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Familiar's Ancient Throne(Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

Page 56

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “Only if you take Brooke and Moril with you and have an escort that will let you see and bring you to me when you are done.” He sat his black eyes on the Arch Magister’s blue. “Will there be any problems with this?”

  “Not at all if you can demonstrate how you return a ghost back to a spirit without destroying it.” Cage inclined his head and the other man pointed to a standing guard who was close enough to hear and signaled to escort the boy and Lord Ceembura’s slaves wherever they wished. When the three left the Magister he admitted “I hope it was not rude, but I sent one of my best teachers to hear part of the conversation this morning with your boy wanting a slave of his own. We could not use the sight mirror because of your spells. If I can keep my title as Arch Magister I’ll let him have any two he wishes.”

  “Bribing won’t work on me, Young Man.” Cage clarified with a hint of irritation. “Nor blowing smoke up my ass. I’m here on orders from the empress personally. If I do not find the teaching methods satisfactory, I am to personally take you to Laqura Castle on Daku’s back. He is my wyvern, if you’ve forgotten him too. At the moment, he is hunting in the Division Mountains. He will stay away from Eeroan so long as I say. If you’ve made our student’s decline over the years, you will have to start from the bottom again as a lowly potions teacher. Is that absolutely clear?!”

  “Yes, Lord Ceembura. But if I am found to be teaching my students to your standards I will still gift your son a slave of his own choosing for being humbled by your presence.”

  “I do not like my ass kissed.” Cage sighed. “But my son truly wants a slave of his own… You will pass or be replaced on your own merits. First I will change then you’ll show me the classes and the subjects they are currently learning. I need the time to recover after breaking your shield… By the way, are any of the students qualified to reanimate corpses yet?”

  “Only one at the moment. She is still finding it difficult to properly attach the spirit or ghost into a physical body…”

  The group followed them up with everyone else following like eager puppies for a treat. Cage found a comfortable black robe from the Magister’s wardrobe and donned it while Daku hid in a new pocket after winking and grinning proudely. On the way to the first class the Magister asked “Why is it you wear beads in your hair like your slaves?”

  “Because Zatal, the man beside me, said that I’ve given him back his honor. I saw their skills being wasted working in the fields. I have about ten slaves who have the same color skin, but the four I have here were warriors. They keep the commoners and vagrants away and I treat them fairly. They’ve done nothing except the best in any task I give them and they do it without question, otherwise if I’m disappointed Daku will eat them for a light snack.” Cage admitted and it made the old sorcerer chuckle out loud. Zatal made a fist and relaxed it when he saw his chief give the subtle signal to settle down.

  Brooke held Sean’s hand as if it were the anchor holding her from sprinting ahead. She also didn’t want him to be in further danger. Her heart pounded against her chest and patience wasn’t her strength, especially with the lazy pace their guide set. Moril walked a little ahead, keeping her priestess and the child safe should their guard be leading into a trap. The two warriors kept quiet to not be seen as anything other than slaves. They weren’t allowed to speak unless spoken to so Sean asked “Soldier, my father said these slaves you keep here are different, how are they any different than Mother?”

  The guard turned a critical eye to the boy and the slave holding his hand. “Mother? How can you be his mother, Slave? Sounds suspicious when you look nothing alike.”

  She lowered her gaze with reluctance to say in the most softest voice “My master’s wife died in childbirth and I had a child who died not a week before the young master came into my life. I was his wet nurse and raised him under my master’s request. He calls me mother because he is like a son to me.”

  The man harrumphed before looking at the well dressed young lord to say “These slaves have been bestowed magic illegally or were captured in our righteous war with Emroc. They have gifts that are being tested for a standard fifteen days before a decision is reached whether the mages can use them or they are sent to the mines with the other slaves.”

  Sean grew a worried look. “They have magic not approved by the Empire’s councilors? Am I in any danger from their magics?”

  “Not in the slightest.” The guard continued towards the large building. “These slaves are put in enchanted pins that negate all spells and gifts. You will be perfectly safe unless you get too close to the bars and they can grab you, but if they do touch you I’ll see them executed personally.”

