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Ash: Devil's Crucifix MC

Page 22

by Carmen Faye

  As I’m transported by his touch, I feel Ash moving beneath me. He positions himself under my pussy until I am right up against his hard cock. He uses his hand to guide his cock up against my slit as my own liquids soak it. Before I can move or say a word against it, it slips completely in me, filling my tight space. We both let out a long sigh as our mouths open upon the other.

  Ash begins to move under me, his hips floating upwards while his hands provide the support, but I pull away, forcing him back on the ground. “Stop,” I say breathlessly. “Let me do this.”

  He looks at me completely stunned, unsure of what I am about to do.

  I gather my hair from behind and lift it to the crown of my head. My perky breasts move upwards with my arms and tease mere inches from his face. They slowly begin to bob as I move my hips. First, it’s up and down the length with me getting in a kind of low squat. But as I start to really dance, I know exactly what I want. My hips change course and move around and around in an oval. With each round, the feeling of his skin rubbing up against my clit sends a warm, piercing sensation up to my throat and mouth

  Ash places his hands around my thin waist at first, but as I start going, they travel up to my breasts. He grabs a handful of each, kneading at them lightly, and then guides them to his mouth. I feel his teeth nibble slightly at the nipple before switching back to the other breast. His head smothers in between my chest, and I can tell he is just enjoying the feeling of having me do all the work.

  But I’m ready for more. I know it’s time to give up control as I slowly lift one leg off and then another. He doesn’t move, unsure of what to do. But as I lay my chest flat back on the side of the bed and lift my ass to him, he begins to understand. “I want you to fuck me,” I say directly as I stare at him over my shoulder. “And I want it hard. Do not stop, no matter what I say. I don’t want you to stop fucking me until you have cum. Do you understand me?”

  Ash licks his pale, pink lips and then nods slowly, his eyes still not off the curve of my ass. He stands quickly to his feet and positions himself directly behind me. His hands massage at my behind before swatting it playfully. Normally, I’d hate that kind of attention, but in this moment, all I can think about is him turning my cheeks red from a good pounding.

  I spread my legs even farther for him, but he pushes them back together. And as he enters me, I know exactly why. My legs close together is tight, so tight. I think I am about to rip open from the force, but the sensation is amazing. He has never been so deep inside of me before, and I know he can feel the difference, too. There’s a long pause before he begins rocking inside of me. It’s slow at first, the opposite of what I asked him, but I can tell he’s working it up. He’s getting the lay of the land, enjoying these little moments where it’s more about the sensation than the friction.

  But then comes the first hit. His cock slides almost all the way out of my pussy and then plows its way in. I jolt forward on the bed, practically slipping out of his grip. But as he takes himself out again, he pulls me closer to him. Another slam and I manage to hold on this time. He grabs my wrists and pulls them behind me, his way of keeping me still. His cock punishes me over and over again, and all I can do is just take it. My muffled cries drift into the folds of the blankets under me.

  Above me, Ash pants and moans. His speed is outrageously fast. It’s sloppy, almost. But it’s the kind of fucking that takes you somewhere you’ve never been before. It feels almost dangerous to have him enter me like this. I’m inches away from falling off of that cliff, but I’m holding on just to feel the power of his cock land into me again and again and again.

  Ash slips out of me, on purpose or because I am so wet I don’t know, but it gives him time to flip me over again onto my back. I stare up at the man as he falls on top of me, his entire chest landing on mine. We both grab at one another as he reenters, his hips doing all the work as I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I let myself give in to it -- to the sounds, the smells, the electricity until I cum again. This time isn’t an explosion but a flow like a river as the orgasm moves down my head through my chest, wrapping around my spine, and flowering between my legs.

  Ash knows. He always knows when I have cum. He lets out a long sigh as he continues digging into me, searching for his own. I feel his lips suction around my skin as he presses his head between my neck and shoulder. He bites down softly, and I scream completely knocked out of my bliss. I want to slap him, but instead I fight back, digging my nails into his back until he launches upwards. His body hovers over me, his eyes glaring down at me like two beacons in the night.

  He screams out, “Dani!” before pulling out of me frantically. His semen pours down onto my hip and thigh. The warm, watery feeling causes me to sit up. I want to watch him finish. Ash’s head sinks backwards on his neck and his eyes shoot open as if he’s being woken up for the first time. And as he sweetly reaches down to me and pulls a piece of my hair back from my eyes, I wonder mindlessly if I had managed to take away those thoughts of hate and murder for just that one second of paradise.

  When he’s finished, he picks me up still wrapped in the bed sheet and walks me towards the bathroom out in the living room. Neither of us say a word, though I’m not sure what it would be even if we could talk. With his free hand, he turns the water on for the bathtub and pours a bit of the soap into the empty porcelain bottom.

