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Familiar's Ancient Throne(Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

Page 18

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “You will make an exception.” The mage said flatly. “Eeroan has a different way to break slaves. Have another mage heal her wrists and ankles before leaving these grounds. If she is so much as whipped you will be punished. She is a platinum without being a magician. Women such as she is beyond rare. And you should know, she is cursed. Do not allow her lips to touch flesh or she will freeze whomever touches her. I don’t care what you do to other slaves and you will have fun with the batch coming this way in the next few minutes, but she is to be handled carefully or she will kill by accident. She has great worth and if such a prize diminishes due to her time here I’ll personally come back and take the lost coin off your hide. Have I made myself perfectly clear?”

  “Yes.” The giant rumbled and snapped his fingers. Two other slavers came over. He said “Take the slave and pen her with the ones of platinum headed for Eeroan.” He then looked down at Meeka. She had never seen someone so tall before, he would make Cage seem short. A good eight and a half feet. She decided. “You’ll be healed later. Do not cause any problems till you are off my ground. If you do I’ll have you beat in a way that won’t leave a mark.”

  She nodded and the mage seemed it to be adequate and left.

  Meeka was escorted by the two men through a gate at knifepoint and she saw where people stood, shouting prices they would pay for slaves lined up naked. An auction. These men intentionally made them naked to show off everything of the individual and spoke of the persons quality such as a strong body or such beauty to entice a higher bid. It reminded her of someone selling cattle and knew these slavers thought exactly the same way of humans they captured.

  She caught a few appraising eyes as she was led around and through a wooden gate with standing guards. Inside she saw hundreds and hundreds of captives in large cages. The worst aspect of it is the silence. That and the blood and teeth peppering the dirt. It went beyond the heat, this place broke untold spirits. They led her to a nearby pen roughly twenty feet by twenty with four other woman sitting down in the hot air. Each wore a white dress like herself with a platinum earring. Again, like herself, they were clean and had better conditions in the cage. The men had her step inside and it made the other women look at the newest arrival. Meeka heard them lock her in behind thick bars and she turned around to see the four were just as beautiful as she. Only one offered a weak smile while the others were long ago broken.

  Meeka moved to sit beside the one who smiled and sighed, glad to at least be out of the sun. “Hello, I’m Meeka.”

  The woman’s eyes widened and she shook her lone braid of blonde hair slightly. She drew her knees up and dropped her head to cover her face. She whispered “Do not talk. It is not allowed during the day. If a guard hears you they will beat you. Slaves are not to ever speak unless our masters speak to us. You will understand soon enough.”

  Meeka saw fear in those azure eyes and took the warning to heart. The other three women each slightly nodded, affirming the words. So she returned the nod and leaned back into the iron bars to sit and watch in silence.

  Within the hour the nearby gate swung inwards as the captives she had been traveling with ever since being caught came in, surrounded by armed slavers. Leading them was none other than the giant of a man who ran the market with an iron fist. He said loudly “Welcome to your temporary home. Do not speak unless spoken to and I’ll kill whoever tries to flee or causes trouble. Men! Separate them according to their earrings. We will begin training them when the biding ends!”

  It wasn’t hard to spot Zatal first as men were led, separated and caged like animals, but at least the shackles were removed. A small, discrete wave gained

  Moril’s attention and her whisper had Lanna finding Meeka’s place as the other girls warned her to not move.

  She watched as cages were filled with men, women and children from the Tribal Plains. It was hard to watch, especially as when one slaver groped a woman and she elbowed him. Three men took the defensive woman over to a pair of whipping posts when they bound her wrists and whipped her fifteen times, flaying the skin of her back. She didn’t cry out till the eighth lash, when it became too much. That display became impossible to look without cringing.

