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Rise of the Alpha

Page 36

by Jessica Snow

  Kim had never heard the title of Lady used with more love and affection that when Edward said it, and she thought she could get used to him saying that. "Yes, my Mate," she said, kissing him again. She would never call another being Lord, but if anyone deserved it, it was Edward. "Tell me something else. Do your Bear powers give you a quick recovery, or do I have to wait a long time?"

  Edward smiled and rolled her onto her back. “It depends on what you consider a long time. But either way, let me show you some of the other skills I've learned in my years."

  Kimberly laughed deep in her throat, her chuckle cut off again as Edward's fingers began to weave magic spells on her body, lighting her nerves up again. “I’m going to love being Mated."

  Chapter 37

  "Your excellency, I’m surprised that you came all the way out here," the man said, watching as the Archbishop climbed out of the Mercedes SUV. Bending down, he kissed the man's silver signet ring and lowered his head in obedience. "We will have our report ready within a day."

  The old man, who had long ago fought against the cursed werewolf while in his native Germany, waved his hand. “I’m sure your report will be very detailed, Brother Caedus. But sometimes, the horrors of what happened must be seen in person. I learned that long ago as a boy, when as a schoolchild I was taken to Auschwitz to see that wolves do not always wear fur. Come, show me."

  Moving carefully in his cassock and in respect for his seventy years of age, he crossed over the pockmarked ground, carefully avoiding the blackened spots where explosions had occurred. It wasn't that he was afraid of them, far from it. Forty years prior, he had been one of the most feared Hunters in Europe, one of the few humans that the werewolves feared. "Don't lose control," they'd tell their children who struggled with their change, "if you get noticed, Franz Knochenmus will come for you!"

  His hunts had taken him all over Europe. He had hunted werewolves in his native East Germany, then what had then been the Soviet Union before the Order had brought him past the Iron Curtain to hunt in France, England, Spain, and even as far away as North Africa. Finally, he had been elevated first to Bishop and then for the past eight years Archbishop Knochenmus, Knight of the Order. Still, even twenty years after his last hunt and the wound that had crippled his right hand, the tales of the Marrow Grinder, a play on the German meaning of his name, were whispered amongst the European Clans.

  "Have you found any more survivors?" Knochenmus asked Brother Caedus who was still next to him. "My last update said you had a few possibilities."

  "There is one, your excellency, but I don’t know if he can survive. His right leg was pinned underneath a falling chunk of concrete. The doctors say they will have to amputate the limb, but they are more worried about his lungs. The final assault by the werewolf helicopter seared his lungs severely. They are concerned about infection, and if he'll even be able to regain the use of his voice ever again."

  "He is a Hunter, he is strong enough to survive worse," Knochenmus replied. "Never doubt the strength that faith gives you."

  "Of course, apologies Eminence. It’s just, the amount of carnage, many of the men haven't seen such ferocity before."

  "I understand. Normally the American Clans have been much more clandestine. Perhaps I’ve been too complacent, thinking that since they were supposedly contained that I could turn my focus back to Europe and the Asian expansion. For that Caedus, I have been in error. It’s an error I plan on rectifying."

  "Your excellency, there’s been another development that I wanted to talk to you about in person," Caedus said, leading the Archbishop around to what had once been the front gate. "I disregarded the reports at first, but we have confirmed, there were bears that joined the werewolves in their attack. Many of the men are confused, they don’t understand how the enemy was able to train these animals to work with them."

  "They didn't," Knochenmus replied, kneeling down painfully to look at a bloody pawprint that was still on the blacktop that made up the facility parking lot. He placed his hand next to the print, which was easily twice the size of his. "Although that they were involved is very concerning to us."

  "Your excellency?" Caedus asked, clearly confused.

  Knochenmus pushed up painfully, refusing assistance from the younger man, but still pushing off his knee with his left hand. "There is more than one kind of shapeshifter in the world, young Caedus," he said, looking at the charred and smoking ruins of Brother's John's foolish plan. Knochenmus reflected that his death, most likely from the Richter woman considering the way he had been found, had been sort of a mercy. The Order's method of execution for such a colossal bungling would have been far more painful.

