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Familiar's Ancient Throne(Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

Page 33

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “Right, and you must change the shape of your shield from a sphere to a pyramid to reduce the strain and usually applying ice to its property will keep you from getting cooked alive. Then there is a dissolving spell that will pull you apart from every cell that keeps your body the way it is and the most effective way…” Megdline went on with dangerous spells and sometimes he would need some guidance to reply on the least costly way to resist, block, counter or avoid spells.

  Brooke knocked on their door an hour later. She and Sean entered and Cage instantly noticed the boy had more color in his features and moved with more energy. Brooke shut the door before saying “Our son was starving. He ate three bowls of stew, four chicken legs and six biscuits. Your stomach should hurt.”

  “Probably does.” Cage said and knelt before Sean and didn’t do anything else. “I know what you are thinking and it would hurt your new mother very deeply if you left while we slept. You ate so much because you might not get the chance for several days or a week possibly. This isn’t a ploy, Sean. Brooke is the priestess of our tribe and the law upholder. She cannot lie, even if she tried. She does want you as her son and if she does, then so do I. I know the concept of help is difficult to understand, but she will do her best and be your mother. I will too.”

  Sean smiled ironically. “You want to be my mother?”

  Cage then gave a deep, throaty laugh. “Why not?” he shook his head before reaching out and placing a hand on Sean’s shoulder. “From one street urchin to another, will you make a decision in the morning? Family is frightening to consider, but so worth it. Sean, you will find you will be better off here, with us, than here in Jalara. I don’t want an answer now. Think on it.” Sean simply nodded, still holding onto his skepticism will increasing difficulty. “Brooke, what did you tell him out there?”

  She walked over and laid on the bed in a sensual way that made him forget his own question for a moment. Brooke smiled and spoke casually. “He doesn’t speak much, but he listens well. I told him our woman, his other mother, was taken and we are going to rescue her. I warned him to not steal anymore and to be respectful of us. Sean will find being a Utala odd, but he will adapt. I promised him his own pack and a knife before we leave tomorrow. As his father, you will train him to fight while I teach him our ways. He understands that you and Megdline are mages and command great power and promises not to anger either of you.” Sean nodded quickly and had fear within his eyes. Cage knew the boy found magic scary. “Beyond that, I let him eat. A child should not learn everything in one night. It is getting late, Sean. You will sleep between me and your father tonight so you quickly get used to us as your parents.”

  “Yes, Mother.” He timidly replied and walked over, climbed into the bed and laid down.

  Brooke wrapped her arm around Sean’s waist and pulled his back flush against her front. Cage almost laughed as Sean’s featured turned an embarrassing shade of red. “Sleep well, My Son.” She said and kissed his little, bony cheek. Brooke gave Cage an expectant look and he came over and laid down on the bed. Sean trembled slightly, but slowly overcame it and relaxed as Brooke wrapped around a comforting arm around him. Cage watched as the boy fell asleep from the full stomach and having someone to hold. Brooke has a loving smile, even as she slept. Eventually, Megdline blew out the candles and everyone fell asleep, except Frill who stayed alert for anything.

  In the morning, all of them sat together in the dining area and were enjoying a meal as the sun just began to rise when Sean said “Cage, I… I would like to leave with all of you. Nobody has done anything like this for me.” He gestured to new clothes and a full meal in front of him. “Not even Old Man Vic, the owner of this place, recognizes me… and he hates me like everyone else. If not for this lady…” Brooke stopped chewing and narrowed her eyes. “I mean, Mother.” Sean quickly corrected and watched as she smiled. “I would have been beaten badly. If there is a chance that I can stop going hungry I’m not stupid enough to pass up such an offer. I will work hard to be the son Mother wants. Is it alright if I call you this Dad too?”

  “Of course. I knew you were smart.” Cage said with a small smile. He then looked back to the proprietor. “Vic! My boy lost his knife and his pack. Is there a chandler shop around here?”

  The old man looked up angrily from being woken up from behind the counter. “North end of Jalara, can’t miss it. It is the best building and stables we got.”

  Sean stood up as his food disappeared. “Mother, Dad, Megdline… I will be right back. I have to go get something.”

  “Come right back.” Brooke ordered and they watched him leave quickly. “I knew he would want us.”

