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Ash: Devil's Crucifix MC

Page 26

by Carmen Faye

  Neil kissed her, parting her lips and exploring her tongue. She lost her knees and he pulled her into him.

  When Sydney came back, he ignored the water and pulled her to him, and kissed her in the same passionate way, and even above the music playing out there for the break, she could hear Sydney moaning sex music.

  She expected some pang of jealousy or something, watching the man she just melted for, kissing her best friend, but there was nothing there except a stronger desire for both of them.

  Fuck we got it bad now, she thought to herself.

  The new pieces that Neil worked up with Blu Rayne were fantastic. They moved her body, and filled her with optimism. Several guys tried to dance with them, but they shook their heads and pointed at Neil. A few of them were confused, which only made them laugh and continue to dance for Neil.

  What interested Shayla most was that they were good looking men, and exactly her type, but she had no interest in them at all. None. Which was new. She always kept her eyes open, and a hand in the game no matter who she was with. Yes, she was a slut and she accepted that, because she enjoyed sex with good looking men, but didn't want to keep any of them.

  When she was about sixteen, her mother complained about the James Bond character being such a womanizer, but Shayla saw the Bond Girls in a whole different light. Here was a good looking man, who had it going-on in several ways, and these women had the sense to enjoy him for a while and move the fuck on. Bond wasn't a man you married, he was a man you fucked, because it would be good and fun and over the next morning.

  That had always been her view on good looking men. Fuck them, enjoy them for a while, and then move on. Don't keep baggage. Several of them wanted to keep her and some were even a hassle to get rid of, but she was never tempted to stick with any of them.

  She didn't have baggage with Neil -- she was buying fucking matching sets of luggage with steamer trunks. That kiss during break rocked her so hard she nearly orgasmed. And god his hand felt so good fondling her ass.

  They forgot all about their table, and the little button, and their half finished second drink. They danced during the show, and went backstage during the breaks, hoping he would kiss them again, which he did at each break. Then, fully swooned they would go back out and dance for him again.

  At mid-night they looked into each other's eyes and knew exactly what the other was thinking 'how do we get him into bed tonight?'

  From under the back seat he pulled out a blanket that they could cover their legs with, and two light jackets to put on.

  "Thank you Neil," they said together.

  At their apartment he packed up the jackets and blanket, seeming to ignore the fact that they were vibrating with energy.

  Sydney broke first, "Will you come up Neil? Please?"

  He looked them over, and then said, "Yes, but not for long. I need to be at the club early, and then I have plans tomorrow. So I want some serious sleep tonight. Is that going to be alright?"

  They each took one of this hands and pulled him toward the stairs, and he laughed. His laugh was deep like his voice, but clear and pure; a shock of wind through an old growth forest.

  On the couch, they snuggled against him and got his shirt unbuttoned. As soon as that happened they took off their own blouses, and bras, rubbing against him, kissing and sucking at his neck and the nipples of his chest.

  "Neil?" Sydney asked, her voice breathy and turned on, "Can we suck you off? Let us do that at least, please?"

  Shayla didn't wait for an answer, she started on his pants and getting his buckle undone.

  "How serious are you two? I mean, you don't have a history for keeping men," he said, and there was a bluntness in his voice.

  Shayla had his cock in her hand and she lifted up and looked him in the eyes, seeing that Sydney was suddenly shivering with fright.

  "Neil, we don't want to scare you, but since you asked so openly, I'm going to be open with you. We are, for the first time in our young lives, serious about a man. You. Yes, we have a reputation of being party pussies and basically sluts. You have every reason to doubt us. Can we at least have a chance? A month? To show you how deeply we feel for you? Is that so much to ask? I promise you, that you won't regret it."

  "You’re wanting a real relationship then, is that what you are saying?" he asked.

  "As real as it gets Neil," Sydney said with her hands in front of her mouth. "We don't have any experience with that, but we know we can love, because we love each other. I know we can love you."

  Shayla didn't wait for an answer again. She lowered her head and took his cock into her mouth. Sydney leaned into Neil and she could hear her moaning in a lover's kiss with Neil. After a bit, Sydney backed up from him and wiggled down her pants, and climbed back onto the couch, going for another kiss. Only a few moments later she was begging, "Oh, yes, oh yes Neil, please. I'm so hot. I'll come for you. God yes!" Then she climaxed, falling against Neil, her body pumping with climax throes.

  After a moment she came down and kissed Shayla, and then began sucking his cock.

  She got out of her pants as quickly as she could and fell into a kiss with Neil, who took her breasts into his hand and then her ass, and then finally put his hand on her pussy and began rubbing her to a blistering climax.

  "Shit Neal, oh god baby. I've wanted this for so long. God yes. Yes, yes, I'll come for you. Oh god Neil, come with me!"

  She went over the edge and he climaxed into Sydney's mouth.

