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If I Fall..._Will You Remember Me?

Page 8

by Jennifer Christy

  The room darkened instantly around Liu, but just as instantly a blinding flash of light caused Julia to cry out and recoil. It happened so fast that Julia wasn’t sure what had happened. Liu snatched her wrist to keep her from falling backwards out of the chair. She pulled Julia upright. Julia was surprised by the strength in Liu’s grip.

  “What did you see?” Liu demanded, still gripping Julia’s wrist.

  Julia blinked to rid her vision of the after effects of the flash of light. Gasping, Julia rubbed her tearing eyes with the napkin, then twisted it in her hands as she felt her body tense.

  “I’m not sure,” Julia said her tone tense.

  “You tell me,” Liu said firmly. “Your eyes went all black when you looked at me with your demon sight.”

  “I saw a bright light when I looked at you, but I couldn’t see you because the light was too bright! There was darkness all around you but none on you or in you. What are you?” Julia finally cleared her eyes and was able to squint at Liu.

  “I am nothing more than a servant, Julia. “ Liu said softly finally releasing her hold on Julia.

  “What does that mean? Are you an angel too?”

  Liu’s expression did not change as she replied, “I am the Angel of Hidden things. I hide things to keep mortals safe - to protect them.”

  Julia leaned back, “You were the one that hid Quab…” Liu’s hand flashed and covered Julia’s mouth. “Never speak a Fallen’s name in a sanctuary,” Liu whispered, fixing Julia with a serious look. Julia’s eyes grew round and she nodded in understanding. Liu withdrew her hand with a warning look.

  “You hid Q,” Julia said in almost a whisper.

  “Maybe,” Liu differed.

  “That’s how you knew about the secret in the schoolhouse,” Julia exclaimed softly. Liu nodded again. “I thought Butch Cassidy was responsible for capturing Q,” Julia said.

  Liu shrugged. “That’s what the legend says. But truth be told, Q locked herself inside her box before Butch ever got to her.”

  “What?” Julia gaped. “She did that to herself? But why?”

  “To escape death, of course,” Liu said simply. She cocked her head to one side, and then said, “Do you know what Q is?”

  Julia shook her head, looking at Liu with wide eyes and feeling like she was on the brink of something that could seriously affect her.

  “Q is a Fallen Mortal. Do you know how dangerous that is?” Liu said. Julia’s eyes grew bigger, and then she frowned as she shook her head.

  “Listen to me carefully,” Liu leaned forward, “its one thing to be a Fallen Angel. Most Fallen Angels were once Pre-Mortals, never having experienced Mortal life. Some Fallens, a few, are Post-Mortals that wouldn’t leave this realm when their mortal probation was over. And then there are Fallen Mortals who conspire with Fallens and give host to them and absorb and incorporate darkness into their very beings. This is Q. She has a body of flesh which all Pre-Mortal Fallens want desperately. She is a Corrupter and Murderer of Souls. And she wants you,” Liu tapped the mark on Julia’s left hand and then her left cheek. “And so do others. Best you rid yourself of these marks soon.”

  “When I first got the ‘gift’ I thought it would help me figure out things that were happening here in Torrey with Nathan and Matthew,” Julia said defensively. “I could see dark energies around people, but I’ve noticed that now I can see their dark thoughts and sense what those thoughts are about. It makes me want to...” she paused, gritting her teeth. She twisted the paper napkin tightly around her hand as she closed her eyes and gathered her thoughts. For the first time in the four months since Drogo had gifted her with the Demon Sight she finally felt safe enough to divulge what had been bothering her.

  “Go on,” Liu urged gently, reaching out and laying a hand on Julia’s restless fingers as she shredded the napkin. Julia opened her eyes and met Liu’s kind gaze.

  “It makes me feel like I want to see more of the darkness, I want to feel more of it. I want to, to,” she stuttered, trying to find the words to express the meaning that wanted to rush out of her. “to provoke them more to see the darkness erupt from them. And then, this is the weird part and I feel like I’m going crazy...I want to pull in that darkness. I want to feel what that darkness does to them. I feel like it’ll make me stronger by pulling in all that darkness and pain. It’s like I want to breathe it in. Just take as much of it as I can. Does that make sense? No, it doesn’t. I think I’m going crazy.” Julia leaned forward, covered her face and wept.

