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Tame Me (Book #1 in the Blood Brothers MC Series)

Page 7

by J. A. Collard

  “Did you see the body on him? Oh God, he is to die for. What I wouldn’t give for one night with that man,” the blonde says to the brunette. I glance at them again in the mirror, and a smile escapes my lips when I notice they’re both wearing wedding rings. My presence doesn’t seem to be bothering them, so I continue touching up my lipstick.

  “I know what you mean, Beth. I tried to get his attention, but he ignored me. Who is he? Have you seen him here before?”

  Beth, the blonde, unclasps her clutch to fix up her makeup and then answers, “No, I can’t say I have. I’d never forget a man who looks like that.”

  I tuck the loose strands of my hair around my ear and wonder how women can drool over other men when they’re married. When I was married to Nic, I never thought about other guys. He was my everything. I didn’t need anyone else. They’re probably bored housewives who’ve had way too much Botox and facelifts. They’ve probably even had their boobs done. I finish off my makeup and follow behind them as they exit the ladies’ room. I nearly bump into them when they come to a sudden stop.

  “There he is, Sandy. Will you look at the size of those arms? The ways that suit hugs him makes me think he’s got a lot to offer a girl.”

  Beth starts fanning herself, and I peek my head around them to see whom they’re talking about. My breath catches in my throat when I spot the man who has these ladies acting like school girls. Standing by the bar and talking to a beautiful woman is Quill… but no, this can’t be Quill. This man must be someone else. At least that’s what my mind tries to convince me with the way he’s dressed and cleanly shaven. And yet, that tux can’t hide that bad boy lurking underneath.

  His hair, which usually looks all messy from running his hands through it too many times, is styled to perfection with product. He’s standing there with one hand in his trouser pocket and the other swirling a glass of amber liquid. The woman he’s with laughs at whatever he’s said and her hand lingers on his arm. She’s definitely flirting with him. A pang of jealousy hits me like never before. She’s beautiful with auburn hair that cascades down her back and is wearing a dress that shows off her gorgeous figure. Calm down, Jazz. He’s not your man, so let it go.

  I’ve tried to think about anything else but Quill for the last couple of nights, but that proved to do no good. With his constant phone calls and texts, he’s left me no other choice but to think of him. I thought he would have gotten the hint that I’m not interested, but then I found him sitting on his bike outside the florist. He didn’t try to talk to me. It was as if he was just looking out for me. Maybe he is getting the hint. So why do I feel disappointed? And why am I jealous of another woman flirting with him?

  Beth and Sandy suddenly move from my line of sight, and I get a full-body view of Quill. When I see him laugh, I decide it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. He seems uncomfortable as he tugs his finger into his collar, obviously feeling out of place. I focus on his hands and feel my nipples harden at the memory of what they felt like on my body. He looks all man standing there, but this whole atmosphere doesn’t suit him. What’s he doing here? Was he forced to attend because his dad is the organizer of this charity?

  He raises his glass to his lips and swallows what’s remaining of his drink before placing his glass on the bar and lazily glancing around the room. My heart races in my chest as his eyes latch onto mine. Then they sweep me from head to toe. His eyes widen when he discovers it’s me. The lady next to him grimaces as Quill whispers something into her ear. I recognize the look of disappointment on her face when he leaves her standing there and stalks toward me. God help me. Why does he have to be so friggin’ hot? He could be modeling for a magazine the way he fills out that suit.

  As he gets closer, I notice the expanse of his shoulders and the way his waist narrows to his hips. His thighs hug his pants, the material stretching with each step. My breath hitches in my throat when he stands only inches away from me. The faint scent of soap and his cologne, which has been haunting me since the morning we met, tantalizes my senses. His nostrils flare as if he’s irritated, but with what, I have no clue.

  He narrows his blue eyes when he asks, “What are you doing here, Jasmine?”

  A sense of disappointment settles over me as I realize he’s not happy to see me. I stand to my full height of five foot three inches and reply, “I should ask you the same thing.”

