Diving Into Trouble

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Diving Into Trouble Page 8

by Shona Husk

  ‘Uh-huh.’ His fingers slid into her core as he claimed her mouth again.

  She moaned, but needed more than his fingers. Her grip on his shaft tightened as she stroked. He picked her up, sat her on the kitchen counter, then tugged off her undies. The surface was cool against her butt and she was exposed.

  He ran his hands up her thighs, his thumbs brushing the slick skin of her pussy. She placed one hand on the back of his neck and kissed him. Slowly. The way she’d wanted to all week. His hair was too short to tickle her fingers now. In that moment she decided she liked it longer. His shaft was hot against her inner thigh. It would be so easy to wrap her legs around his hips and draw him closer.

  As if knowing what she was thinking, he drew back and picked up his jeans. He pulled his wallet free and grabbed a condom, letting the rest of the contents fall on the floor to be retrieved later. The foil packed joined their clothes on the floor.

  Then he was between her legs, dragging her hips forward. This time she wrapped her legs around him so he couldn’t get away and he sunk into her, filling her.

  Where they had been cautious and controlled, considerate and caring the first time, this was pure need. There was no stopping to see what the other person liked or wanted. She loved the lack of restraint and the way her body responded to his. Heat spiralled in her belly until thought was no longer possible. Her head tipped back and he kissed her throat.

  She came quickly and hard, closely followed by him.

  For a few moments the only sound was their rough breathing. His forehead rested on her shoulder, his breath tickling her skin and tightening her nipple. She closed her eyes. She had totally needed that. It felt like it had been far longer than two weeks since she’d gotten some. He lifted his head and she opened her eyes and looked at him.

  ‘You’re good?’ he asked, his voice rough. His hand was already skimming down her body to make sure she’d come.

  ‘Oh yeah.’ But she wasn’t ready to move yet. Her legs remained locked around his hips. Her gaze skimmed over him, taking the time to appreciate his body in the light—and well aware that he was doing the same. This time the black and grey ink on his side was clear and kind of creepy. ‘A monster?’

  ‘A gargoyle, coming to life.’ He twisted slightly and lifted his arm so she could see his rib cage. Part of the gargoyle was grey and obviously still stone, the rest was gaining colour and looked like it could pull free at any moment. It was a beautiful piece of art. ‘A reminder that not everything is set in stone.’

  ‘Ah, that’s a bit deep for a sailor.’ He was softening inside of her, and she was getting uncomfortable half reclining on the kitchen counter. She eased her legs down.

  He leaned forward and gave her another kiss before pulling away. She didn’t want it to be over, because she didn’t want a reason to leave.

  ‘I won’t be a sailor forever.’ Kurt dealt with the rubbish then picked up her panties and handed them over. ‘You don’t have any.’

  ‘Maybe I do, and you haven’t found it.’ She eased off the counter and put her underwear on. Well aware that it looked as though she’d stopped round to drink his wine and have a screw.

  Which was all it could be. They didn’t have a relationship.

  He turned her around, kissed the back of her neck and then turned her to face him, catching her lips with his. ‘Nothing.’

  ‘I don’t like needles.’ The idea of sitting still and letting someone repeatedly stick her with one to ink on a design was worse than letting a spider crawl up her arm.

  ‘Your secret is safe with me.’ He was smiling, still talking about tattoos.

  She traced his jaw, stubble was forming. He wouldn’t shave at all over the weekend unless he had a duty. I hope so.

  He held her gaze, his eyes a dark brown she could get lost in. ‘I mean it, Rainy. No one hears about this from me. I like you too much to risk this.’

  She drew in a breath. ‘I like you too.’ And she wasn’t willing to give him up. Not while they were having fun. And when it went sour? She pushed the thought away. She was always thinking of the end. At least she wouldn’t be leaving a boyfriend behind; no, he’d be sailing with her and they wouldn’t be able to go near each other. Somehow that was going to be much worse. But that was what shore leave and hotels were for … could they do that without anyone noticing?

