The Waiting Game

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The Waiting Game Page 6

by Anna Samuels

  After a brief conversation, Alex assured whoever was calling that she would be there shortly.

  ‘I have to go,’ she told me, reluctantly, pulling on her clothes and then stepping close to stand beside me. ‘I don’t want to leave you but…’

  ‘Alex, it’s fine,’ I assured her. ‘I’m pretty tired now. I’m going to go down to the cabin and sleep now.’

  ‘Oh, okay,’ she replied quietly. ‘You don’t regret what just happened?’ she questioned.

  ‘No! Not at all!’ I exclaimed, honestly.

  ‘Okay, good. And you’ll see me again?’ she questioned, suddenly looking unsure of herself.

  ‘I’d love to,’ I smiled.

  She bent to kiss me gently on the lips and I smiled up at her.

  ‘Come on then,’ she murmured. ‘I’ll drive you down to your cabin.’

  Ten minutes later, Alex dropped me at the door of the cabin. After a brief kiss, she waved and was gone. I let myself in to the warm, cosy cabin and shut the door behind me. Sinking down onto the sofa, I sighed with contented bliss. My heart was still hammering with emotion and I felt excitement running through my veins. My dormant sex felt alive with anticipation and suddenly life seemed full of possibility.

  I sat staring into space for a long while before eventually heading to bed. There, I pulled the soft duvet up around my naked body and languished in the memories of being with Alex. I couldn’t quite believe everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours, but somehow I knew that our time together was far from over.

  Chapter 9

  The following morning, I awoke early. Anticipation was still pulsing through me and all I could think of was Alex.

  I showered and dressed, taking more care than usual over my choice of clothes. After a quick coffee, I decided a walk was in order. I told myself I was simply planning on exploring the grounds of the holiday park but I knew deep down that all I really wanted was another encounter with Alex.

  I left the cabin and stepped out into the crisp autumnal air. I breathed in the sights of the season, leaves on the ground and an array of colours on the trees. It was a lovely time of year, not too cold but atmospheric in beauty.

  I wandered across the grass, towards the general area of the reception building, considering whether to go in or not. A rush of excitement spread through me as I thought about seeing Alex again. Memories of the night before quickly blossomed in my head and I felt my body tensing in response to my thoughts.

  Alex, and everything about her filled my mind. Already I knew that she was an incredible woman and I ached for more. I felt the prospect of the freedom before me now so intensely that I burned inside. I had no job to go to; I didn’t need to go home yet and I had met a wonderful woman with whom I could experiment and explore.

  I reached the building and pushed the door open before I could think twice about it. I wanted to see her, and whether she wanted me there or not, I couldn’t help myself.

  The room was bright and warm. Someone was clearly in, and as Alex had told me she was running the place during the winter, I assumed it was her.

  ‘Hello?’ I called tentatively.

  I heard footsteps and suddenly there she was. ‘Cassie?’

  ‘Hey,’ I said against the lump in my throat.

  ‘I was wondering if you’d venture this way again,’ she said, with a silky smile.

  I walked towards her, feeling drawn towards her like a magnet.

  ‘I haven’t stopped thinking about you since last night,’ she said huskily, her voice low as I stepped towards her.

  As I got closer to her, she reached out and pulled me into her arms. I went willingly, lifting my face for her kiss.

  Her mouth found mine eagerly and our kiss was passionate and long. She walked me backwards, behind the reception counter and then into the back room. There, she pressed me up against the wall and her mouth slanted across mine hungrily. She kissed me like I was the most passionate, exotic creature she had ever met. I moaned my pleasure as her tongue drove me to a frenzy.

  As her hands ran down my back as she kissed me, I felt myself shiver involuntarily. My nipples tightened into hard, buds-erect and aching for her touch. One of her hands moved around to the front of my jeans and slipped inside my clothes. Her fingers slid into my most intimate place and she rubbed against my already-slick clitoris. I moaned in pleasure as delicious sensations rushed through me. I felt the pressure building as the duel pressure of her mouth and fingers drove me to oblivion. My breath came faster and I felt my knees threaten to give way. In less than a few seconds, I came with a cry, pulling my mouth away from hers to gasp in pleasure. Alex pulled my shirt open and released my breast; bending to suckle on it hard as the waves of pleasure crashed over me. My breasts ached with sensation and my clitoris was pulsing with the aftershocks of my orgasm. I slumped against the wall, spent.

