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Bedtime for Cody: An ABDL MM Romance

Page 5

by Jerry Hastings

  He nodded, saying, “Yes, sir. I’m never going to pick on him from now on, and I’m going to be more respectful to other people. I hate myself and I think my dick is small.”

  His luck was that I knew he was just going through a phase, and that soon he was going to change his ways. I allowed him then to take off the diaper and put his pants back on. When he rushed out of the cabin, I knew I wasn’t going to see him again in a pretty long time, or ever again for that matter.

  Walking out of there with Cody, I knew there were a lot of things I needed to discuss with him. After Jack stole his diaper, he needed to tell me all about that.

  I wasn’t going to drop the matter until he did.

  Chapter 7


  Matt was pretty persistent about it. We sat down and talked. It must have lasted hours, for when it finished, the sun was setting on the horizon. The tones of orange, yellow, and crimson replaced the blueness of the sky. I found myself then staring at the falling sun, my hand looking for his.

  My hand was looking for his because I knew this was the culmination of a lot of things that had been happening in our lives. Him saving my ass from Jack twice, coming to my place, buying me dinner, me calling him sir all the time, and, of course, also taking me to that shop that specialized in selling baby stuff.

  I was in my room now, holding a pencil in my hand. I was sketching Mister. He wasn’t in my bedroom. He was in his office room, trying to make some money online by writing on his blog.

  He did make some money from that and his lumberjack profession. It just wasn’t enough for him to move out of here. He’d told me he wanted to do that soon. He wished to tell my parents about me, about us, and then offer me an opportunity I’d never be able to refuse.

  I could just imagine what it would be like, to live with him for the rest of my life. I’d be making yet another come true right? Funny how things were now with him. Matt was the catalyst that made so many of my dreams become a part of my life.

  I still had my college classes here. Jack kept to himself now, and I doubted he’d ever be an issue to me again. Good. Bullies like him needed to be taught a lesson, and they needed to realize they were nothing more than rubbish.

  I was sketching my Mister because I knew I could remember all the details of his face. We’d been dating for so long now that I could even remember the shape of his neck, the size of his delicious lips, and the way his eyebrows arched every time he frowned.

  I kept brushing the pencil on the piece of paper until it was finished. Ripping it off the ‘notebook’ part and then holding it in my hand, I rushed out of the room, my diaper crinkling and making another noise that forced my heart to skip a beat. Oh no, I’d been so engrossed in my art that I hadn’t paid attention to this one important thing!

  I’d peed in my diaper. Dammit, I’d messed it up again. Since turning 10, or maybe some years before that, I’d learned that I was going to be wearing diapers for the rest of my life. I just couldn’t control my bladder, though that didn’t mean that most of the time I didn’t notice it when it happened.

  This was the first time that was happening, when I peed without noticing I was doing that.

  Matt was going to think I’d been a bad boy, and then he’d spank me. I needed to prove to him somehow that it wasn’t my fault, but he was just going to think otherwise, wasn’t he? This whole thing was getting a little out of hand.

  I was crawling, making sure to keep suckling on my paci. I was doing that like Maggie from the Simpsons did on the show, my ears picking up the sound of his typing from the other side of the room.

  Now was my time to come up with a plan, but what? He was going to need to believe me. I had no proper plan, but I was going to insist that it happened out of the blue. He was going to notice the truth in my voice and then pick me up.

  He’d carry me around his house before taking me back to my parent’s place. I wished I could tell them what was going on here, but I couldn’t. They’d kick me out of there so hard I would never be allowed in.

  I loved them. I loved them too much to let that come to pass, so Matt and I decided to keep the whole thing secret for now.

  Still suckling on my light blue paci, I looped my fingers on the knob and then pushed the door open as Matt’s head turned to me. He looked as handsome as ever, and I found it pretty curious that this time he was wearing a white office shirt and a pair of khaki pants. He looked the part. Maybe he had online interviews in his room I didn’t know about?

  “Oh, that stench,” he complained, coming over to me and then picking me up with ease. The winter season was at its peak, and it was far from over, but he’d saved up enough to buy some high-quality heaters. They worked pretty well, allowing me to be on just my diaper while I was here.

  I was suckling on my paci and I’d only talk to him if he took it out of my mouth. For now, it seemed he was going to keep it in there. My eyes locking with his, he reaffirmed how much our love meant to him, but there were still some things about it he kept doing that weren’t my cup of tea.

  One of them came in the form of his punishments, and the other was all the rules he made me follow to the letter. Was that never going to change? I needed him to scratch them off. They didn’t add anything to our relationship. All they did was make me feel miserable sometimes.

  I supposed they were a part of the whole daddy/little roleplay thing, but still… it would all be so much better if he could change his mind about them.

  “You didn’t just mess your diaper, did you?” He asked, his voice low and imponent. I couldn’t help but nod, getting a sigh from him.

  “I told you many times about this. You’re making me think you’re never going to learn,” he said, still not taking my paci off.

