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Rise of the Alpha

Page 44

by Jessica Snow

  Keith stepped forward extending his arm in the old greeting. "No, Lord Melior. I’m honored by your coming all the way to America for this meeting. Come, let us sit down as Brothers and find a long-missing common ground between us."

  The two walked across the lobby towards the elevators, a Thornblood assistant who Keith still didn't know the name of leading the way, the rest of each party walking next to each other in two lines. He placed his trust in Akiko's skills with her Clan, that they would know how to make things run smoothly. Hey, she organized the Council pretty well on the fly, Kimberly thought to him over their Link. This place probably runs like a well-oiled machine with only a glance from her.

  I hope so. I doubt Bisclavret is used to inefficiency. He arrived in a Bentley, did you notice?

  I prefer the helicopters.

  "Lord Thornblood," Bisclavret said, interrupting Keith's thoughts, "I was informed on the flight here that your situation is rather unique. You have just become Lord of this Clan, yes?"

  "Yes, Lord Melior," Keith replied. "Lady Akiko and I reached an agreement that I would become Alpha Male of the Thornbloods after the attacks against the North American Gathering a few months ago."

  "So some of the motivation for this was originally vengeance," Bisclavret said. "While perhaps not as utilitarian as this brainwashing accusation that we were informed of, it’s not ignoble in its....."

  "Monster!" a heavily Scottish accented voice said behind them. Keith turned on his heel to see a scuffle breaking out as April Bell stared at Edward, her nose twitching and her skin already starting to bulge as she entered her change. Edward, for his part, stepped back and brought his hands up in a defensive stance, while Kimberly stepped in between, her eyes already flaring in warning.

  "Arrêtez!" Bisclavret yelled, staring at his Second Mate. "What is the meaning of this?"

  Bell looked at her Mate and growled, but complied, her skin lightening and her hair returning to the light blond it had been originally. "He's not a Lycan, Guillaume. He's not a human either. He's something else."

  Bisclavret turned to Keith, his eyes questioning. "Is my Mate correct? I was made aware that your First Mate is a normal human, but not about this. What’s going on?"

  Keith nodded. "Yes. Edward is of the Aklark, or I guess more simply you could call him a Bear. He is my sister's First Mate, and has proven himself an honorable and noble warrior in our fight against the silberjagger."

  Bisclavret blinked and his mouth tightened, but he shook his head at his Second Mate. "I see. This is highly unusual, Lord Thornblood. The few other shifting kinds in Europe do not have good relations with the Lycan Houses. I do hope you don't have any other surprises, though."

  Me too, Keith thought. He heard Kimberly growling over their Link as they continued towards the conference room. Calm yourself, Sister. You know Akiko wouldn’t let violence happen here. We're here to make friends, not spill blood.

  That bitch threatens to change and attack Edward again, and she'll find my teeth at her throat. Peace treaty or not.

  I know. But I doubt it will come to that. Besides, I doubt any of them want a pissed off Edward in bear form. They don't know how strong he is.

  Perhaps a demonstration of Edward's strength is in order? He could always kick their Bentley.

  I doubt Akiko would like that, but you could ask her later. Come on, we're here.

  The meetings progressed about as Keith had expected, with him and Bisclavret playing a form of verbal poker, or perhaps chess, he reflected. Each of them apparently had all their intentions and desires visible from the outset, but at each comment, Keith could tell there were things that Bisclavret was keeping in reserve. He knew he was as well, and the key to the negotiations was finding a common ground that the two could agree on before either side revealed too much or distrusted the other too much.

  It was a gentle game, one played in the space between words, he thought. He'd done it for years in business, and of course in Clan relations, but Bisclavret was wily, and had been at it far longer than he had been alive. The older Alpha, however, did not have the passion that Keith had, and could not deny the justification of their cause. Finally, as the sun was setting, things reached their crux.

  "Lord Thornblood, it does seem that your requests are reasonable. Material and information support of the Order's presence in Europe, with joint coordination of any strikes or attacks. North American Clans are to provide most of the soldiers, while within North America you accept full weight of your activities. There is only one issue that remains."

