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The Two Younger Men Complete Collection

Page 5

by Chloe Lang

The pilot’s voice came over a speaker. “Please take your seats and buckle up. We will be taxiing to the runway.”

  “Great tour, guys. Thank you.”

  They returned to their seats. Like in the limo, she sat between Clay and Jay. Anne took their empty glasses before taking her seat in the galley, out of view.

  As the jet began moving, Clay and Jay took her hands once again. She felt warm all over. Was it because of the Mimosa or their touches? Probably a little of both.

  “We’ve been cleared for takeoff,” the pilot’s voice announced.

  “Here we go,” Clay said. “No turning back now.”

  The jet’s engines roared to life and they raced down the runway and into the air.

  “This is the most exciting day I’ve ever had in my life.” She grinned. “I’ve never even flown first class, much less on a private jet as nice as this.”

  Jay winked. “Poor Tom and Lyle.”

  Clay laughed. “They had to fly commercial.”

  “At least it’s just to Chicago, but I’m sure I won’t hear the end of it when I get back to the firm’s offices.”

  After a few minutes, the pilot’s voice announced, “We have reached our cruising altitude of forty-five thousand feet. You are free to move about the cabin.”

  They enjoyed their meal, which was heavenly.

  Anne refreshed their drinks. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “No, thank you,” she said. “I couldn’t eat another bite.”

  Jay stood. “No more for me.”

  Clay left his seat and offered Izzy his hand. “Me either. Thank you, Anne. It was great.”

  “My pleasure.” Anne began clearing the table.

  Izzy walked out of the dining room with Clay and Jay, once again on their arms. “If I keep eating Miguel and Roberto’s food, I’m going to gain twenty pounds at least.”

  “It wouldn’t matter to me how much weight you gained,” Clay said. “You would still be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  “Hear, hear,” Jay agreed.

  “You both are so sweet to say so, but I know there are plenty of women closer to your age that are much better looking than me.”

  Jay fixed her with a hard stare. “Enough about your age, Izzy. You are absolutely stunning, no matter how old you are. The moment Clay and I saw you we both wanted to kiss you just like this.” He pressed his mouth to hers and took her breath away.

  When Jay released her, she didn’t have time to get her bearings before Clay stepped in front of her.

  “Jay’s right, Izzy. We wanted to get to know you better from the very first second.” Clay kissed her, melting her insides.

  When the kiss ended, she said, “B–But—”

  Clay frowned. “No ifs, ands, or buts, Izzy, unless you don’t find us attractive.”

  “It’s not that. You’re both so very handsome. It’s just I’m not…not right for you.”

  “We’ll make the decision on that,” Jay said, sweeping her off her feet and into his arms. “Come on, Clay. Let’s go make that decision right now.”

  “Damn right, we will.”

  They carried her into the bedroom. Might as well go with the flow. She loved their take-charge attitude. It made her feel so feminine, so adored.

  Jay lowered her onto the bed, and Clay shut and locked the door.

  Together, they began removing her clothes. She knew it was time to quit protesting. Just go with it, Izzy. Enjoy what they are offering. They?

  “I’ve never had two men at once.”

  “You’re about to, angel,” Clay said. “Just relax and let us show you how pleasurable it can be.”

  When they removed her bra and panties, Jay smiled and in a tone of awe said, “Look at this gorgeous body. Izzy, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He leaned down and kissed her, tracing her lips with his tongue. “I can’t get enough of you, sweetheart.” He deepened his kiss, and she melted into him, feeling her toes curl and her desire ramp up.

  When Jay released her mouth, she turned to Clay, who was completely naked, having stripped out of his clothes while they’d been kissing. He reminded her of a Greek god, with his chiseled frame and six-pack abs. But there was no fig leaf hiding his desire for her. His thick, long cock was hard. Without a word, he climbed in next to her, devouring her mouth.

  His kiss was potent and caused her temperature to rise. She ran her fingers over his hard muscles, as their tongues tangled together.

