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Tame Me (Book #1 in the Blood Brothers MC Series)

Page 19

by J. A. Collard

  But Jasmine is different; she doesn’t take kindly to orders. I said I loved her last night. Me, Quill, fucking president of the Blood Brothers MC, declared my love to her, and she threw it back in my face. God, listen to me, I sound like a pussy.

  I decide to go and see if she’s actually going through with meeting the fucker, so I quickly shower, dress, and head out to the main room of the club where my boys are. As soon as I approach them, I receive some taps on my back, handshakes, and nods. They’re congratulating me on the run we made and how we got the coke back. After we had surprised the Gypsy Brothers with our presence, we got the information about where our coke was being held. Yeah sure, we had to torture them a little, but it had to be done, all the while giving Cannon the president of the club a show. If we allowed them to get away with stealing from us, then we would look like pussies. We had to teach them a lesson. So we did. And in the end it was worth it. We discovered where they hid the coke and we torched the place down. It took a few days to deliver the coke back to my old man, but I was fucking thrilled that our job was done. I wish I can say that this is the end of the retaliation between the Gypsy Brothers and our club, but something tells me it’s only just begun. The best thing I can do for my club is have a plan in place if shit does go down.

  Sighing, I realize that I haven’t even called church to discuss the run and our plan moving forward; I was too fucking deep into Jasmine leaving the club in the first place. What the fuck is happening to me? I plan to do this right after I deal with this Jasmine situation. I search the club looking for Hawke, but find he’s nowhere in sight.

  “Have you seen Hawke, brother?” I ask Blaze, who’s sitting down, eating some breakfast Daisy prepared.

  “You want some, honey?” Daisy asks, holding a plate out to me.

  “No thanks, Daisy. I can’t stomach anything this morning. How about some coffee?”

  Blaze frowns at me but knows better than to ask questions.

  “Sure, honey, I’ll get it for you,” Daisy says. I sit down next to Blaze and rub my forehead, trying to ease the headache that’s still pounding.

  “I think he met up with your woman’s girl last night,” Blaze says between mouthfuls of food.

  “Luisa?” I ask.

  “Yeah, that’s the one. He seems pussy-whipped, Prez,” he announces and taps me on my back, laughing. He suddenly stops when he doesn’t see me joining in; instead, I narrow my eyes at him. “What’s going on, something happening between you and that hot piece of ass?” Blaze asks.

  My body vibrates with anger, and I grab Blaze by his cut and lift him with one hand. “What did you fucking call her?” I spit.

  “Whoa, whoa, I was just playin’ with ya. Sorry, man. Didn’t mean anything by it,” he pleads, chocking on his words as his breath comes out in gasps.

  “Yeah well, you better not have. If I hear you call her that again, then you and I are gonna have problems.” I inch closer to his face and ask, “You got me, brother?” He nods and I let go of his cut and he drops back down on his stool.

  Daisy is staring at me with concern, but I grab the coffee she’s holding and down it within seconds. “I’m out,” I announce as I head out to my bike.

  The ride down to Jasmine’s store does nothing for my headache or anger. I park my bike across the road from the store and get settled, waiting to see if Jasmine meets with Nic. “Fucking rich prick,” I whisper when I see the man himself park his BMW and get out. I know what Nic looks like from what Tracker had found out about him. He’s a fucking pretty boy in a shirt and pants. I tightened my hands on my handlebars when I see him enter the store. I want to kick that fucker’s ass for ever hurting my woman. I also found out from Tracker that he was an attorney and a rich son of a bitch until he blew it all away with his gambling addiction. He was still gambling and into heavy drugs and had men after him who he owed money to. If he’s telling Jasmine he’s all in the clear, then he’s fucking lying. I know for a fact one of the biggest drug lords, Santana, is looking for him as he is up to his eyeballs in debt.

  I hear pipes coming from down the street, and I clench my fists tight when I see what’s before me. Hawke’s straddling his bike with Jasmine clinging to him with her fucking hands around him and her fucking body pressed up against him. Hawke’s a fucking dead man.

