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Racing to Rhapsody: A Rhapsody Novel

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by Selena Laurence

  Racing to Rhapsody

  A Rhapsody Novel

  Selena Laurence

  Golden Age Publishing


  Also by Selena Laurence

  1. Dez

  2. Shannon

  3. Dez

  4. Shannon

  5. Dez

  6. Shannon

  7. Dez

  8. Shannon

  9. Dez

  10. Shannon

  11. Dez

  12. Shannon

  13. Dez

  14. Shannon

  15. Dez

  16. Shannon

  17. Dez

  18. Shannon

  19. Dez

  20. Dez

  21. Shannon

  22. Dez

  23. Shannon

  24. Dez

  25. Shannon

  26. Dez

  27. Shannon

  28. Dez

  29. Shannon

  30. Dez

  31. Shannon

  32. Dez

  33. Shannon


  34. Tully

  35. Blaze

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2016 by Selena Laurence

  Copy Editing by Proof Before You Publish

  Cover Design by Sweet and Spicy Designs

  ISBN 978-0-9977188-2-9

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book. This contemporary romance is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/ use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. This ebook is licensed for your personal use only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  Created with Vellum

  Also by Selena Laurence

  Lush Series (Contemporary Rockstar Romance)

  A Lush Betrayal (Lush No. 1)

  Loving a Lush (Lush No. 2)

  Lowdown and Lush (Lush No. 3)

  A Lush Reunion (Lush No. 4)

  Rhapsody Series (Contemporary Rockstar Romance)

  A Lush Rhapsody (A Rhapsody Novel)

  Racing to Rhapsody (A Rhapsody Novel)

  The Powerplay Series (Political Romance)

  The Kingmaker (A Powerplay Novel)

  POTUS (A Powerplay Novel) coming January 2017

  Foreign Exchange Series (New Adult Romantic Suspense)

  Speaking Greek (Foreign Exchange Book One)

  The Hiding From Love Series (Military Romance)

  Secrets in a Kiss

  Falling for Trouble

  Concealed by a Kiss

  Playing With Fire

  Sign up to receive all the news about Selena’s newest releases, books on sale, and fantastic giveaways:


  The motorcycle careens around the corner at the far end of the block. The Ducati’s engine roars and the rider, wrapped in red and black leather, leans into the turn, knee nearly scraping the pavement before the bike snaps back upright.

  I wince as it weaves its way around two cars, sliding in between the lanes before cutting off a third car as it makes its way onto the curb and screeches to a stop right in front of me. The driver pulls off her helmet, letting her long red hair cascade down over her shoulders as she shakes it out.

  “Fancy seeing you, here, Dez,” she says, hanging the helmet over the handlebars and swinging one long sleek leg off the bike.

  My heart rate slows some now that she’s turned the monster off and is on solid ground. I feign casual as I lean back against the wall of the building, hands tucked in the front pockets of my jeans. “Well, you did say we had a band meeting. I’ve never missed one yet.”

  “You’re usually waiting in my office, not out here on the street.”

  I shrug, noticing that the air is a hell of a lot warmer here in L.A. than it’s been in Portland where I’ve been living the last four months. Shannon squints at me like she’s trying to figure out what’s going on in my head. I get that from a lot of people, but for some reason it stings a little when I get it from her. I guess in my romanticized view of things she should be able to get me without having to work at it.

  “I was soaking up some sun before I had to go in and be locked in that glass prison where you spend most of your time,” I tell her. “I had no idea you’d be pulling up right here.” I’m a liar. I asked her secretary and then stalked her to facilitate this little meetup.

  She unzips her skintight leather jacket, revealing a nearly as tight white top beneath. It’s silky and has a touch of shine to it, making me want to reach out and stroke it. The beautiful curves beneath the top don’t hurt either. Shannon is pure sexual energy. It flows around her, an aura of heat and seduction that’s very hard for me to resist. After four months of watching my best friend Blaze and the love of his life, Tully O’Roark, I’ve decided that I don’t want to resist anymore. I want what they have.

  I’ve never been envious of anyone in my life, and I imagine it’s not the healthiest thing right now, but I can’t seem to control it. I’ve loved people in my life, had some fantastic partners in bed and out, but Shannon is the only person I’ve ever met that makes me want so completely. What I feel around her is intense—passionate—in a way I’ve never experienced before. And that’s why I’m out here on a sidewalk in downtown Los Angeles in the fucking heat.

  “Let me give this to the valet and I’ll ride up to the office with you,” she says, folding the jacket and putting it away in the small storage container on the back of the bike. She removes a different jacket, more of an office styled thing, at the same time.

  I nod and follow her as she rolls her bike to the entrance of the parking garage a few feet away. The parking attendant comes out immediately, greeting her by name and smiling as he takes her bike. When I go to follow her out he winks and grins at me. Yeah, like I said, she’s dripping with sexual energy.

