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Dirty Sexy Cuffed (Dirty Sexy #3)

Page 16

by Carly Phillips

  “I found your place because, like you, I have my sources. And I’m not here for Sarah, or to issue threats,” Rick said in a calm, placating tone of voice. “But to reassure you that Dylan will no longer be bothering her. He can be a bit . . . obsessive, and I just found out from one of my assistants that he’s been harassing her.”

  “Damn fucking straight he’s been harassing her,” Levi said, not doing anything to subdue his anger. “In fact, he threatened to take her back to Sacrosanct, where she was held against her will.”

  “That had to be some kind of mistake.” Once again, the leader’s tone was modulated, as it always was. “We don’t hold people against their will. Our main gates are always locked, but everyone is free to come and go as they please.”

  “I’m gonna have to call bullshit on that, considering I know all about the ongoing investigation with the FBI and ATF,” Levi said, sarcasm lacing his deep voice as he acknowledged what he was already privy to. “But right now, all I care about is that Sarah is completely left alone.”

  “I understand. I don’t want any problems, either, or another investigation.”

  Which was exactly why Rick had made a personal appearance, Sarah knew.

  The leader continued. “Your brother made his point with Dylan last night,” he said meaningfully, letting Levi know that he was well aware of what had gone down at Kincaid’s. “We just picked Dylan up, and he’s being put on probation and will be transferred to another community. He won’t be back.”

  “I don’t even want to know what any of that means,” Levi replied. “But if he does come back, I can guarantee I will rain the wraths of hell down on you and your community.”

  “Duly noted.”

  The conversation ended, and Sarah heard the front door close. She stepped out around the corner, and Levi stopped in his tracks when he saw her, his gaze immediately turning cautious.

  “I heard everything,” she said before he could ask.

  Levi slowly closed the distance between them, shaking his head. “Is he always so . . . agreeable?”

  “He doesn’t want to draw any negative attention to the community, so in this case, yes. I’m sure he’s trying to cover his ass since you’re a cop.”

  “Too late.” Levi grinned. “Trust me, it’s just a matter of time before ATF is up his ass again. From the things I heard from my contact at the Eighteenth District PD, Rick and his community won’t be around for long.”

  Levi stared at Sarah, his gaze searching hers, as if looking for answers to everything that had transpired last night. He looked nervous, and she understood why. He was anticipating that this morning was going to be the end of them.

  She put him out of his misery. “I’m not going anywhere, Levi.”

  He didn’t look as reassured as she’d thought he would, and his expression remained tentative. “What does that mean, exactly?”

  She gave him a soft smile. “It means that I’m staying right here, with you, despite my fears and hang-ups because of my past.”

  “Sweetheart, we all have hang-ups.” He gently brushed her hair away from her cheek. “All I want is for you to give us a chance, and that’s something I’ve never asked another woman to do, and you want to know why?”

  The emotion shining in his eyes was unlike anything that had ever been directed solely at her, and it was so easy to bask in his affection. “Why?”

  “Because you are everything I need in my life, but didn’t know until you were a part of it,” he stated simply. “For five weeks, I pursued you because there was something about you that I wasn’t willing to give up on. Something so sweet and genuine, and then I discovered how similar our pasts were, and it all made so much sense why I was drawn to you. I’ve shared things with you that no one else knows, not even my brothers. I want to share everything with you.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment, wondering if she ought to pinch herself to make sure that this was all real. That Levi was real and not some figment of her imagination. When she opened them, the answer was right in front of her, smiling at her with hope in his eyes and his heart on his sleeve—proving that everything about this moment was real, and she wanted it all with him.

  She smiled back at him. “I love you, Levi Kincaid.”

  He blinked at her in surprise. “Yeah?” he asked huskily, though there was a distinct happiness in his eyes that warmed her from the inside out.

  “Yes.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss, and for the first time in a very long time, everything felt perfect and right.

  Chapter Fourteen

  One month later . . .

  Levi was a man in love. That was something he’d never believed he’d ever have, but one single woman made it all possible. Sarah Robins. She’d changed his life, and as he glanced at her as she sat beside him while they watched Mason and Katrina get married in Clay and Samantha’s backyard, he knew he’d changed her life, too. Somehow, two broken, damaged people with screwed-up pasts had found one another and had managed to make each other whole.

  Sarah was watching the ceremony with big, wide eyes, listening as vows were spoken and rings were exchanged. She was stunningly beautiful in a peach lace dress that skimmed the curves gradually filling out her body, thanks to the meals he cooked, and her blonde hair was a bit shorter now, but silky and shiny.

  But most of all, she looked relaxed, happy, and content. She was no longer the timid woman he’d originally met at the convenience store. She was more vibrant, more confident, and he loved seeing those changes in her because it only made their relationship stronger, on every level.

  He’d gotten a clean bill of health and was back to work patrolling the streets of Chicago. Since he still worked swing shift—something he was trying to change to spend more time with Sarah—she insisted on waitressing at Kincaid’s to help with any expenses even though he’d told her it wasn’t necessary. But at least he knew she was in a safe and protected environment, and she truly enjoyed being around her new friends and family.