  "The Order was created to combat a very specific type of shapeshifter, the werewolf," he continued, making his way towards the building. He wanted to look inside, and see where the Richter woman had been held. "However, that doesn’t mean we’re unaware of others. For example, our Asian Brothers in India are dealing with Tigers as well as Wolves. In North America, we have had occasional contact with various groups of Bears. These two groups cooperating could be a disaster, and I need to discuss it with some of my advisors. Caedus, if you can find any physical evidence of the Bears, or even better, video. If you find it, I want you to send it to me immediately. I need to know if this is a small group of independent Bears or an organized group."

  "Of course, your Excellency."

  The old man looked over at Caedus, a grim smile on his face that made Caedus think that for the first time, he was truly looking at the Marrow Grinder himself and not the old man in a cassock. "Don’t worry, son. If they want a fight, they will see just how much of a fight we can bring."

  Chapter 38

  "Wait a moment, he did what?" Melanie asked, trying not to laugh too much. She knew if she did, she'd get a belly cramp, and that was the last thing she needed right then.

  "I'm telling you, he went out there in front of the main gate, fully changed, and started doing front rolls, sitting up like a dog begging for a treat, everything," the other man, one of the Thornblood warriors who had been injured and had therefore been brought to the Manor for treatment, said. Mostly recovered from his wound, he still sat down to let the hole finish healing but was in great spirits.

  Edward and the other Aklark had earned his respect, and like most warriors, respect was shown through tales that could sometimes be seen as embarrassing to the subject of the story. "I just about damn near lost it when he stood on his head and then rolled to his side. It was the cutest damn distraction I think a twelve foot tall Bear could have ever pulled off. Then the tone in our radios went off, and he was up in what seemed like a flash, tearing that front gate off its hinges before me and my Brothers could even get two rounds off. That Bear was a fighting machine, I'm glad I wasn't in his way. Between him and Lady Thornblood following behind him, those fuckers never stood a chance. The only thing we did was put a few of them down, they did all the heavy lifting."

  Suddenly, Melanie's eyebrow shot up as she felt a wave of erotic energy over her Link, and she looked at Keith, whose face was impassive. Kimberly was nowhere near as loud as Keith was it seemed, or perhaps her quarters had better soundproofing. Well, that didn't take them long.

  We have no room to comment, Keith thought back. Or do you forget how we first Mated?

  How could I? I still daydream about it on a regular basis.

  Melanie could feel the shiver of anticipation over her link with Keith, and they shared a secret smile. Later, my love. It's been far too long for us, too.

  "Thank you for the story, it helps me understand a lot. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask Lady Thornblood about it as well. Enjoy the party."

  "Of course, Lady Lockwood," the Thornblood warrior replied, raising his glass to her in a farewell salute. Melanie almost corrected him, before she remembered that she was, at least to others, Lady Lockwood.

  Finding Keith, she took her Mate's arm. "A very interesting storyteller, that fella’,” she said. "He should make
a living off of it."

  "He might. I think it’s time though that we talk to Akiko. Are you sure about this?"

  Melanie nodded, squeezing Keith's arm tightly. "Yes. It helps all of us, I think." Together, they approached Akiko Thornblood, who was sipping some champagne.

  "A wonderful ceremony," Akiko said, smiling. She looked at Melanie and sobered quickly. "I have so much to apologize to you for, Lady Lockwood."

  "First off, it's Melanie. Lady Lockwood is my Sister," Melanie said with a smile. "Your warriors and perhaps some of the lower ranked Lycans I can’t stop, but you’re an Alpha Female yourself, so we can dismiss with the formalities when we can. Second of all, considering what Keith has told me, and what I saw, there’s nothing left to apologize for. You’ve acted with great honor since the initial Gathering difficulties."

  Akiko nodded her thanks. "Then at least when we're not in politics, I am Akiko. I must admit, I wasn't just acting out of a sense of obligation. The pure romance of the Waldwyck quest to get you back stirred my heart. Even after seventy years, I can still feel a bit of the old fires inside me."