  Probably not. And she wouldn’t have time anyway. Not if she wanted to qualify. There was a heap of work to get through and get signed off.

  ‘You going to stay?’ He held up the bottle of wine ready to pour her another glass.

  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d enjoyed a man’s company, in and out of bed, so much. It would be a waste to go home, plus the weather was still bad. The storm rattled the windows and rain hammered the roof. It was a miserable night.

  ‘If I have another glass of wine I’ll have no choice.’ She’d be over the limit.

  Kurt smiled and filled her glass. ‘Best make sure you don’t drink and drive then.’


  He wasn’t sure he wanted to get out of bed. It was midmorning, and he was hungry but it last night would come to an end if one of them got up. Right now he was enjoying the fantasy that it didn’t have to end. That maybe this was his life, waking up with a beautiful woman in his bed and having her as eager for him as he was for her.

  If he stayed in the navy any woman he had would slide through his fingers. Even Rainy. Especially Rainy. Last night this had seemed like such a good idea. He scrubbed a hand over his face. It had certainly felt right.

  ‘Hey, I think the storm has stopped.’ She turned over and smiled at him. Her dark hair messed up from being in his bed.

  He listened for a moment, there was no howling wind or rattle of rain. ‘Safe to drive again.’

  ‘You kicking me out all ready?’ She poked him in the arm.

  He caught her hand and kissed her fingers. ‘No. We could stay here and pretend it’s still raining.’ He tried to suppress a laugh and failed.

  ‘Don’t start with the Rainy in the rain gags. I got enough of that at school.’

  ‘I won’t I promise. You can’t help your name.’

  ‘I nearly changed it by deed poll when I turned eighteen.’

  ‘Why didn’t you?’

  ‘Because I didn’t want to have to explain to my parents why I hated the name they’d given me. At least Sunny is a happy name and sunflowers are bright and pretty. Most people hate the rain.’

  ‘I like it. I like the noise it makes on the roof and I like the way the world seems washed clean in the morning, as if it gets another chance.’ And every time it rained he’d think of her. Which wasn’t a bad thing.

  She looked at him for a moment. ‘I think that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said about my name. You do know you don’t have to sweet talk me into bed anymore?’

  ‘But I want to keep you here.’ And to pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist for a little while. He kissed her cheek.

  ‘I’m not going anywhere.’

  ‘Not yet anyway.’

  ‘Well, I will have to go home at some point.’

  ‘I know.’ His hand trailed over her stomach and cupped her breast. He wanted to suggest going out and catching a film. But they couldn’t so close to the base. They couldn’t actually go out on a date. ‘Next week is going to suck.’

  ‘We can always look forward to the weekend.’ She drew in a breath as his fingers circled her nipple. ‘I really need a shower.’

  So did he. Not that it had mattered last night. ‘Is that an invitation?’

  She considered him for a moment. ‘After being in the navy for eight years that’s the one thing I never share. They are my two minutes of alone time on the ship, and I’m going to need it more on the boat.’

  He got that. There was always people around and very little privacy. ‘You do realise that once we sail there will only be one junior sailor shower?’

  She stopped halfway out of the bed. ‘What
do you mean?’

  ‘We use the second one for storage.’ He smiled. There was no such thing as a long shower on a boat so the fact that only one was in use wasn’t an issue, especially when half the crew was working when the other half was off.

  ‘I should’ve guessed.’

  He watched her walk naked to the bathroom. ‘I’ll bring you a clean towel in exactly two minutes.’

  Rainy glanced over her shoulder. ‘Give me three and I’ll make it worth your while.’

  Chapter 10

  She’d done workups before. Practice drills to test response times and various safety procedures. But this was intense. Day four and she was tired and sweaty from fighting the virtual hydraulic bursts followed by fire.

  And she was ever so glad to be sitting down and having lunch, even if it was only sandwiches.

  ‘If we hadn’t have put out the virtual fire, the virtual flood would’ve … eventually.’ Hessey laughed at his own joke.

