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Two-Penny Wedding

Page 16

by Karen Toller Whittenburg

  He clearly didn’t understand that.

  “Can you touch me?”

  He appeared to consider the question carefully before he nodded.

  “Oh, good,” she whispered. “I didn’t know how I was going to get out of this dress without someone finding out I tried it on.”

  “It’ll be our secret…Liz,” he whispered back.

  “Oh. You can talk to me, too.” The words were out of her mouth before she registered the changing tilt of his smile and the truth sluiced through her in a warm, mortifying wave. She looked over her shoulder and into his laughing eyes. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “I’m trying to make contact.”

  “You should try knocking on the door.”

  “That’s one of the great things about magic. No doors are needed. I can just appear.”

  “In that case, you can just disappear.”

  “Don’t I get to make contact first?”

  “I’ll die in this dress first.”

  “That’s a little drastic even for you, isn’t it, Liz?”

  “Don’t call me that! Just go away.”

  “And leave you like this?” He shook his head. “I don’t think so. People will say I twisted your arm.”

  She laid her forehead against the mirror, wishing it would swallow her whole. “This is the most embarrassing moment of my entire life,” she said.

  “Cheer up, kiddo.” He stepped closer, took her by the shoulders and turned her around, so he could get a look at the snag. “I have a feeling you have more embarrassing moments ahead.”

  “Thanks. That makes me feel better.”

  “Good, because I’m about to make you feel worse.”

  “You can’t.”

  “Let me give it a try. You’re stuck.”

  She raised her head. “Stuck?”

  “As in, the button is caught in the lace and I don’t think I can get it out.”

  “Pull on it,” she ordered. “Break the thread.”

  “I’m not breaking it. You do it.”

  “I can’t. My arm is twisted.”

  “Then, you’re going to be stuck like this until I can figure out a way to get you unstuck without damaging the dress.”

  “Forget the dress!”

  “It’s a million-dollar dress, Liz. You can forget it if you want to, but I can’t.”

  She sucked in her breath, hoping it would loosen the bodice and let the button slip free. It didn’t, and her temper crowded out her patience. “Jake, get me out of this dress, and get me out of it now!”

  He frowned at her in the mirror. “Why couldn’t you have asked me to do this when we were married?”

  “I wasn’t stuck in this dress then,” she snapped.

  “I don’t remember you ever dragging me into your bedroom and demanding I get you out of your clothes then,” he continued conversationally. “I might have had some incentive for ripping off your clothes then, but no, you have to wait until you’re wearing a dress that cost—”

  “A million dollars. We’ve covered that already, Jake. Will you concentrate on the button, please?”

  “I’m trying.” Grasping her by the shoulders, he turned her until her back was to the mirror. He highstepped over a floor awash in satin and positioned himself behind her. “Now that I think about it, there were a few times you ripped off my clothes. You were always in such a hurry, Liz. Maybe you don’t remember, but let me tell you—”

  “I remember,” she said tightly. As if she would ever forget the sexual hunger he’d aroused in her. Her body had craved his with an exciting, frightening and consuming appetite. Even now, the touch of his fingers at her back, the fresh, outdoorsy scent of him, snuck past her defenses, stirring up feelings she had to keep suppressed. Otherwise…

  Otherwise didn’t bear thinking about. She tried to see over her shoulder. “What are you doing?”

  He took her shoulder and positioned it where it had been before. “I’m trying my best to tear off your clothes, and it would be a whole lot easier to get you undressed if you’d stop trying to see what I’m doing.”

  She stood still as long as she could. About fifteen seconds.

  “Don’t move your arm, Gentry,” he said.

  “I can’t help it. This is uncomfortable.”

  “If you think it would be more comfortable, I’ll be glad to go down and ask your friends to come up and assist you.”

  “No. I’d rather keep that for a last resort.” She shifted her weight from one foot to the other and felt him draw back. “Sorry. I won’t move again. It would be easier to stand still, though, if you’d talk to me and keep my mind off the fact that my arm is falling asleep.”

