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Deliciously Smooth (Naked Brews #1)

Page 11

by K. B. Jacobs

  “Fuck,” I cried out, stifling my voice against his shoulder. It had been way too long, and Walsh knew exactly what he was doing.

  His finger pulled out only to be replaced by two fingers a second later. He pushed up, curving his fingers, and hit the spot that so many men didn’t even realize existed. He pushed and teased until his hand had to be coated in me.

  He pulled out again and in one swift motion had my jeans and panties down around my knees. “Open up for me, Lake.”

  My brain gave one last attempt to knock sense into me, but my knees beat it out, spreading wide without an ounce of shame. Walsh pushed me back, giving himself more room to work, and I took the opportunity to open his jeans and see what he was working with. My fingers grasped around him as best they could. His cock bulged in my hand, a drop of pre-cum leaking out. I rotated my palm around his tip and then down the shaft, pumping once, twice until he touched me at my core again, and I lost control of my limbs.

  His fingers probed my folds, zeroing in on my clit and working it like a master craftsman. My legs shook, and I bit my lip to keep from screaming out. His finger circled my hardening nub and picked up speed. His other hand reached up into my shirt and pulled out one breast, pinching my nipple to deliver glorious pain and pleasure.

  My orgasm built in intensity like a speed train barreling down the tracks with the brakes out. “Walsh, please,” I breathed out between gasps of pleasure. “I need you inside me.”

  Walsh kissed me again, harder this time like he meant it, and pinched my nipple and clit at the same time, sending rolls of pleasure through my body. My hips bucked against his hand, demanding more, while knowing I couldn’t take it. My core muscles pulsed as my orgasm shattered through me, a white-hot explosion that left me gasping.

  As the final wave crested, I reach for his pants again, needing to feel him inside me, consequences be damned, but Walsh pulled back.

  He reached down and pulled my jeans up.

  I opened my eyes, the room swirling in front of me. “What...what are you doing?”

  “Not yet,” he whispered into my ear. “When I fuck you, I want you completely sober and all brain cells firing. Because when I’m inside you for the first time, I intend to make sure you remember it. When we’re old and gray, just that memory of my dick inside your sweet pussy will make you wet.”

  I stared open mouthed while Walsh zipped his jeans and straightened his shirt. He winked at me. The damn bastard winked and then walked to the door and out of the office.

  I stood frozen against the wall, my brain working overtime to process what had just happened. It caught on just in time for me to rush out of the office and catch him right before he walked out of the pub.

  “I have no intention of going gray,” I shouted across the pub, drawing the attention of every one of our regular lunch customers.

  Walsh laughed, winked again, and pushed out of the door.

  Son of a bitch.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Fifteen minutes after leaving a very satiated, if slightly annoyed Lake, I entered ITB and slid onto the stool in front of the bar where Sawyer was working...the baseball room. Although those had to be old games playing on the screens since it was the dead of winter.

  Sawyer glanced up from the cocktail he was shaking and raised an eyebrow. After pouring and garnishing the drink, he handed it to the waiting server and then came down to where I sat. “Now, why do you look like the cat that just swallowed the cream?”

  My throbbing erection pulsed at the image that brought to fingering Lake through her orgasm, her cream coating my hand. Fuck, she had been gorgeous when she came. I wanted more of that. My mouth watered. Damn, that would be hot.

  “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said but couldn’t contain my smirk.

  “Yeah, right.” Sawyer shook his head. “What will you have?”

  “Pour me some Naked Brews but surprise me. I’ve been tasting beers today. Let me see how much I’ve learned and whether I can tell you what I’m drinking.”

  Sawyer paused for a moment. “I’m starting to understand your cheerful attitude now. Just how much beer have you had today?”

  “Just tasters, so not much.”

  Sawyer snorted. “It doesn’t take much with NB. They brew strong beers. Tell me you didn’t drive from there.”

  I shook my head. “No, I’m not an idiot.” At least not most the time. “I took a taxi.”

