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The Final Countdown [Beyond the Angel Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 18

by Maggie Walsh

  * * * *

  He walked among the mountains of trash, struggling through the thick layer of soot and ash that fell from the sky, as things scurried in the darkened corners. A few squeaks and a low growl could be heard coming from somewhere deep inside, but without any light, everything was dark. But he couldn’t stop. He had to hurry before it was too late. He could feel the danger growing―the eminent battle was getting ready to begin. It was coming soon. Very soon.

  Zane wasn’t sure how he knew it was upon them, but he did. He could feel it deep in his soul, like a beating drum getting louder, more intense. Aurora’s warning that they all must stand as one with their mates kept echoing in his head. If Nicco stood with the rest of them, without his mate by his side, it would change the course of history. The prophecy would be changed forever, and their deaths would be certain. He couldn’t let that happen. He loved all of these people. They had, without hesitation, taken him into their home, accepted him as one of their own, and showed him love and friendship. He would not let them fail. He would not fail.

  As the Moirai Guardian, it had been his life’s work to walk in the shadows as he did now, protecting those deemed important to life, and the men in his life now were very important to the continuity of earth and all its creatures. He needed to stay focused and find what he came looking for. It was the only way.

  After finding the spell he needed, Zane knew what had to be done, and that is why he was now here, walking around a garbage dump in the middle of the night. With the help of Evan and his wicked computer skills, they had been able to locate the dumpsite where everything from Dante’s old coven house had been taken to. The problem now was where in this mountain of crap was the box that held the crystal and a piece of Nicco’s soul?

  After hearing about the spell that Melinda had cast and placing that piece of soul in the crystal, Zane knew the only thing that would free Nicco of the spell was to hold the crystal as Melinda had said, and say the words, “Come back to me.” His excitement that it was that simple shattered into pieces when Nicco said the crystal was in a box in the room he had at the old coven house and lost to them forever.

  But something in the back of Zane’s mind kept whispering to him, telling him there was another way, so he began to search. He dug through Rory’s Grimoire, but found nothing. Then he thought about all the spells he knew, both light and dark, old and new. Then he thought of the older ones. The ones that most didn’t know of anymore, and he knew he would find his answer there.

  Zane then called on Demi, his best friend and Lord Lucifer’s mate to help him. He explained the spell he was looking for, but Demi warned him that if he used it, it might have dire consequences to him. The spell came from the Book of the Forbidden, which meant no one should be using it. But if he could use the spell he had in mind, then something good would come. But again, Demi warned him there was a reason the spell was in the Book of the Forbidden. If he did what he was about to do, the spell might backfire on him and curse him. But it was a risk he was willing to take to help this family that he loved.

  Making sure the mask he wore to cover his mouth and nose was secure, Zane walked through the mile-high piles of trash. Everywhere he looked brought back memories of another time, and another mountain. Big, looming, dark mountains that had damaged his soul. The Bitter Mountains had ripped him apart from the inside and pieced him back together, then ripped him apart again. The monsters he encountered there were some of the most hellish things he had ever seen, but he had to fight his way through them to survive. There were times on the mountain when he wanted to give up, to give in to the darkness and let it claim him, but he fought on. Sometimes now when the darkness returned, he wondered if he should have just let it take him then.

  Zane shook his head, clearing those thoughts from his mind. He needed to focus and worry about the consequences later. His friend Nicco needed him, and his family was counting on him, even though none of them knew he was even here or what he was doing.

  He made his way to the top of the largest pile and looked out over the sea of garbage. The moon only gave off a slight glow through the clouds of ash. He didn’t need it to guide him though, he had his magic. From his vantage point, he could see that down this far side of this pile would be the center of the dump, and that was where he needed to be.

  Zane slowly, carefully, made his way down the side, sliding a few times, but catching himself. Once he hit the ground, covered from head to toe with the ash, he found a bare spot where there was a small patch of earth. He kicked his foot around, clearing it more, and then Zane stood in that spot and pulled out his double-edged Athem blade. He needed to call on all the elements to help him, so the ritual required a blood sacrifice.