  His fingers closed over her upper arm in a gentle massage. Jake was always so good with his hands. Everywhere he touched her felt energized, warm and wanting. If he brought his arms around her, he could massage her breasts, her stomach…“That’s much better,” she said stiffly. “I thought you were leaving today.”

  “Tonight. I’m catching the red-eye flight.”


  “Isn’t that soon enough to suit you?”

  “That depends on how fast you get me out of this dress,” she said, wanting badly to fidget. “I can’t believe I got caught in this….” She smoothed the lace bodice at her waist with her unstuck hand. “Did you come to say goodbye?”

  “No. I came to return something you lost.”

  “My ring,” she said without thinking. “You brought back my ring.”

  His fingers lost interest in the snagged button and he leaned around her to see her face. “That would be the wedding band you were planning to turn into a piece of gaudy jewelry, wouldn’t it?”

  She realized she shouldn’t have mentioned the ring. “I don’t wear gaudy jewelry, Jake. I believe I said cheap. Cheap jewelry.”

  “I see.” He returned to the snag. “You’re not getting your wedding ring back, Gen.”

  “Fine. I don’t really care one way or the…What were you coming to return?”

  There was a startling knock on the outer door and Gentry stiffened. “Someone’s here,” she whispered.

  “You stay here. I’ll make contact with whoever’s here.”

  She caught his arm as he started to step around her. “Are you crazy? You can’t answer the door.”

  “Then you do it.”

  “Like I want anyone to see me in this outfit.” She bit her lower lip. “Let’s be quiet and maybe whoever it is will go away.”

  “You’re the one talking.”

  She nodded. Another knock came, followed closely by another. Then a familiar clunk. “It’s Sonny,” she whispered hoarsely, turning to look at Jake. “What should we do?”

  “Ask him in for cake and punch?”

  “This time you could get punched.”

  “He doesn’t know you’re in here, does he?”

  She shook her head no just as they heard the outer door open. “Gentry?” Sonny called softly. “I know you’re in here.”

  Panic spiraled in her all over again. “Get in the closet,” she whispered. “Quick!”

  “Couldn’t we just tell him I was only filling in for him until he got here?”

  “Sydney said you were still mad about the brunch.” Sonny’s voice sounded stationary, at least. “I’ve come to make up with you.”

  Jake’s eyebrows rose with interest. “See? He wants to make up.”

  “Will you get in the closet?”

  With a shrug, Jake ambled to the adjoining doorway. “I think this is a bad idea, Liz,” he said, but she motioned him on and he went.

  “Gentry?” Sonny crooned, and she could tell he was coming closer.

  “Go away, Sonny.” She tried throwing her voice at him, but it came out sounding weak and uncertain.

  “I’m sorry,” he said softly. “Did I wake you?”

  “No.” Gentry looked around the dressing room, hoping some escape hatch would open in the floor. “Go away.”

“Ahhhh. Were you crying?”

  “No! I…Go away, Sonny. Please.”

  “I’ve come to apologize, Gen.” His voice returned to the crooning tone. “Don’t you want to make up? I’ve given you all afternoon to pout.”

  “I don’t want to see you now,” she said, giving her twisted arm a jerk, hoping to get it free, but merely succeeding in getting a cramp in her shoulder. “Ow.”

  His footsteps came farther into the room. “Where are you? Come out where I can talk to you.”

  “No,” she called. “And I don’t want you to come in here, either.”

  “You’re being stubborn again. You know that makes me crazy.”

  “It makes me crazy for you to be in my bedroom. So go away.”

  His laughter said he’d misinterpreted her meaning. “Only five days to go, darling. Then it will be our bedroom…and a one-way ticket to paradise.”

  She glanced at the closet, thinking that if Jake so much as snickered…“I’m not dressed,” she said in her best, I-can’t-wait-to-be-with-you imitation. “Go downstairs and wait for me, please?”

  “You’re not dressed, huh? Maybe we could pretend this is already our bedroom. Preview a few of the rides in paradise. What do you say?”