  Sawyer nodded his approval as he poured me a toasted-almond-colored brew and set it in front of me.

  I took a long drink from the cold mug. “You made that one too easy. It’s Bock You.”

  “Yeah, screw you, too, mate,” Sawyer said with a grin.

  “I do love their unconventional names for their beers. It seems like the whole company is a bit unconventional.”

  “And that,” Sawyer pointed at me, “is entirely thanks to Lake. She loves to push the limits with Naked Brews. Sometimes she takes it just a shade too far, but usually she nails it.”

  He spoke with a fondness about her that said they were more than just mere acquaintances. “So, how well do you know Lake?” I asked.

  He shook his head at me. “The drunk guy is supposed to spill all their secrets to the bartender.”

  Ice settled in the pit of my stomach. I had way too many secrets to divulge. Instead, I just gave him a cocky smile and pushed. “Oh, come on, give me something here.”

  “Well, I’m not sure how well anyone besides the guys who work at the brewery knows Lake, but I guess I know her well enough. I was supposed to take her to our senior prom.”

  I reared back. “You dated her?” Searing, hot jealousy spiked through me. Had he seen Lake’s blissed out expression as she orgasmed? Suddenly, I wanted to punch him in his way-too-smug face.

  Some of my rage must have showed.

  He quickly raised his hands and shook his head. “Whoa, calm down, dude. I said I was supposed to. I didn’t say we actually went. I asked her, and she said yes. A week later, she told me to forget it. The money could be better used on a new, rare brand of hops she wanted to get for the brewery.”

  “Wait, what?” I shook my head. I had to have heard that wrong. What normal, teenaged girl gave up her senior prom for beer ingredients? And why did I find that both kind of sad and heartwarming? She shouldn’t have had to pay for beer ingredients instead of having the normal things every other teenager took for granted.

  Having grown up without all those little things that other kids had, the neglected part of me mourned for her and wanted to hold her and give her everything her heart could possibly desire. That change of heart should scare the bejeezus out of me.

  But it...didn’t.

  I’d have to examine why later.

  “I told you, man. Nothing gets between Lake and her love for that brewery.” Sawyer grinned and waved a hand in front of his head. “Not even my gorgeous face. The brewery has come a long way since then, but if anything, her love for the place is even bigger now. Without a mom around to help her with all those girly things that chicks love, she jumped into life at the brewery with her dad. Pat O’Brien was one of a kind. In this day and age, not many fathers could get away with raising their kids in the middle of a bar. But no one even questioned Pat on it. This town loved him.”

  There was no doubt in my mind about that. I’d heard those same words over and over about the man...everyone had loved him. But while Pat had been beloved, any mention of Lake’s mom, Emily, brought an equally chilly, frigid result. So far, I hadn’t been able to figure out why. This town was incredibly tight-lipped about Lake’s missing mother. I gathered there had been some sort of scandal involved with her leaving, though.

  “Pat may have been a saint, but working with Emily on the brewery deal has been less than heavenly,” I said.

  Sawyer’s eyes widened in surprise. “Why would she have anything to do with the brewery? Lake owns it now, right? I was young when her mom
left, but even I know she hated that place with a passion. That’s probably the reason Lake has clung to it so hard. She hated her mother for leaving. By embracing and loving the one thing about this town that Emily hated, Lake was giving a great big ole middle finger and fuck you to her mother.”

  I pointed at Sawyer, ignoring the question about who owned the brewery. “That’s what I don’t get. Yeah, Emily is difficult, but from everything I understand, she only wants what’s best for her daughter. Why does Lake hate her so much?”

  “You actually nailed it without even realizing.” Sawyer shook his head, and for a moment, I was afraid he was going to clam up based on the thin line of his lips. “From what I’ve heard, Lake’s mom was always about the best. Nothing was good enough for her, not even Lake, and definitely not Pat’s dreams of building the brewery. Back then, it was little more than a home brewery running out of their garage. Emily got tired of it and decided to move up.” He gestured around him at the gorgeous hotel. “You see this building?”