  Zane grabbed the blade with his right hand and sliced across his left palm, leaving a four-inch-long gash. Then he took the blade in his left hand and did the same to his right hand. He slid the blade back into his coat and held his arms out wide, allowing his blood to drip onto the ground beneath him. He opened his mouth and cried out as loud as he could, “Dolores inferni circumdederunt terra venti ignem aera quid ad me et ferte praesidium peto! Dolores inferni circumdederunt patre sole, luna, soror mea, et mater terram et universa mala multa di deaeque! Ostende mihi quaeso viam!”

  The world grew silent. Not a sound could be heard. The ash stopped in midfall, and there was not a movement of air. It was as if the world stopped spinning and time froze. An eeriness fell over him, and everything seemed to be darker. He cried out again in English this time, “I call upon you earth, wind, fire, and air, come to me and help me find what I seek! I call upon you father sun, sister moon, and mother earth, to all the gods and goddesses! Please show me the way!”

  The earth shook below him, and a rumbling noise came from far off. The mountains of trash began to shake as things rolled and fell all around his feet. The winds returned, blowing everything up into the air, tossing things everywhere like they weighed nothing. The roar of noise grew deafening as the earth shook harder. Suddenly, something broke through. A large billow of smoke raced from a hole in the earth only ten feet from him, thick and black, racing into the sky. Another fissure opened, and another, as more streams of the black smoke broke free like snakes making their way high above his head. Twenty in all collided, crashing together above him, and then pushed back down toward the earth. Zane’s stomach twisted, and he feared this was his end, but he stood firm. The snakelike smoke slammed into the earth with such force, about a hundred yards from him, that Zane was almost thrown off his feet. A large cloud formed, billowing outward in a rush like a pyroclastic blast.

  As the cloud wall hurtled toward him, Zane held up his arms, blocking his face from the onslaught of air and debris as he closed his eyes. Abruptly a peace surrounded him, and everything was quiet. He peeked his eyes open and was shocked at what he found. Slowly, he lowered his arms and turned his head from left to right. The black cloud swirled around him violently like a hurricane, but he stood in the eye. He looked up and found no opening to the sky. A pinpoint of light appeared in his periphery, and Zane lowered his gaze toward the source. A small yellow light glittered before him, coming closer. As it approached, the light grew brighter and burned his eyes. Zane squinted against the light but watched as it floated closer and then stopped right before his face. Dangling in the air was a shining yellow crystal with a swirl of white light trapped within.

  Zane slowly reached out a hand to grasp the crystal, but it zapped him, and he drew his hand back. He stared at it for a moment, in awe that he had found what he came for. But now was part two to the spell. The part that would destroy the crystal and set Nicco’s soul free.

  Zane worked quickly. He dropped to his knees and slid out a black cloth from his pocket and laid it on the ground, then held up his hand toward the crystal and called to it to lower down to the cloth. The crystal slowly dropped right into the center. He withdrew a small vial from another pocket and pulled the cork free. Holding the vial over the crystal, he said, “In the
name of the Gods and all ye spirits. In the name of the Netherworlds, I beseech you to break this binding spell and free the soul within. Father sun, sister moon, and mother earth, I call to you. Accept this gift of your oils and my blood and turn around this binding spell. As these words of mine are spoken, let the spell be broken.” Zane tipped the vial, allowing the oil within to drop down over the crystal. He then said the words again, and let his blood drip, coating the crystal.

  A loud whooshing sound vibrated around him, and the cloud picked up speed. It looked as if it were thrashing and writhing. The crystal began to dance on the cloth and then spun in circles. Faster and faster it spun in counterclockwise to the cloud, and suddenly stopped. A bright light exploded from within the crystal, throwing Zane back, and he landed hard on his ass. Then everything was quiet.

  Zane slowly rolled over onto his hands and knees, panting. He lifted his head and looked around. The field was empty. Nothing of the mountains of garbage or ash that had been there only moments ago remained. For as far as the eye could see, there was only open space and a clear sky overhead. Zane looked down and found the black cloth still there, and the yellow crystal broken in two.