  When the auction ended a heavier silence draped itself across the large compound. A group of slavers came in and began taking out dozens of new slaves and lined them up. Each were given a heavy wooden beam where the individual had to stand completely still while holding it straight out. If anyone dropped it they were beaten till delirious where they were dragged back to their cell. None escaped punishment that day, only prolonged it to be struck less when muscles were too exhausted to hold it. Either way it was torture that even children had to endure. Meeka’s heart broke at such inhuman treatment. She eventually couldn’t stomach anymore and looked down at the stone floor, but the crying and pain couldn’t be ignored.

  After a few more hours of training and night settled in came a group of men bringing a cabbage soup with stale bread for everyone to eat. The first fed were Meeka and the other platinum women.

  When everyone got something to eat the slavers left the grounds, but the ones slowly circling the wall remained with loaded crossbow.

  “Where are you from?” The girl from earlier asked in a small voice.

  “We can talk now?” Meeka inquired quietly.

  The girl nodded in the faint torchlight. “If we aren’t speaking above this tone. By the way, I’m Lolon. You said you’re Meeka?”

  She nodded. “It is nice to meet you Lolon. As to where I’m from it’s a long story, but I was captured in Emroc. And you? Where are you and the others from?”

  The four stunning women looked at her in a haunted, lifeless way. Only the one she spoke with seemed to retain some inner strength. “I was caught after the fall of Kidi… I’m not sure how long it has been, but close to two months I’d wager. Those beads… are you a tribal woman by chance?”

  “I am. So what can you tell me about our situation Lolon? I’ve only been held for about a month now. Anything would help.”

  “Well… hmmm… since you are locked up with us may I assume you are also a mage?” Meeka nodded hesitantly. “Can you tell us?”

  Meeka shrugged. “My lips are cursed. If anyone touches them they’ll become instantly frozen.”

  “Ok, well I’m a magician who can hear things from nearly a mile around. These others can magically sew without a needle or use their hands, can make small flames and can tell if a person is lying or not.” Lolon explained in a whisper. “It seems that you and I were the only ones captured. These others were born into slavery.” It was then that Meeka understood why the three didn’t speak or have any life. They grew up as slaves. “Later on, as I was told, when they get about fifteen of us together we’ll be taken to Eeroan to be sold.”

  “Why is it we are being taken from here? Why must we leave?”

  “Because Eeroan specializes in mage slaves. Very few can afford us and our powers make us a rare commodity only powerful nobles or mages can afford. I also hear Iron Mine is close and is in need of special slaves. The only good thing that keeps us from ending up being whipped is the earring. I was whipped a few times, but they had a mage heal me. The worst torture they’ve recently done is starve me. Also we won’t be raped or sold to a common brothel. If we do get a master who can afford us we can rest assured that the clientele won’t be common. I also need to warn to not entice a riot or do anything foolish. I’ve seen these brutes torture and kill any instigators. In these months I’ve seen two escape attempts, none survived. My magic let me hear one man make it over the wall, but he didn’t get far till being caught, tortured and killed to show what happens to those who don’t listen. I’m not going to tell you what to do, but if you value living, the best thing to do is nothing and obey commands.”

  Meeka nodded and spoke further in a whisper, learning how futile it is to try the slavers patience. She then rested against the bars later and waved at Moril and Lanna to see them in pain from thei
r earlier beating, but they remained firm and waved back.

  The long wait came next, not knowing what lay to the future.

  Chapter 7

  “So we had no alternative than to take the last course after all?” Brooke sighed from atop her horse.

  “I’m just as disappointed too.” Cage replied. “I’ve never saw something so ominous or strange in my life and I’ve see some weird shit recently. At least I’ve been refraining from using magic these past two days. I’ve got a feeling it’ll be needed.”

  “Then I better change into my new clothes. I don’t want to freeze to death in there.” Brooke admitted and dismounted. She took off her bottoms and the leather top to withdraw her unused clothing.

