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Female Domination 10 Book Bundle: Femdom, Findom, BDSM, Chastity Cage, Human Furniture, Bondage, Corporal Punishment, & More!

Page 7

by Audra Black

  Truthfully, Tyler didn’t care about her friends. But he did care about her, even though he’d known her for less than an hour. There was something so special about her that made him want to dedicate himself to her happiness. And if it would please her to see him naked, then he would strip for her. And so he did.

  A loud pounding sounded on the front door. “That’s Cal, take care of him for me.” Dawn ordered.

  Tyler’s heart pounded loudly in his ears and his blood immediately raced to his genitals. He was scared to death he was going to be beaten to a bloody pulp by Dawn’s angry ex, but for some reason this excited his cock greatly. He decided to let his cock lead him, and so with more bravery than he really felt, Tyler swung open the door and faced off with the skinny, wiry dude in a black suit and dirty spectacles.

  “You’re naked.” Cal accused angrily. “I can’t believe she’s replaced me, already.” And then he wept.

  Tyler had no idea how to respond to this, but his dick wilted in disgust and disappointment.

  “I serve Dawn Delilah. That’s my job,” Cal cried. “I gave her the best four years of my life. I did everything she ever asked of me. This isn’t fair. It isn’t right.”

  Suddenly, Dawn appeared behind Tyler, she gave his left nipple a hard twist. He cried out in pain and stepped back, allowing her to face off with her rejected serving boy.

  “This is all your own doing, Calvin. I gave you a command and you disobeyed me. You knew the consequences.”

  “But it was Frotting Hill in concert! I’ve been dying to see them for ten years. Your friend, Gabby gave them to me. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I couldn’t pass that up. I just couldn’t.”

  “That was a test.” Dawn said coldly. “I asked Gabby to give you those tickets to test your loyalty. When I took you on, you promised to always put me and my desires before your own. When you took those tickets you put your own selfish wants first. You failed me, Calvin Tripp. I do not wish to see your face again.” Then she slammed the door shut, making Tyler jump.

  A timer dinged and Tyler shouted, “The pasta is done.” Dawn didn’t object, so he raced back to the kitchen, to finish the last part of the meal. He hadn’t been paying as much attention to the meal as he should have done, but it looked all right, and tasted all right, so all he had to next was to add the arugula and feta to the pasta and make it look good.

  Dawn followed him into the kitchen, she watched him work in silence, and then she said. “Tonight is an audition for you. I need a new personal assistant, a man who will do whatever I command him to do, without question. A man who will always put my pleasure and happiness before his own. A man without his own life, his own purpose, who would be able to find joy and peace of mind from serving me.”

  Tyler’s hands shook as he finished preparing the pasta dish. He didn’t know how to answer. He washed his hands while trying to think how to reply.

  “I know what happened to your wife,” Dawn said, sidling up behind him. She ran her fingers down his back, her long nails trailing down his shoulder blades.

  He gasped at the contact. It had been far too long since he’d been touched by a woman. “How did you find out?” He managed to ask.

  “I’m friends with Mary, your boss. She told me about the tragic ferry accident, a few years ago. She said she worried about you, that you had lost your zest for life. She said that you walked around like a zombie, that you never smiled, and that you kept to yourself all the time.”

  “Her name was Lisa,” Tyler said. “She was the love of my life. When she was taken from me, I had nothing left to live for.” He hated talking about Lisa because it always brought up such emotional pain. Tyler hated pain and so he always kept it buried deep down inside.

  “I could be your new reason for living,” Dawn Delilah said boldly. “But first, I think you’ve got some pain you need to deal with. Burying it inside of you is not good for you. You’ll never be able to move on if you keep doing that.”

  “I think you’re wonderful,” Tyler said honestly. “But I’m not sure I’m ready for such a huge commitment.”

  “That’s what the audition is for, Ty-boy,” Dawn said. “I lied about having guests. No one is coming. I just want to test you, tonight. See how flexible you are, how good you are at following orders under stressful conditions.”