  Jay was naked and climbed in on the other side of her, running his hands down her back and sides. His body was the mirror image of Clay’s. Even their cocks seemed identical. Male beauty at its finest in visual stereo, right in front of me. I have two Greek gods. There was a primal ferociousness to his and Clay’s lovemaking that every inch of her seemed to be responding to.

  I can’t believe I’m really doing this, but I can’t stop myself, nor do I want to even if I could.

  Jay kissed the back of her neck, producing gooseflesh all over her body. Clay massaged her breast gently, continuing to kiss her into oblivion.

  Feeling Clay and Jay’s caresses and kisses took her to a new level of foreplay she’d never experienced before. Her body was responding in ways that were new and exciting. She wanted more, needed more.

  And they pushed on, increasing the pressure that was growing inside her. Clay sucked on her nipples and fingered her pussy, while Jay began licking her anus, something that was completely new to her. They were driving her wild with desire and she loved every second of it.

  She moaned. “So good. More. Please. More.”

  “That’s what we love to hear, angel,” Clay said, kissing his way down her body until she could feel his hot breath on her dampening pussy. “I want to taste you. Every drop.” He raked his tongue over her wet folds, and she felt a vibration that shook her entire body.

  He and Jay licked her most intimate flesh, her pussy and ass, provoking a scream from her. She grabbed the pillow and placed it over her face to stifle the sound.

  “Yes, baby,” Jay said. “Are we sending you to the moon yet?”

  “Yes. Yes. Yes.” She yelled into the pillow. “I need you both, but how?”

  “Don’t worry your pretty little head about that, angel,” Clay said. “We’ll show you.”

  Jay began applying lubricant to her anus. Where he’d gotten it, she had no idea, but she was glad he had. The more he fingered her ass, the closer to the moon she got.

  She heard foil ripping and knew they were putting on protection. Still, it was obvious they were planning this, but she didn’t care. She was glad.

  She moved the pillow to the side, though keeping it close and ready should she feel the urge to scream again. She didn’t want anything to ruin this glorious feeling she was experiencing, like Anne knocking on the door concerned that something was wrong.

  Clay moved up her body, again dotting kisses all over her skin. Once they were face-to-face with each other, he rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him. She felt his cock rubbing on the folds of her pussy.

  “Please. I need you inside me, Clay. Please.”

  “Yes, angel. I want to be inside you. I want to feel your pussy tightening on my dick.” He pushed into her slowly, inch by inch, stretching her more than she’d ever felt before.

  “Oh God…feels so good.”

  “Yes, you do, Izzy. You feel perfect.” Clay’s words were laden with hunger and vibrated against her flesh.

  Jay’s fingering stretched her ass, inducing delicious trembles inside her. He kissed his way up her back, and she could feel the head of his cock pressing where his fingers had just been.

  She was so hot and out of her mind with desire that this new experience took her beyond any doubt or hesitation of having Clay and Jay simultaneously. The feeling was out of this world.

  “Ready for the moon, baby?” Jay whispered.

  “Blast off. Please. I can’t bear much more.” Once again she grabbed the pillow. “Oh Go
d, how can I use this without smothering you, Clay? I’m afraid I will scream.”

  He grinned. “I’ll help you, angel. We don’t want you to hold back. Scream as much as you like.” He tilted his head to the side, which allowed her to cover her face with the pillow.

  She bit down as hard as she could, bracing herself for Jay. He sent his cock into her ass, and her whole body felt like it would explode from being filled so deeply and completely by him and Clay. The pressure was reaching the limit quickly as they began thrusting into her in a perfect, pleasure-building rhythm.

  “Oh God,” she screamed into the pillow. The mind-blowing, body-blazing orgasm that followed shook her from head to toe. She writhed between them, unable to contain herself and remain still. She clenched the pillow and slammed it up and down against the side of Clay’s face.

  He groaned. “I’m coming.” He thrust into her again with a powerful lunge, reaching even deeper into her pussy.

  She tightened around his cock, feeling him pulse inside her.

  Jay’s climax followed immediately after, and he, too, pushed all the way into her ass as he came. “To the moon, baby.”