  In the distance, just outside the room, there’s a sound. At first, I think we both blame it on the old pipes of the house, but as it begins to roar more consistently, Ash’s face transforms. He looks down at me, completely struck with something -- maybe fear or anger. I can’t tell in the dim light. I wiggle out of his arms and back to the ground to look up to him and whisper, “What was th--”

  He places a large finger to my mouth and walks out of the bathroom. I follow him to the bedroom as he throws on a pair of jeans over his sweaty body. I follow him, tossing on the lender shirt he gave me earlier. He looks back only once to say, “Don’t follow me. Stay in here.” Ash opens the top drawer of an old wooden bedroom dresser, takes something out about the size of his hand, and then places it in the back pocket of his jeans. As he walks out the door, I make out the outline of a gun’s handle, and my world goes blank.

  Even though he told me not to, I go towards the open bedroom door and stand in the shadows. I can make out Ash as he opens the door carefully before quickly throwing it open.

  There’s one word that comes out of his mouth before everything starts. It’s not a word even; it’s a name. “Spark!” He screams towards whomever is out there. But I never see a face before the bright light engulfs us.

  Chapter 26

  I’ve looked death in the face several times in my life. The first time was when I was young. My own daddy tried to kill me. He already had one son. He certainly didn’t need another mouth to feed. It was my grandmother who saved me by taking my beating. She brought me out to her orchard and protected me until I was big enough to fight my own battles.

  The second time would be watching my brother and sister-in-law die. Death came to me by my own gun. I could have done it with all that guilt weighing me down, promising me that nothing would be better than something.

  And then, there was taking Spark’s life. Unlike my brother’s death, I didn’t feel the same torn apart emotions. I didn’t even second-guess it. I had made peace with death as if he were an old friend that visited me from time to time. Taking Spark’s life was just a necessary payment to the piper. There would be others, even if they weren’t directly by my hand.

  But today is my turn. Death is coming for me in the form of a molotov cocktail thrown at the wood sides of the cabin house Dani and I had retreated to. At first, I think he is throwing it directly at me, but he eyes the space above the door where the roof hangs over slightly. As I cry out his name into the darkness, I hear the pop followed by the flames bursting into life.

  Black smoke pours into the doorway as the orange and red rivers of fire pou
r themselves down the frame of the home. Outside, I hear Spark laughing to himself as he walks around the side of the house, picks up another bottle and lights it. It hits the other side of the home where the bedroom is. I scream Dani’s name, but she doesn’t run out.

  Panicked, I run back into the bedroom still yelling her name over and over again, trying to make myself heard over the roar of the fire. I can barely see through the smoke, but I do see the open window. That damn girl already escaped. I can’t even begin to guess what the hell she was thinking as I take a deep breath and run through the flaming opening of the house towards the direction of Spark.

  “Well aren’t you an idiot! You fucking think you can stop me now?” Spark laughs as he points another molotov cocktail directly at her. She is lying on the ground, as if she had fallen over seconds ago. Her hands are above her face, pleading with him to not throw the explosive.

  “Please, I…”

  “Shut up, bitch! This is just great. While Ash Cooper dies in that house, I get to make sure he dies knowing you didn’t make it either. How fucking fantastic!” He steps closer to her, and I know I have to react.

  I reach for the gun in my back pocket when I realize just how near he is to her. If I shoot, there is no way it will clear so it doesn’t hit her. If I tackle him, both Spark and I go down in flames.

  Something in me stiffens. Dani can’t go out like this. She’s brave, smart, sexy, funny. She deserves the life she always wants whether it is with me or without me. I can’t let her get killed out here alone. She needs to know she’s worth dying for. I throw the gun down on the ground and take a deep breath in. It’ll probably be my last of fresh air. My jacket comes off next, a token to her to find after this is done.

  And then I run. I run at full speed straight towards him. I run past the house as it burns amber red, the heat becoming too unbearable to even stand next to. I run until I hear the bang. My eyes are closed as I land into his thin, weak body. It doesn’t even struggle to stand or hold my weight. My head hits the ground hard as my entire body rattles fiercely. It smacks against something hard and sharp.

  I hear Dani shout at me, her voice bloodcurdling. But there isn’t an explosion or flames washing over my body. There isn’t even white lights or the devil pointing his finger at me. There are voices -- not just Dani. They call out my name, as well, each more panicked than the last. I force my eyes open, and all I see is night sky, black smoke, and stars. I choke back as I roll over. Black dirty boots surround me as I spot Spark’s hand lying limp on the ground, a pool of blood starting to form just above.

  A face appears. It’s Dani. She stares at me, mouthing something desperately, but I can’t seem to hear her. She motions to someone before taking my arm and draping it around her shoulder. She squats down slightly and then slowly begins to pull. I feel my entire body move as I realize she’s pulling me. I could have guessed she was this strong, but seeing it with my own eyes is something else. This is the real Dani -- Dani the firefighter.

  I drift out of consciousness just in time to see three motorcycles pull away from the house’s small driveway. They are running quickly away from the red and white lights driving from the opposite direction.


  “Dani! Come on! You’re going to be late! The guys are waiting!” I sit on the edge of the brand new couch as I lace up my boots. It’s half past five. We were supposed to be out of the house fifteen minutes ago.

  “I’m here! Jeez. You’d think I’d be the one who was nervous about being late to her own graduation ceremony.” Dani stands in the doorway wearing a black suit with gold buttons. Her tight pencil skirt hugs at the roundness of her ass. Even wearing her dress blues, she manages to look freaking amazing.