  “Hard to resist the offer of a beautiful woman, I should know.” Cage smiled. “Brooke, finish up. It’s been awhile since I had a sparring partner. I’ll be waiting outside. Granny, will you watch my pack for me?” Megdline nodded.

  Cage got up and walked outside. There were a dozen people strolling the town. He went around to the side and began stretching. The exercise progressed into a shadow fighting match. His punches and kicks flew and he was forced to take off his leather shirt. His attack patterns shifted every few seconds as he imagined being surrounded by five fighters. He would do feints, straight strikes, swirling moves, flips, sweeps and every variation to get the workout he required. He then stood on his hands and did twenty vertical pushups before Brooke came around the corner. “There you are. I need a challenge too. I need to fight the only man worthy to be my mate. Let me stretch first.” She began loosening her frame and a minute later she took out her weapons and began spinning them like a baton. “Ready, Love?”

  Before he could answer a grin grew as adrenaline coursed through his veins because Brooke ran at him. When she came within range she knew she never needed to be held back with her man and began by chopping at his head. He leaned back, spun on his heel and dodged the actual, second strike coming in from below and lightly guided the sharp head aside. Brooke began dancing and hacking at him while Cage dodged and stepped just out of danger as she cut the space he stood in a moment earlier. She began to kick and he started doing acrobatic cartwheels and flips very few men of his height could ever do and he made it look effortless. Brooke tried cornering him against the wall of the inn, but she watched in a mesmerized way as he ran three steps up the wall and jumped, doing a spin in the air to land behind her on solid feet. Her reverie didn’t last as she began fighting the elusive lover who changed tactics and began throwing attacks she could barely avoid with arms and feet flying like loosed arrows. His enchanted skin took her chops that would have dismembered anyone else and sometimes sparks would result in their fast-paced clash. Cage slowly increased his speed and pushed Brooke further and further back. His attacks broke through her defenses several times, but for each one he withdrew just enough to not seriously injure or outright kill her.

  Then Cage began to flow through her attack as she battle cried to push herself. He maneuvered her to the wall where he suddenly grabbed her wrists and lifted them high above her head, picked her up and pressed her against the wall. Brooke realized with perfect clarity what happened and laughed through heavy breathing. Cage grinned and laughed too. She then leaned down and kissed him as he still pinned her. “No other man could ever do that to me.”

  He then slowly lowered her down with a laugh. “You’ve improved.” He noticed. “It was slightly more difficult to get through your defenses. You used the shaft to block me more.”

  “Amazing!” Came Sean’s voice.

  They turned together to find their surrogate son, Megdline, Frill and five other astonished townspeople who watched with open mouths. Megdline noticed the others and said “Off with you, the show is over.” They grumbled, but it was Frill’s growl that sent them away. They knew not to anger a mage or a Familiar.

  Cage breathed heavily with Brooke as the group dispersed and the three approached. Sean stared up at both of them in wonder. “Mother, you are so graceful and Dad… How did you move like that? Was
it magic?”

  “No, Son. That was all physical exertion. I will teach you how to do that one day.” Cage then took the pack that Megdline held out and took a deep drink from his container. “Sean, did you get what you needed?”

  “Yes, Dad.” Sean kept saying it so he would try to get used to it. He didn’t like the withering looks his new mother gives, especially after seeing that match. Sean reached in a pocket to pull out a wrapped cloth and he opened it to reveal two fine picks and three tools all for thieving.”

  Brooke remembered the similarity of objects Cage used to get her out of jail and shook her head. “Those will not be needed. As my son, you are no longer a thief.”

  “They are all I have of my uncle, Mother. My parents died in an accident when I was a baby and my uncle helped me until I was seven, when he too died. Mother, please… These are all I own.” Sean pleaded.

  She felt her heart tug and looked into those sad eyes. “I cannot say no, but I forbid you from thieving, Sean. I will spank your ass till you cannot sit, if you take so much as a single button. Even a piece of straw, without permission. Is that perfectly clear?”

  Immediately, Sean brightened and smiled. “Yes, Mother.” He put his tools away and waited for what to do next.

  “That was a beautiful match.” Megdline admitted. “I keep getting reminded that both of you are deadly adversaries. Cage I knew, but you Priestess are stunning to watch.”

  “It is better when I’m naked.” Brooke stated seriously and took a drink too. “That was wonderful, Love. How about we go buy supplies and a horse if Megdline visits the market to get us food.”