  "What is that, Lord Bisclavret?"

  Bisclavret looked at Edward, then back at Keith. "Your Clan-mate. While the European Council of Lycan Houses can agree to all of what we have discussed so far, there is no way that the Council would agree to any Aklark warriors stepping foot on European soil. If you strike overseas, they cannot be involved.”

  Edward, who had sat quietly the whole time, squeezed the edge of the table in anger and frustration, a high pitched squealing sound filling the room before the inch thick oak snapped off in his hand. Closer inspection showed he had driven his fingertips through the table, leaving a bite-shaped chunk missing from the wood. He looked at Keith, his face clouded with anger. "Apologies, Brother. I think lunch is not sitting well with me. If you would excuse me."

  Keith nodded, and Edward left, leaving the room quiet. Keith sighed and rubbed his temples, frustrated. Fucking racist asshole.

  I agree, Kimberly replied. She had calmed since the incident in the hallway and was back to her normal self, intelligent and perceptive. But we need this asshole. That is if you want to take out the Archbishop that Melanie talked about.

  I feel like Roosevelt making a deal with Stalin.

  Let's just hope it doesn't turn out quite the same way. I hate Faustian bargains. I'll talk with Edward, he knows what's up. He'll support you either way.

  "We can find agreement on that, Lord Bisclavret. In addition, I think it best if we table the long term negotiations. It’s not that I disagree with your ideas for overseas trade and travel, but I can only speak for Clans Lockwood and Thornblood on those matters. The North American Council has only given me leadership on the particular matter of the war."

  Bisclavret nodded his agreement, then smiled. "Well met, Lord Thornblood. My son has been recording this. Drago, can you produce a printed copy of our negotiations for signatures?"

  "Of course Father," Drago replied, the first time he had spoken all afternoon. Next to him, a quiet machine, a printer hardly larger than a three hole punch, hummed, producing six sheets of paper, two copies in total. Drago stapled the corners of the documents and presented one to Keith and one to his father before sitting down silently again.

  Keith read the document quickly, nodding. "Everything looks correct. How do your Houses do signatures? I apologize, but the North American Council uses video recordings with transcript currently if there is debate over an agreement such as this."

  "Signatures along with a blood stain," Bisclavret replied. "If that is acceptable? I notice that your Sister has been recording the proceedings on your end with her tablet computer."

  "Just a moment," Keith said, letting the man believe that it was just recording when in fact Melanie had been able to sit in on most of the dealings, typing her comments to Kimberly over the chat feed. Pulling a pen from his pocket, he scrawled his signature before thinking for a moment. "Excuse me. Akiko, would you please get a knife from the kitchen? I'd prefer not to bite my own thumb in the presence of our friends."

  Akiko nodded, a light smile at the small joke from Shakespeare, before leaving the room and returning a moment later with a hobby knife. "Would this do, Keith?"

  "Perfect," Keith said, taking the tiny razor blade in his left hand. There was a moment of bright pain as he cut the pad of his right thumb before the blood oozed, dark and rich, and he fixed his thumbprint to the document. At the same time, Bisclavret did the same with his copy, his pen apparently having a cutting impleme
nt already in it. Switching papers, both men repeated the process, Keith for once finding his healing ability a frustration as he had to cut his thumb again to get enough blood for the second copy. Handing the fresh copy to Akiko, he handed the pen and knife to Kimberly. "Thank you, Lord Bisclavret. I do believe that concludes today's negotiations. Would you care for some refreshments after such a long day?"

  Bisclavret shook his head slowly. "As tempting as that would be, I would not want to impose."

  "It would be no imposition. Tell me, your name is French. Which region of France do you hail from?"

  "Paris, although Marie is from Normandy and April is from Loch Etive in Scotland. Your family hails from Germany, yes?"

  "The Waldwycks, yes. Although Akiko is Japanese, and Edward is Aklark, one of the First Nations peoples. However, I was thinking. Akiko, I do believe that we have a fine wine cellar at Thornblood Hall?" It was a guess on Keith's part, but he had never known a Clan headquarters that didn't have a well-stocked selection of wines and spirits for both social and political occasions. "Do you think we have something that reflects the backgrounds of our friends and guests?"

