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The Two Younger Men Complete Collection

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by Chloe Lang

  The Two Younger Men Complete Collection

  In Embraced by Two Younger Men, 42 year-old Izzy investigates a discrepancy uncovered by billionaire twin brothers Clay and Jay. In a month, they will turn 30. Izzy tries to keep things professional but just cannot resist the handsome men. As Clay and Jay continue to pursue Izzy, a killer is bent on ending their investigation before the truth is revealed.

  In Seduced by Two Younger Men, 42-year old Camille doesn’t trust love. When she’s set up with two young chefs, her resolve begins crumbling. Roberto and Miguel whisk her away to Spain, hoping to win her heart and to keep her safe from an anonymous caller, who is watching from the shadows, waiting for just the right time to destroy her.

  In Adored by Two Younger Men, Toni can’t say ‘yes’ to the two handsome pilots. She’s ten years older than they are and afraid to trust anyone. When one of her twin sons comes up missing, she has no choice but to rely on Zane and Maddox. Can they save Toni and her son as well as win her heart?

  Genre: Contemporary, May-December, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 84,845 words



  Embraced by Two Younger Men

  Seduced by Two Younger Men

  Adored by Two Younger Men

  Chloe Lang


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Embraced by Two Younger Men

  Seduced by Two Younger Men

  Adored by Two Younger Men

  Copyright © 2018 by Chloe Lang

  ISBN: 978-1-64243-026-4

  First Publication: February 2018

  Embraced by Two Younger Men

  Seduced by Two Younger Men

  Adored by Two Younger Men

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  Print cover design by Siren Publishing

  All art and logo copyright © 2018 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Embraced by Two Younger Men

  To authors I admire and respect:

  Lexi Blake, Shayla Black, Sophie Oak, Sam Crescent, Jenika Snow, Cherise Sinclair, Leah Brooke, Fiona Archer, Tymber Dalton, Becca Van, Dixie Lynn Dwyer, Marla Monroe, Honor James, Willow Brooke

  Seduced by Two Younger Men

  To my mom.

  Adored by Two Younger Men

  I have so many people to thank, not just for this book but also for all the books that came before. Nearly five years has passed since I began this amazing journey.

  I remember the first time I saw my name on a cover and how thrilled I was. Jan 2011. Sophie Oak and I wrote Playing the Field together. That book holds a very special place in my heart. Thank you, Sophie. I love you dearly.

  I also want to thank Kris Cook’s Righteous Perverts group, which gave so much support to my two Love Extreme series – The Wilde Brothers and The Strong Cowboys. Thank you so much—Tina, Luna and company.

  Chloe Vale has been invaluable with all her incredible editing for me. She’s my first reader and has helped me become a better writer.

  To my amazing supportive friends—Shayla Black & Lexi Blake. I couldn’t do this without you. I love you.

  To my mom, my first and best mentor, my cheerleader and advocate, the one who has never stopped believing in me. I love you, Mom.

  And to Stephen…my number one! I love you, sweetheart.

  And to you, dear reader. Thanks for letting my dream come true.


  Chloe Lang began devouring romance novels during summers between college semesters as a respite to the rigors of her studies. Soon, her lifelong addiction was born, and to this day, she typically reads three or four books every week.

  For years, the very shy Chloe tried her hand at writing romance stories but shared them with no one. After many months of prodding by an author friend, Sophie Oak, she finally relented and let Sophie read one. As the prodding turned to gentle shoves, Chloe ultimately did submit something to Siren-BookStrand. The thrill of a life happened for her when she got the word that her book would be published.

  Chloe’s family consists of a wonderful man she’s been married to for twelve years and a precious daughter.

  For all titles by Chloe Lang, please visit

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  About the Author

  Embraced by Two Younger Men Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Seduced by Two Younger Men Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Adored by Two Younger Men Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen




  Embraced by Two Younger Men

  42 year-old Isabella “Izzy” Clemens is sent to investigate a discrepancy uncovered by billionaire twin brothers—Clayton and Jaydin Gibbs. In a month Clay and Jay will turn 30 and will have access to their immense inheritance held in a trust fund since their parents’ deaths.