  “It will make things simpler.” Megdline said. “We will meet you by the chandler shop. Do you need money for the horses?”

  “No, we still have plenty.” Cage said and watched Megdline and Frill walk away. He retrieved his leather shirt and stuffed it in his pack. It was too hot to wear at the moment. He turned around and noticed Sean looking at him with natural childlike curiosity. “Something wrong?”

  “Dad, why are your arms black… and what is that loopy thing on your back?”

  “I’ll tell you one day, but for now just know that both questions are uniquely mine. Come on, we have a lot to do and little to do it in.” Sean shrugged, but Cage knew he was even more intrigued now. It showed in his rapidly shifting eyes.

  Sean walked between Cage and Brooke as they made their way up and spotted the chandler’s shop right across from a nearby horse farm. They went inside the store first and were greeted by “Welcome! What may I get for you fine looking folks this morning?”

  It was the first time Brooke had ever been in such a store that sold such a variety of supplies. Cage walked with Sean up to a counter where a thin looking, older man sat behind a counter. “Yes, I need to buy a pack, a knife, candles, and three of those large metal canteens with a screw-on lid I saw when coming in. This is the first town I’ve seen canteens made of metal and can be screwed on and off. Mine is made of wood and is quite difficult to maintain at times.”

  “Very good sir. My nephew is a blacksmith who wanted me to sell a few of his inventions since he was conscripted to the war with Emroc. They always need a good blacksmith. I’ll get the items right away, Sir.” In a minute there was a simple leather pack, five candles, three tin canteens with which to hold it all. “And here is a selection of my stocked knives.” The man opened a case to show them off. Cage selected four and had Sean grab them and eventually selected a five inch, double edged blade with a simple wooden grip and a small guard. The knife needed some work to be properly functional for Sean, but he didn’t say anything. Unfortunately there wasn’t a proper sheathe that would fit, but Brooke said to cut a piece of leather from a section of unused material the man had hanging off a table behind the counter. Since it was excess, he said no charge, but it cost two silver and was given a copper as change, which is fair and was easily exchanged. Everything except the knife and scrap of leather went into Sean’s pack as they walked outside.

  Then Brooke said “Cage, go get the horses while I work the leather for Sean’s new knife.” and handed over all the money she had left. He nodded and went across the road to the farm and began bargaining for two horses. Brooke took Sean over to sit beneath a shady tree and said “Most Utala men prefer to keep their knife on their forearm because of their lance being dangerously close to a blade strapped to a bare thigh. May I have your arm to make a sheath befitting of a Utala male? Oh are you right or left handed?”

  “I do not understand.” Sean replied. “I have two hands.”

  Brooke sighed. She held out her hand. “Quickly, punch my hand.” He did so when he knew he wouldn’t hurt her. “Right handed.” She determined. “Most are… Now hold out your left arm.” He did and she took a few quick measurements before using the acquired knife’s razor edge to cut and make it according to her tribe. By the time she finished, Cage walked over with two chestnut mares in good condition and had simple leather saddles with reigns with which to guide them. All that remained of their money was nine copper coins and a gold. Brooke tied the leather to Sean’s arm and slid the knife in its home. She warned “Do not play with it till your father teaches you the proper ways with which to handle it. You can unintentionally and seriously hurt yourself.”

  “Yes, Mother.” Sean replied while staring at the sheathed knife on his outer forearm, with the blade pointing to his elbow and the handle near his wrist.

  About that time Cage turned to see Megdline walking with a bit more speed than she usually does and the very way she walked with forced calmness spoke otherwise. Cage started looking all over for danger, but they were in an open area with few places with which to ambush. In a low tone Cage said “Brooke, you and Sean better mount up. I think trouble is brewing.”

  She didn’t question. Brooke stood and went back to begin tying hers and Sean’s pack to the back of the saddle as Cage casually strolled away with the other horse to go speak to Megdline and Frill. Sean asked “Is it because you killed Witt and his gang, Mother?”

  “Very likely. But don’t you worry. Your father is more than strong enough to keep us safe.” Brooke said, knowing Sean is very smart and could understand the situation.

  Cage made it just out of earshot and said “What is the situation, Granny?”