  She dropped down again and sucked and licked at his cock with Sydney and then kissed her with an amazing amount of lust building up in her.

  The kissed and licked and rubbed his body, while rubbing theirs against him.

  "We won't ask Neil, you already said no," Sydney told him. "But we want you to know that we want you. No games, no fooling around. You and only you."

  He kissed both of his naked girl-friends at the door, one at a time, and then he left.

  Sydney turned to her, biting her lip, "Shayla?"

  "You have to ask?" she smiled.

  "Thank god," she breathed and fell into her arms.

  "Did he ask you to take off your pants?"

  "No," Sydney told her, kissing her neck. "I just couldn't stand not being naked for him any longer. I never felt like that before. I wanted so much to take my top off for him at the club. God, I almost did it too, twice."

  Chapter 5

  Thursday morning Sydney woke up in Shayla's bed, spooning with her, like she has for more than a month. Her mind went straight back to last night; the show, the couch, his hands on her, his climax. She got out of bed, trying not to wake Shayla, and got her new CD out of her little purse and put it in the stereo in the living-room and turned it up just a little. Just so they could hear it in the bedroom.

  Neil's guitar work with the techno driving behind it was so fucking good. It kind of reminded her a little of Pink Floyd, only Pink Floyd jacked up a few notches and with a lot more drum. She danced back into the room, letting the music move her body, thinking of dancing like this for Neal; naked and hot for him. Maybe they should get a pole and do learn how to pole dance for him. That would be cool, wouldn't it?

  She checked the time and was shocked. Neil would be here with their delivery in less than thirty minutes. She and Shayla got into each other last night, and it was after four AM before they curled up for sleep. But shit!

  "Shayla!" she shouted.

  "What‽" Shayla shouted back at her.

  "Look at the time! We got less than thirty before Neil is here. Ya'gotta get up!"

  "Oh fuck!" Shayla said, and shot out of bed heading for the shower, with Sydney following her right into the streams.

  They scrubbed and washed their hair and then got out, rushing to dry off.

  "Jeans?" Sydney asked.

  "Have to be. No time for anything else."

  Dressed in jeans, black Harley shirts and boots, they brushed their hair and put it back in pony tails. They were just finishing with a fast make
up job when Neil knocked on the door.

  "Shit," Shayla said. "I'll get the stuff out, you go answer the door."

  "Right!" she said, and ran from the bedroom to the front door.

  "Hey," he said as he came in with the case.

  "Hey yourself lover," she said, and jumped into his arms as soon as the door was closed. "God you look good in the morning Neil."

  After they parted lips, he said, "Some folks call this afternoon."

  "Well, some folks weren't up all night because their hot lover had to get his beauty sleep, which worked by the way," she chided.

  "My sleep or you being awake?"

  "Both," she answered with a smile.

  "So, Sydney, are you two, like, lesbians?"

  Sydney turned and tried to see past the curiosity, "If you had a camera in our room for the last month, you would swear we were Neil. But really, we just couldn't stand having anyone else but you -- and we’ve been taking care of each other, yes. Does that bother you?"

  "No, just trying to get my head around this relationship with you two. Last night was extremely hot for me, and yes, I'm into both of you. I was actually happy you weren't trying to get me to pick one of you, because that would have been impossible. But, I've never done anything like this."

  "Neither have we. Guys were never interesting enough that both of us wanted him, or important enough for us to ask the other to give him a special. So, we've never even had a threesome," she admitted to him.

  "Hey Neil," Shayla said, coming out with the scales and tests, setting them on the kitchen table. "Do I get a kiss?"

  "Of course," he told her.

  Sydney took the case from him and then watched them kiss, Shayla's right leg coming up and rubbing against his thigh. They looked so sexy together.

  Shit, I'm getting turned on all over again.

  Last night with Shayla was amazing. Shayla brought her to levels of climax she never experienced before. She tried to do the same for her, and she hoped she succeeded. Shayla was hard to read sometimes though. But even with that, she went to sleep still wanting Neil.

  They weighed and tested and the three kilos were right, and over eighty percent. "Good enough. I guess we owe you sixty ," Shayla told him.

  "Sounds right," Neil said, all business right now.

  He counted the money, checked the stacks, and put them into his case. After that he seemed a little hesitant to leave. So Sydney asked, "You said you had plans for today? Can we know what they are?"

  "Nothing secret. I'm just going to take the trike down to the Keys. The engine needs to be broken in, so I need to get in a few long rides," he explained. "City driving a new engine generally leads to problems."

  "Oh," Shayla said, "Um, could we come along, or is this a solo thing?"

  "Don't you have work or something?"

  "Well, yeah, but we'll be back by nine, won't we?" Shayla pressed.

  "By seven most likely. I'm just going to run down, get some dinner and come right back. Nothing special."

  "To us it would be," Shayla told him. "I know that probably sounds corny, but it's still true. We waited a long time for last night to happen. Now, well, both of us are hooked on you Neil."