  "Yet you are still as beautiful as a woman a third your age," Melanie said. It was true. Despite being seventy years old, Akiko still looked like she was in her early to mid-twenties, with only the gravitas in her eyes betraying that she was older. "Keith, I'm going to go get a snack, I'm ravenous tonight. I believe your son is going to be quite the eater when he comes out. I'm quite glad we can afford it."

  Melanie walked off, leaving Keith and Akiko alone in their corner of the main hall. Some of the guests had already left, and Ben Stormstout was entertaining some of the others. "And then, I decided that if I was going to have to fight a moose, that I'd at least make it a fair fight, so I turned back into my human form," he said, boasting. "The fire I needed to roast the bastard was nearly as difficult to make as actually fighting him."

  The two Alpha Lycans ignored the loud speech, and quietly addressed one another. "She's a great First Mate," Akiko said as Melanie maneuvered around Stormstout's group and headed towards the table of appetizers and snacks that had been laid out. "Beautiful too. I didn't think so at first, she is still short for a Lycan. But her heart, her spirit, and her mind are as noble as any Lycan I've met. You chose well, Keith."

  "I was lucky. Akiko, thank you again for the Thornblood's assistance. I know this wasn’t easy for you, and your internal Clan situation must be in flux right now."

  "It is what it is," Akiko replied. "Although if you are trying to ask, I could use some assistance."

  "How can I assist?" Keith asked turning to look at Akiko directly. "You know I owe you a great debt, regardless of what you think you owe me. You brought my son back into my life."

  Keith knew he was opening himself up, but if there was a way for Akiko to ask, it was this way. He had discussed it mentally with Melanie, and she'd just confirmed it again. He knew her position. Better to get it done soon than in the future. "Akiko, I'm serious. What can I do to help you?"

  She finished off her champagne and looked him in the eye. "You are wiser than your years, Keith, although you have a long way to go on learning how to be circumspect. It’s a trait that would serve you in good stead if you ever meet my original Clan. My older brother is very, very Japanese, and will take a long time to speak clearly his desires. He sees directness as being rude."

  "I know, but I’m not dealing with him. I'm dealing with you, and you are far more than just a normal girl from Namba, Osaka-born a few months before the war ended."

  Akiko smiled at the fact Keith had taken the time to learn her birthplace. "You know what I need. Clan Thornblood law is clear and very outdated. I cannot rule as Alpha Female by myself. My clan must have an Alpha Male. My son is dead, however, and I wouldn’t elevate one of the lower rank members to take Nioclas' place, they are unworthy of the status. I can’t even change the rule since only an Alpha Male can institute such change to Clan law."

  "So you need a strong male to become the Alpha," Keith said. "Melanie, Kim and I thought that might be the case."

  "Was my maneuver so transparent? Hmmm, I must be losing my touch," Akiko said. "My brother would be disappointed in me."

  "You’re hardly transparent, but you are very honorable and dedicated. You’re also rattled. You were Mated with Nioclas for many years, and it was easy to see that you loved him very much. If it wasn't for Kimberly's clear head, I doubt I would have seen your offer for what it was."

  Akiko nodded somberly, then set her champagne flute down. "Then I shall not bother you anymore. Good evening, Lord Lockwood."

  "Akiko, wait," Keith said, stopping her in her tracks. "I didn't say no, did I?"

  Akiko blinked, shaking her head. "But, your Mate, and the way you talked..... I must have had too much champagne because I don’t understand."

  "Come with me, just to the garden outside," Keith said. "I think our conversation should not be heard by some in this room, even by accident." Keith gave a pointed look to some of the other Alphas in attendance and Ben Stormstout, who again reminded him of a Southern politician, braying like a donkey while at the same time hearing every whisper within range. While Keith was certain he could trust Edward, he didn't trust Ben Stormstout beyond knowing that the Bear would do what was best for himself. He dismissed the thought from his mind for later consideration and led Akiko through the back door to the garden.