  “That’s none of your concern, but what I want to know is why the fuck are you at my father’s hotel? You shouldn’t be here.”

  “I was asked by your father to organize the floral arrangements tonight, and he invited me to attend the event.” Why is he acting like a jerk? What’s so wrong with me being here? Is he that desperate not to see me?

  “Well, looks like we’re both here for the same reason,” he mutters as he takes a step back, and I watch him appreciate my body.

  “You look beautiful, baby. So gorgeous that I want you all to myself.”

  His eyes darkened with desire, and I chew on my bottom lip to stop myself from agreeing that he should have me all to himself.

  “Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself.”

  “You think so?” he asks, looking down at what he’s wearing. I follow his gaze checking him out as well, but my eyes dart back up when I hear a rumble, which I’m sure is coming from him.

  “Why haven’t you returned my calls?” he asks, moving closer to me, his nose only a hair’s breadth from mine. I try to step back, but he grabs hold of my arm, keeping me still.

  “Answer me, Jasmine.”

  When I see hurt in his eyes, I struggle to answer him. “I, um… I already told you I don’t want anything more between us.”

  “And I told you that you and I are happening. So just let things happen and enjoy the ride.”

  “Why me, Quill? You can have your choice of women, so why me? I’m nothing special. I’m damaged goods. I can’t be the girl you want.” The heat from his fingers sears my skin as his hold tightens on my arm.

  “Why you? Because, babe, you and I have a connection. And maybe you don’t want to believe this, but you belong to me. The moment I set eyes on you, I felt your soul pull toward mine. I can’t explain it. It’s as if I need to own you, body and soul. When I’m in the same room as you, I have to be close to you. My fingers itch to run through your hair. My body aches to be inside you. I can’t get you the fuck out of my head.” He points to his head with that last comment, and butterflies erupt in my stomach as his words hit home. “You’re all I think about, and I will have you.” He lifts my chin with his finger and my body trembles with his touch. Leaning in, he kisses the underside of my jaw then pulls his head back and smiles. He knows he’s affecting me.

  “Quill!” I pant as his finger runs down my cheek.

  “This thing is gonna happen, you got me?” he demands.

  “I got you,” I breathlessly reply.

  Then his hands are gone, and his dimples appear as he gives me the cockiest grin. I’m in a daydream state when I hear him say, “Tomorrow the club is having a party, and I want you there, babe. I want you to meet my brothers.”

  “Brothers? You mean Blood Brothers or MC brothers?”

  “Aren’t they all the same?”

  “I guess so,” I respond. Quill leans in and rests his forehead against mine. I step back away from him when I think about what this party could entail. “Wait, do you mean like a club party where there are naked women around having sex with men in every corner?”

  He tilts his head back and lets out a full-blown laugh. I watch the cords in his neck bulge with the pressure and wonder if there’s anything about this man that I don’t find attractive.

  “Well, I’m glad I amuse you.” I place my hands on my hips.

  He sighs and places his hands in his pockets. “That’s not how I roll, babe. I don’t like my men watching as I fuck. As for my boys, well, I can’t say the same goes for them.” I’m still stuck on the part about watching him fuck when he says, “I want them
to meet the girl who’s taken over my thoughts.” I swallow hard at his honesty. I feel the same way, but I can’t admit it to him.

  “If I agree to come, will you let me go now?” He grabs hold of my waist with one hand while the other follows the open cut between my breasts, leaving a trail of fire. I squeeze my legs together and chew on the inside of my cheek, trying to conceal a moan that’s so close to erupting from my mouth. He then lifts my chin and cups my cheek.