  He nodded his head and looked at the case in his hand, "Getting there myself girls. I am. It's a lot to take in, but so far, it's all been good. So, yeah, grab your jackets, and shades, and let's get out of here. I just have to drop this off and we're in the wind."

  "Sweet!" Sydney screamed, and ran for the bedrooms.

  When she came out, Neil and Shayla were still kissing. "Um, Shayla? Helmet? Shades? My turn?"

  Shayla laughed, and Neil smiled offering her his hand. She set down her stuff, ignored his hand, and jumped up in to his arms again. He caught her by the ass and she wrapped her legs around his waist, grinding herself into him as she went into for a serious lover's kiss. She actually got off a little before Shayla came back into the room.

  After that, they took the kilos into the office and put them in their safe, which was one of those tall, gun safes. It was huge, but they felt secure with it. After all, they had another eighty-grand in cash in there, and now sixty-grand worth the coke. There was no way someone -- or even several someone’s -- were going to come in, and carry that thing out. It took the safe-movers special lifts and shit to get it in there. Now it was in and bolted to the floor. Once it was locked up and secure, they set the two deadbolts on their door, which was reinforced steel, set into a steel frame. Sydney new that the double pane front window was right there, so anyone with a hammer, and the will, could get into the apartment, but Shayla felt better knowing they weren't getting into through the door. Sydney figured anyone coming through the window, they could shoot, right? So, no harm letting Shayla have her illusion of security.

  Neil left them on the trike while he took the money inside, and dropped it off. He came out with a sour brow, and when he was close enough, Shayla asked, "What's up?"

  He stopped, and looked at both of them, "Look, he's taken to calling you two the cunts. He's the president, so I can't call him out and beat the crap out of him for it, though I want to. But if you ever hear that, and I don't do anything, I want you to know that I would if I could, because I don't think of you in those terms at all. Alright?"

  "Yes, and thank you Neal," Shayla said, and Sydney nodded her head, grabbed his jacket and pulled him in for a kiss.

  He looked less sour and nodded his head, then got into the front seat, started up the big engine and pulled them out into the the street, heading for the freeway.

  Riding across the long bridges across miles of water down to the Keys was wonderful. Sydney leaned back in the seat with Shayla and just loved the whole moment.

  They ate lobster at a crab shack, which wasn't fancy, or special in any way. In fact it was a dive. But it was the best meal she could remember having in years. They laughed and joked and kissed. Then afterward they walked along the shoreline, Neil holding each of them by the hand, while they enjoyed the sun and the scene.

  "Neal?" Shayla asked.


  "What do you have planned for tomorrow?"

  "Not much. I have some deliveries to make after three, but not much else going on."

  "We have several deliveries to make tonight," Shayla told him, "But if we're back by seven, we could be done by ten, or just after."


  "Would," Shayla asked, and faltered, then asked, "would you mind hanging out at our place until we got back? I would like to be with you tonight, and I know Sydney feels the same way. Will you?"

  She held her breath waiting for his answer. Shayla was so confident, so calm. Sydney always thought of her as the serious one, because it was always herself dragging them into to trouble and fun.

  "We'll stop off at my place, so I can get my laptop. That way I can work on some mixes I've been putting together," he said.

  She slammed into his side, wrapping her arms around him, whimpering with excitement.

  Chapter 6

  Shayla checked the time coming back into the apartment, and saw that it was closer to eleven than ten-thirty. When he wasn't in the living room, they looked at each other, but she told Sydney, "His bike’s outside."

  Sydney nodded and they took their backpacks into the office, and unloaded the cash from their sales that night. They sold thirty-five ounces, which is one kilo, making about $11,500 in gross profit. Which wasn't the best Thursday they ever had, but tomorrow they would sell the other two kilos, and could have a delivery on Saturday. Then again on Wednesday. That was the normal schedule. Generally they went through six to eight kilos a week. But they knew Neil had a Saturday planned with his sisters, so they weren't going to have him do a delivery then, and were thinking Sunday would be better if they had nothing to do except Neil.

  They found him sitting up with his back against the headboard of Shayla’s bed. His shirt was off, and his feet bare. On his lap he had his computer, and over his ears he had large headphones.

nbsp; "Good thing we're not in trouble," Sydney said to her.

  "Why's that?" Neil asked, looking up from his screen.

  "Oh," Sydney said, and bit her lip. "I thought maybe you wouldn't hear that."

  "I heard you come in," he said, giving her a smile. "Hungry? There's some Chinese takeout in the kitchen."

  "We ate at the club," Shayla told him, coming into the room and taking off her top. Sydney did the same, and then came into the room, removing her bra.

  "I have some margarita mix in there as well, with strawberries," he offered.

  "Yummy," she said with a soft tone, while taking off her bra, "but you don't need to get us drunk. We've been yours for weeks now."


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