  Tyler realized that Dawn had been manipulating events ever since he’d arrived. He should have been angry, but instead he felt grateful. He’d been about to off himself and now he was starting to feel a small ray of hope for the future.

  “I think I’d like to test your pain threshold now. Follow me to my bedroom, and we’ll try a spanking.”

  Tyler’s cock perked right up at that as he followed Dawn to her bedroom. He hadn’t been spanked since he was a kid. He wondered how much it would hurt, and wondered if there was still time to back out if he wanted to.

  Dawn had obviously been planning this because there was an array of spanking instruments laid out already on her bed. He saw a thick wooden paddle, a man’s belt, a riding crop, and even a razor strap.

  Dawn sat down on the edge of the bed and beckoned Tyler to come closer.

  “We’ll start with over the knee and see how you take that.”

  Tyler was embarrassed as he awkwardly placed himself over Dawn’s lap. His engorged cock merrily splaying itself against her thighs.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of your dirty little tool, later. I may wish to play with it sometimes, but only at my discretion. That’s the biggest thing you need to accept if you are to serve me. My will is the highest law around here. If you understand and accept this, say, yes, Mistress.”

  It was hard to disagree with anything she said when she had him pinned over her knees with a heavy wooden paddle casually stroking his backside.

  “Yes, Mistress,” he said.

  “Good Ty-boy. Now I don’t believe in using spanking as a punishment. To me, the application of the strap is to allow you to release all of your inner turmoil. As a man you have been trained by society to not show your emotions. And that isn’t healthy. A really sound caning will allow you to release all of those feelings you’ve been building up inside. So that is what we are here to accomplish.”

  With that said she drew the paddle back then “thwack” brought it harshly down onto Tyler’s bare arse.

  It definitely hurt, but he didn’t cry out.

  She lifted the paddle again and “thwack,” brought it to bear on his ass again.

  It stung like the dickens, and he winced, just a little bit.

  “We’ll get there, Ty. Don’t you worry.”

  And then she walloped him good again and again and again. “Thwack, thwack, thwack.”

  By this time his butt was on fire, but he still didn’t cry out.

  “That was a lovely warm-up,” Dawn said, abruptly pushing him off her lap.

  He found himself crashing down onto the floor, his cock absorbing much of the impact. He howled that time as unbelievable pain radiated everywhere from a single point in his crotch.

  But still there were no tears, and tears were what Mistress Dawn wanted.

  “Lean over the back of this chair, grasp the edges with your fingers. There, that’s it. Now that your bottom has been warmed up, let’s try the belt, shall we?”

  The belt stung far worse than the paddle and it made a terribly ominous swish as it flew through the air on it’s way to his burning bottom. “Swish, craaack,”

  “Swish, craaack. Swish, craaack. Swish, craaack. Swish, craaaack. Swish, craaaaaack.”

  His entire backside was on fire now, it felt like flames were literally eating his skin away. He couldn’t stay on the chair for another one and he pushed himself off. His hands madly trying to rub the pain away and to protect himself from another belting.

  “I’m sorry, Ty-boy. You still haven’t cried which means you have not had nearly enough. Why don’t we tie you down for this next part.”

  Tyler didn’t want to be tied down
. He didn’t want any more pain. But he only had two choices: he could stay and receive more physical pain from Mistress Dawn, or he could return home to revisit his inner pain alone. There was no contest, really.

  And so he stretched himself out on the cold, metal spanking bench, which Dawn kept in her closet. Then he allowed her to stretch his arms up above his head and shackle each wrist to the side of the bench. She did the same with his legs, stretching them out and shackling his ankles to the bench. His chains were tight and he could not move now or escape.

  “I’m going to use the riding crop on your legs and the razor strap on your back,” Mistress Dawn said. “I have soundproof walls so you don’t need to worry about the neighbors hearing you cry.”

  Tyler could only lie there and take whatever Dawn chose to dish out.

  The crop on his legs was continual, it felt like being stung by a thousand bees, one sting by another sting. He kept trying to move his legs to get away from the constant stings but he couldn’t because he was tied down. He was helpless, and they just kept coming, one after the other until he didn’t think they would ever stop.

