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Ash: Devil's Crucifix MC

Page 29

by Carmen Faye

  "No, not yet," Amanda said with a soft smile. "Not ready to let that one go yet."

  Shayla found the games fun to watch. The girls were serious about their soccer, and aggressive. Sandy, the youngest, was a little monster out there, but Jill was a demon, and scored five times that game.

  "She's so fucking powerful," Sandy said next to Shayla and then covered her mouth and looked up at her.

  Shayla gave her a smile, "Don't worry about it, but don't let your mom hear you talk like that."

  "No way," Sandy said grimly. "So... you're my brother's girl friend?"

  "Yes," Shayla nodded.

  "And so is Sydney?"


  "Which one of you were first?"

  "Both at the same time," Shayla told her.

  "And you didn't mind?"

  "Well," said Shayla, "Sydney and I have been friends since high school. We were just a little older than your sister. Best friends. We did most things together. We went to college together, we got scholarships together. So, it doesn't surprise me that we both fell in love together."

  "This is your first time in love?"

  "Yes, it is," Shayla told her.

  "Wow. I fall in love all the time," Sandy confessed.

  "What about Jill?"

  "She use to, but now it's all about soccer. So, unless he has a ball in his hand when they meet, and can beat her on the field after that, he doesn't stand much of a chance."

  Dinner was a lot of laughter with some of the plays being recreated, and narrated. After the initial curiosity, Sandy and Jill just accepted them, like it was nothing. Shayla got the sense though that Neil could do no wrong in their eyes. There was some serious hero-worship going on in their relationship.

  Jill was all about soccer, and apparently Sydney played before Shayla met her. From the way she talked she knew the game. Though she admitted she wasn't good enough for scholarship, which is why she quit and went for an academic scholarship.

  "You both got one?" Jill asked. "Those are tough. Serious brain work."

  Back at their apartment, They curled up against Neil and ate popcorn and watched a thriller together. Just before nine, Sandy sent Shayla a text: Nite!

  She texted back: sweet dreams

  She set her phone back down and rubbed her hand on Neil's chest, and arm. "They're good girls."

  "Yeah, they are," Sydney agreed.

  "How did it go with Amanda?" Neil asked.

  "Well," Shayla said, as Sydney looked at her with pleading eyes, "after the initial nervousness passed, it was good."

  'I love you,' Sydney mouthed to her, making her smile.

  "She pull your covers with the dealing?" Neil asked.

  "Yes!" Sydney answered. "God! I almost died!" she moaned, clutched her hands to her heart and fell back into the couch.

  Neil smiled.

  Chapter 9

  When Neil came through the door on Wednesday his face was blank, and business — instantly telling Shayla that something was up, and that something was club business.

  Sydney looked to Shayla who nodded, telling her she caught it too, and just let it be. Sydney silently agreed, following her lover over to the dining room table.

  "Anton wants you to call him," Neil told her.

  She picked up her phone and called the man.

  "What's up Anton?"

  "Well, I know you ordered three, which is cool, but I sent four, which I'm going to give you for eighteen each instead of twenty."

  "What's wrong with them?"

  "Nothing. Nothing at all. They'll weigh out and test good. Great even."

  "Well, if that turns out to be true, then I'll call you back and we'll talk," she told him.

  "Hear from you soon then babe," Anton agreed, and broke the connection.

  Business was business and personal was personal, and this was business. Neil was telling them that with his lack of emotion and blank face. He didn't even grab Sydney's round little butt, which he was apt to do more often that he grabbed hers, but then he fondled hers more often, which she enjoyed much more. No kiss, no fondle, so something was up. That something was between them and Anton.

  It felt like a compliment. That they could handle it without his help, instead of coming in and telling them what they should say or how they should play it — which was the typical male response to these situations.

  They weighed and tested all four kilos, and they came up good. Even a couple of grams over. So she called him back on the speakerphone so Sydney could join in.

  "All right, they test, so we'll take them at eighteen. Thanks for the discount," Shayla said as soon as he answered.

  "No worries. So, Saturday I'll give you the same deal," he told her.

  Sydney shook her head, "No, we won't need any this Saturday, but thanks."

  "This is a good deal here," Anton repeated.

  "Yeah, but we don't like coke sitting around long in the house. If we're raided and found with cash that's one thing, but coke? That's a whole different kind of heat we don't want,"

  "So, sell it!" Anton said exasperated. "I mean, ladies, what's the deal?"

  "You mean, those cunts, right?" Shayla asked blandly.

  After a pause, he said, "Who you been talking to?"

  "You, actually. We were at the Blue Havana last night when you said, 'those fucking cunts Sydney and Shayla better get their shit together,' as we passed by your group." Shayla told him with the same bland voice.