  Liu leaned closer, putting her arm around Julia. “It makes perfect sense,” she whispered. Julia looked up. “Am I evil?”

  Liu shook her head. “No,” she whispered and hugged her.

  “Is it because of the ‘gift’?” Julia pointed to her left eye. Liu reached up and touched the side of her eye with her fingertips, frowning. “No. Not entirely. Seeing yes, but the desire to feed on the dark energies of mortals, it’s not from that.”

  Julia leaned back. “What?” she gasped, shock registering on her face.

  “Let’s deal with the gift first. You should get rid of it, or it will permanently darken your vision until all you can tolerate to see is darkness. You’ll shun the light and seek after dark things. Do you understand? This is no gift, this is a poison,” Liu said with authority.

  Julia shrank away from Liu. “How do I get rid of it?”

  “Pull it off.”

  Julia looked at her confused until Liu demonstrated by reaching up to her own cheek and acting like she was grasping something stuck to her face, pulling it off and tossing it out the window. Julia followed suite, and then looked to Liu for confirmation that it had been removed. Liu only frowned. “It’s still there,” she said.

  “You can see it?” Julia asked.

  Liu snorted. “It’s covering half your face since you just tried to use it on me. It’s a wonder you’ve tolerated it so long. Have you looked in a mirror recently?”

  Julia’s brows shot up. She stood up and went to the mirror on the wall next to the kitchen doors. She saw immediately that her eyes were all black. She gasped, and then she saw the blackness Liu had mentioned, spread out over her face from its starting point at the corner of her left eye. She reached up and tried to pull it off again. No matter how she rubbed and pulled at the skin, she couldn’t remove the blackness. How long had this been on her face? Could everyone see it?

  She looked at Liu in alarm. “It’s not coming off!” She cried as Liu walked over to stand next to her.

  “It’s a good thing mortal eyes can’t see it,” Liu sounded as if she was trying to make a joke to lighten the mood and calm Julia’s anxiety. Julia rubbed furiously until Liu grabbed both her hands and held them, “Relax!” Liu barked.

  “What do I do?” Julia panicked.

  “Don’t panic,” Liu said firmly. “Let me have a good look at you over here in the sunlight.” Liu led her over to the windows to the south of the room where sunlight bathed the pale wooden floor in glorious golden hues. Liu stood before her, eyes closed peacefully. Julia watched the diminutive woman as she raised her arms as if to embrace Julia, but didn’t touch her and walked around her, her hands hovering inches from her body, moving up and down methodically. When she completed her circuit, she stopped near Julia’s left side and hesitated. She reached for Julia’s hand and held it up to the light. The mark seemed bigger than before.

  “Now I see,” Liu murmured, “This mark of Q’s could not be here unless you allowed it and agreed to do something for her.” Liu said bluntly. “The mark on your face will not go away until you have broken the Demon’s seal on your body, here.” Liu tapped the mark on her hand.

  “But I never even met her!” Julia exclaimed. Then remembered belatedly that she had met the Fallen when Julia lay broken on the rocks in the canyons. Q had kissed her on either side of her forehead and smiled wickedly.

  “There is more to that then what you are telling me, child.” Liu said gravely. “What else happened to you wh
ile you were here renovating this place besides the accident that hurt your head?” She reached up and tapped Julia on the exact spot where she had suffered a concussion that seemed to have knocked out her memory of the event.

  “I don’t know because I don’t remember,” Julia said defensively.

  Liu looked her firmly in the eye. “That man, Matthew.”

  Julia recoiled and turned away, wrapping her arms around her, feeling the cold inside, the dull ache in her chest. Yes. Matthew. Gorgeous, funny, strong Matthew. Thrill seeker, lover of speed and freedom, and loving... at least the Matthew that she had first met on that fateful day at the contractors meeting last June. But something happened to him during their time together. He changed so fast, because of her, that Fallen Mortal. The Matthew who had lured her to bed and treated her so fiercely wasn’t the same Matthew she had first met. His true self disappeared when Q was released and she made him into a monster.