  "Of course. Lord Bisclavret, I do believe that we have some 1990 Domaine Leroy Musigny in stock. As for Lady Bell, I regret that we don’t have anything from that Loch, but we do have some Black Bull forty-year-old blended whiskey if you prefer." Akiko stood, a welcoming smile on her face, her arm gesturing towards the door. "If you would like, of course."

  "I think a glass would be fine," Bisclavret said. "My Mates, your preferences?"

  "I would be happy with a glass of the Musigny, Guillaume," April Bell burred, while Marie Bisclavret concurred with a small nod of her head.

  Akiko nodded her understanding. "Excellent. If you would all please go to the main hall, I will have the drinks brought out."

  Everyone made their way to the main hall, which Thornblood members had decorated like a small cocktail party. Sadly, Keith thought, Edward would probably be the only person who would have the food that had been laid out. He watched as Edward rejoined the group, still obviously pissed off, but under control.

  Is he okay? he asked Kimberly.

  Hold on...... he says he'll be fine. I told him about the Euros leaving. He's more than happy about that.

  I bet. Turning his attention back to Akiko, he watched as she expertly poured six glasses of wine, along with a glass that contained a fluid that was similar in color to the deep red wine, but was in a different container. She then passed a glass to Bisclavert and Keith, before making sure each of the other House Melior guests had their glasses before passing out glasses to Edward and setting one aside for herself. Then she handed Kimberly the glass that had been filled with a different drink.

  "Excuse me, Lady Lockwood, but do you not drink?" Marie Bisclavert asked in her lilting accent. She was younger than her husband, but still most likely older than Akiko, with a fine network of crow's feet around her eyes. She had definitely been a head-turning beauty in her younger years, however, with Nordic eyes and light blond hair that made her look a lot like Brigitte Bardot.

  "I'm sorry Lady Marie, but I can’t at this time," Kimberly replied with a polite smile. "I regret it, though, I have heard tales of Lady Thornblood's wine cellar, and the fine selection it contains."

  "I knew it," April Bell said, shuddering. "You’re pregnant."

  Kimberly's eyes narrowed and she glanced at Keith. Bitch is getting on my nerves. We need to get this shit over and done with.

  I agree. Before this goes south really quick. "In any case, Lord Bisclavret, I offer a toast to our new friendship and look forward to working with you and the European Council in the elimination of our mutual enemy. A toast, to your good health and fortune."

  "A toast, Lord Lockwood. May your hunt be..... an adventure," Bisclavert said, raising his glass. He downed his wine in a gulp as if the drink was five dollar plonk from the local store rather than fine wine that cost over four thousand dollars a bottle. Wiping his lips with the back of his hand, Bisclavert set the glass down on a table behind him and bowed slightly without giving Keith a chance to even sip at his glass. "Thank you for your hospitality, but we should make our leave.”

  "Of course. Pleasant travels, Lord Bisclavret," Keith said, watching as the other members of the European party tossed back their wines like cheap hooch and walked out. Keith watched them get into their Bentley and leave before he set his glass down, afraid he might shatter the crystal if he didn't.

  "Arrogant prejudiced old fuck," he said simply, pulling at the tie around his neck so hard that the knot failed and the silk snapped in his fingers. He looked at the group, then shook his head. "Edward, I owe you an apology. I didn't know they'd react in such a way. If I had, well, I'm sorry."

  Edward drained his wine and set his glass down, coming over to Keith. He clapped Keith on the shoulder and forced a smile. "If you had, I would have told you to make the deal, and just have me stay to watch over Melanie and Jay. It's not your fault. However, I do need to change clothes and go work some of this anger off. Akiko, does this flat land have any large boulders, chunks of concrete or something similar that I can go to town on?"

  Akiko shook her head. "No, but if you like, I will have the staff bring our largest truck around with tow chains. It's a flatbed, not quite semi sized. Would that help?"