  But then they did. It took him a while to even realize it because the entire lower half of his body was engulfed in a circle of pain. He really didn’t think he could take much more. But still he didn’t cry. There was something inside of him, something deeper than the pain that was blocking him, trapping those emotions inside. He could feel it’s grip loosening but it wasn’t loose enough yet. Which made him feel even more powerless than he did under Mistress Dawn’s cane.

  Then the razor strap hit his back, “kwathaaaaaaack” and the lightning bolt of pain, added to the continuous pain of the rest of his body was too much for him and suddenly something released in him and he cried.

  Dawn hit him with the strap three more times, “kwathaaaaaaaaaaack, kwathaaaaaaaaaack, kwathaaaaaaaaaaaaaack,”and he cried with each one. Huge shuddering waves of emotional pain swelled out of him to overwhelm his physical pain sensors to the point where he could no longer feel anything.

  He couldn’t feel his body, he couldn’t feel the table he was strapped to, his consciousness was swept away and for awhile he felt nothing, it was like a neverending bucket of water was being dumped over his head and he couldn’t breathe.

  When he finally came back to himself, he felt empty. No, not empty, light. There was such a lightness to him and a peace, unlike anything he had ever felt before. He wasn’t encumbered by his emotions anymore. All of his sadness, depression and grief was gone. He was a new man.

  “How do you feel now, Ty-boy?” Dawn asked as she undid the strips and allowed him to get up from the spanking bench.

  “I feel amazing,” Tyler said. “I feel like you stripped away everything that I was before and now I am a brand new person standing before you.”

  “Do you know who you are now, Ty-boy? You are my servant. My loyal, loving, dependable and dependent servant. Kneel before me.”

  And Tyler’s knees instantly knelt before his Mistress. He would do anything for her now. He no longer had anything holding him back from serving her like she needed him to.

  “Stay right there, I’ll be back,” Dawn instructed him, and Tyler remained in that spot until she returned with a black belt which was attached to two stainless steel cages.

  “You will wear this most of the time from now on. I don’t want you masturbating or receiving any pleasure unless I decide you shall have it. Stand up, so that I can put this on you, properly.”

  Tyler stood up and looked uneasily at the torture device. The pain she’d given him before had been for his benefit. He wasn’t sure how caging his cock and balls would benefit him, but he knew he had to trust his mistress. She obviously knew what was best for him better than he knew himself.

  And so he submitted and allowed her to tie the belt around his waist, then she took his cock in her hand, it had gone down to normal size once the pain became too much for it, but now it was coming to life again in Mistress Dawn’s capable hands.

  Dawn gently stroked his swelling manhood, running lithe, talented fingers up and down his shaft. He shuddered and gasped under her care.

  “I know how to make you feel good, Ty-boy. And I know how to make you feel bad.” And then she squeezed his balls, digging her fingernails into his sack.

  He whimpered and cried out, as his cock quickly deflated back to normal. And then she shoved it roughly into its cock cage.

  “Your pleasure and your pain are now under my control. I know what’s best for you. I know what you need. And in return for my careful managing of you, I need you to learn to give me what I need. I need you to learn to anticipate my needs and my desires. Your job, Ty-boy is to make my life run as smoothly as possible, so that I can help you live a full life of service and joy.”

  And then she wrapped his balls into the final cage. Two steel rings locked them shut. Mistress Dawn showed him the key.

  “I will wear this key around my neck. It is my promise to always do right by you. And your wearing of that cage is your promise to always do right by me.” She smiled and hugged Tyler close.

  Tyler’s cock tried to swell to hug her back but there wasn’t enough room and he cried out in pain.

  Dawn pulled away and said, “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. I worked up quite an appetite back there. Prepare a plate and bring it to me in the sitting room.”

  Dawn left the bedroom and Tyler followed behind her. He tried not to look at her delicious ass, he knew doing so would not be good for him, but he looked and admired it anyway. It was beautiful, roundly shaped in a perfect circle. Hers was not an ass to be spanked, but one to kissed and worshiped. Tyler hoped that if he was good, one day, Mistress Dawn would allow him to show his devotion.