  ‘Yeah, dumbass, once we’d taken on too much water.’ Tasker was fiddling with the cigarette with one hand as he ate with the other.

  If it had been real they would’ve been in serious trouble. One of the boats had spring a serious leak a few years ago and it had only been quick action that had stopped it from being a serious incident. Australia hadn’t lost a sub in nearly one hundred years. That was a damn good record.

  So far she only owed Tasker one beer. Hessey owed his mentor three. So far so good. Yet she’d still managed to cop flak about being a girl because she’d failed to open a valve fast enough—Tasker might have muttered something about her boobs being in the way. It had been on tight, even he’d struggled. But she still owed him the beer.

  She didn’t know how long they had until STG threw something else at them. When they were done for the day they’d file off the boat and go home, ready to repeat it tomorrow. Except those on duty. Which was she tonight. Yay, freaking yay.

  It was extra study time though.

  She was aware the second Kurt walked into the tiny mess. She’d passed him on the boat several times, with little more than a glance as they both did what they needed. But her body was aware of him. Especially now she had the luxury of time.

  Her skin heated, and nipples tightened. She was so grateful the uniforms hid everything. He found a piece of wall to lean against, looking every bit as shattered as she felt. At some point he must have made lunch. Maybe he’d stayed back yesterday, or come in early. They had barely spoken a handful of words to each other all week, and yet they’d spent most of Saturday together.

  Weekends only.

  Part-time boyfriend or simply lover?

  The more she got to know him, the more she wanted to know and the more she wanted to spend time with him. No matter how many times she told herself this couldn’t work, it seemed to be working. No one knew. They were professionals. Grown-ups who sometimes got together for sex. She risked another glance.

  His lips barely moved, but it was enough of a smile to make her breath catch. Whatever they were doing was worth it.

  Then the alert sounded.

  ‘Oh for fuck’s sake.’ Tasker threw down his sandwich.

  Everyone stopped eating and started moving toward their Emergency Station. She was almost looking forward to being on duty, at least she didn’t have to drive home.


  At the end of the day the boat was quiet. Everyone had gone home except for the stokers. They still had to make sure all the fire-fighting equipment had been restowed and supplies were topped up, but at least STG was no longer torturing everyone. They’d be back tomorrow for more fun and games. And back next week.

  Then the real fun would start as they went to sea for the next couple of weeks for the seagoing phase. That meant loading up the boat and trolling up and down the coast fighting more fake fires and floods and firing training weapons. If they passed, the boat would get its weapons certification and then they’d be ready to sail.

  Eventually Rainy was able to sit down in the corner of the mess with her books. Determined to squeeze in a little study before flaking out for the night and then having to do her shift. Which basically meant sitting around.

  ‘You still here?’ Kurt sat down opposite her with a coffee.

  ‘Duty.’ She really wanted a coffee, but if she had one now she wouldn’t get to sleep. She didn’t need the coffee to up her heart rate as it had started skipping the moment he’d sat down.

  His lips curved. ‘Lucky you.’ He took a drink. ‘Having fun this week?’

  ‘Awesome. Just like a ship only more crowded.’ She was almost expecting someone to walk in and catch them talking. She took a breath. They were only talking. Enjoying a quiet moment. There was nothing wrong with that. She spoke to plenty of guys all day.

  ‘Come on, it’s not that bad.’ He winked at her. His back to anyone who’d walk in. When he was with her he appeared more relaxed than when he was around other people.

  No, it wasn’t that bad. But it would be better once she was qualified. She wanted to eventually become the Chief Tiff on a boat like CPO Oliver. That would take years to achieve. Longer if she ever stopped to have kids, and then who’d look after them while she was away?

  Lieutenant Bedford, the Warfare Officer, had a schoolteacher husband, that had been all she’d been able to learn about the only female officer onboard, and the only married female.

  Kurt watched her with his steady brown-eyed gaze. He understood the job and knew what it entailed. So few guys did. They expected her to change for them. Is that why they clicked, because he got it and there were no unreasonable demands? Eventually, though, something would have to give. Someone’s job would have to come first.