  Cage watched as she slid the wrap over her head, slipped into pants and a pair of matching gloves. He immediately thought of Native American attire as it was nearly identical to the old black and white pictures before they adapted to western culture. Brooke wrapped a thick belt around her waist and tightened it so no winds would slip in beneath the material. It looked to be a dress that reached the knees with a split along the hips to retain flexibility. She slid on her thick leather moccasin boots that went up to her shins and strung her tomahawks to the outside of each thigh. Brooke adjusted the outfit and became satisfied at the pleased look in her mate’s eye. “I thought you would like it.”

  “You were understating yourself. It might cover you properly, but it accentuates your full bust and curvaceous hips. The silky smooth fur really makes the brown in your lovely eyes really stand out. When Meeka sees you in this I wouldn’t doubt she would rip it off with her own teeth just to get you naked again. I know that is what I’d do if I were in her place.”

  Brooke liked that optimism and stood on her toes to give him a grateful kiss. “Good, I will let her do just that and after we are done I’ll put it on and let you have a turn.” Her smile faded as she looked north. “I hope we survive that.”

  Cage and Brooke looked down the hill at the aptly named Frozen Forest. The air where they stood felt like Floridian winter, cool and comfortable. Less than a mile from them stood the first signs of snow. Trees were covered heavily in the frozen water as it came down in a gentle flurry. Direct sunlight became a less frequent blessing as thick clouds stretched further than the eye could ever see from that spot. Cloud cover minimized shadows and would easily make someone ill prepared lost before they understood. Even in the summer as it is, Frozen Forest remained gripped in the height of winter. Cage knew he had to be careful with frostbite and would constantly need to check his cells with magic to prevent the freezing process. With the gauntlets and boots replacing skin and turning it pure black would make it difficult for what laid ahead. Wind chilled to the bone and worse yet, Cage felt the subtlest tingle of magic emanate from the forest.

  “If we’re careful and can stay focused without making costly mistakes we will make it through.” He wrapped an arm around her. “We will be cautious and stay together at all times. If you see something or get tired, tell me immediately. If the stories of magic are true then so are the wintery effects. Magic and weather will be our enemy so we stay together, even to relieve ourselves.”

  “Understood, Cage Love. I think we should check our supplies one more time and be sure we have enough food to get through it.”

  They spent fifteen minutes together, going over everything and overlooking nothing. Lastly Brooke mounted and showed worry, but there had been no alternative. She looked down and said “Love, let us get through this.”

  He nodded and shouldered his bulging pack and walked down the hill.

  It didn’t take long to reach the edge of the snowy forest. His feet crunched the snow loudly as the wind blew the frigid air from the northwest. Cage was surprised at how well the thick black leather outfit kept him somewhat warm. He could feel the slight chill on the material, but it was more effective than he bargained. It worked like a parka and kept him warm. Pockets in the pants kept his chilled hands warm. His feet though felt tougher.

  Moving northeast, Cage began thinking, going over all that occurred like a list, trying to find something he might have overlooked.

  They left Dalaran and he had never seen Brooke so happy, or any woman for that matter, to start her menstrual cycle the morning after she got her justice at being raped. Cage would have hated to see her if the idiot did impregnate her, he’d even bet she would have killed the guy. He played the ocarina so she could dance happily for a few hours before setting off.

  It has been fourteen days since leaving that city. Cage found out quickly magic is infinitely more effective at detection and trapping than any other security system he knew. Traps so well hidden he never saw them till they sprung. They wanted to cut due east a day before reaching Kidi, the enemy controlled city. That worked out as well as a lit match in a fuel spill while standing right in the center of the flammable liquid. They fell into a trap he didn’t sense until it was too late and it nearly killed him.