  Though the chemistry between her and the two handsome men is hot and intense, Izzy still tries to keep things professional. But as they travel together to London as part of their investigation, Izzy cannot resist the charming men. She tells herself this is only a fling, but it becomes clear that Clay and Jay want something more. If she opens up to them will her heart be broken? She thinks that th
eir age differences make a relationship impossible.

  As Clay and Jay continue to pursue Izzy, a killer is bent on ending their investigation before the truth is revealed.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 33,661 words




  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  Clayton Gibbs stood in front of the CEO, the twelve directors, and his twin brother, Jaydin Gibbs. His audience sat around the large mahogany table that his father had purchased just three weeks before the tragic triple homicide that changed his and Jay’s lives forever.

  The plush boardroom was on the fifty-sixth floor of the headquarters of Gibbs Worldwide Investments.

  Clay pointed the laser creating the red dot on the screen. “This portion of the report highlights what Jay and I have been researching.”

  “Clay, are you actually suggesting that we are missing over a million dollars of revenue each and every quarter from both our Chicago and London offices?” William Moody, his and Jay’s uncle, was CEO of the company.

  The three of them were connected by the tragedy they all shared. Despite their many differences of opinions, he and his brother felt they were duty bound to their uncle for all he’d done for them.

  Jay leaned forward. “It’s possible, Uncle Bill. What we do know is at the very least there is an accounting error that has continued occurring for the past five years, maybe going back even further.”

  One of the longest serving members of the board and a dear friend of their father, James Sullivan seemed concerned. “If they are right about this, Bill, it would mean that someone high in the organization is either dropping the ball or is dipping into the till. I believe we should hire an outside accounting firm to check into this.”

  Clay braced for his uncle and James to lambaste each other, which was typical for most board meetings. They were like oil and water and had never gotten along. Very few got along with Bill, whose surname fit his personality perfectly. Moody. He and Jay thought of James as their uncle, too, but they tried to never call him “Uncle James” in front of Bill. Whenever they did, Bill would lose his temper. Not surprising after all the difficult history between James and Bill. James had fallen in love with Caroline, the only sister of Clay and Jay’s father. But Bill had swept in and tore them apart. How? No one really knew. Bill married Caroline, and James was left with a broken heart.

  Bill tapped his fingers on the surface of the table for a few moments, a habit of his that he and Jay had grown accustomed to. “I agree, James.”

  That calm response surprised Clay and seemed to have the same impact on everyone else around the table.

  “You do?” James’s eyes narrowed.

  “I’ll get that set up immediately. Only board members should know about this. Let’s keep it confidential until we are certain what we are dealing with.”

  “And I would like to recommend that Clay and Jay spearhead this effort, since they are the ones who discovered it.” James was pushing for more from Bill.

  “Good idea.”

  The congeniality remained, which was remarkable. Clay turned to his brother and saw the same look of shock on his face as the others. Very strange.

  Bill wrote on his notepad. “I know just the firm we should engage. I’ll set up the meeting. Good work, boys.”

  “Thanks.” Clay gathered up his papers. He wondered if his uncle would ever stop calling him and Jay “boys.” Doubtful. After all, Bill was twenty-five years older than they were. “You ready, Jay?”

  “Sure.” His twin brother left his seat.

  “Wait, fellas,” James said and turned to their uncle. “They should stay.”

  “Why?” Bill’s unblinking eyes seemed to dare James to defy him. “We’re moving into executive session now.”

  The earlier consolatory exchange between Bill and James was clearly over. They were back to their verbal barbs and blows.

  “Next month they will be able to vote their own shares.” James’s edgy tone told everyone he wasn’t going to back down.

  The others around the table looked at their files in front of them. They didn’t want any part of what was about to happen. They’d seen it far too many times.

  “Clay and Jay will be part of this board,” James said.

  “That’s true, my friend.”

  My friend? No two words could be further from the truth.

  In charge of his and Jay’s trusts since their mom and dad’s death, Bill cast the votes for all their shares. But on their thirtieth birthday, which was in less than three weeks, in accordance with the will, Clay and Jay would have complete authority over their own inheritance and would no longer need Bill to be their trustee.