  She blinked. She’d been letting herself drift off into the pointless fantasy land of future maybes. They had sex, they didn’t have a relationship. No matter how appealing that idea might be.

  ‘You’ll get there. Blue likes you, but don’t let on I said that.’ He looked at his watch.

  ‘Somewhere to be?’ A mid-week date? It was unfair to think, but this was the only time she’d had a chance to be with him all week. Ugh, she was getting needy already. That couldn’t be happening.

  He gave a single nod. ‘I want to go to the gym before it closes.’

  ‘Really? After today?’ She wanted to put her feet up and lie down.

  He stood up. ‘It helps me sleep. My brain is still buzzing.’

  The way he said sleep and looked at her left no doubt about what he’d rather be doing. She bit the inside of her lip.

  ‘See you tomorrow, Milly.’ He started walking away.

  He’d used her nickname, so she couldn’t resist using his. ‘You too, Sweetlips.’


  Finally the weekend was here, but before Kurt could escape the boat and head home Smithy pulled him aside. He was shattered after a week of workups and all he wanted to do was go for a run and then sleep for the next forty-eight hours until it all started again on Monday morning. That wasn’t going to happen though, as he’d get together with Rainy. The idea of seeing her again was almost enough to make him feel alive. His thoughts were interrupted? ‘Chief?’

  ‘I got a signal today.’

  Kurt’s heart gave a hard thump and his gut tightened. He’d been waiting for it. It had been lurking at the back of his mind and he’d been alternately trying to forget or trying to decide. He’d made a list of pros and cons and discarded it. He’d flicked through the employment listing online. He’d looked at what his career progression in the navy would be—which didn’t look promising. He didn’t want to end up permanently shore-based; he might as well be a civilian.

  ‘You only have six months to run. I need to know if you’re re-signing or posting off.’

  ‘I don’t know.’ Neither option was jumping out at him as the right thing to do. Wasn’t he old enough to know what he wanted? Apparently not.

  ‘We’re about to start seagoing evolutions. I’m going to need to know if you are going to do
the trip. If you’re not, I need to get another cook.’

  ‘I know. I just …’ He had no idea. Even though he’d known this day was coming, he was unprepared and undecided. Nothing he was doing was helping and the weight that what he chose would affect the rest of his life was pressing down like a hundred metres of water on his shoulders.

  ‘The Captain would like it if you stayed on for the trip.’

  ‘I know.’ If he did that would only leave him with two months on the other side. Was that enough? Maybe he should do another two years. Or he could ask to go open-ended, which meant he only had to give notice when he planned on getting out. It was so much easier to agree and stay in.

  ‘You’re really undecided this time?’ Smithy put a hand on his arm. It had been Smithy who’d asked him two years ago when he’d become Chief of the Boat; back then Kurt had agree to stay in without hesitation. Where would he be if he’d gotten out then? Would he have gone back to New South Wales? He’d have never met Rainy.

  ‘Yeah. I am.’ He didn’t really like admitting that either. In his mind he still heard his father calling him a loser, laughing and telling him that he’d never do any better than his old man. He’d learned not to show indecision, or confusion. He’d learned to keep what he wanted quiet in case it was mocked. But he’d also learned to ignore the barbs, even though he felt the sting.

  ‘We’ll be sad to lose you.’

  ‘Sure you will.’ Kurt shook his head. He was replaceable. They all were. They were simply cogs that kept the boat running. The navy had spares they could slot in as required.

  ‘I’ll give you the week to think about it. But then if you still don’t know I’ll take you off the boat so we can finish the evolutions with the new cook.’

  ‘Thank you, Chief.’ Kurt hesitated. ‘I’d prefer it if you didn’t tell anyone.’ They’d mess with his head and convince him to stay. It was that thought that almost convinced him he was ready to get out. Then, in his next breath, he knew he was going to miss all of this. This was where his friends were. If he got out he’d be leaving what had become not only a safety net, but also the bulk of his life. His job and his friends were intertwined. Even his lover.


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