant is here helping the conscripts then she may stay if she wishes. If you harm a single hair on anyone under my command I’ll have you taken into custody and tried for treason.’ The general saw fear in the pregnant sister’s eyes and asked her directly ‘Do you want to go back to Lord Doyle or service the troops and give aid where it is needed.’ She didn’t answer in words, but she moved away from the lord and that was all the general needed. The man protested loudly saying she carried his child and both belonged to him. The general told him to make any protests to the king and had him escorted off by four of his own magic-men. The general then left to get out of the rain since the matter settled.” The woman crossed her arms beneath her breasts. “For the moment she is under the protection of the Wolo tribe and has yet to decide if she wants to become a true sister or leave when all is over.”

  “It is good to know she and the unborn isn’t is his clutches at least.” Brooke admitted. “I hope Lord Doyle gets what’s coming.”

  “For now priestess, you must go. We are under the king’s law, not our own. You have escaped from jail after assaulting a noble. You have no option here except to leave. Those in the service of the king will not be able to protect you even if you were in the right.”

  A commotion down the street caught Cage’s attention and with his greater than average height he spotted two men with six armed guards. Before he could say anything the crowded market parted for the eight. The two led and one wore robes and the other displayed gold, jewels and the finest clothing material money could buy in this world. The wealthy man seemed to present a never ending scowl. In an instant the man pointed in their direction and yelled “There’s the whore! Capture her you fools!”


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