  He parks his bike at the front of the store and I watch as he smiles at her when she hands him back the helmet. They discuss something for a while, and I’m consumed with rage. When she leans her hand on his shoulder, I fucking snap; everything is misty and my head is throbbing with a whole new pain. Hawke has my woman on the back of his bike. Does he fucking have a death wish?

  Jasmine says something to Hawke just before she walks into her store. I want to go over there and teach Hawke a lesson, but something stops me. I see Jasmine in the window hugging Nic and he kisses her on the cheek. I’m frozen to the spot as another man has his hands on my woman. I’m gonna fucking blow a vein. They settle into their seats and I notice how uncomfortable she looks. Nic seems at ease. When I see him reach over and cup Jasmine’s cheek in his hand, I roar my bike to life and speed over to where Hawke is waiting.

  He looks over to me in surprise and then cocks a smile. Stupid fucker.

  “What the fuck are you smiling at?” I yell as I stalk over to Hawke and smash my fist into his face.

  He stumbles backward, and I see that I’ve cut his lip. God, that felt good.

  He straightens and gets up in my face. “What the fuck is that about, brother?” I’m so consumed with rage that I can barely see straight. Hawke’s my best friend; we’ve been through three tours together and yet he betrayed me when he put Jasmine on the back of his bike.

  “You know exactly what that’s about. You broke club law having my woman on the back of your bike!”

  “Prez, you know it’s nothing like that. She needed a lift.”

  “Don’t give a shit,” I snarl. “She’s my woman, and you having her on the back of your bike is a deal breaker for me.” As I walk away to get on my bike before I’m tempted to strike him again, I hear footsteps approaching, and turn back around to see Jasmine rushing over with that fucker behind her, just like a fucking puppy dog.

  “Quill! What are you doing here?” she asks softly, concern lacing her voice. Her beauty takes my breath away. She looks good, and right on queue, my body responds to her. I can’t help but scan the length of her perfect body. My attention shifts when I see Nic step forward and place his hands on her. Everything around me stills. Jasmine is saying something, but I can’t make out her words. All I can focus on is that asshole’s hands on my woman’s body.

  “Jasmine, step away from that biker trash,” Nic says, glaring at me in disgust.

  Did I just hear him right? Did he just call me biker trash? No fucking way! My fists clench and rage fuels my body as I push my way past Jasmine and grab the pissant by his collared shirt. I pull my fist back and then connect it with his face, making him fall flat on his ass. Blood pours through his hands as he covers his face as he cries out in pain. “Fucking pussy,” I spit and kneel down in front of him so I have his full attention. He pushes back, trying to get away from me, but I hold onto his leg. “You might want to think twice before you start calling names, fucker, and as far as Jasmine goes, I never want to see your hands on my woman again. You so much as glance her way, I will fucking cut you up. You got me, asshole?”

  His eyes widen and his bloodied palms face me. “Please, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Please don’t hurt me again.”

  I look back at Jasmine and see Hawke is restraining her. She’s been yelling out my name since I put my fist into Nic’s face, but I ignored her as all that mattered to me in that moment was teaching this asshole a lesson.

  The corner of my mouth lifts and I narrow my eyes at her and point to Nic. “This is the fucking pussy that you chose over me, Jasmine?” I snarl, and then stand up and stride over to her. Tears are falling from her eyes, but I don’t let them get to me. I l
ift my finger to her chin to ensure I have her full attention. “I hope you’re happy, baby. I told you I loved you last night and opened myself up to you, something I’ve never done before. I was wrong to think that you were different.” I look back at Nic, who’s still crying over his broken nose, before turning back at Jasmine and smirking. “You just proved to me that all women are the same.” I step back and rake her body from head to toe, and then lock eyes with her again. “Fucking whores.”

  The words pour out like they taste bad, and I see her body jerk at my words. Her mouth opens and shuts like she wants to say something but doesn’t know how to respond. Hawke lets her go, but she doesn’t move, she just stands there.

  I turn my back on them and head back over to my bike. Hawke is yelling out to me, but I ignore him. I’m too pissed. I place the helmet on my head and look my fill of her one last time before I start my bike up and ride away from the only woman that I have ever loved.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Hawke dropped me off at home and said he had shit to do. He looked as if something was bothering him, and I’m sure it has something to do with the argument between him and Quill. I want to ask him why Quill hit him, but somehow I don’t think he’ll tell me.