  But what Levi was proudest of was the fact that she’d decided to go back to school to pursue her nursing degree, which was something she’d wanted to do for a long time. Now, she could, with his full support.

  Everything between the two of them seemed to be falling into place nicely, but as he watched Mason smile at his new bride with the biggest, dorkiest, happiest grin on his face when he was announced as her husband, Levi knew that there was still one more thing he wanted in his life. He hated to be selfish when he had so much to be thankful for, but he wanted Sarah as his wife, not just his girlfriend. He needed to give her that promise of forever and reassure her that they were in this for the long haul together. He planned to make it happen, but he was just a little nervous about whether or not she was ready to take that next step in their relationship.

  He’d find out soon enough.

  The ceremony ended, and Mason and Katrina walked out into the small gathering of people who’d been invited to help celebrate their nuptials. The day’s celebration was an intimate but informal affair, with just family and close friends present—seventeen people in all. Mason had worn a white dress shirt with a purple-hued tie to match the tips of Katrina’s blonde hair, and a pair of dark trousers. The bride had opted for a knee-length, strapless white dress that showed off the colorful butterflies covering her arm. Katrina couldn’t look more beautiful and happy, and Mason, well, that cocky expression on his face said it all.

  Everyone gathered around the bride and groom as Mason poured champagne into each of their glasses for a toast, bypassing Levi, who was holding a glass of water for obvious reasons. When Mason reached Samantha, she already had a glass of water in her hand, as well.

  Mason frowned at her. “Seriously, Samantha? Are you becoming a teetotaler like Levi? It’s my wedding and the champagne is freakin’ expensive, so have a drink.”

  Samantha glanced at Clay, then back at Mason with an impish smile. “I really can’t. It’s not good for the bab

  Mason gave her an odd look of confusion. “The baby . . .” Then it dawned on him and his eyes grew wide in shock. “Holy shit, you’re having a baby!”

  “We are,” Clay confirmed proudly.

  “Oh, my God!” Katrina squealed happily, clearly not caring that the attention was suddenly on someone else. “This is the best news ever! Mason is going to be an uncle, and I’m going to be an aunt!”

  “Congratulations,” Sarah said as she gave Samantha a warm hug.

  Levi shook his brother’s hand, then leaned over and kissed his sister-in-law on the cheek. “I’m so happy for both of you.”

  “Thanks, man.” Clay met Levi’s gaze, and for a moment, they shared a look that commiserated on how far they’d all come, how much they’d all changed, all because of the right woman in their life. “It just feels right, you know?”

  “Yeah, I know,” Levi agreed, because he felt the same way about Sarah.

  A toast was made to the newlyweds, then again to Clay and Samantha for their baby news. The atmosphere was festive, and even though there was only a small group of guests attending the wedding, Mason had gone all out with a high-end buffet of food and even a DJ for music. The celebration and happiness was infectious, and later in the evening, when a slow song was playing, Levi escorted Sarah out onto the dance floor and pulled her into his arms.

  Like always, she came willingly, cuddling against his chest in the sweetest way possible. She laid her cheek on his chest and tucked her head beneath his chin, her entire body relaxing completely against his as they swayed to the music.

  “Are you having a good time?” he murmured into her ear.

  She lifted her head and smiled up at him, her face wreathed with joy. “I’m having a great time. I love your family.”

  His heart seemed to expand inside his chest. “They love you, too. But not as much as I do, obviously.”

  Her eyes twinkled playfully. “Yeah, and how much is that?”

  “I love you forever.” And he was about to prove it.

  They were at his brother’s dinner reception, surrounded by loved ones, but for right now, Levi kept everything as private as possible, just between the two of them. Letting Sarah go, he moved back a step and withdrew the small black box he’d put into his pants pocket earlier. As soon as she saw it, she gasped and her hand flew to her mouth in shock. He merely smiled and popped open the lid to reveal a sparkling engagement ring he’d had designed just for her. In that magical moment, every anxiety faded, and certainty settled over him.

  “Sarah Robins, will you marry me? You make me whole and complete and—”

  “Yes!” she said, interrupting him. “I want nothing more than to marry you!”

  He pushed the ring on her finger, and it was a perfect fit. Just like she was. Pulling her back into his arms, he kissed her, then whispered in her ear.

  “You know what this means, don’t you?” When she gave him a questioning look, he grinned down at her and said, “You’re going to be cuffed to me for life.”

  She laughed and hugged him tight. “There’s no place I’d rather be.”


  Tara Kent cast a quick glance at the small clock behind the bar. Another half hour and Kincaid’s would be open for business. Other employees were gradually arriving for work, and prep for the evening crowd was underway. She checked her liquor inventory and made sure the bins were filled with ice, then set out the garnish trays over at the service area of the bar.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone walk into the bar through the front door that was left unlocked, and she glanced up, expecting to see one of the bar waitresses arriving for her shift. As soon as she caught sight of a man in a business suit, she automatically said, “I’m sorry, but we don’t open until four.”