  He took me to our bedroom and laid me down in the bed. He then took my diaper off, my skin sensing the cold that snuck from the outside into the house. It didn’t matter how much he tried to make it perfect, the cold was always going to seep in.

  I was all exposed now, my pee-pee hard and pointing at him. His eyes regarded it with lust for some seconds before taking them off. From the top drawer of his dresser, he took what he was going to need to clean me up before putting on another diaper.

  A box of baby wipes, and a bottle full of baby talcum.

  “Look at you. You are such a mess now,” he said, taking one of the wipes and then sliding it down and up on my butt, and then up and down and left and right. The smell of mint tickled my nose, making me giggle while I squirmed.

  “Stay still, little one. I’m still not done,” Matt said, his eyes looking fiercely at me. I stopped what I was doing, keeping my whole body frozen.

  He took another wipe and slid it all over my buttocks again, making sure to get every last drop of my pee. My sensitive regions felt clean now, but there was still the matter of the diaper. Was it going to take him long to put it on me?

  I sure as hell hoped not, but as with all other things in my life, I couldn’t be sure of that until it happened.

  His hand grabbing the talcum bottle from before, he told me there was still that one more thing he needed to do. I couldn’t help but sigh without taking off my paci. I’d thought that he was already going to put the diaper on me.

  Throwing some of the powder on my butt and pee-pee, he then smiled and kissed one of my cheeks. “Such a cute, little baby boy,” he murmured to my ear, nibbling one of my earlobes. I squirmed and fought against his attack, kicking the air. He knew it was one of my most ticklish spots, and he abused it every time he had the chance.

  It was so unfair!

  He ripped the diaper out of the plastic wrapper, and then held it by pinching his fingers at both gluey straps. “Come on, lift your legs a little,” he commanded, and I had no choice but to obey.

  Raising my legs, he connected both of my ankles by wrapping one of his hands around them. Seconds later, he slid my leg through one of the holes of the diaper, and then did the same with my other leg.

  Connecting th
e first half of the straps together, he secured the diaper on my hips and then plopped down on the bed. I didn’t move to the side to give him enough space, though. I remained where I was, still lying on the mattress as my eyes met his one more time.

  His finger played with my bottom lip, but he still didn’t feel like removing the paci. Was that because he liked it how it was? Was it because he’d rather keep me just the way I was at the moment – educated and disciplined?

  I didn’t know, but I was more than willing to wait to find out the truth. It was the only way to get out of this the proper way.

  “It’s getting late, my little one, and I’ve already told your parents you’re going to stay the night here. Do you want me to tell you a story before sleeping?”

  I nodded. I’d thought he was going to spank me first, but it was pretty cool that-

  He chuckled all of sudden. “You really thought it was going to be that easy? I still need you to explain to me what happened. I taught you not to mess your diaper while I’m away. And about your sketch of me… It’s pretty nice. I love it, but it doesn’t really change anything. Your punishment is still going to come, and it’s going to come now, little prince.”

  Having said that, he pushed himself off the bed and swept me up in his arms.

  “The punishment is going to be less painful this time, since you’re diapered. But it still is going to be something you’re not going to enjoy much,” he said, taking the paci off, but all I could do was to say, “goo-goo dah-dah.”

  I was a little baby through and through. The whole thing about making a plan and explaining it to him was nothing more than a huge ruse. In the end, the pretty little boy he was carrying in his strong arms was the real me.

  “Here, here’s your paci, little prince,” he said with a comforting tone, sitting down on the living room’s couch and spreading me on his lap. Pulling his hand up, he then smacked my diapered butt with enough force to make me feel the sting through the thick material. It was padded and the diaper was of a pretty high-quality design, but I could still feel it.

  Suckling on the paci, I let him punish me for as long as he felt like doing it. It took it too long to end, though, as tears were rolling down my cheeks. Despite the pain, there was no denying some of me was enjoying it.

  My pee-pee was so hard. The gleam in his eyes told me everything I needed to know. If it were up to him, he’d be fucking me right here and now, and maybe he was going to do that pretty soon.

  “Are you feeling alright, my pretty little boy?” He asked, pulling me up and then making me sit on his lap. I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and then allowed my body to fall and rest on his.

  Shifting a little, I settled my head in the crook of his neck and then closed my eyes. I could fall asleep now, though I was aware sleep time was coming soon and that he was going to take me to our bed in about some minutes.

  “Shhhh, shhh. Going to take you to bed now and tell you a beautiful story before falling asleep, okay?” He said, not asking me anything, but just making sure he was telling me what his plans were.

  He took me back to our bedroom, tucked me underneath the huge, heavy comforters, and then grabbed a book from his bookshelf. Matt was pretty old school. He preferred the print options to the digital ones, and that was something about him that was never going to change.

  He opened his mouth as he started to recite the words of the story, always making sure to pronounce them well so that I would fall asleep faster. The story kept going on and on for a pretty long time until I fell asleep.

  And when I woke up the next morning, I knew there were plenty more things I was going to do with my Mister.