  In the kitchen, the Shrimp Gemelli was cold, so he shoved it into the microwave and hoped it would still taste good. He wondered if he was allowed to make himself a plate. Mistress hadn’t said to make one for himself so he decided not to, even though he was also really hungry.

  He remembered seeing a TV tray somewhere, so he looked through the cupboards until he found the small plastic try. He set the Shrimp Gemelli plate on it, and searched the fridge for a drink. She wanted him to anticipate her needs, after all.

  So he anticipated she would like a drink. He chose a fancy bottle of cold spring water since she had a lot of those in there. It must be something she drank a lot of, he surmised. Then he carried the tray into the sitting room.

  Dawn Delilah was resting on the sofa with her feet up, the sofa was turned so that she could easily recline and still watch TV without straining her neck. Tyler set the tray down on her lap.

  “How am I supposed to eat this?” She demanded. “With my fingers?”

  Tyler’s eyes widened as he realized he’d forgotten to get her a fork.

  “I’m sorry, Mistress. I’ll be right back with your fork.”

  Once he came racing back with her fork, Dawn was sitting upright and she patted the sofa cushion beside her. “Sit. Let’s see how well you do at feeding me.”

  Tyler sank down nervously on the couch and accepted the tray from Dawn. He speared a shrimp and a few noodles and held the fork up to Dawn’s mouth. She watched him with sparkling midnight blue eyes. Then she opened her mouth and accepted his fork.

  Tyler was careful to not poke her gums with the tines, and to wait for the feeling of lightness, which meant the fork was clean, before removing it.

  “You’re doing well, Ty-boy,” she said. “I generally feed myself, but it’s nice to know I don’t have to if I’m not feeling up to it.”

  Both Tyler and little tyler flushed from the praise. His cock’s pleasure sent a sharp stab through his groin, and he gritted his teeth to keep himself from crying out.

  “You don’t need to hide your pain from me, Ty-boy. I like seeing it. It helps me to gauge if you’re getting enough or if I am overloading you.”

  Being vulnerable did not come naturally to Tyler. He was a submissive
people pleaser, sure, but that didn’t mean he wanted anyone getting that close to him. But he supposed that Mistress Dawn was as close as anyone could be to him now, so if she wanted to know how he felt, if she genuinely cared that much, then he would do his utmost best to show her.

  “I’m sorry, Mistress. I won’t hide from you anymore,” he said, as he placed the final forkful in her mouth. She swallowed and smiled.

  “That’s my good toy. I think I’m going to enjoy having you around. Now take these dishes away, wash up from dinner, put everything away, and have a bite, yourself. You’ve earned it. When you’re done return to me, and we’ll figure out where you will spend the night.”

  “Spend the night?” Tyler froze.

  “Yes, dear. I can’t have you going back to that horrid shit hole you were living in.”

  “But my stuff,” Tyler said.

  “I will buy you new stuff. Whatever you need to serve me better. You’re a new person now, remember? Your old life is gone. Your old stuff, too.”

  Tyler was not expecting this. He wasn’t sure why it came as such a shock. Wasn’t he willing to dedicate himself and the rest of his life to serving his mistress? His answer to himself was, yes, he was. He just hadn’t expected to never return to his old life.

  “So you want me to live here with you?” Tyler asked.

  “Yes, of course. You can’t serve me very well from anywhere else.”

  “What about my job at Willing’s Grocery?”

  “I told Mary that if I liked you, you would be coming to work for me. She’ll send your final paycheck to this address, and I’ll spend the money for you. Financial duties will not be part of your responsibilities.”

  “My money is your money, Mistress,” Tyler said, easily. He’d never been a big spender anyway.

  “Indeed,” Dawn said. “And tomorrow we will go to the bank and you will turn all of your accounts over to me. You will also turn over your wallet and your keys to me, as well. You won’t be going anywhere without my permission, so you won’t need private access to them.”


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