  “No!” That should stop him in his tracks. “I don’t want to see you right now, Sonny. I want you to leave my bedroom right now. Is that clear enough for you?”

  “Sure, but I don’t know why you’re so mad at me. The whole thing was Daniels’s fault. All I need is one good swing, and he’s history.”

  Glancing nervously toward the closet, Gentry hoped Jake wouldn’t decide it was time to let Sonny take that swing. “You’d only hurt your hand,” she said. “Is it feeling better?”

  “The only thing that would make me feel better right now is seeing you.”

  She ran her hand down her midriff…and felt the perfect excuse. “I can’t let you see me now because I’m wearing my wedding gown. I know how superstitious you are about that, and, well, I sort of panicked when you came in.”

  “You were beginning to make me nervous.” His relief was evident in his voice. “I really need a kiss.”

  “I just told you, I’m—”

  “I know. What if I just sit on the bed and wait while you take it off?”

  “No, I…I’m not ready to, uh, take it off.” She imitated Heather’s giggle…badly. “It’s a female thing.”

  “Oh. Well, then, what if I keep my eyes shut while you tiptoe out here and give me a kiss?”

  “Couldn’t I kiss you later?”

  Dumb question, she realized, when he said, “I’ll take one now and later, thank you.”

  “Fine.” Maybe Syd had the right idea. Dogs had to be easier to care for. Gathering the skirt in her free hand, she eased the cramp in her shoulder with a shimmy, then walked across the dressing room to the doorway.

  The first thing she saw was her fiancé, one hand over his eyes, his broken hand resting on the edge of the makeup table. The second thing she saw was Cleo, stretched out on the floor by the bed. If Sonny had taken another step into the room, he’d have seen the dog. Gentry said a little prayer of thanks for small favors and took a step forward…and then two steps back.

  Frowning, she pulled the skirt into a tighter circle around her and took a firm step forward…and two firm steps back. This was not progress, she thought, and took her time making the next move. She reached the doorway again and, without a pause, stepped into the bedroom…and immediately found herself still in the doorway. She rubbed her eyes and promised herself a tall glass of Pop’s secret formula as soon as she got out of this situation.

  “Gentry?” Sonny called softly. “I’m waiting.”

  “Keep your eyes closed,” she called back.

  “I wouldn’t peek for the world. I want to be surprised by the sight of you in your wedding dress on Saturday.”

  “You will be.” But she could not get past the doorway. Confused, she lifted one foot and slowly, carefully, put it down outside the threshold. It settled easily on the bedroom side. Okay, that was good. She could do this. She repeated the process just as carefully, and found herself still in the dressing room. Her frustration level began to rise and she tamped it down. This was not difficult. True, kissing Sonny wasn’t all that appealing at the moment, but she wasn’t repelled by the thought, either.

  This was simply one of those mind-over-matter deals. She was simply imagining the difficulty.

  “I’m waiting…anticipating….” Sonny puckered and blew her an audible kiss.

  Cleo’s ears perked up.

  Gentry gripped the outer frame of the doorway with her one available hand and took a deep breath.

  “What are you doing?” Jake’s whisper was right in her ear. “Do you want him to find me in your bedroom? Get out there and kiss him.”

  She tossed a glare over her shoulder and lunged through the doorway.

  Jake caught her as she fell back against him, one hand clamped on her breast, one supporting her crooked elbow. He staggered but managed to push her upright. “Stop fooling around, Liz,” he said into her ear. “This isn’t funny.”

  As if she was having buckets of fun. “I can’t get through the doorway.” She turned so he could see her irritation as she mouthed the words.

  “What?” he mouthed back.


  He looked past her, then back. “Why not?”

  She rolled her eyes and tried poking her head through the opening. Apparently, that was allowed. “Are your eyes still closed?” she called to Sonny, even though she could see they were. “Don’t peek.”

  “I won’t.”

  Cleo sat up, yawned, stretched and shook herself.

  “What was that?” Sonny asked.

  “Just me,” she answered as if she hadn’t a care in the world. “I’m having difficulty with my, uh, bridal train. It seems to be caught on something.”