  "Well, -- sorry —“

  "But this has nothing to do with that. Just didn't want you wasting more breath buttering us up. Obviously you have your opinion, and that's cool. We decided to lay low for a while. Some personal interests have come up and twenty-four-by-seven coke hustling is interfering. So, we're taking a break. First time in two years. I think we deserve that."

  "Yeah, but no. I've got coke sitting around that I had tagged for you two. That's not cool."

  "Well, shit Anton, hassle some other dealers you got, like the Gomez brothers or someone. We're still doing three kilos a week, which is more than most of them," she told him.

  "Fuck the Gomez brother. Fucking traitors. I'll be dealing with them soon enough," he blurted, and then paused and caught himself, "Alright. So, you're into something, need to back off for a while. No problem. Like you say, you're still doing three ki's a week like clockwork, so, alright. I'll even do the same deal for you next Wednesday. Can we do that? Four ki's for eighteen? That's good profit there."

  She looked at Sydney who shrugged, and then nodded.

  "Yeah, alright," she told him. "If they're like this, we'll take them."

  "Alright, and no more cunt stuff. I promise. You didn't deserve that," Anton added.

  "No, we don't," Shayla told him, and then broke the connection.

  She looked over at Neil, "So, alright, we called him. Can you put your face back on now? Give us a kiss? Let me suck your cock? Fondle my ass like you want to fuck it until Saturday?"

  "You trying to tell me you want it in your ass?" Neil asked.

  "That thick thing? No. Maybe on your birthday," she smiled.

  Sydney settled herself down into his lap, "I might want to give that a try. If you let me get it in first, before you do your animal sex thing."

  "See," Shayla said, "there are definite benefits to having two lovers. If one doesn't want to do it, chances are the other might."

  "More benefits than that," Neil told her.

  "Oh yeah?"

  "You think I bought into this just for the sex?" Neil asked.

  "Well, seemed like it might be on the top three list," Shayla answered.

  "Never occurred to you that I might love you both? That I enjoy your company? Like the other night when you told me all about your company research? I dug that. And Sunday night on the couch was good, and so was the day with my family. It's not just two girls, it's you two, Sydney and Shayla. That's where the benefits are."

  "Um, backup," Shayla said, lifting a finger. "Did you just say you loved u

  "Both of you, yes," Neil told her. Then he picked up Sydney like she weighed nothing, and set her on the couch beside him and reached into his jacket pocket as he got up from the couch. He pulled out two black velvet ring cases. He opened one and took the ring out, and gently slid it onto Sydney's hand. Then he walked over to her, and took her hand, which was shaking with so many emotions she couldn't name them, and put her ring on her finger. Then he kissed her and she fucking melted.

  "Oh fucking hell Neil," she whimpered and he picked her up and brought her to the couch, where a still stunned Sydney waited. He gave Sydney a kiss and she rose up, and nearly attacked him with sexual attention.

  He kissed and fondled them for a long time but then he got up again, setting Shayla to the side, "Got to get the money back."

  "What? You're going to drop this bomb on us and just leave?" she whimpered.

  "Yeah, yeah I am. Have too. I got another run to make after this."

  She and Sydney gathered themselves and got up, "Alright, we'll go get the rest of the money. Be right back."

  They got the money and then with pixie smiles they stripped down to their G-strings and came back out.

  They put the money into his case and then she handed it to him. "Well, we're going to put the coke in the safe, and since we don't have any deliveries to make tonight, we're going to satisfy ourselves with each other. Hopefully you'll get back in time before we exhaust ourselves and fall asleep."

  Neil looked them over, as they stood meeting his eyes, with their hands on their hips, daring him to say something.

  "See you soon then," he told them. And then he walked out the door, closing it firmly behind him.

  "Shit," Sydney said, "I can't believe he just left like that."

  "Well," she told her, "business is business and we got to go when we got to go. Right?"

  "Yeah, but... I mean... god is this ring fucking gorgeous or what?" Sydney said, distracted by the gleaming on her finger.

  Then the door swung back open, scaring the crap out of both of them, and Neil came back inside, slamming it behind him. He took her by the arm and put her on the couch, kneeling with her ass in the air and her hands on the back. Pulling down her G-string he pushed his cock into her and she gripped the back and cried out with absolute pleasure, and agony.

  He fucked her while she swore she loved him, and that she was his, and would always be his. Her adorations panted out of her as she climaxed and climaxed again.

  Then he put Sydney beside her on the couch and fucked her senseless too. After that he told them to suck his cock, which they did, mercilessly, until he climaxed.

  When he left this time, they bolted the door behind him and were still giggling fiercely.

  "I knew that would work," she told Sydney.

  "Can we still...?" Sydney asked.

  She looked her over and said, "Yeah, alright. Let's get the coke put away first though, alright?"

  "Yeah, yeah, right."

  Sydney was wild with her, and brought her to several screaming climaxes. She tried to give as good as she got, but felt she missed the mark, though Sydney showed no sign of complaint.