  “If any touch me, my mother and Moril will do it first. Just knowing their illegal gifts have been canceled by magic is enough.” His little brown eyes met Brooke’s meaningfully, hearing his dad’s suspicions again be reinforced.

  At the wooden front door Brooke’s heart thundered and she could hear the blood rushing in her hearing. The guard opened the door to let them in and Brooke had to loosen her grip because Sean gave a small gasp because of her anxiousness. She stepped in.

  Inside the large wooden building were hundreds of individual cages about ten feet by ten and seven high, all made of iron bars. In each cell sat a person wearing white pants for men and white dresses for women. Also inside the prisons was a mattress and a bucket to relieve oneself. The prisons were three five rows and had space between each to comfortably navigate between them. Nearly every cage had a person trapped. Most looked void of emotion and accepted whatever fate awaited them. Nearly each were beautiful and fair, but they all wore a platinum earring. Brooke’s eyes swept quickly, looking for one specific pair. Many of the women had light colored hair and few looked up to see who came in, but none belonged to the one she sought.

  The guard sat down at a table to say “Young Lord, I’ll wait right here so you can freely see the slaves without me ruining your day. When you are done, come find me and I’ll return you to your father.”

  “Much appreciated.” Sean stated and walked over to the nearest cell where a man in his early adult life looked up when the boy asked “What is your gift?”

  The captured man stood as he had been forced to do when addressed. “I can smell like a tracking dog. Once I catch a scent I can follow it.”

  Brooke listened as Sean went from one person to the next like an actual person who searched for the best slave. She grew increasingly anxious, but Sean took his father’s words carefully and stuck to the plan.

  Then Brooke found her hammering heart immediately go still. Over on the row that backed up near the wall of the building stood Meeka with wide sapphire eyes and an open mouth. A moment of stillness ended and the priestess’s heart drummed even harder. Sean looked up when he felt a change overcome his mother and never saw her so emotional as tears began to spill down her cheeks. He followed her look to see another beautiful woman. To break the stillness he gently tugged on her arm.

  Moril looked to see the guard slowly sharpening his sword and not paying any attention. She looked at an angle from the side of a cell to know he wouldn’t be able to see anything. Moril whispered in the relatively quiet room “Go be with your woman. I will watch the warrior.”

  Nothing more needed to be said as Brooke’s frozen state melted and she ran the few yards as hard as she could and stuck her arms through the iron bars and into Meeka’s embrace. Brooke couldn’t stop herself from putting her face as far as she could through the narrow gap and met Meeka’s waiting lips. There was so much she wanted to say, but right then she wanted to feel her woman.

  Meeka’s shocked surprise ended when their lips connected after being apart for so long. She never expected to see her in such a place, but the passionate kiss proved it wasn’t some cruel hallucination or torturous magic the mages were concocting. Meeka’s arms encircled Brooke’s silky soft lower back while her love did the same, even through the uncomfortable bars preventing them from truly embracing. Meeka moa
ned in pleasure as she kissed Brooke and her mouth parted invitingly. Brooke’s tongue massaged hers and deepened the connection.

  Pain slowly made them break the kiss because each of their large breasts were crushed against the bars from their tight embrace. Tears began to flow from Meeka’s eyes as well and she stroked her love’s cheek to see Brooke’s brown eyes close and nuzzle into it. A thick throat made it hard to speak, but Meeka managed to say “Brooke, My Love, oh how I missed you.”

  “And I you, Meeka Love.” Brooke choked and leaned in for yet another kiss.

  After they parted again Meeka saw a small boy and the back of Moril as she watched the front door closely. To see Moril with her beloved meant a great deal. “Brooke, what about Cage? And the rest of our people? Please tell me our man didn’t die in the explosion from that sorcerer…”

  Brooke shook her head and smiled. “Our mate is well and working to free you. If we were just three days earlier we would have freed you with the others… I’m so sorry we couldn’t be sooner… are you well and where are your beads?”