  Edward headed towards the elevator to go upstairs and change, stopping only to nod once. "Yeah. I can pull that for a while. Make sure your people have plenty of tow chain ready."

  Akiko looked from Keith to Kimberly, licked her lips nervously, then shook her head. "I apologize, Keith. I didn't know."

  "A lot of apologies are going around it seems," he replied. "It doesn't matter. It’s done, we'll deal with the rest of their crap later. Please, go help Edward. We'll stay overnight, and fly home tomorrow. I wonder how much of that Melanie got."

  "I had video chat open all the time until that last toast," Kimberly replied. "So she probably got a lot of it. We can fill her in on the rest later. Keith, I'm going to change, maybe join Edward. If he's willing to have company. Hell, someone needs to steer the truck."

  Kimberly disappeared after Keith, who groaned. Finding one of the tables, he sat on the edge, rubbing his temples. Did you get any of that? he sent Melanie, not sure if she could hear him at such a distance yet. That was a major clusterfuck.

  He didn't get any words yet, but he did feel a wave of sympathy and support, which caused him to smile. The emotions always came first, then conscious thought. It was a new level of their Link at least. Sighing again, he looked over at the Clan Thornblood member who was still waiting, probably to start the cleanup. "Tell me, is there any place that I can relax, just get some time to myself and not be bothered by anyone except my family?"

  The man nodded. "Yes, my Lord. Lady Thornblood maintains a meditation room and a library on the third floor."

  Keith thought about it for a moment, then nodded his head. "I think meditation will do more for me than reading right now. Follow me to my bedchambers, let me change and then show me the meditation room. The cleaning up can wait a few minutes."

  After changing, Keith followed the Thornblood up to the top floor of the Hall, where the man stopped at a door. "The door is not locked, but only you and Lady Thornblood are allowed up there. Should I tell her?"

  "No, but if she or any of my family ask, you can show them up here. Thank you."

  The Thornblood Lycan bowed quickly and left, leaving Keith to open the door himself. He reached out and grasped the handle, stopping as he turned. Would it offend Akiko if he used this room? It obviously had meaning to her, if it was a place only to be used by her or (Keith assumed) Nioclas when he had been alive. Stepping back, he let go of the handle, only to be surprised when he heard Akiko's voice, she had been so quiet on approaching him.

  “Go on, it’s all right," she said. He turned and saw that she too had changed, wearing a light tank top and black pants that again reminded him of martial arts pants
. "I didn’t mean to surprise you, but I saw David coming back from here, and I assumed that’s where you were headed. Your face said you needed peace."

  "I need peace in many ways," Keith said. "I need peace, but I feel the price of peace is great bloodshed."

  Akiko nodded, then reached out, turning the handle on the door. "Come with me, Keith. While this place was special to Nioclas and me, it’s only for the mind."

  Just past the door was a flight of narrow stairs, which Akiko climbed gracefully. After two dozen steps, Akiko stopped, opening another door with a tiny doorway and leading Keith inside.

  "This is a sanctuary I use when I need to clear my head and remember what is important," Akiko said as Keith squeezed through the portal. "The door is to remind us that all must humble themselves before the powers of the world, of things we cannot always control."

  Keith looked around the room, noticing the pegged floor construction and walls covered in panels of Japanese style rice paper. "A reminder of home."

  "Of perhaps the most important lessons I received from my parents," Akiko replied. "Come, sit. Don’t worry about posture, that’s for monks and those who are trying too hard. Sit as you would if you wish to unburden your body of your mind."

  Keith sat down on one of the two cushions on the floor, while Akiko sat down on the other, crossing her legs into a lotus position. "There is one primary rule that exists for this room. Whatever is said here, whether it be good or ill, kind or evil, will never be shared with anyone outside these doors. If you wish, you don’t have to share with me even."

  Keith nodded, then looked towards the wall. Noticing a faint light, he got up and slid the panel aside to reveal the early evening sky, with a quarter moon rising above the horizon. "You must get pure moonlight in here on full moons," he said, turning back to look at Akiko. "I am afraid, Akiko."


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