  “To the moon,” she repeated breathlessly.

  They completely collapsed, rolling onto their sides. Once again, she was between them. But unlike before on the sofa, in the limo, on the plane…this time she was in a bed with them.

  She kissed Clay, and then turned around to kiss and face Jay.

  Jay smiled. “Houston, this is GWI. We reached our destination and had a perfect landing.” He kissed her tenderly. “Everything looks good on the moon.”

  “Ten-four, Jay,” Clay said. “What I see before me is gorgeous. And I think another spin around the surface is in order.”

  Chapter Eight

  As the limo driver turned onto Kensington Road, Clay looked at Izzy, who was sitting between him and Jay. “The Mandarin isn’t the most expensive hotel in London but it suits Jay and me better than any others.”

  “Plus, it’s very convenient to GWI’s offices in the city,” Jay added. “I’m sure you’ll like it, sweetheart.”

  “I have no doubt I will love it. But it could be a Motel 6 and it wouldn’t matter to me. All I need is a bath and bed. I’m exhausted and we have a big day tomorrow. By the way, what is the local time?”

  “2:02 a.m.,” Clay answered to the woman of his dreams, the woman he wanted to make happy for the rest of his life.

  “No wonder I’m so tired.” She yawned.

  “But in Dallas it’s yesterday and only 8:02 p.m.,” Jay said with a grin. “I thought we could go dancing after we got settled into the hotel.”

  Izzy’s eyes widened. “You’ve got to be kidding. Even if I was awake enough, there wouldn’t be any clubs open.”

  “I am kidding.” Jay kissed her on the cheek. “I’m tired, too. But there are clubs that stay open all night, until the sun comes up in this amazing city. Maybe tomorrow night Clay and I can show you a few.”

  She shook her head. “Jay, this is a business trip. It can’t be all fun and games.”

  “But it can’t be all work either, sweetheart. Remember I told you that the nights are ours.”

  “I remember, but I still have to be at GWI’s offices by 9 every morning until we figure out the discrepancy you and Clay discovered. You know. Early to bed, early to rise.”

  “Who told you that you had to be there by nine?”

  “I told myself. That’s who.”

  “Clay, don’t you love the fire in Izzy?”

  “I sure do.” It seems that Jay feels the same way about her as I do. But Clay knew that he needed to talk to his brother to make sure. “Tomorrow, we are going to go in when we wake up, Izzy. That might be noon. We all need our rest.” His and Jay’s time together with Izzy on the plane had been fantastic. The moment he’d met her he’d been attracted to her. She was so beautiful. But after spending time with her he was completely captivated. She had a sense of herself that he admired. Confident but not cocky. She was funny and could make him and Jay laugh so easily. She was smart and driven. Warm and genuine. Sharing her with his twin had been mind-blowing and life changing. He wanted her more than anything or anyone else in the world. I really need to talk with Jay.

  The limo parked in front of the hotel.

  “It’s beautiful,” Izzy said.

  Wearing the top hat and red coat uniform, the valet opened the car door for them. “Mr. Gibbs, welcome back to the Mandarin. Let me get your luggage.” He motioned to two other men who ran over to assist him. “We’ll deliver it to your suite, sir.”

  “Thank you,” Clay got out and offered his hand to Izzy, and she stepped out. Jay slid over and also exited the limo.

  They walked to the front desk and the manager greeted them. “Hello, Mr. Gibbs.” He turned to Jay. “And to you as well, Mr. Gibbs. Welcome back.”

  “Good to be back.” Clay introduced Izzy. “This is Isabella Clemens, Charles. Izzy, Charles always takes good care of us whenever we are in London.”

  “Nice to meet you,” she said.

  “And you as well, Ms. Clemens.” Charles brought out three keys. “I’ve placed a bottle of champagne in the suite as well as a fruit and cheese basket. Is there anything else you would like us to bring you?”

  “Is there anything you would like, Izzy?” Jay asked her.

  “Nothing. Thank you.”

  Clay put his arm around her. “Thank you, Charles. We’ll just head to our room.”

  “Excellent.” Charles came out from behind the counter.