  Meeka touched her temple where her beads no longer hung. “They cut them off. They don’t want slaves to remember who they were. We are no longer human in their eyes and animals don’t wear anything to be different. And I am well for the most part. They make me kiss something or someone everyday to learn the extent of my curse. Tell Cage to hurry. Apparently my curse intrigues the mages and has made me a primary candidate for their experiments. I only have a few days left before they experiment on me and stop testing the limits of my freezing curse.”

  In a serious tone while not letting go, Brooke vowed “I will get you out, Meeka Love. It has been too many weeks since I’ve had you. Hold on just a little longer.”

  Meeka gave Brooke a loving squeeze. “How is the rest of our people? Are they nearby? What of Cage? Is he alone?”

  “Our people are likely near Kote by now and waiting for us to return. And no, our mate isn’t alone. Lanna, Zatal, Megdline, Frill and Daku are with him at the moment.”

  Meeka’s mind sped up and she found it hard to keep her voice down. “Megdline and Frill are here too? How much have I missed and just who is Daku?”

  Brooke rubbed Meeka’s soft hand with her own. “We do not have the time to discuss everything right now, but Daku is our chief’s Familiar.”

  “Familiar?” Meeka said in fearful horror. “What do you mean? Megdline told him not to summon it… something that large is too…”

  “He stood.” Moril whispered warningly.

  “Mother, we must move on.” Sean said.

  ‘Mother?’ Meeka mouthed and Brooke whispered as Sean took her to the next cage “We have much to speak, Meeka Love. This is our new son, Sean.” Meeka sat down just before a guard checked to find the boy speaking to another person while the two slaves remained close. He went back to his chair and Brooke hurriedly ran over to give her woman another deep kiss. “Stay strong, Meeka Love. I must go now so that our mate’s plan succeeds.” Meeka bit her bottom lip and nodded before watching her love walk away.

  “Wipe your tears.” A beautiful woman beside Meeka’s prison whispered. Brooke quickly wiped them away and nodded thanks. “So you must be Meeka’s lover Brooke, priestess of the Utala?”

  “How do you know me?” Brooke whispered.

  “I’m Lolon, her friend. Meeka and I were imprisoned together back in Bepop. She said you were beautiful, but words didn’t do you justice. Your stunning. By the way, I heard everything. It’s part of my gift. I can hear great distances. I can tell you a secret I’ve discovered at night. It will be the best way to free her, but I ask that you free us as well.”

  “Can I trust you?” Brooke asked.

  Lolon gave a delicate whistle which drew Meeka’s attention off Brooke. She made a few gestures and mouthed if she could be trusted and Meeka nodded. With Brooke’s promissory nod Lolon said “There is a secret smuggling passage the mage’s rarely use, but I did hear one talking about it. The passage is behind an inn called the Dancing Rascal and located beneath a heavy box only a mage can move supposedly. It will lead to a dark corner behind the castle that is rarely patrolled. If you can use it, it will be your only chance. The walls are spelled to prevent climbing or can be crossed by magic. The only way in or out is through the gates themselves or by the secret smuggling passage.”

  “Thank you and I promise to free everyone and give a chance to be free.” Brooke said in all seriousness.

  Thirty more minutes passed until the three approached the guard who asked “Young Lord, are you finished?”

  “Yes, please take me to my father.” The guard nodded and led them to the castle. They walked the steps and entered to be taken to a large hall.

  Standing in the hall was Cage surrounded by all the mages as he spoke to each teacher and had them demonstrate different spells and the quality of their work. What they didn’t know is he was learning about magic likely to be turned upon him, but didn’t show he was learning. Megdline had helped with concepts and gave him a foundation to ask just the right questions and piece others together. He listened and figured ways to counter these magical horrors by using his magic to feel out the spell structure. Though there is no such thing as good and evil or right or wrong, these practices sure were cruel and dark to his perception. He could feel how spells were layered to trap spirits and could figure out the words with which to guide the spells. From time to time he could feel an irregularity in a spell and commented on it, giving deep revelations. It helped further solidify his position among them. He hated giving their ways more to think about, but if he didn’t their suspicions would be greater. He retained a bored countenance and air that made him seem years beyond his twenty eight year old handsome appearance.