  Liu nodded, “I understand now. How long has it been?”

  Julia glanced her, “Since when?”

  “Since he stole your innocence?”

  Julia shuddered and thought back and said, “Nine months.”

  Liu nodded.

  “So it hasn’t been a full year,” Liu stated. “Whether or not you believe it, Julia, you made a deal with Q and you don’t remember.”

  “I don’t know. The accident… I was unconscious. I don’t remember anything – just waking up in the hospital,” Julia explained. Liu shook her head as if none of that mattered, and held up a hand to interrupt Julia.

  “I hide things,” Liu said. “I know of good places to hide things and your memories have been hidden by another Angel of Hiding. We will find your memories and discover what Q wants with you and figure out how to free you of Q’s binding mark on you.”

  “Okay,” Julia said. “What do I do?”

  “I know someone who can help. Vassago. She can find the secrets in the heart of a woman. That’s where I think your memories are hidden and a woman’s heart is sacred and none can enter without your permission. Your love for Matthew gave the darkness access to your heart. It’s there and can only be retrieved by Vassago.”

  “Great!” Julia exclaimed. “Where is she?”


  “Oahu?” Julia said in surprise. “Like in Hawai’i?”

  Liu gave her a perplexed look. “How many Oahu’s do you know of? Of course Hawai’i. Oahu is very ancient, very powerful, and a very sacred place. But Vassago is very busy. The sooner you go the better. I would not wait long. After a year, the mark is sealed upon you forever.” Liu poked Julia’s arm.

  “I can’t just up and leave,” Julia protested. “It’s the beginning of tourist season. I can’t leave Mrs. Blackwell with all the work!”

  Liu poked Julia’s left temple, “You want to become like the Dark-ones?”

  Julia took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly as she shook her head, “No, I don’t. I suppose I could find someone to cover for me for a couple of days.”

  “The sooner the better, girlfriend,” Liu said then got up and went to the table to clean up their lunch.

  “Will you come with me?” Julia asked as she followed Liu.

  Liu glanced back at her and frowned, “What? I can’t up and leave my store. It’s the beginning of the tourist season.” Then she laughed merrily and pinched Julia’s cheek.

  Chapter 13

  Reclined a golden chaise, Quabin traced the line of Drogo’s jaw with her fingertips – her fingernails perfectly manicured and painted gold. A coy smile played on her blood red lips as she said, “I must admit that for being so young, you are very clever, Drogo of Los Angeles.”

  Drogo tilted his head back from its resting place on her bosom and took her fingers in his hand, kissing her fingertips one at a time before replying, “I’m pleased you like my plan, but I am only your servant, my dark lady. I am honored you would accept me as an ally in your quest for complete dominion of this world.”

  Quabin chuckled. “Yes, your plan has potential of being very successful if you are able to find the artifact you spoke of.”

  “I can and I will,” Drogo replied.

  “Tell me. What exactly is this artifact you speak of that can even destroy Immortals?” Quabin asked slowly.

  Sitting up, Drogo laughed, “Oh you will never guess.” The Wrath clapped his hands together. “If you recall, Edward the Confessor was King of England in 1042,”

  “I never cared for European history,” Quabin interrupted. “Their doings had little meaning for me here.”

  “Oh, of course, my lady,” Drogo purred. “I imagine that all of mortal history must seem tedious and unimportant to one such as you. However, the mortal’s history is also replete with interactions with the Host.” Drogo, paused to wait for a sign from the beautiful False One that she was interested in hearing more.

  Quabin lifted a brow. “Go on.”

  “In my early years as an Ensnarer, I wandered all over the world and during my adventures in France, I discovered the existence of a powerful weapon. A weapon so powerful, that it could crack this world in half, and the pathetic Mortals who protect it, have no idea what they have.

  “What kind of weapon?”

  “A sword,” Drogo whispered and grinned.

  Quabin’s eyes narrowed. “Are you joking? A sword? I have seen the weapons the mortals have created and a sword is useless against the power of even guns. Don’t waste my time, fool.” Quabin rose suddenly, her irritation clearly apparent in the way she moved, her gestures ridged.