  “Did you turn the sprinklers on?” she asks, looking out over the orchard -- our orchard. “You know what Greggory mentioned about watering on days like this.”

  “It’s on, it’s on. All you need to worry is becoming a firefighter today.” This has been a day both of us have been eagerly waiting on. After the incident, Dani’s Captain allowed her to pass the physical exam. After all, she had managed to carry me herself around the back of the house and to the front without any help. Well, she had help, but they didn’t want to get fingerprints on me.

  Duane, along with Marco and Vin, had shown up just in time. Like I had suspected, Duane had known it was my plan all along to draw Spark to some place obvious. His old home from when he was a club member was the perfect place to stir him up. When I didn’t show at the Piedmont, he had no choice but to go looking for me here. And as planned, Duane and the boys were waiting for him, guns in hand.

  To this day, I’m still not sure who fired the winning shot that hit just before the flame could light up the bottle. But whoever it was, I owed them my life, along with Dani’s. And for Dani’s part, she continued to play her part. Her official story to the police was that she had shot Spark with the gun belonging to her boyfriend. She still had no idea who he was or why he was targeting us, but she suspected it was a jealous stalker. No one could argue with her, especially with looks like hers.

  Months passed, and Dani took her written exam. Of course, she passed with flying colors. And then we were left with a choice. Dani could go after her dreams and become the firefighter she had always wanted to be, or I could stay in the club. We couldn’t continue to be together with two drastically different worlds. One of us had to make the sacrifice.

  And there was no way in hell I was letting it be Dani.

  I’ve been accused by more than one person of not being the sharpest tool in the shed, but I sure as shit know the difference between something short-lived and something better. This is better. I am better, and that’s because of Dani. If keeping her meant giving up everything I knew, well, so be it. She is worth it.

  That pretty much made my decision for me. I called a meeting of the club’s top brass and told them I’d made my decision. I put forward Aaron as the best person to take over for me. After all, he’s got the chops for it, and he’s not the kind of guy who’ll lead the club to ruin. He gets it.

  We didn’t promise to keep in touch afterwards. That’s not what you do. When you’re out, you’re out. And maybe that was okay.


  “Mornin’ sunshine,” Ash coos at me from the bed next to me. He casually drapes a leg out from under the covers suggestively.

  I laugh. “What’re you tryin’ to pull?” I ask.

  Ash smiles. “Just like lookin’ at you, is all,” he replies. “And gets me to thinkin’, we should, y’know, get to thinkin’.”

  “What now?”

  “Let’s fuck.”

  That sounds right. I lean over and allow myself to be enveloped in his embrace. He moves his mouth from my lips to my neck, sucking like a vampire -- then moves to my shoulders and down my arms. He flips my arms over and kisses me up the opposite way, through my armpit and collarbone and finally, naturally, ending on my breast. My nipples, already alert as soldiers, cry out for him as he teased my areola.

  “Mmm, baby,” I say faintly, “You know we gotta get up now, right?” Ash either doesn’t hear me or doesn’t care, and he swaps from my right tit to my left. “C’mon, baby, it’s time to turn the soil. Gotta do it before the sun comes up.”

  He pauses with his mouth, although not with his hands, causing me to throw my head back in ecstasy. “Do you have any idea what you’re talking about?” he asks before immediately returning to my breast.

  “N-no…” I shudder. “I don’t know the first thing about apple trees.”

  I close my eyes as he pulls off the sheets between us and slams me down on the bed. In the six months since he’d left the club, he’s really been trying to make a change of things. At first, I admit, yeah, I freaked out a little bit. I mean, what if all I’d ever wanted was the bad boy (or the prospect of a bad boy), rather than having Ash himself?

  Now, laying on this bed, my man -- my man! -- between my thighs, licking teasingly between my labia, I know
I’d had nothing to worry about. Ash is doing his best to atone for everything. And he is doing a damned good job at it.

  My mind begins getting fuzzy as Ash finds my clit and begins tonguing at it incessantly. As my orgasm begins rising, I get a sudden glimpse of the future. It involves me, and Ash, still at the orchard, but with wedding pictures on the walls. And pictures of the honeymoon. And then -- just maybe --

  I come before I can finish the vision. But I have a pretty good idea where it was going. It wasn’t a premonition or an orgasm-induced hallucination. Rather, it was the fire itself. I’ve found it, and, unlike so many others, I’ve found a way to keep it.

  And there is no way I am letting this fire go out.



  Chapter 1

  Neil “Hard-Jack” Jackson, patch holder of the Devil Knights MC, walked around his new ride with fascination in his cobalt gray eyes. It was beyond sweet. A trike, with a V8 427ci engine, front mounted. Extended 63mm front forks gave the bike a chopper hot-rod style. The Hughes-Performance Powerglide transmission gave it hot-rod takeoff and performance. The paint was a deep-dark near-black gray with orange-red flame work — not too much, but enough to catch the eye. And the sound through the special 4-to-1 collector pipes was pure idling thunder.


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