  The sessions had been canceled so Cage could be given a personal tour of the castle’s classes and he stopped everything when Sean and the others returned to hear how he found a few slaves he liked and was told to tell him later.

  By the end of the tour and current lesson plans the day had slipped by.

  Cage yawned and said “We will continue tomorrow and I will sit in on the lessons. I will be here a week until I make a final decision.”

  “Lord Ceembura, you promised to show us a particular demonstration.” The Arch Magister’s lion rumbled. “I want to see this greatly.”

  “Oh, it slipped my mind.” Cage said to the powerful looking lion. His eyes scanned the room of mages “Anyone got a soul gem on their person that is ready? Create a wind apparition so you can see how to handle the most dangerous of ghosts.”

  “I just so happen to have one.” The Arch Magister said and pulled out a garnet gem pulsing with a trapped soul.

  Magic began tingling as every mage used their skills to sense what is about to happen. The Arch Magister applied wind to a mourning ghost who wailed and Cage felt the sensation which allowed the ghost to heal. He commanded it to flee as soon as he was done and asked “Can anyone tell what I had done to transform a ghost back into a spirit?”

  The room’s magic tingle began to fade as the mages spoke amongst themselves. Eventually even the Arch Magister had to admit. “Lord Ceembura, I saw with my own two eyes the feat in which I cannot even begin to understand. How is it you’ve come across such a method? I am in awe yet cannot even begin to understand…”

  “Quite understandable. Actually it requires centuries of patience and subtly. There can be no error in the healing method. I stumbled across it quite by accident while trying to animate a squirrel with a snake’s essence. It has taken me close to nine hundred years to successfully do what I did with any consistency. If I could learn, so too can you. Also when you learn the trick, you can command spirits without making them a ghost.” He looked to his companions. “It has been a long day. I will be back at first light.”

  “Sleep well, Lord Ceembura.” The Magister said and allowed their group to pass.

  Megdline erected a barrier to prevent ears from listening as Brooke spoke in relief at
finally holding Meeka again and about the passage.

  Chapter 18

  When night fell Cage magically guided their things from the terrace into a dark alley before all of them went down stairs to walk the early evening streets. Sean found out where the Dancing Rascal is located and they casually made sure they weren’t followed before going in that direction. All of them used stealth and found the sign of a tavern with a dancing child kicking a drink. All of them secretly moved to the vacant alley behind the tavern to locate a wooden crate giving off a subtle tingle. “This is it.” Megdline pointed and showed that the crate weighed beyond what it ought. She took her hand and used magic to lift the object only a third class sorcerer and above could ever lift. Beneath it was a wooden door which Cage opened carefully and made sure wasn’t booby trapped. It opened to give off a smell of musty earth and said to be used rarely.

  Daku crawled out of the pocket and said “I’m going to check for danger. Give me a burning stick I can hold in my beak to see by.”

  Sean brought over a stick and watched his dad magically make one end burn and put it in the griffin’s curved, predatory beak. Daku remained small and slowly flew down the hole and off to the straight tunnel. “Now we wait.” His dad said.

  Ten minutes later there came a faint orange glow deep beneath the ground where Daku skillfully flew back. “It is clear and even better than I hoped. It is so dark that even my eyes had trouble seeing on the other end. Only light came from the north wall where humans walk in circles. We must hurry before midnight comes and those racing lights find us.”

  Brooke kissed her son’s forehead and said “Stay here with Megdline and Frill while they guard this entrance. I’ll get your other mother and be back soon.”

  He said nothing as he watched his parents along with Zatal, Lanna and Moril climb down the rungs while holding torches of their own. His father couldn’t risk using magic to light the way down the tunnel. He watched as they all ran and saw the orange glow fade quickly. Megdline laid a hand on his shoulder in understanding. She and Frill moved to either end to keep watch.


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