  Chapter 8


  Iwas cutting logs in the backyard of another family’s house when I thought of Cody. He was in my house still, not wishing to go back to his parents’ home. I told him time and time again that he needed to go back, and he’d been obeying me. But still, that didn’t mean he didn’t keep mentioning that he would rather do something different.

  I couldn’t blame him. His parents didn’t know about his littleness, and they thought I was just a sweet old man that had befriended him. Oh, if they found out the kind of things we did together, they’d kick me out of his life and never let me return there. Good thing we were pretty secretive about it, and that Cody would never spill the beans.

  I finished cutting the logs, talked to the woman inside the house. She was pretty old, her back hunched, but she was pretty generous with me. I insisted that she was giving me more cash than what we’d agreed on in the beginning, but she kept saying she didn’t mind it.

  I took the cash bills, tucked them into the wallet, and then headed to my pickup truck. Getting inside it and firing up the engine, I headed home. My mind thought of little Cody all the time, and I could just imagine what he looked like at this moment.

  In his diaper.

  It was still cold outside, the season being the Winter one still, but it was already moving away. I regarded with some curiosity the people perambulating on the streets, the dogs chasing each other, cats hopping around, and that sort of thing. Just another day here in Owens.

  It took me a little time to reach my home, and I couldn’t help but look at the house with jubilant eyes. There was no light in any room of the structure, but I knew little Cody was still there in the spot I’d asked him to be.

  He’d been a bad boy again, and needed to be taught a good, harsh lesson. I knew he didn’t approve of that side of our roleplay much, but so far, he hadn’t been showing me any signs that it was too much for him. We’d agreed on a safe word for him, and he could use it any time he felt things were getting out of hand.

  It was NYC. New York City. After he learned that I’d lived there my whole life before moving to Owens, he revealed that yet another of his dreams was us living there. How could I refuse that to him?

  There were some problems with that, though. He was still studying here, and I didn’t have enough money to move us over there. When I was still there, I paid the rent of an apartment near Manhattan. Pretty expensive, but the location was top notch. The most annoying thing about having lived there, aside from the excessive amount of tourists, was the number of cars on the streets.

  I got out of the car and then headed to the front door of the house. Opening it, I said, “Little one, are you still there and obeying your time out? You know that, if you’ve been cheating, I’m going to find out.”

  And he knew. I was pretty obsessed with our safety here in Owens. After going through some… life experiences in New York, I feared something similar would happen here one day.

  I’d installed some cameras not just on the outside of the house, but also on the inside of it. I turned them off when I was here, and then turned them back on every time I was out.

  Cody did mention once something about finding that creepy, but he didn’t insist on the issue much further. I’d thought it was okay, and it allowed me to leave the house whenever I needed without worrying that something terrible would happen to him.

  Even if it did, I’d find the culprit. Jack had been picking on him not too long ago, hadn’t he been? What would stop someone else from trying something similar, and maybe even worse than the worst thing he did?

  Breaking into his home and then stealing his diaper. It helped me find the last piece of his puzzle, of little Cody, but it was still such a painful experience to him. I’d do anything to make it so he would never, ever have to go through something similar again in his life.

  Walking around in the house some more, my heart skipped a beat. It couldn’t have happened, right? I’d told him I was going to be back in a jiff, and that he didn’t need to fear anything. It was his time out, and even though I’d perceived a hint of trouble in his eyes, it was nothing more than a part of his roleplay.

  I rounded a corner and halted when I realized he was not in the spot he was supposed to be. The next thought that crossed my mind wasn’t that he’d taken off and run away
from me, but that he was sleeping on our bed.

  That had to be the case.

  I passed by the blackboard I’d planned with him. On it were the rules I’d been making him follow to the letter, and albeit they were a little on the harsh side, the spice they added was undeniably exquisite. I could never, ever continue to age play with anyone if he didn’t follow those rules.

  Although I’d written them down on the blackboard in one sitting, I’d been developing them since my first introduction into the ABDL universe. It was then I found out I was a Daddy. I’d thought them through many times over, until one day I perfected them.

  Now… Now they were like nothing else, better in every way than any other set of rules one could find on the internet.

  I halted in front of the blackboard, reading said rules.


  No cussing. Daddy doesn’t allow it.

  Bedtime before 10, but it can be after 11 sometimes, if there’s something worthwhile on TV.

  Always tell your Mister if something’s wrong.

  Compliment yourself every time you wake up in the morning.

  No sugar or junk food, except on Saturdays and Sundays.

  Always tell Mister Matthew when a rule is broken.

  Tell him when he does something you don’t like.

  And there it was. The perfect balance of things he needed to follow and do. I regarded the blackboard with a hint of happiness before proceeding to the bedroom. “My little prince, are you here? If you are, then know there’s going to be another spanking for breaking yet another rule. I told you to remain still in that corner.”

  I crept the door open, inching my head through the doorway until… my eyes landed on the made-up bed. It looked neat, all the blankets and sheets how they were supposed to be. I couldn’t believe it.

  My heart skipping a beat, I rushed around through the entire house, screaming his name, but still not finding him anywhere. That meant he’d ran away from me. There was still snow outside, which meant that he could be tracked down.


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