  I nodded and prayed Sawyer wouldn’t realize he was spilling the very secrets he said he wouldn’t only a few days before. I felt like I was finally on the cusp of finding out the real reasons behind all this...both Lake and Emily’s attitudes.

  “Back then, Emily was the sole supporter for the family. The brewery wasn’t anywhere close to running in the black, so Emily brought in the paycheck that paid the mortgage. While they were building the hotel, she worked as the assistant to the lead contractor, Scott Ryan.”

  Oh, hell. Emily’s last name was Ryan now.

  Sawyer could see me putting the puzzle pieces together and nodded.

  “Yep, Emily decided to move up in the world, but she wasn’t upfront about it. So when she left, Pat and Lake lost everything. Their home was in foreclosure, and Pat had no idea. Emily was trying to manipulate the situation so Lake had to go with her. The town rallied behind Pat, though, and got him into that tiny cabin out on the edge of town so they weren’t living in their car anymore.”


  At one point in time, they had been living in Pat’s car. My heart shattered for Lake. No wonder she was so closed off. To go through that at such a young age, it had to have left its mark. I knew that firsthand, but picturing Lake going through something like that made my heart hurt. I wanted to turn around, return to the brewery, and take her in my arms.

  That urge had nothing to do with sex.

  I wanted more than just sex with Lake.

  Oh, I was so fucked.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  He lowered himself to his knees in front of her and slowly inched the sides of her dress up her hips until he could see the tops of her garter and the matching bright red lace thong that made his mouth water. He slowly slipped the fabric to the side and looked up at her. She watched him with desire etched on every gorgeous angle of her face.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered and blew on the folds of her moist heat.

  I tossed Melissa’s borrowed book at the coffee table and groaned into the couch cushion. “This isn’t helping.”

  After Walsh had left me wet and wanting more in the office, it took everything I had to pull myself together. There was no way I could concentrate in there. Not with what had happened, or rather, what hadn’t happened. I took off early with one of Melissa’s books smuggled in my bag. I thought maybe a good, dirty romance novel would take my mind off Walsh and his magnificent cock, but it was only making matters worse.

  What I really wanted was that smug bastard fucking my brains out, and he knew it. I screamed into a pillow and threw it at the door. My body teetered on the edge of desire and fury. I had one orgasm, but I was greedy. I’d wanted more. I was angry at Walsh for taking me to the edge without going all the way. I was mad at myself for wanting him to go there. I was frustrated for still feeling his fingers on me, in me, everywhere. I threw another pillow just as Melissa and Alex let themselves in.

  “Easy there, warrior princess.” Alex held a pizza box over her head. “I come bearing gifts.”

  I sat up and fixed my face into the Death Star glare. “I’m not sure if I’m up for entertaining traitors tonight.”

  Melissa skipped over and sat on the couch next to me, grabbing my arm like we were little girls. “Traitors? More like fairy godmothers helping to nudge things along.”

  “That’s right.” Alex set the pizza on the coffee table and waggled her eyebrows at me. “So was there any nudging after we left?”

  “You mean after you abandoned me alone with the jerk wad trying to steal my brewery?”

  Alex crossed her arms over her chest and matched my glare with a toothy smile. “Yep.”

  I leaned back against the couch with a huff. “What in the world makes you think there would be any nudging when it comes to me and Walsh?”

  “So you deny that Walsh is hot and makes you want to do dirty things?” Alex stared at me, waiting for an answer she already knew.

  “I never said he was a hideous jerk wad.”

  Melissa picked up the book and turned it over to show the sexy, shirtless torso on the cover. “Is this one of mine?”

  The two of them turned steady gazes at me, their eyes wide with surprise. I waited for one of them to speak, but the silence stretched out, accusing me with every second.

  “Fine. I borrowed it. Okay?” I took the book out of her hand and shoved it under the table. “I needed a distraction.”

  “Oh, bad idea,” Melissa whispered as if I’d broken a vow. “Reading about someone else doing it when you aren’t is only going to make you want it more.”