  I reach past her when we get to the building and open the door for her. As I do, my face is within inches of her thick, wavy hair, and I can’t help but take a deep breath. She smells like cinnamon and motor oil. Doesn’t sound sexy, but it is.

  “You’re always such a gentleman, Dez,” she jokes as I follow her in.

  “If opening a door for someone qualifies me as a gentleman you’re not spending time with the right kinds of men.”

  She glances at me with suspicion. “I had no idea you cared,” she quips. It’s unclear whether she’s joking or not.

  “More than you could imagine,” I mutter under my breath. We reach the elevator, and like magic, the doors open. I’m relieved when I see the car is empty.

  We step in and I don’t crowd her, but I lean against the wall close enough that I can watch her expressions carefully.



  We both talk at the same
time, and then stop. Our gazes catch, and there it is. This fire that burns through me, it makes my whole body clench with desire. I have flashes of visions—her naked body in the moonlight, cool light roving over her silky skin, my lips on her breasts and her core. Gasps, moans, whispers of breath. It’s enough to make me break out in a sweat even in the air conditioning of the elevator.

  “You first,” I say quietly, gesturing for her to continue what she was going to say.

  She blinks at me as if she can’t remember what we’re even doing here.

  “I, uh, I forgot.” Her voice is full of irony and surprise, as if the idea of her losing her train of thought is ridiculous.

  “I didn’t,” I say. “Forget, that is.” I look at the numbers blinking by above the doors. I’m running out of time.

  “I want to take you out,” I tell her, shifting so that I’m leaning one shoulder against the wall instead of my back. Now I’m facing her and partially caging her in to the corner of the car.

  She stares at me, nonplussed for a moment. “Like on a date?”

  I shrug. “Yeah. Like that.”

  It’s approximately five full seconds—I know because I count them—before she bursts out laughing. The laughter lasts for closer to ten seconds. I count that too. She waves her hand in front of her face, fanning herself as she tries to stop the runaway train of her emotions—because yeah, the laughter is only the tip of what she’s feeling, I can see that clearly.

  “Oh, God, I’m sorry, I thought you were serious for a minute. Jesus, Dez.” She smacks me with the back of her hand across the chest. “Whose idea was this? Garrett’s or Carson’s?” she asks, referring to two of my bandmates.

  I look at her, my face nothing but serious.

  “Dez?” I see the blush start at her neck and travel upwards to her cheeks.

  “Dez.” Her voice is quiet now, her eyes sad and apologetic. “I didn’t mean…”

  She grasps for what to do now, how to extricate herself from what she thinks is my humiliation.

  I see the elevator numbers reach our destination, but before the doors open I step toward Shannon, stopping just short of touching her body with mine. I leave my arms by my sides but look her in the eyes, refusing to let her gaze drop from mine.

  “I’ve never been more serious in my life,” I say softly.

  The elevator chimes our arrival and I step away as the doors slide open. I turn to see Shannon gaping like a fish out of water before I ask, “Are you coming?” and walk out.


  My heart is racing like the engine of my bike was only twenty minutes ago. Unlike my bike, I can’t seem to get my heart to downshift. My hands are even shaking as I pass out papers around the table to my biggest clients, the members of the rock band Rhapsody.

  I try to breathe deeply without showing it, anything to get my pulse to slow. I’m a girl who loves an adrenaline rush, but this one isn’t pleasant. And it’s all his fault—Dez Takimoto, the backup guitarist for Rhapsody. I take a peek at him, his shiny dark hair artfully sweeps across his forehead, and his chocolate eyes lock on to mine, an intensity and heat emanating from them that makes me want to run from the room and hide until he goes away.

  But I can’t, and he won’t. At least not until this meeting’s over with, so I’d better pull it together and get moving.

  “Thanks for coming guys,” I say, giving everyone a smile as I take my seat at the head of the glass and chrome table in the conference room that connects to my office. My office is like my baby. I chose every piece of furniture and artwork in it. It looks out over downtown Los Angeles via a wall of glass that’s nearly fifteen feet long, and it’s sleek, modern, and impressive. Designed to communicate to clients, other agents, and entertainment attorneys that I’m significant, successful, a worthy advocate—or opponent.

  But honestly, right now it’s just making me feel exposed, like Dez can see everything about me, including how freaked out I am that he just stood in an elevator and asked me on a date for Christ’s sake. What I wouldn’t give for some curtains and a nice overstuffed sofa right now. Maybe a hot toddy to dull my roiling emotions, and a chenille blanket to hide under as well.

  “So, whatcha’ got for us today, gorgeous?” Garrett Jakes asks, winking at me over the top of his sunglasses that he’s left on inside like some sort of horrible cliché.

  Garrett is Rhapsody’s lead singer, and the biggest manwhore this side of the Mississippi. But he’s so completely frank about it, so loud and proud in his flirting and fucking, that it’s hard to hold it against him—although I’ve heard several of his conquests’ boyfriends and husbands don’t feel quite as forgiving.