  Then she looked at his face and confusion washed over her. At first glance, the man looked exactly like Clay. The strong, chiseled features were the same, as were the stunning blue eyes and full, sensual lips. She’d always had a crush on her boss, but she’d never acted on it, but damn, she’d never seen him in a suit before—and this one looked like an expensive custom-made number—and he looked sexy as hell.

  Heat and awareness settled low and deep in her belly, shocking her. What. The. Hell? Clay was married to Samantha, who Tara absolutely adored, so where had that physical reaction come from to a man who was taken and whom she’d known for the past few years?

  She blinked and looked closer, and then she started seeing subtle differences. Not just the high-dollar suit but the cut of this man’s hair was shorter than Clay’s, and the way he carried himself was dynamic and powerful and confident in a way that screamed wealth, intelligence, and success. His shoulders weren’t quite as wide, but he was trim and fit, and she suddenly wanted to know what he looked like beneath the tailored jacket and crisp white shirt he wore.

  She swallowed to ease the dryness in her throat, and when she finally lifted her gaze to his gorgeous face, she didn’t miss the flicker of amusement in his eyes or the smile playing around the corners of his sensual lips—as if he was in on a secret that she wasn’t. And she suddenly had a feeling she knew what that secret was.

  She shook her head and managed, somehow, to gather her wits enough to speak. “You’re not Clay . . . ”

  “No, I’m not,” he said in a low, husky voice that made her think of sex and sin, with him. “I’m his twin brother, Jackson Stone.”

  Next up: DIRTY SEXY SINNER (Jackson Stone’s story)!

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  Dirty Sexy Series Reading Order:

  Dirty Sexy Saint (Clay Kincaid)

  Dirty Sexy Inked (Mason Kincaid)

  Dirty Sexy Cuffed (Levi Kincaid)

  Dirty Sexy Sinner (Jackson Stone)

  *Every book in the Dirty Sexy series can be read alone for your reading enjoyment!

  Read on for Excerpts of Carly & Erika’s books:

  DARE TO TAKE by Carly Phillips


  Dare to Take


  by Carly Phillips

  The sun shone overhead, the temperature neared ninety, and the humidity was hair-curlingly high on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, making it hard to believe a hurricane was coming soon. Ella Shaw glanced up at the blue sky, knowing it wouldn’t remain pristine for long.

  The calm before the storm.

  She pulled her hair into a high ponytail and headed out of her hotel, determined to hit the local gift shop she’d caught sight of on her way to the photo shoot yesterday. She’d seen long, draping, blue-beaded necklaces from the storefront window, but she hadn’t had time to stop. Her boss was a stickler for getting the right shot in the exact light, and they’d worked well past dark. By the time they’d wrapped for the day, the store had been closed.

  As an assistant for Angie Crighton, a fashion designer based in Miami, Ella was responsible for the little details involved in a photo shoot. And though Angie, the photographer, and models had left the island this morning, Ella had stayed to make sure the shooting site was clean, the hotel pleased enough to allow them back another time. And if she were honest with herself, she liked the downtime after the craziness of a photo shoot, the rushing around of the crew, the bossiness of some of the models and, of course, of Angie herself.

  Ella appreciated the fact that she had time to souvenir shop for her best friend, Avery Dare. How ironic was it that the two girls from very different worlds had met at all? But they had. And it was Avery who’d introduced Ella to the finer things in life, leading her to seek out a job with an haute-couture designer. Whereas Aver
y came from a wealthy family, Ella had been raised firmly middle class, but the two girls had bonded instantly. They’d even shared an apartment until recently, when her best friend had moved in with her rock star boyfriend, Grey Kingston.

  Yep, two different worlds, even now, Ella thought wryly. But their friendship was solid. Which reminded her, she needed to let Avery know she might not make it back to the States tomorrow as planned.

  When Ella had heard about the storm changing course, she’d tried to book an earlier flight out, without success. She shivered at the possibility of being stranded here alone during a hurricane and knew Avery would like the news even less. Her best friend suffered from severe anxiety, and Ella didn’t like to make her worry.

  She’d just buy Avery an extra gift to make up for it, she thought, walking into the shop. She immediately headed to the turquoise-blue beads she’d seen through the window. The shopkeeper claimed they were Larimar beads. Even if they were fake, the beads, popular in the Caribbean, were said to have healing powers. Ella purchased two dozen, a mix of bracelets and necklaces, so she could share with the children at the cancer treatment center where she and Avery volunteered.

  Avery had been nine, Ella ten years old when they’d met at a Miami hospital, both donating bone marrow, both there at the behest of a parent. Neither of them really understanding what was happening. All Ella had known was that she was doing a favor for her father, helping the stepmother Ella didn’t like all that much to begin with. Even at a young age, Ella had been a good judge of character, a better one than her father, obviously, because shortly after Janice had gotten well, she’d left Ella’s dad. And both her father and Ella’s life had gone downhill from there. Ella shook off the thoughts of her past before she could go deeper and darker, and focused on the pretty jewelry.

  She spent some time choosing a thick turquoise bracelet for Avery and a similar one for herself before paying for everything and waiting for the shopkeeper to wrap things up.


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