  “Thanks for the ride, Hawke.” I give him a brief smile. He returns a chin lift and then revs his bike and takes off.

  I open the door to my apartment, shut it, and rest up against it before sliding down to the floor and giving in to the tears that were threatening to spill on the ride home.

  I can’t believe he called me a whore. I’ve never seen Quill look at me that way, with disgust. We’re over, and there’s nothing I can do about it. There is no talking to the man; he made up his mind and that’s final.

  I hear my phone ring and see Luisa’s number. She must be worried.

  “Hello,” I say shakily.

  “Jazz, are you okay? I couldn’t come out to check on you because the store was full of customers.”

  “It’s over, Lu,” I sob as new tears stream down my face again.

  “What do you mean, Jazz? Wasn’t it already over with Nic?”

  “Not Nic, Lu. Quill!” I cry.

  “Oh, Jasmine, tell me everything.”

  I explain the story from the beginning and how Nic asked if we could give our relationship another try. “I’m shocked that he even thought that there was a chance.”

  “That fucker, who does he think he is?”

  “I know, right?” I say, hitting my forehead with my palm. I then tell her how Quill turned up at the store and broke Nic’s nose.

  “And the worst part,” I say, sniffling, “is that he called me a whore. A whore, Lu. He said I was just like all the other women he had been with. Oh, the look in his eyes was heartless. He hates me. He really does. I don’t know what hurts me the most, the fact that he called me a whore or how he turned his back on me without letting me explain. What am I going to do? I love him,” I confess as I get up off the floor to get myself a tissue.

  “I’m gonna kill him,” she yells, and I smile, realizing it’s the first time I’ve smiled all weekend “He’s such a mucho dick. Who does he think he is, talking to you like that?”

  “He was hurting, Lu. I could see it in his eyes, but that’s not all he said,” I say, starting to cry all over again.

  “What more could there possibly be, Jazz?”

  “He said that he has never opened up to anyone before, and he did to me when he told me that he loved me last night. That’s when he said that I was like all the other whores.” I dab my eyes with my tissue and walk over to the sink. My hands shake as I pour myself a glass of water since my nerves are shot.

  “You know what, Jazz?” Lu asks. “You and I are gonna get drunk tonight.” I sigh at how Lu always thinks alcohol is going to fix our men problems. “How about we go out and get our drink on, and dance of course,” she says, laughing.

  “You know what? That sounds like a good plan. I need to get out and forget about Quill, at least for a while.”

  “That’s my girl,” she says happily. “I’ll see you tonight. I’ll bring pizza home.”

  “Thanks, Lu. You’re the best friend a girl could ask for,” I say, feeling a little better.

  “Don’t you know it,” she replies, giggling. “We’ll have you forgetting what his name is by the end of the night.”

  I wish! Somehow I doubt I will ever forget that name.


  After four shots of tequila and two beers that I had at our apartment earlier, I’m definitely drunk. We decided to go to Rubix to let our hair down, and it’s working.

  “I think I better stop now, Lu. No more drinks for me,” I slur as I watch Lu throw back her fifth shot.

  “Oh come on, Jazz, one more shot?” she demands, raising a finger in front of me. I stare at her finger and see that it’s fuzzy. Yep, no more alcohol for me. “Come on, let your hair down.”

  I stare at my shot sitting on the bar ready for me and think fuck it! I lick off the salt that’s on my hand, down the shot, and quickly suck on a lemon. I wince at the bitter taste in my mouth and give Lu a high five when she yells, “You go girl. Let’s dance!” She jumps up and down as “Don’t Be So Shy” by Imany starts playing.

  “Definitely, let’s go,” I yell back, leading Lu out to the dance floor and shaking my ass to the beat of the music. “I love this song!” I sway my hips and trail my hands over the outline of my body. I close my eyes and let the music take me away, and at that moment, nothing matters, only the way the music makes me feel.

  I open my eyes and see Lu fishing her phone out of her pocket. “I gotta take this,” she says, pointing to her phone. “It’s Hawke.”