  “What I’ve got for you is a promo tour,” I say, holding up the top sheet of paper. “Now that we have a release date for the next album—” I glance at Blaze Davis, lead guitarist and recent rehab graduate. He’s not my favorite person at the moment because of how badly he screwed over the legendary band Lush. The fallout was intense, and it’s taking every weapon in my arsenal to get Rhapsody past the hate that Lush fans have for them now. “—we’re going to be in full-time promotional mode.”

  There are grunts and groans from around the table. Some bands love the promotional side, my boys don’t. Garrett loves being on stage, and Blaze loves being the best—at anything—but Carson, Dez, and Topher like to play music. The appearances at festivals and talk shows are something they all tolerate only because it’s a necessity.

  “No complaints,” I warn them. “Given the mess that you made in the last year, you’re going to be doing a lot of this stuff, so you’d better get used to it.”

  Blaze hangs his head, and I see Dez shoot me a look that says, “Did you have to go there?” Dez and Blaze are tight, like brothers, and I know Dez doesn’t appreciate me throwing Blaze’s mistakes in his face, but I understand Blaze in a way Dez never can. We’re two of a kind, Blaze and I—driven, ambitious, spending all of our energy on making sure that we come out on top. So I know that only by reminding Blaze of how badly he fucked up will I keep him in line. He has to have something to reach for or he’ll fall into the abyss. Redeeming himself is his goal right now. I’m merely keeping it front and center.

  “So what’s the gig?” Garrett asks, shifting restlessly in his seat.

  “The Nelson’s Soda Performance Art Festival. It’s going to be touring internationally, and while Rhapsody won’t be performing, an appearance by Rhapsody members is part of the event. You’ll be giving out free downloads of the first single off the new album, and signing merchandise.”

  “How long is this?” Blaze asks. I know he’s thinking about having to leave his girlfriend, Tully, the keyboardist for Lush. I sigh. I don’t do the whole lovey-dovey thing, so I find Blaze’s constant need to be with his girlfriend tiresome.

  “A total of eight weeks. You don’t all have to be there, we’ve committed to two members at each stop, so we can switch it up, but honestly, the tour schedule is so tight, it would be a lot easier to send two of you for the entire event and be done with it.”

  Everyone looks around the table at each other. None of them want to do it.

  “Look,” I say in my best schoolmarm voice, “I know it’s not fun, no one likes to put their life on hold for two months and live out of a suitcase, but if I can do it, you guys can too.”

  “Wait,” Garrett interjects. “Are you going to be there?”

  I nod. “Yes. The entire time. After the fiasco of the West Fest 666 summer tour, I was only able to get this gig for you by agreeing to babysit. No offense guys, but sponsors don’t find you to be a good risk at this point.”

  “I’m in,” Dez snaps from his seat in the corner. All heads swivel to look at him. Dez is quiet, and the least interested in attention of probably any of the guys with the exception of Topher. It’s not that he minds it, like Topher does, he simply doesn’t need it, and never seeks it out.

  “Dude. Really?” Blaze asks, giving him a perplexed stare.

  Dez shr
ugs, eyes on me the entire time. “Yeah. I don’t have anything going on for the next few weeks. You need to stay here with Tully, Carson’s and Topher’s mom is sick, I’ll do it.”

  Butterflies swarm up and down between my gut and my chest. I grit my teeth so that I don’t give away just how unsettled the idea of eight weeks on the road with Dez makes me.

  “I guess that leaves me as number two,” Garrett says. “As long as there are chicks and beer, it’s all good with me. Doesn’t really matter where I am. Plus, room service rocks. When I’m home I keep having to beg the cleaning lady to cook me some food so I don’t fucking starve to death.”

  “Well, sounds like that’s all settled then.” Blaze shifts in his seat so that he can stand. “Anything else, boss?” He wants to escape before I can saddle him with something that might take time away from Tully. I don’t know what kind of voodoo this woman has, but Blaze is so smitten he’d probably quit the band altogether if she asked him to.

  “No, Blaze, you can go back to your love shack. Dez and Garrett need to stay a few minutes so we can go over some of the tour details.”

  Topher, Carson, and Blaze stand and say their goodbyes. Garrett is texting furiously with someone and Dez simply watches me, his wise, soft eyes taking in so much more than my appearance and my words. I shiver at the sensation of his soul passing over mine.

  Once the others have gone, I face Garrett and Dez, but before I can say anything, Garrett slams his phone down on the tabletop and stands. “Sorry, Shannon, I have a little personal issue that needs attending. Can you email me the info or something?”

  He picks up the phone, stuffing it in his back pocket, and jiggles his keychain in his hand, obviously anxious to be off to whatever rendezvous he’s planned.

  “Fine. Go ahead, I’ll have my PA call you and explain it all.”


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