  “Sure, I’ll let you go, for now, that is, but remember who owns you, Jasmine.” He removes his hand from my face as his head leans into me and his lips crash onto mine. His lips are smooth as they kiss first my bottom and then my top lip. I feel the slight invasion of his tongue as if he’s asking me for permission to enter. Unable take this torment, I eagerly suck on it. I’m filled with a longing so strong that my legs turn to jelly. I grab the collar of his suit jacket and pull him closer to me. My nipples harden at the contact, and a moan escapes my lips. My body betrays me, and I have no control when it comes to this man. How am I going to win this battle? He suddenly pulls away, and I cry out in protest when his lips leave mine. My eyes flutter open as I hear him chuckle, and I remove my hands from his jacket. He reaches out and traces my bottom lip with his thumb as he asks, “How are you getting home?”

  “I’m here with Tristan. You remember Tristan?”

  His smile fades, but he doesn’t pull away. He leans in one last time and kisses me on the underside of my jaw and then my lips.

  “Get home safe, okay? I won’t be here much longer, so I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at

  6:00 p.m.”

  “No,” I reply hesitantly. “I’ll meet you there.”

  His eyebrows draw together in frustration. “Jasmine, I’m picking you up. Don’t fight me on this.”

  I shake my head at his words. “No, I’ll drive myself. If you want me to come, you will give me this.”

  I hear his intake of breath and watch as he battles with letting me have my way. “Okay, fine, but don’t keep me waiting.”

  I smile at his concession. “Okay, I won’t. Can I bring my friend?”

  “Sure, babe, bring whoever you want.” He checks his watch before announcing, “I have to go now. Be good.”

  “I always am,” I reply, grinning from ear to ear. Quill shakes his head as if to rid himself of whatever thought was running through his mind, and I watch him leave me and walk over to his father.

  Quill whispers something into his father’s ear, and I notice two men lingering behind Quill. I recognize them from Rubix the other night. One of them is Hawke, but I never got to meet the other. A smile caresses my lips as I see how uncomfortable and out of place they seem. Hawke’s hair is neatly brushed and tied back into a man bun, and the other guy looks like he doesn’t belong here with all his tattoo’s spread across his hands and neck. Don’t get me wrong, they look hot in a tux. Maybe not as hot as Quill, but still quite attractive. Any woman would think so. It’s just that something doesn’t seem right. Before I can dwell on it much longer, Tristan comes over holding a glass of wine out to me.

  “There you are. Where did you run off to?” Tristan asks while sipping his wine. “Did you see who’s here? That hot biker you met the other night.”

  “His names Quill, Tristan,” I inform him before sipping my own wine, which only adds more fire to my overheated body.

  “Quill, hey? I like it.”

  “He’s 100 percent straight, so forget about going there.”

  “Did I say anything? I just didn’t know if you knew he’s here.”

  “Oh yes, I most certainly know he’s here.”

  Quill turns around at that moment and glares at us, but as he focuses on me, his expression changes from annoyance to hunger.

  My attention is redirected when I hear someone on the microphone say, “Howdy, folks, we’re glad you could join us this evening for this very special charity event, raising money for the homeless. Now, there may be some of you out there that this charity hits a little too close to home, but let me assure you that the best way you can help us here tonight is by reaching into your pockets and bidding on some of the collectible items we have here on display. We hope you’ve had time to see what we have to offer. We’re going to start the bidding for this gorgeous piece of jewelry that was once owned by Queen Elizabeth II. This exquisite aquamarine necklace was given by the people and the president of Brazil in honor of her coronation. It contains nine large, oblong aquamarines with a much bigger aquamarine pendant drop.”

  A hush fills the room when the auctioneer holds up the beautiful necklace that’s sitting in a clear glass box.

  “So, ladies and gentlemen, I now ask you to make an offer.”

  “Five hundred thousand,” a gentleman says from up front.

  “Five hundred and fifty thousand,” a woman yells from the right of me.

  “One million dollars,” a deep voice offers. I know that voice. I search the room and find Quill holding a number above his head, signaling his bid. What is he doing bidding on that? And how in the world does he have that kind of money?

  “One million dollars from the gentleman to my right. Thank you, kind sir. Do I hear any other bids?” the auctioneer asks.