  “No need to lead us to the suite,” Jay said. “We know the way.”

  “As you wish, sir.” Charles returned to his station. “If you need anything else at all, please do not hesitate to call.”

  “We will,” Clay said. “Thanks again.”

  He and Jay led Izzy to the elevator.

  When they opened the doors to their suite, she gasped. “Oh my God. This is fabulous.”

  He and Jay had stayed in the Royal Suite so many times it had very little impact on him anymore, until now. He loved seeing it anew through her eyes.

  “I’ve read of places like this but I’ve never been in one. Dibs on the bathroom first.”

  Jay laughed. “Sweetheart, there are three bathrooms in this suite and a half bath.”

  “Well, in that case, I get the largest one. I can’t get over how beautiful this place is.” The suite was decorated in a fresh, contemporary style.

  “Wait until you see the view tomorrow morning,” Clay said, loving the look of excitement on her face. “It looks over Hyde Park.”

  “The Hyde Park?”

  He chuckled. “The one and only.”

  “Before my bath, I want a tour. You’ve both stayed here before so you can show me around.”

  “I thought you were tired,” Jay said, coming up behind her and kissing her on the neck.

  “I was, but this is so exciting. I just want to see all of it.” She brought out her cell. “Would you mind if I took a few selfies to send to Gabby and my two girlfriends?”

  “Knock yourself out, angel.” I can’t imagine spending a single day away from her. “Let us show you the dining room and kitchen first.”

  She grinned. “This is more like a home than a hotel room. I may never want to leave.”

  “As long as you’re with us, I could stay here until the end of time,” Jay confessed, letting him know for sure that they were on the same page when it came to Izzy.

  They walked into the dining room and she gasped.

  “Just look at that double-tiered rock crystal chandelier over the table.”

  Jay laughed. “I knew it was a chandelier, but I had no idea it was…a…um…double stuffed…whatever you called it. Where did you learn those kinds of things about interior design, Izzy?”

  “I studied it when Gabby and I were decorating our loft. I’ve always been fascinated by places like this. I have tons of magazines and books that I’ve read from cover to cover.” She
ran her hand down the back of one of the dining room chairs. “I love the color pallet they’ve chosen for this space. Gold and blue. It’s stunning. Come over here next to me, guys.”

  They did, placing her between them.

  “Lean in close.” She snapped another photo. “Perfect. Show me more.”

  Every space they led her to she informed them more about the design and took more selfies. She especially loved the balcony and likely would have remained outside if it hadn’t started to rain.

  “We’ve saved the best for last,” Jay told her. “The master bath.”

  She yawned. “I guess the excitement is starting to wear off a little because I am getting sleepy. I could use a nice long soak.”

  “Then do we have the perfect place for you.” Clay led her into the grand bathroom.

  “Guys, this is unbelievable.” She spun around on the marble floor. “This is bigger than my bedroom. I am never leaving.”

  He pulled her in close and gave her a kiss. “You can stay here as long as you like, sweetheart.”

  “How warm do you like your water, Izzy?” Jay turned the faucets and began filling up the tub.

  “Very.” She yawned again. “I need to get some things from my luggage.” She left them.

  “I’m going to pour a glass of champagne and fill a plate of snacks for her, Jay.”

  “Good idea, bro.”

  He turned to leave the bathroom when Izzy came running back in.

  “My luggage has been stolen,” she said in a panic. “I can’t find it anywhere.”

  “Sweetheart, I’m sure the hotel staff put our things away.” He brushed the hair out of her eyes. He opened one of the drawers by the sink. “See. Here’s your makeup.”

  She sighed. “That’s a relief.”

  “This suite also comes with a butler, Izzy,” Jay informed her. “And you heard Charles. If you need anything at all, the Mandarin’s staff is happy to deliver. Clay, why don’t you get our girl a robe? Her bath is almost ready for her.”

  He placed the robe next to the tub. “We’re going to give you some privacy, sweetheart, so you can relax.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  As he and Jay turned to leave, he took one more glance at her. She’s the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.


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