  "Did you like that?" Sydney asked her.

  "Fuck yes," she said, still panting from her last climax.

  "I watched a thing on the Internet called, 'How to Eat Pussy."


  "Yeah," Sydney nodded. "I'm into you Shayla. I mean, I've always loved you, but, I'm into you as well. And since you are the only girl I've ever been with, and also the only girl I'll ever be with, I wanted to learn how to treat you right."

  "So, you've been trolling lesbian sites?" she asked her.

  "A little, yeah. I'm not into the lesbian scene, but I'm into you. I'm just as into you as I am into Neil," Sydney confessed and then bit her lip.

  Shayla pulled her lip out from her teeth with her finger and kissed her, "Thank you Sydney. Really. I'll try to learn how to be good to you too, alright?"

  Sydney smiled, "I'll send you the link then."

  "Yeah, alright. I'll watch it," Shayla agreed. "Maybe we should take each other a little more seriously. Neil seems to be taking us seriously. And you're right, these are fucking beautiful rings."

  "We should have bands made, two each. One for each other and one for Neil. We can have then put together like wedding bands are done. Do you know what I mean?"

  "Yeah, I get it. I like that. We'll each find our own design. That would be perfect," she said and kissed her.

  "So, it doesn't bother you that I'm completely lesbo for you?" Sydney asked shyly.

  "Is that what you are?"

  "Yes. And, honestly, I kind of have been from the start. I kind of figured it weirded you out so I never said anything. But after that first night, I was hooked on you."

  "Well, let's see," Shayla said. "My best friend ever, who I love, is into giving me great orgasms." She shrugged. "I don't see a downside here."

  "Don't need to make a joke about it," Sydney said, and started to turn away.

  "Sydney, I'm not, honestly," Shayla told her, pulling her back to face her. "Ok, I'm a little nervous, alright? I'm not sure what to say or what is expected, or what you need. I've always felt that this was a special thing between us, but not a couple thing, you know? I've never thought of it being just you and me, and it sounds like you have."

  Sydney nodded her head but looked away, tears welling up in her eyes.

  "Baby," Shayla said. "I didn't know. I didn't. You never even hinted about this. Not once," she said softly. "So, like, give me a little slack, alright? I do love you, and I enjoy being with you. Can't that be enough? We're with Neil now, so it will always be me and you too. Right?"

  Sydney nodded her head, and then said, "It's hard though."

  "What is baby?"

  "You know, like when we're watching a movie or fixing dinner or whatever, I just want to rub your ass or caress your tit, or just make out with you for a while. Like lovers do, you know? But the only time we touch is in here, in bed. Which is great, but ... it's just hard."

  Shayla thought about this, going over it in her mind. When you got down to it, those urges that Sydney just described were the difference between being in a lesbian relationship and just having sex with your best friend. It was an intimacy thing. An offering. A commitment to the other that you were there for her comfort and pleasure — especially in the way that Sydney just described. The day to day things, the passing moments of affirmation. The simple “I’m yours,” caress in the kitchen.

  "Ok Sydney. I can't lie to you and pretend I have those urges as well, because I don't. Alright? I just don't. But, I won't turn you away. If you want to make out while dinner is in the oven, I won't turn you away. I won't freak out if you fondle my ass, or decide you need some tit time. Hell, I'll even enjoy it. But... and I know this makes me a bitch ... but not in public. Alright? I'm not ready for that," Shayla offered.

  Sydney studied her, "So, I should cancel those sponsor tickets to the gay pride parade?"

  "Definitely," Shayla smiled and rubbed her nose with hers. "Brat."

  Chapter 10

  Neil got off his bike and pulled the case out from under the seat for Leo Martin, a fairly good dealer and longtime customer. He was just about to walk across the grass to Leo's door when a voice to his left said, "Hey, you. Big guy."

  The voice was heavy with a Spanish accent.

  Neil paused, turning his head slightly to the left, assessing the situation.

  "See this Big Guy? This here is a shot gun. It makes little guys like me, big guys like you. You get that? Now, hand over that fucking case."

  To his left there were three of them, but to his right and behind him, he heard a fourth coming up slow.



  "Yeah, alright," Neil said, and under-armed the steel case hard at Shotgun, catching him high in the chest and face.

  Shotgun yelled more in surprise than pain, then the shotgun went off into the air above
him. The two crew behind him went for their guns but were fumbled by Shotgun backing into them.

  Neil went down on one knee drawing the gun from his side holster and the one from his lower back at the same time. Bringing them up, thumbing the safety releases his left-hand centered on the guy sneaking up on him and the right aiming in the general direction of the group with Shotgun. Neil fired both, only aiming the one in his left hand. Three rounds from each gun exploded from the barrels and sent the sneaking-kid into the air, to land flat on the ground.


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