  Medline looked at the horse he bought before answering. “It seems that people are searching for the five men who became missing. Frill overheard that a group is forming a search party. Because this is so small a town, it will be too easy to blame the newcomers, even if they’d be right. We better leave before the vultures start circling and lead the people straight to the bodies. I assume you got the candles I asked for?” He nodded. “Good, we leave before we cause more trouble.”

  “Agreed.” Cage said and handed her the reigns and Megdline skillfully mounted and he watched as the robe grew a seam up either bare leg with which to make it a more comfortable to ride. Cage sensed a momentary blip of magic as Frill jumped straight from the ground to land on the horses hindquarters and sit down.

  “It might be your first time riding, but don’t be afraid.” Brooke coaxed as she picked up Sean and put him in the saddle. She climbed up behind him. “See, I have you.”

  “But what about Dad? Where will he sit?” Sean asked.

  “I won’t.” Cage said as he approached with Megdline and Frill riding beside him. “Unless there is an emergency, I won’t ride. I prefer to run, but now I have a skill that makes me faster.” For proof, Cage used the floating spell and began gliding an inch off the ground. He began quickly skating down the road more quickly than Sean ever seen anyone do before. Megdline kicked her horse in a fast gallop to catch up.

  “Hold on.” Brooke said and kicked the horse’s ribs. Sean tensed and grabbed the saddle horn as they began running.

  Cage finally set a pace he wanted and moved just as fast as the horses most sustainable speed and not tire or try to kill them. The warm wind blew against his back as he skated and enjoyed
the speed and freedom he felt without anything confining him anymore. They nearly tripled the ground gained in this day and from the clear look in Sean’s eyes he was dumbfounded at the endurance his new dad had. He still remained quite quiet.

  There were a few close encounters, but none more so than a marching troop of fifty armed men heading down the road. But Cage had them stick to the road while he walked and talked, making it appear they belonged. The men simply glanced at them and ogled Brooke, but they didn’t stop or make Cage and the others state their business. If you look like you belong, none will be suspicious. He thought.

  When it started getting dark Cage located a stream which they camped at. Everyone went for a naked swim to cool off. Sean didn’t know how to swim well. But he stood and bathed as his new mother said to. He didn’t like bathing, but he did find he felt better, not scratching his head all the time. And though Megdline appeared in her mid forties she had a beautiful and firm figure as she swam. After the swim, Megdline and Brooke started cooking when Cage stood and said “Sean, come over here with me. It is time you learned how to handle a knife.” The boy stood hesitantly and move away from the fire and delicious smelling meal he watched Megdline pull from nowhere. “First I’ll make the blade better. It is unbalanced and the grip also needs to be adjusted.” Cage held out his hand and Sean found it easier to draw than he imagined and gave it over. Cage then sat down to focus on the knife, it might be sharp, but even a novice knife wielder could tell the blade needed help. The blade wasn’t balanced, a hairline crack would eventually break at the handle and even the handle needed to be better shaped. Using manipulation, Cage sent magic to the knife and could feel all the imperfections that made for an inferior weapon. With his senses attuned to the knife he began pulling, reshaping and repairing the damage. Iron became the hardest thing he ever manipulated with magic and it consumed much mana. The blade started turning red as the magic forcibly pulled at the rigid molecules and heated them up. For five minutes Cage struggled to turn the double edged blade into a functional single edged, bowie style knife. The guard flattened and would prevent slipping into the blade. Spots began to appear in his vision along with smoke from the wooden handle. To recover, he took some energy from a diamond to clear his head and got up to quench the red hot blade in the pond. It bubbled violently for a few seconds and steamed as it came out, but in doing so the blade became harder and also more brittle. So he heated the blade till it turned cherry red in a few seconds and let it cool more slowly on the ground. Cage said “Sorry, but I didn’t realize just how poor a knife it was. It’s going to require more work before I can make it into a Damascus steel. It will need to be heated and cooled a dozen more times till it will stand up to anything. For now you will use a stick.” Cage got one and handed it to Sean and roughly made it the same size. “Alright, this is how you properly stand and hold a knife.” Cage took a stance and Sean awkwardly matched it. “Make sure you stand firm because if you fall down in a fight, you die. Son, you have lived this long and haven’t quit, use this resiliency to keep yourself from dying. We’ll start slow so you can get accustomed to how a move feels. Follow me.”


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