  Alex rose from my breast to take my mouth with hers once more. She kissed me long and slow, her erotic mouth making me hot with desire.

  ‘Oh Alex,’ I groaned, unable to help myself.

  ‘Nice?’ she asked softly, in my ear.

  ‘Mmm,’ was all I could manage, holding her close against my body.

  As she kissed me, she reached for my hand, guiding it into her clothing. It felt strange and almost backwards in direction to be touching her soft folds. I had only ever touched myself and never another woman like this. It was new; and very exciting.

  ‘Oh yeah,’ she said softly against my mouth as I rubbed her clitoris in slick motion.

  I kissed her as I touched her and before long she was gasping and crying out as she came hard against my fingers. The feelings of ecstasy rushed through me as I watched her climax under my ministrations. It gave me intense pleasure to see her so satisfied and in those heady moments as I watched her orgasm, I knew what I had been missing for so many, long years.

  ‘Hello? Anyone in?’ a voice called as the bell from the door jangled loudly.

  Alex and I sprang apart immediately, straightening our clothes and looking guilty as sin.

  ‘Just coming!’ Alex called brightly, grinning at me with amusement.

  I swallowed hard, feeling completely dishevelled.

  ‘I’ll be back in a few minutes,’ she promised.

  As Alex left, I slumped into one of the seats feeling spent.

  As the customer spoke to Alex, I glanced around her office with interest. It was small and humble, made homely by photographs and personalisation by the woman herself. Alex clearly loved her family, and her business. There were photos from the past when the park looked very different to how it did now. I glanced at each one with interest.

  ‘Sorry about that,’ Alex said, returning to join me.

  ‘No worries,’ I smiled. ‘Everything okay?’

  ‘Yes, fine,’ she replied. ‘Just a cabin I need to go and sort. There’s some kind of leak so I’ll need to check it out and then deal with it.’

  I sighed. ‘Busy again…’

  She grinned at me happily. ‘Yep…but perhaps later on we could meet up again?’

  ‘Meet up again?’ I questioned.

  ‘Like a date I guess.’

  I felt my cheeks redden with embarrassment. I couldn’t quite believe that this was happening to me. It was more than I had ever hoped and dreamed of.

  ‘Well; don’t leave me hanging!’ she laughed. ‘Yes? No? Maybe?’

  ‘I’d love to. Yes,’ I smiled.

  ‘Good. How about I pick you up about six? I’m off duty then.’

  ‘That sounds great,’ I replied, all the while thinking how I would be able till six to see her again. It seemed like an endless amount of time when I was so excited by the prospect of spending time with her.

  ‘Okay, good. So, how will you spend your first proper day of your holiday?’ she enquired.

  ‘I actually have no idea,’ I told her, grinning, ‘but it sure is nice to have the spare time just to decide.’

  ‘I can imagine! Especially as you
would normally have been working hard at the beginning of September.’

  ‘Exactly!’ I replied. ‘I’m going to do as little of anything as possible,’ I told her, and turning with a wave, I headed off to my little cabin to relax.

  An hour later, I was climbing the walls with boredom. Ordinarily, I would have been content to sit and read a book, watch a film or take a bath or hot tub. Since meeting Alex, I couldn’t seem to settle to anything. My mind was constantly active and my whole system was buzzing with excitement. I left the cabin after deciding I needed to expel some energy and walked around the park. I investigated everything I could possibly find and still I felt unsettled. With a feeling of defeat, I wandered back to the reception.

  ‘Cassie!’ Alex exclaimed, looking up from where she sat at the desk.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ I replied, automatically, feeling like a complete idiot.

  ‘What are you sorry for?’ she frowned, looking confused.

  ‘I shouldn’t be here again so soon. I know you’re working and you’ve got stuff to do. I should just leave,’ I said, turning.