  “Oh, my lady,” Drogo quickly rose and went to her, reaching for her hands, “No, no, no, I didn’t explain clearly. Please let me finish?” he begged.

  Quabin lifted her chin, fixing him with an impatient glare. “Quickly.”

  “Tribus is the name of the sword. It was loaned to King Charlemagne hundreds of years ago, by an Angel to defeat the King’s enemies – an army of mortals and immortals alike. This sword is actually three swords in one. Durendal, Joyeus and Curtana are their individual names and when all three are joined as one, it’s the most powerful weapon in the world. Curtana has the power to destroy immortals and was used in an attempt to slay Charlemagne’s son, but an Angel, knocked it from the attackers hand and broke the tip off. You see, Charlemagne’s son was a Nephilim, an immortal. The sword can kill immortals – any immortal.”

  Quabin snorted. “Are you insinuating that we acquire these swords and challenge our enemies to an actual duel? That is ridiculous.”

  “No, lady,” Drogo said softly and took her hands in his. “Not at all. Tribus empowers the wielder with the powers of destruction. Taking out your enemies will be as easy as waving your hand, my Lady, with the sword in it, of course. No one will be able to withstand you.”

  Quabin looked at Drogo long, considering. “Why don’t you get this sword for yourself, then?” she asked suspiciously.

  “Because I’m not worthy. No follower of the dark can touch it.”

  “Then it is useless to us,” Quabin sniffed.

  Drogo held up a finger. “No, my lady. It is very useful to us and I know who can wield it.”

  “Who?” Quabin asked.

  Drogo grinned and put his hands together as if praying and said dramatically, “Julia Dayle Halstead.”

  Quabin’s eyes narrowed. “Why her?”

  “You tell me. She is obviously valuable to you or else your man, Matthew, wouldn’t have been able to free you from your prison without her, and you wouldn’t have sent him into my territory last year to kidnap her, or place your mark on her.”

  Quabin shook her head slowly, “Is this story about the swords all a ploy to discover why she is important to me, Drogo? Are you lying to me?”

  “My Lady, I wouldn’t even dare to speak lies to you. I am curious as to why the mortal woman is so important to you.”

  “You know very well she isn’t a mortal. Don’t pretend to be stupid Drogo. It makes me dislike you.” Quabin rose from t
he couch and went to the window of her office overlooking the dark landscape of her realm within the confines of her prison.

  “I meant to say,” Drogo whispered as he came up behind Quabin and slipped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her ear. “That even though she is Nephilim, she may as well be considered human mortal since she has no gifts or powers of the immortal kind. She is impotent. So how could she be useful to you?”

  Quabin smiled and turned her head to Drogo. “Exactly, Drogo.” Drogo stared at her, not comprehending her meaning.

  “Do not touch her, Drogo. Not one finger. She is mine. Do we have an understanding?” Quabin said sternly.

  Drogo lifted his chin and stared into Quabins eyes, feeling her power pull him into the depths of her darkness. He felt a shudder erupt inside him. Her power was so alien to him, but if the myths and legends about her were even remotely true, she was more than just a demon that had risen through the ranks to become a demon master, she was demon-bred from the Others. A rare breed. A rare and dangerous breed that was a threat to regular demons like himself. Drogo pretended he had sensed nothing about her dark and powerful energies filling the room around him. He shrugged, “Of course. With your mark on her, no other force has any influence on her at all. And to assure you that I am not lying,” he paused and reached into his pocket and withdrew a tip of a sword and held it out to Quabin, “The tip of Curtana. “ Quabin took it her hand and looked at it closely.

  Quabin turned and face him. “Yes, I can sense the vibration of the Host, even in such a small piece. It is powerful. Finish telling me about the swords and why my Julia is the one who can wield it for us.” She tossed it back to Drogo.

  Drogo nodded, “Though she is impotent, I suspect her parentage, is all, my lady. You recall the old legends about King Arthur and his sword, Excalibur?”

  “Yes,” Quabin sighed impatiently.

  “I suspect the Angel that presented the swords to Charlemagne is the Angel of Death and I believe Julia is a descendant of that Angel – an Angel that is Fallen.”


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