  As they walked along the garden path, Keith waited until they were out of sight of the main hall before talking again. He realized as he did that he had led her to almost the exact same spot that Kimberly had overheard Morrigan Thornblood betray the Gathering to the silberjagger, and wondered if fate was playing a role in healing the wound. "Akiko, just to let you know, I'm letting Melanie listen in on all of this. She is, and will always be my First Mate. That can’t change, no matter what."

  Akiko nodded. She turned and looked out at the river, rubbing her hands over her slender arms. She had work a sleeveless dress for the ceremony, in the traditional Thornblood colors of red and black. "I can accept that, on one other condition."

  "What's that?" Keith said, curious. He had to give her credit, she was a wily negotiator. He seemed to hold all the cards, and yet she had the brass to negotiate. She could be a very powerful ally, he heard Melanie say in his head. She knows more about Clan politics than even Kimberly.

  "If I become your Second Mate, I retain Alpha Female rights to Clan Thornblood. There will be no merging of Clans during our generation," Akiko said. "The Clan Thornblood name will not die out under my watch, that I swear."

  Keith hummed, impressed. "So I'd be the Alpha of two very uniquely laid out Clans. That could be quite a headache, honestly. It hasn't happened in a very long time if I remember right. You do realize that if you are Alpha Female of Clan Thornblood, Kimberly will remain Alpha Female of Clan Lockwood? You may not always agree on things, and I cannot always get in between you two. As Alpha Male, I am sworn to advocate for my Clan, both Clans. I cannot favor one Clan over another."

  "I know, and I can accept that. In fact, I want it that way. I promise, any disagreements between Kimberly and I will be worked out in private, respectfully, and the two of us will bring our joint solution to you together so that you can serve both Clans well. As for the next generation, well, that will be up for discussion when we are both much older, at least thirty years or more. Perhaps then, your son would be ready to assume leadership of both Clans. Or perhaps you would have another child who could take over one clan, while your son takes over the other. Or maybe Kimberly or I could.... well, in any case, there are many possibilities."

  "With a shared Alpha Male, we would be almost always in alliance, even if you and Kimberly don't always see eye to eye," Keith said. "You do realize this may anger some of your current allies?"

  Akiko shrugged. Changing alliances were something she was used to, and nothing surprised her very much. "Even as weakened as you are now, the Lockwoods are the strongest Clan in North America economica
lly, and nearly the strongest in terms of manpower as well. Our combined strength is more than enough to secure both our positions and would even challenge some of the European Clans if they ever wanted to start something," Akiko replied. "I've been trained to expect the worst in that regard. Besides, having Kimberly to mentally spar with should be quite a welcome challenge. She's young and smart, but this old wolf still has a few tricks to show her about how to be the best damn Alpha Female she can be."

  "I see," Keith replied, "and I’m sure Kimberly would enjoy a bit of friendly sparring from time to time too, although I would hardly classify you as an old wolf. Well then, I accept, on one personal condition of my own."

  "What is that?"

  “I’m loyal to Melanie only. If you want to produce another heir, I can’t fulfill that wish. That part isn't negotiable.”

  Keith could feel the surprise over his Link with Melanie, and he forced himself to ignore what she said for the moment. He focused on Akiko, who nodded. "I accept. When should we declare this joining publicly?"

  "At the Gathering would be best, I think, although we can disseminate it through our Clans before then. So tomorrow, we can sit down, you, me, Melanie, and Kimberly, and discuss the details. Until then, I offer you the full use of the Manor, and will instruct all of the servants to defer to your judgment on matters."

  "Thank you, Kei.... Lord of the Lockwoods and Thornbloods," Akiko said. She smiled and nodded, her spirits lifted. "Now if you’ll excuse me, I must make some phone calls on our Clan's behalf. There are a few upstarts I need to put in their place. Clan Thornblood has a proper Alpha Male again, and some of these pretenders need to get a fucking lesson."

  Keith laughed and patted Akiko on the shoulder with great respect. “You know, I’m glad that I never had a fight with you. I think I might have lost. Please, go, and I'll see you later, or in the morning, whichever you wish."


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