  I wave my hand at her to let her know I’m okay, and I watch her walk out the bar with the phone to her right ear, while she covers the other with her free hand so she can hear him better. I continue dancing, not caring that I’m on my own. That soon changes when two men approach and dance with me, caging me between them. Their hands move to my hips, and I don’t protest when they travel down my body. I’m enjoying this. Lu was right; I needed to get out of the apartment.

  Lu returns and grabs me by the arm, pulling me away from the two men.

  “Hey,” I say, swaying on my feet, “I was having fun.”

  “Yeah well, they’re jerks,” she says, nodding to where the men are calling me to come back over.

  “Lu, let me go. I’m having fun. That’s what you wanted, right?”

  “Come with me, Jasmine.”

  “Fine,” I huff. “Where are we going?”

  “Hawke invited us to a club party they’re having tonight. They’re celebrating whatever their run was about last week.”

  “No way,” I say, shaking my head. “There’s no way I’m going to set foot in that place again, and there’s no way I’m going to see Quill. Nope, not gonna happen.”


  The cab parks in front of the compound, and I look over at Lu and groan. “I can’t believe you talked me into coming here with you,” I say, holding my face in my hands.

  “Come on, Jazz,” Lu replies, pulling my hands away. “Let’s show Quill what he’s missing out on. You look hot tonight.”

  I glance down at my short, black mini dress, and grunt. “Lu, did you not hear a word I told you over the phone? He said he’s done with me.”

  Lu huffs. “Whatever, let’s just see if he’s forgotten you, shall we?” she asks, her eyebrows dancing with mischief.

  “Fine,” I concede. “Let’s go and show him exactly what he’s missing.” I adjust the top half of my dress, showing off a little more cleavage.

  I feel slightly dizzy and sway on my feet when I get out of the cab. Trigger leaves the gate and walks over to me with concern in his eyes. “Hey there, darlin’, you okay?”

  “Hey, Trigger,” I say, stepping back to look up at him. “You’re cute,” I slur as I raise my finger to his cheek. He gives me a pitying smile and stops me fr
om tripping over when I take a step forward.

  “Whoa, hold on, darlin’. You’re drunk.”

  I snap my head up to his gaze and pout. “I’m not drunk. I’m just tipsy,” I say, hiccupping. “Come on, Trigger, let me in,” I whine. “Hawke asked us to come.” Trigger nods at me and I straighten my back when I ask, “Is Quill here tonight?”

  “Yeah, he’s here. He’s been in a shit-ass mood since last night. No one’s brave enough to approach him. I guess you guys didn’t sort shit out?”

  “You can say that,” I reply bitterly.

  “Well, off you go, ladies. Behave yourselves.” Trigger moves out of the way and opens the gates. As Luisa grabs my hand, we walk into the clubhouse together.

  She stops in her tracks and I pull on her hand when she doesn’t budge. I follow her gaze and see the woman from the other day, Cassie, sitting on Hawke’s lap while he plays cards. He’s laughing at something she whispers in his ear and his hand trails down her bare back. She’s wearing some skimpy hot pink number, and her tits are practically spilling from her top onto Hawke’s arm. Hawke’s head turns toward where we are casually and he notices Lu right away. His eyes widen and he pushes Cassie off his lap and stands. “Babe, nothing’s going on,” Hawke states as Lu and I come face to face with him. Luisa lets go of my hand and pulls Hawke away from Cassie and the men surrounding the table, who have stopped what they’re doing to laugh as they enjoy the scene before them.

  “Um, guys,” I say, waving my hand at them, trying to gain their attention, but fail. “I’ll just leave you two to talk and go get myself a drink, shall I?” Neither of them acknowledges me as they continue to stare each other down.

  I head to the bar to order a beer that I really don’t need, considering all the alcohol I’ve already consumed. But who cares, you’re only young once, right? “It’s My Life” by Bon Jovi is blaring through the speakers and the scent of cigarettes and pot hits my senses. I look around the room and notice that there are men drinking themselves under the table. Club whores are all over them, and I’m sure one couple is having sex on the couch. Gross, don’t these people have morals? Some guys are playing pool, but I don’t spot Quill anywhere


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