  “Two million dollars,” someone bids, and the crowd starts clapping with astonishment. I’m in shock at how easy it was to raise that kind of money. I turn toward Quill to see if he’s going to outbid the man. He’s smiling as the auctioneer continues.

  “Two million dollars going once. Two million dollars going twice. Sold to the generous gentleman to my left.”

  The crowd claps as the man makes his way to the stage.

  “He’s going to have one happy wife on his hands,” Tristan says as we watch the man’s wife hug and kiss him.

  “He sure will,” I answer. I’m so jealous how some people can have that kind of money ready at their disposal.

  Movement catches my eye, and I see Quill leaving the room, heading somewhere to the back of the hotel. A yawn escapes my lips, and Tristan puts his arm around my shoulders. “Ready to go, Jazz? You look tired.”

  “I am,” I cover my mouth as I yawn again.

  “Come on then. I’ll go fetch a cab while you collect your jacket.”

  “Thank you, Tristan.”

  Chapter Ten


  After saying goodnight to Tristan, I quietly unlock my apartment, being careful not to wake up Luisa. I find her sleeping on the couch with the TV still on. I switch off the TV and hear Luisa stir. “Jazz, is that you?” she asks, her voice husky with sleep.

  “Yeah, it’s me,” I answer.

  “What time is it?” She sits, rubbing her eyes. She’s wearing her cute little rabbit PJ’s that she wears when she’s upset.

  “It’s a little after one. Are you okay?” I throw my bag onto the red chair in the corner and sit down beside her. I loved this couch; it didn’t cost much, but it certainly is comfortable. It’s red with white and black cushions, which matches our apartment décor. When I moved in, Luisa was in desperate need of new furniture, and because I had lost everything in the auction, I was more than happy to help Luisa furniture shop. We both love the color red and decided that was going to be our color feature.

  Sitting here eyeing Luisa’s red and puffy eyes, I sense something is wrong. So I ask again. “Hey, you can talk to me.” I put my arm around her shoulders. “What’s going on? You look as if you’ve been crying.”

  “It’s nothing really.” She reaches for a tissue and blows her nose.

  “Hey, come on, tell me.”

  “How was your night?” she asks, trying to change the subject.

  I sigh as I swing my body on the couch to face her. “I’ll tell you about it right after you explain why you’ve been crying.”

  “Okay,” she sighs, looking at her hands twisting in her lap.

  “Honestly,it’s no big deal. But Reece, I mean Hawke—” She smiles. “—well, we had plans tonight. We were sup
posed to go to a bar for drinks. I went to meet him at Caesars, and I couldn’t find him anywhere. So I called him, only for him to say that he forgot and that he had club business tonight.” She looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

  “So you’re upset because he forgot about your date?” I ask, rubbing her back.

  “No, I mean, yes I am, but it’s not just that. When I was on the phone with him, I could tell he was with someone else. A woman’s voice was laughing in the background, and it sounded like he was out. Before I could ask him anything else, he said he had to go and that he’ll call me tomorrow.” She blows her nose again.

  “Lu,” I say, giggling.

  “What’s so funny?” she asks, snapping her head over to me.

  “Hawke’s telling the truth.”

  “What? How do you know he’s telling the truth?” She crosses her legs under her, giving me her full attention.

  “Well, I saw him tonight.”

  “You saw him? Where?”

  “He was with Quill at the hotel. I didn’t know they were going to be there. I never mentioned this, but do you remember how I told you I bumped into Quill at the Royal Vista that day?”

  “Yeah, I remember, when I introduced you to Hawke.”

  “Well, he was at the hotel because he had some business to discuss with his dad. His dad is the hotel manager.”

  “So why were they at the charity?”

  “I’m not sure, but Quill spoke to me tonight, and I didn’t even recognize him. I mean, Luisa, he was so goddamn hot wearing a tux.” I hear her laugh, and she squeals for me to go on. “Anyway, he told me he was there at the request of his dad, and he actually put a bid on an item. I’m not sure what was going on, but something wasn’t right. I mean, why were bikers at a charity?” I ask Luisa.


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