  ‘Cassie! Wait!’ she replied, heading over to talk with me. ‘Why did you come back?’

  ‘I’m…bored,’ I revealed, feeling the heat rising in my cheeks.

  Alex stood there for a long moment looking stunned and then surprised me by throwing her head back and laughing with genuine amusement.

  ‘I’m sorry…this was a mistake. I’ll go.’

  ‘No, Cassie, don’t. Stay. I just think it’s funny. You’re here for a holiday of relaxation and you clearly can’t for more than two minutes.’

  ‘No!’ I exclaimed, ‘but only because I’ve met you,’ I replied, before thinking.

  Alex stared at me, her mouth slightly ajar.

  The heat in my cheeks rose even more. ‘I mean…’

  ‘I know what you mean, Cassie,’ she said softly, and reached to hold my hand in hers. ‘I feel exactly the same.’

  ‘You do?’

  ‘Yeah,’ she breathed smiling down at me with a fond look on her face. ‘And I can’t wait to spend more time with you.’

  ‘But you have to work,’ I said slowly.

  ‘I do, I’m afraid.’

  ‘Could I help?’ I asked her, looking at her enquiringly.

  ‘Help me?’ she said, confused.

  ‘Yes. I’d love to see more of the behind the scenes stuff that goes on here. It would be fascinating for me.’

  She cocked her head at me and looked down with a quizzical look on her face. ‘You want to work with me?’

  ‘I’d love to. I really enjoyed helping last night.’

  ‘But you’re here as a guest! I couldn’t have you working!’

  ‘It’s not exactly working for you though, Alex! I’d be spending time with you, getting to see more of what’s involved with the running of this place and it will keep me distracted and my attention away from thinking about everything.’

  ‘You’re still struggling?’ she asked.

  ‘Well, yeah. I mean, I’ve taken on board everything you said last night but it’s still hard.’

  ‘Especially as this is the first time you’ve really been alone.’

  I nodded. ‘Yes, that’s right. It is exciting in many ways like you mentioned but I just…’

  ‘Don’t want to be alone right now?’

  I swallowed hard against the emotion inside me. ‘Put me to work?’ I requested in a near-whisper.

  ‘Sure,’ she smiled.

  I joined Cassie at the desk and sat down beside her.

  ‘What are you doing?’ I asked her.

  ‘I’m allocating booking requests and then emailing confirmations out.’

  ‘Ah okay. Can I watch and learn?’ I asked her.

  ‘Sure,’ she replied, clicking the keys with her fingers.

  I watched and listened to Alex’s instructions and within a short space of time, I had taken over the job so that Alex was freed up to pay bills and sort the accounts she needed. It wasn’t long before Alex was sat back in her chair, smiling at me happily.

  ‘Alright?’ I asked, turning to see what she was grinning about.

  ‘Two hands are so much better than one!’

  ‘Ah,’ I smiled, ‘was I helpful?’

  ‘Were you helpful? You were amazing! And so quick on the uptake!’

  ‘Well, I try,’ I joked, laughing.

  ‘I have to go around and do the housekeeping now. Are you coming with me or would you rather go and relax and enjoy your holiday?’ she asked me.

  ‘I’ll come with you if you don’t mind,’ I grinned. ‘I’m enjoying learning about everything you do.’

  She smiled. ‘Your choice!’

  Alex led me to the supply closet where she collected various items and linen to change the different cabins beds.

  ‘So, have you ever done any kind of work like this?’ Alex asked as we made our way to the first cabin to make up.

  ‘No, I haven’t,’ I told her. ‘The only job I have ever had is in teaching.’

  ‘How dull!’ Alex commented, rolling her eyes at me.

  ‘Yeah,’ I sighed. ‘I’ve always thought about other professions and doing something different but I’ve always been so afraid to take the leap.’

  ‘Well, you’re finally doing it.’

  ‘Yeah,’ I murmured, unsure of everything in that moment.

  ‘Have you ever wanted do anything different?’