  “Do you need some help?”

  “No! No, I’ll get it.”

  She felt Jake’s palms press flat against her hips. “You start, I’ll push,” he whispered.

  “Wait,” she snapped.

  “Did you say something, sweetheart?” Sonny took a step toward her.

  Cleo’s tail began to wag a greeting.

  “No,” Gentry denied. “I was talking to the dress.”

  “I’ll bet you look beautiful in it.”

  “Mmmm.” She looked furious in it, but he didn’t have to know that. “Just keep those eyes closed.” Glancing at Jake, she nodded. She leaned into her first step as if she was entering a wind tunnel. And just as if there were a wind tunnel on the other side of the doorway, she made no progress whatsoever…even when Jake stopped pushing with his hands and put his whole body weight behind her. She sagged against the door frame, her arm pressed between her back and the frame. Tomorrow, maybe she’d tell Jake what a strange dream she’d had. Except tomorrow Jake would be gone. She’d never see him again. He’d be history.

  “Gentry?” Sonny’s croon picked up an edge of impatience. “Don’t tease me.”

  Cleo’s tail wagged faster.

  Jake put his hands at Gentry’s waist and stepped into the doorway with her, his body heat finding its way past the thick satin to arouse her body’s interest. Then he moved past her into the bedroom. Her eyes flew to his in alarm, but he ignored her panic and got her arm in a firm, good-golf-club grip. He planted his feet several inches apart on the bedroom carpet and before she quite realized his intention, he jerked her into the room. She flew forward like a rock out of a slingshot, straight into Jake’s arms, and they fell with a thud into a tangle of four legs, three arms and yard upon yard of innocent satin.

  “Gentry?” Sonny leaned toward the sound. “Are you all right?”

  She lifted her head and pushed against Jake’s chest, ignoring the feel of his heartbeat beneath her hand, until she could raise herself enough to get Sonny in her sights. “Fine.” She cleared h
er throat and said it again. “Fine. I just…dropped something.”

  “Must have been the set out of your engagement ring,” Sonny joked with a smile. “Now, how much longer are you going to keep me waiting like this?”

  She looked down at Jake and a totally inappropriate desire flickered in her eyes. She could tell because she saw his gaze drop to her lips in reply. “Give me a minute,” she said weakly.

  “No. I can’t wait another minute for your sweet kiss.” Sonny puckered again and made a series of kissing sounds. “Come here and give me a smooch.”

  So Cleo trotted over, put her paws on his chest and smooched him.

  Chapter Ten

  “Aa-aa-aa-ck!” Sonny yelled.

  “Arf!” Cleo barked.

  “I think I’m going to be sick.” Gentry let her head drop onto her chest.

  “Now would not be a good time.” Jake put his hands at her waist and lifted her up and off of him.

  She rolled onto her back on the floor, one leg tied to his by a lengthy twist of satin. From here she had a perfect view of the ceiling, until Sonny’s head popped, upside down, into her line of vision.





  Gentry managed a weak smile in the face of disaster. “You were supposed to keep your eyes closed,” she said.

  “So I wouldn’t see him, I suppose?”

  “No.” Jake pushed up, bracing himself with his elbows. “So you wouldn’t spoil the surprise.”

  “The surprise of finding you in Gentry’s bedroom?”

  “No, the surprise of seeing her in her wedding gown.” Jake’s tone added a distinctive You idiot, although he didn’t say it aloud.

  Sonny apparently heard it, anyway. “Get up, Daniels,” he ordered. “So I can punch you into next week.”

  “Haven’t you had enough punch for one day?”

  “I’ve never hit a man when he was down, but you could be the exception.”

  “Stop it, Sonny.” Gentry struggled to get up, but with one arm behind her back and one leg tied up with Jake’s, it was a futile effort and she fell back. “Would it be too much to ask you to help me up?”

  “Considering you sent the dog to kiss me, I’m not sure I want to help you up.” Sonny’s angry gaze swung from Jake to her.


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