  “Unfortunately, James, they cannot remain,” Bill said with a grin. “They are management. And since we are discussing executive bonuses, it’s best they leave.” He stood and came over to their side of the table. Shaking their hands, he winked. “I’ll make sure you get compensated very well, boys.”

  “Like they will even care about a bonus, Bill.” James glared at him. “Clay and Jay own fifty-two percent of this company, and on their birthday they will have the right to sit at this table as much as any of the rest of us, including you. More even.”

  “They’re my nephews, not yours. Now have a seat with the rest of the board while I take a moment to speak with them out in the hallway alone.”

  James didn’t move but remained standing in obvious defiance.

  Not wanting to make things more difficult between the two men, Clay motioned to his brother that they should leave. Jay nodded that he agreed.

  Bill followed them out the door. He placed his hands on their shoulders. “James is a troublemaker, boys, but I can handle him. You really did do good work on this. Let’s meet at nine tomorrow morning and talk about how we plan on tackling this possible discrepancy you’ve uncovered.”

  “You’ve got your hands full with that acquisition of Hammerstein Steel,” Jay said. “Clay and I can put everything together on this.”

  Bill smiled. “I know you can, but this is very sensitive information that we can’t let get out. It could really hurt our stock price if it did. Like I said to James, I know the perfect accounting firm that we need. They are very discreet.”

  “Aren’t all forensic accounting firms supposed to be discreet?” Clay was used to his uncle being so hands-on with whatever he and Jay did.

  “Boys, I made a promise to your parents and your aunt, my lovely Caroline.” Bill’s face darkened whenever he mentioned the name of his late wife. “And I mean to keep it. You are my responsibility.”

  “We appreciate all you’ve done for us,” Jay said, “but Clay and I are grown men.”

  He agreed. “We really can take care of ourselves, Uncle Bill.”

  “I know you can, but this is a Fortune 500 company and the waters are filled with sharks. Trust me, boys. I will make sure that you are protected, no matter what.”

  Chapter Two

  Isabella Clemens walked into Gibbs Worldwide Investments with two co-workers, Tom and Lyle. This was her six-month anniversary with the accounting firm and her first big assignment. She was excited and nervous.

  Tom was their lead. He walked up to the receptionist.

  “How may I help you?”

  “We have an appointment with your CEO, Mr. Moody,” he told her in his take-charge tone. “We’re from MKJ Accounting.”

  Tom and Lyle didn’t intimidate Izzy, though it was obvious they still didn’t respect her. A forty-two-year-old divorced woman entering the high-powered accounting industry for the first time had to be quite the shock. She’d started at the firm as a temp, but when Mr. Jenkins—the J in MKJ—had spoken to his friend, her favorite professor during grad school, everything changed. Mr. Jenkins made her permanent to the organization and promoted her to the forensic accounting division.

  She smiled to herself, recalling
her second day in the division. Trying to make a good impression with her new co-workers, she’d brought coffee and donuts for Tom and Lyle. Her plan would’ve worked splendidly if she hadn’t gotten her shoe caught on the leg of a chair, causing her to fall and spill the coffee and donuts all over them.

  Of course I am a little bit ditzy. Izzy the ditzy.

  Tom and Lyle weren’t terrible to work with, though they never sought her expertise or input, always overlooking her.

  But they better watch out. I may be ditzy but I’m certainly no dummy.

  She meant to make her mark on this assignment to let Mr. Jenkins know he’d made the right decision concerning her.

  “Mr. Moody’s office is on the top floor. Take the executive elevators. They are down this hall on the left. His secretary will meet you.”

  Without a word of thanks, Tom and Lyle walked away.

  That pissed Izzy off. They could be so ungrateful. She knew how far a smile or a kind word could go. Back when she had still been married to the asshole, she’d worked as a secretary of a trucking company. A thankless job. Except for one or two drivers, she would go weeks without so much as a nod from anyone.

  “Thank you,” she told the young woman and followed the two arrogant men.

  As the three of them rode the elevator to the top of the building, Izzy tried to calm her nerves by taking quiet, deep breaths. She wanted to make a good first impression.

  The elevator doors opened and an attractive young woman greeted them.

  “I’m Brandi, Mr. Moody’s personal assistant. Follow me, please.”


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