  * * * *

  Nicco thrashed around on the ground, the pain too much. Just as he thought it would kill him, suddenly it all just stopped. His body lay motionless and limp, just resting against the ground. Every muscle relaxed, and his jaw went slack. The heat pulled back, and the bright lights that only moments ago filled his vision, even having his eyes closed, were now gone, and the normal darkness remained. Nicco took a few cleansing breaths and released them slowly. By the fourth one, the pain pulled back, easing off, until it was gone. Nicco blinked his eyes open, and his gaze met very worried silver eyes staring back at him.

  “Have you hit your head? Are you okay?” Nobin asked.

  Nicco placed his palms on the ground and pushed up as he rolled, shifting himself to sit on the dirty pavement. He had a quick swirl of dizziness in his head, but that too went away fast. Taking stock in his body, he focused on himself and was shocked to realize he felt good. No, better than good. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this alive and energetic. He looked at Nobin and gave him a small smile. “I’m good. I feel great.”

  “Well, you look a little odd. Hold on,” Nobin said and put his hand against Nicco’s forehead and closed his eyes.

  Nicco watched Nobin’s face, trying to figure out what the little genie was doing.

  Nobin opened his eyes and their gazes met. A big, bright smile came to Nobin’s lips as his eyes filled with excitement. “It’s gone. I don’t feel it anymore. It’s gone. How is that possible?”

  “Slow down, what are you talking about?” Nicco asked.

  “The spell that the witch cast over you, it is now gone, but I don’t know how. And I feel you. You feel, whole, complete,” Nobin replied.

  “How do you know?” Nic asked.

  “I can no longer feel it there. All I feel is your true soul and nothing more.”

  “So you’re saying the spell Melinda put on me has somehow just magically disappeared and the piece of my soul is back?”

  Nobin nodded. “That is exactly what I am saying.”

  “How can we be sure?”

  Nobin smiled as mischief entered his gaze. “I know one surefire way. Think of Eakul, Thad, and tell me what you think and feel.”

  Nicco thought of Thad and was shocked to find no anger or pain. Only the sense of peace and love filled him. Thad’s handsome face flashed in his mind, and Nicco sucked in a deep breath. Damn, his mate was one incredibly sexy man, and Nicco just wanted to pull Thad into his arms and make love to him.

  Wait. What? Where had that come from? All the negativity was gone, and only hope and love remained. He needed to find Thad and talk to him. They had so much to say and catch up on, and then Nicco would talk about their future, and Thad in it. He met Nobin’s gaze again and smiled. “No pain, only love.”

  Nobin smiled brightly and clapped his hands together excitedly as he bounced up and down on his knees. “Yay! That means the spell is broken, your soul is returned, and now maybe you and Eakul can be together. Um…you do want to be with Eakul, right? I mean, I think you want that,” Nobin finished the last part, his voice showing his hesitancy.

  “Yes. I want my mate.”

  Chapter Eleven

  His heart was heavy and felt like it was breaking, but he knew he needed to do what he needed to do and set Nikolai free. Thad made his way back out to the stage and stood in the wings, watching as Taylor strutted around the stage in his over-the-top diva way, causing the audience to cheer and laugh as he sang “Two Fux” by Adam Lambert. Thad shook his head as he laughed at Taylor’s antics. Boy, the man really did love his Adam Lambert.

  Thad’s gaze went to the crowd, and he smiled watching all of them celebrate, and a tear ran down his cheek. It would have been wonderful to be a part of this big family. He could see all the loyalty, love, and devotion they all had for one another, and it was a beautiful thing. Something he had always wished for in his life but hadn’t truly found it yet. Maybe when Nobin took him to The Twilight Moon, he could form bonds with his family there?


  He blinked a few times, coming out of his thoughts, to find Taylor now standing before him, looking at him with concerned eyes. “Are you okay?”