  ‘All the time,’ I told her, ‘but I haven’t had any sense of direction in that regard. I’ve always been afraid of change. I’ve always been afraid of everything…’

  Alex stared at me for a long time. ‘It’s time to stop being afraid, Cassie. Life’s too short. You’ve reached a stage where it’s all become absolutely clear-something needs to change. It’s like breaking point.’

  ‘Or a breakdown,’ I muttered wryly.

  Alex just smiled at me. ‘Maybe…’

  ‘I shouldn’t be involving you in my personal nightmares,’ I then commented, looking at her and wondering why she wasn’t sending me packing.

  ‘Cassie; I wouldn’t be here entertaining your company and help if I thought that. I do think you’re at a pivotal stage in your life at the moment but I think you’re going to come through it stronger and happier than ever before.’

  ‘You have such faith,’ I said quietly.

  ‘Yes, I do. You should too.’

  I nodded slowly.

  ‘Come on. Let’s lose ourselves in work,’ she smiled.

  Picking up the pile of towels she had selected, I fell into step beside her.

  ‘So; what’s first?’ I asked as we arrived at one of the luxury cabins near the front of the park where my own cabin was.

  ‘Well, first things first-we heat up the hot tub in preparation for the guest’s arrival. Then it’s just a case of making up the beds and checking everything is clean and in working order for their arrival.’

  ‘Okay. That sounds straightforward,’ I replied. ‘Shall I do the beds while you do the more complicated things?’

  ‘If you don’t mind,’ she said, walking inside.

  ‘I don’t mind at all,’ I smiled.

  ‘Okay-I’ll just go and sort the hot tub.’

  I went inside, headed to the bedroom and started making beds.

  Chapter 10

  As I made up beds, I felt relaxed and calm. It was a basic job but important in the running of Alex’s park-like everything was. It was all the little jobs which added up to complete the whole experience, I realised.

  As I smoothed the last of the duvet down, Alex re-joined me.

  ‘Hey,’ she smiled.

  ‘Hey,’ I replied, standing beside the edge of the bed. I met her eyes and saw the heat in her gaze as her eyes met mine.

  ‘I think maybe we could take a little break,’ she said softly, reaching for my waist to pull me close.

  I went willingly into her arms and sighed softly as she bent her head to kiss me. I opened my mouth
to hers and kissed her wantonly. Her clever mouth quickly drove me insane with need and I moaned, moving against her with need.

  ‘You’re gorgeous,’ Alex told me, reaching to lift my shirt off and away. She quickly dispensed with my bra and her hands cupped my naked breasts, toying with my nipples and teasing them into hard, erect buds. I felt myself shiver against the cold air and anticipation filled every inch of me to the core.

  ‘I’ve never wanted anyone so much in my whole life,’ Alex told me, looking down at me as she unzipped my jeans and eased them down, alongside my panties.

  She then pushed me back onto the bed, naked, and quickly undressed herself. Falling down onto the bed, on top of me, her mouth found mine.

  I couldn’t get over the exquisite sensation of her womanly, naked body being pressed to mine. She felt silky smooth to the touch, all soft. I felt my whole body heat immediately as she kissed me and moved her body against me. I couldn’t help moaning with the sheer need that was rushing through me. As her fingers trailed along my skin, I shivered and gasped with desire. I had never felt like this before; it was all new and incredibly exciting.

  ‘Kiss me, Cassie,’ Alex groaned, her eyes closed and her voice low and husky.

  I did as she asked, kissing her long and slow, enjoying every minute of her mouth on mine, her body pressed against mine. She was absolutely gorgeous, sensual and responsive to my every touch. It aroused me beyond measure to be there with her in that moment, and somehow, as we kissed, I knew that life was never going to be the same ever again. This connection had already changed me and I knew that my life had been irreversibly altered in the best possible way.

  Alex’s mouth moved down my neck, trailing butterfly kisses along my sensitive skin. I shivered in response to her touch and stretched upwards seeking more contact. As her mouth found my first, eager nipple, I moaned with pleasure. Her soft tongue licked the erect tip and then suckled eagerly. I felt a surge of ecstasy and cried out for more. She moved to my other breast and caught my nipple in her mouth. Suckling hard and then licking and lapping at me with her tongue, I was absolutely drowning in bliss.


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