  “I’m aware of that now, thank you,” I grumbled.

  “So there was nudging.” Alex flew around the table and sat on the other side of me so the two of them had me sandwiched. “Tell us everything.”

  “There’s nothing to tell.”

  “Bullshit.” Alex grabbed a slice of pizza and handed the box to Melissa. “Tell us or no pizza for you.”

  Melissa opened the box and pulled out a gooey slice topped with bacon and mushrooms. The bitches had brought my favorite pie, and I hadn’t eaten since breakfast.

  Alex bit into her piece in the most provocative manner possible. “Oh,” she moaned. “It’s so good.”

  I grabbed the box and held it on my lap. “Walsh kissed me.”

  “Now we’re talking. And...?” Melissa took a bite and leaned forward in anticipation of the juicy story.

  “I kissed him back.” I lifted the pizza box lid, but Alex slapped her hand down and closed the box top.

  “No way was that worth a slice of pizza. One kiss wouldn’t have you in here, reading one of Melissa’s books and throwing pillows.”

  “Fine.” I set the box on the table and stood, the memory of him kissing me in the office setting my nerves on fire. “We made out hot-and-steamy style while he pinned me to the wall and then gave me the best orgasm I’ve ever had. Are you happy?” I reached down and grabbed a slice of pizza before either of them could stop me.

  Melissa choked down her bite. “You did the humpty dance in the office?”

  “No, we didn’t go there.” The words came out filled with the same anger pulsing through me since he had left me craving more.

  “Why the hell not?” Alex popped her last piece of crust into her mouth.

  “Let’s say the opening act gave a strong performance, but the headliner canceled.”

  “He couldn’t?” Alex garbled out around her mouthful of crust.

  I shook my head. “He wouldn’t. Said I’d had too much to drink and then said something about going gray. I don’t remember. It was hard to concentrate with blood pounding in my head and...elsewhere.”

  “Bastard,” Alex shot out.

  “Exactly.” I pointed at her, thankful that one of them was finally on my side. “What kind of sadist does that?”

  “I think it’s sweet.” Melissa grabbed a pillow and squeezed it to her chest. “He didn’t want to take advantage
of you.”

  “There was no advantage,” I practically shouted at her. “I wasn’t drunk; I was horny.”

  The minute the words left my mouth, I wanted to grab them from the air and shove them back in. It didn’t matter what I wanted. Walsh was a bad idea, right?

  “You know what you have to do now.” Alex placed the pizza box on the coffee table again.

  “Ignore him like he’s the ghost of Christmas past?”

  “Seduce him.”

  I gaped at Alex. Seduce him? She might as well suggest I give up beer. “No way. This was a momentary lapse in judgment, and it won’t be happening again.”

  Melissa threw her pillow at my head. “Why not?”

  “Because he’s trying to steal my brewery out from under my own nose, that’s why.” I picked up the pillow and threw it back at her.

  “That’s not going to happen.” Alex held her hand out to me, and I took it grudgingly. “You’ve got the best IPA this side of the Rockies, and it’s going to steal the show at the Rocky Mountain Brewer’s Choice competition. So why not have a little fun for the next month?”

  A mental image of Walsh taking me across the office desk flashed into my head. It could be easy, and lord knew we lit each other up like the Fourth of July. But what if I didn’t win the competition? “Maybe.”

  “He does have a nice ass.”

  Something about hearing ass from baby-face Melissa pushed me over the edge. I doubled over in a fit of laughter, sucking in breath when I could get it. “Well, I guess that settles it then.”

  “Perfect.” Alex clapped her hands together. “Now, let’s plan this seduction.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The last few days had been great. Everything between Lake and I had settled into a nice rhythm. She’d been cooperating with me and showing me the ropes at the brewery with very few fireworks. Sadly, that went for arguments and for heated sexy moments, too, but the latter was because there was always someone else around. I hoped to change that real soon.

  For the first time in a while, I got up before my alarm and looked forward to what the day held in store.


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