  Cage laid a hand over his neck where a spike had cut through the carotid artery. If he wasn’t used to pain he wouldn’t have been able to set it aside and focus enough to heal. Damn, that was a close one. He thought at the time. Brooke had a gash to her thigh and a shattered femur that would have potentially killed her or impaired her for the rest of her life if he didn’t have magic. He had to cut the trap that sprung by magic and got away just in time before a patrol squad, led by a mage, checked the trap and found the sets of blood. They killed them easily enough while they were focused on the destroyed trap. Then they got caught again in another trap not an hour later in some kind of spiderlike web placed on the ground for over a mile. He didn’t see or sense the magic thread till it snared them and the horse. Brooke had tried cutting through the sticky threads to no avail and his magic swords were also useless. The orange flame didn’t do a thing to eat the thread but the strange black fire ate through it as if it were nothing. They got out, but Brooke and Cage spent the next two days pulling the annoying strands off.

  It was Brooke’s decision to go west and get out of the forest because it seemed enemy mages laid traps all along the Tribal Plains’ territory to either kill, discourage or trap someone so that the Laqura Empire’s men could capture anyone wanting to use the plains or find a way to do something they didn’t want happening. Brooke then chose they take a westerly route around Kidi and try again. It too proved nearly suicidal as they stumbled into a small enemy camp. It was a good fight and since they didn’t have a mage Cage didn’t use magic since their numbers were about fifteen. Brooke killed nine and let him have six all to himself since they were skilled swordsmen. They claimed some of their coins for the trouble and Brooke gladly stored their smoked meat all for herself. They were forced to leave because a larger force was on the way.

  Cage had to decide to travel only at night for four days since it became far too dangerous to try anything else during the day and be exposed.

  Since they could not find any breaches in their traps, magic or military lines they came to the grim decision to cross Frozen Forest territory. It had been the only alternative which proved out to be best since the closer they got to it the fewer traps he had them avoid and the fewer military traces that had left a trail. If the Frozen Forest is as dangerous as others believed, Cage knew he need all the strength he can get.

  Before he went on the two day recovery of not using any magic he found Meeka sailing, sitting in the corner of a room with an angry looking dog. The Utala, led by Elder Metak had finally reached the ocean and were following it south. Hammit and Quitte had also found the ocean and were doing likewise, but they had yet to meet up with the tribe.

  Cage smiled as he thought of the biggest piece of good news in seeing General Corbin’s troops fighting the invaders with more passion than the other side. The most brutal killings undoubtedly came from the tribal people who fought to reclaim their homeland and slaughtered any in their way without remorse. Though the Emrocan militia was a thousand or two less than
their opposition their morale was overwhelming. The magical battles were impressive. Mages fought mages as Familiars tore into each other to keep their partner alive and give them time to retaliate. The mage battles were very destructive and took hundreds of lives, but eventually the empire called a full retreat.

  He noticed as he held the magical window to see far away like a drone back home that he could maintain the spell for nearly twenty minutes before seeing spots. Steadily his strength to use spells grew, but they still tired him out when used in excess. After seeing Emroc force the opposition into a full retreat he canceled the spell and went nearly cold turkey on using magic. He only used a small flame to light a fire as the night air chilled, explaining how much closer they were to Frozen Forest. Since then he recovered fully and prepared himself for the unknown dangers he currently walked through

  “Cage, this place is dreadful.” She commented as she looked behind to see nothing except snow and burdened trees. Brooke had a chill that didn’t belong to the current freezing temperature. “Why do we have to go through the forest instead of walking the perimeter?”

  “Because it will likely be watched for that very reason. They might fear to enter the forest, but others are just as reluctant. They might think there will be less of a chance of dying if they skirt the forest, but others would think the same. I think the danger both inside this forest and outside are just as bad. We cannot afford to be spotted for it will ruin our plans.” He then patted her leg. “If it makes you feel better, I’m also feeling the creeps. We cannot let it stop us. What would make you feel better?”

  Brooke stopped the horse to say “Can you tie us together? Those dark clouds seem to warn of a storm. I do not know these lands, but I’d feel better if we find shelter since we cannot even see the sun anymore to tell us how long we have.”


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