  Thad nodded as he gave Taylor a sad smile. “Yeah, no, not really. But I will be. I know what I have to do.”

  “And what is that? Because I have to tell you, from the look in your eyes, I would have to say it’s not what you really want,” Taylor said.

  “No, it’s not, but it’s what I have to do. I need to let him go, Taylor. That spell on him can’t be removed, and all it does is cause him pain when I’m there, so it’s time to set him free,” Thad explained around the lump in his throat.

  “I’m not saying that I agree with you, because I don’t think you should give up yet, but I will say I understand. I went through that myself when we first got here, and it wasn’t easy walking away from this bunch, or my mate, even if I was convinced it was the best thing for them all, and myself. I wish you would take a few more days to think on it though. And not because we were told we all needed to stand together to face this evil, to hell with that. I’m concerned about your heart first. Are you sure you can survive just walking away?”

  “No, but I know for certain that Nikolai won’t survive if I stay, so I need to put what is best for him first,” Thad said with conviction.

  “Okay, then. So what can I do to help?” Taylor asked.

  Thad smiled again. These men were so amazing. Since coming here, he had learned how incredible the new mates were and how they stuck together and supported one another. Gods he really wanted this, them, but it was not meant to be. “Normally when I get like this, I go off to somewhere quiet and sing my heart out. I sing the saddest thing and let the pain flow, and it helps to relieve some of it, if that makes sense.”

  “Makes perfect sense. Jesse does the same thing. He always speaks through the music. Why don’t you go on out there and give them a good-bye performance of a lifetime? And I’m not talking about your usual screaming music. I mean one that you need. One from your heart. Use the song to say good-bye to Nicco.”

  “But I’ll be bringing this celebration to a screeching halt. I don’t want to bring everyone down,” Thad protested.

  “Maybe for a few minutes, but don’t you worry, I’ll grab them all by the balls and bring them back. It’s what I do. And I so love to grab them by the balls,” Taylor said cheekily, causing Thad to laugh again. “Just get out there and do your thing. Don’t even see them. Just let the music take you.”

  Thad raised his arms and hugged Taylor. “Thank you, Tay. You’ve all been so wonderful to me, and I really wanted to be a part of this family, and I will always consider you my friend. Thank you for all your help.”

  Taylor pulled back and looked Thad in the eye. “You are a part of th
is family, and no matter where you go, you will always be a part of this family. And if we all survive, then if you ever need us, just ask and we’ll come running.”

  After explaining to Sage what song he wanted, and finding the music for it, Taylor went to the stage to announce him and Thad stood in the wings trying to calm himself.

  “We have another treat for you tonight. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the beautiful voice of Thaddeus Blake,” Taylor announced, and then turned to face him, giving Thad an encouraging smile.

  Thad took a deep breath and slowly released it, then walked out, and took a seat on the stool, center stage. The room fell quiet and still. Darkness engulfed them, and then only a single spotlight came on, shining right on him. Softly the music began to play, and Thad closed his eyes. He wanted to get lost in the words, in the moment, and the feelings. He opened his mouth on cue and began singing “Say Something” by A Great Big World.

  Tears started running down his cheeks. Halfway through the song, he swallowed hard and opened his eyes as the tears continued, and he sang, “I’m sorry that I couldn’t get to you…” And his gaze landed on Nikolai, who now stood beside Nobin in the vestibule leading out to the front doors. Nikolai stood there frozen, staring at him. Thad sang the remainder of the song just looking at the man he loved. As if no one else was in the room besides the two of them, and he poured his heart out. His body shook with emotion as the tears continued. “You’re the one that I love and I’m saying good-bye…” As he finished in a whisper, Thad closed his eyes as he let the despair wash over him and tried to control his pain. He couldn’t look at Nikolai anymore. He needed to go.

  Thad sniffed and wiped the sleeve of his long sleeve tee across his nose, then slowly go to his feet. He kept his head lowered and looked down at his feet as he silently headed off to the far side of the stage. He needed to get as far away from Nikolai and this place as he could before he was crushed by his heartache.


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