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Ash: Devil's Crucifix MC

Page 40

by Carmen Faye

  "I had two upstairs," Shayla said absently.

  Sydney shrugged and did two of the lines, and then took the mirror into Neil. When she came out Sydney looked her over.

  "Y'know, we need to figure out a way of keeping you in lingerie. That bikini top just teases me."

  "You say the sweetest things lover," Shayla told her, and then accepted a kiss.

  "What we need to do is to figure out a way to get Neil to wear a thong around the house," Shayla added.

  "Shit," Sydney laughed. "We'd never get any studying done."

  After three hours of study, Sydney looked over at her and said, "Want to take a break?"

  She looked up from her notes, frustrated with her level of retention and nodded, "Sure."

  What Sydney meant by break, was a make-out session on the couch, so she set her book aside and came over to lay down with her. Her bikini top didn't last long and her shorts only lasted a little longer. Naked she got Sydney out of her tank-top and boxers.

  Sydney asked her, "Does it bother you, how much I want you? Physically I mean?"

  "No," she told her lover. "Why should it?"

  "I don't know. Just sometimes I feel like maybe it's too much. Like you might feel that I just want you for sex."

  "You better want me for sex. I'm not working my ass off in the gym every day so you can ignore me," she teased, and then added more seriously, "No Sydney. Your raging libido doesn't bother me at all. In fact I love it, just like I love you."

  "It's just that I feel I want you more than Neil does sometimes. Like I'm being greedy," Sydney told her. "And your ass does look incredibly nice by the way."

  "Thank you. So does yours," she accepted. "Neil doesn't do a lot of making-out, or cuddling. You do. So, yes, you spend much more time physically with me than Neil does, but I'm a happy woman."

  "You'll tell me if it gets to be too much, right?" Sydney asked.



  "Because you might stop," Shayla told her.

  They made-out for a while longer. Sydney felt like she was in a much better mood, and then they got up to make lunch. Dressed again, they made roast beef sandwiches and called Neil out to eat. He came out, thanked them, and took his plate right back into the studio with him.

  "Must be on a roll," Sydney offered.

  "Well, it can't be us, we just showered," she told her.

  They were cleaning up when Shayla's phone rang. Looking at the ID she found it was Anton calling. She answered it on speaker phone.

  "Unexpected," she said.

  "Didn't think I would just forget did you?" Anton said.

  "I always expect people to be smarter than they are. It's a fallacy of mine. What do you want?"

  "To make you a deal," Anton told her.

  "Not interested. You kill people you owe money to, you shoot at little girls. Your credit is no good here," she answered.

  "Look, I know where you are now. So, if you start selling again, and do at least six a week, I won't kill Neil. Alright? You have twenty-four hours, and then all bets are off. Bye," Anton said, and broke the connection.

  Sydney looked up at her, and asked, "Think he knows?"

  "All of our mail goes to the post office box. We haven't been over to the apartment since we left. No reason to. This place isn't in our names, it's in our new names, Jackson, and Neil isn't on the papers. Not yet anyway. I was going to do that, but decided against it for this exact reason. We haven't given anyone our new address," she reasoned.

  "What about those guys who come over every once in a while to talk with Neil?" Sydney asked.

  "If he didn't trust them, he wouldn't have them over," she said.

  "True, but he wouldn't be the first person to trust someone who betrayed him," Sydney pointed out.

  "So, what are you saying? You think we should go back? Sell for someone who will probably kill us as soon as we poke our heads out?" she asked calmly.

  Sydney frowned, "Yeah, that could be true as well, and more likely than him finding us."

  "Look," she explained, "the bottom line is, he can't be trusted. If we go back, he has all the cards. He can stiff us on quality and quantity and what are we going to do about it? Complain? He'll just laugh in our faces and soon we'll be sucking his cock, and getting fucked in the ass. If we are going to deal again, it won't be for him — and Neal and you are the only ones who get to fuck me in the ass."

  "So, what do we do?" Sydney asked.

  She looked down that the phone and then back at Sydney and said, "We tell Neil about the call, and then you have twenty-four hours to teach me how to fire a gun. That's what we do. After that, we need to give Anton a bigger problem to worry about."

  Sydney followed her into the studio where they waited until Neil acknowledged them and found a place where he felt like he could pause. He saved his work and then gave them his full attention.

  Shayla told him about the call, and the threat, and what they had discussed already. Then she outlined a plan to give Anton something serious to worry about, which would take his attention off them.

  Neil listened closely, in that way he had of making her feel like she was the only important thing in his life. It felt good to have him pay that close attention to what she had to say.

  Sydney had a few things to say about the plan she just outlined and they talked between themselves for a while regarding consequences if they were caught, by either the police or the Knights. After that, they both waited for Neil to say something — anything, since he had been quite the whole time.

  "Well?" she finally prodded.

  "First, he doesn't know where you are. He has no patience, and would have shown up, not called," Neil started. "Second, you're probably right, he's hoping you'll pop up so he can either kill you or exploit you, and then kill you. Third, don't make the mistake of underestimating him. He didn't become president of the Knights by being stupid or weak. He's tough, tenacious and crafty if not out-right intelligent."

  Neil got up and stretched his back, "As for your idea, it would be effective, and could even result in a vote of no confidence being called, and passed. It would be the first time in club history that such a thing was done — which means it would make him mad as hell and the first chance he got he would focus every resource available to him on finding you and killing you — well, us. That's not to say it shouldn't be done, just putting the danger into perspective. But, I need to give it some thought, because it's not just going to affect him. It's going to hurt the whole club, and it's treason."

  "What about just killing him?" she asked.

  Neil looked at his computer monitor, and then said, "That's an option, except I'm not a murderer. Not yet anyway. So far, I've only killed in self-defense and even then, the actual death of the person wasn't the primary goal of my actions — just stopping them from killing me would have been just fine."

  "Even those Imperial Gangsters who jumped you?" she asked.

  "As far as I know, none of them died. They all made it to the hospital, but maybe one or two of them died there. I don't know. I'm not that concerned," he admitted.

  "Oh. Is that why you missed, when you shot Anton at the apartment? You don't feel the need to kill?" she asked.

  "Maybe. I usually hit what I'm aiming at. Looking back at it, I don't consider threatening me to be a capital offense. So, maybe. Yes," he mused.

  She nodded to this and paced a little, saying "Well, I think he proved that he's serious, and a lethal threat when he decided to gun you down with your two sisters on the back of your trike. He may have thought it was me and Sydney, but does that matter? He pulled out his gun, chased you, cornered you and took several shots at you, with no regard for where he was at, witnesses, other possible victims of his actions, nothing. So, we need to do something. Waiting for him to make the next move is foolish. We can't be defensive any more. We've moved, you've retired, we quit dealing, we've gone off the grid, we've done everything we can except move out of state, to give him his space and t
he opportunity to leave us the fuck alone. He's not going to do that. So, we need to deal with him in a direct and aggressive manner. My plan doesn't involve killing him, or endangering anyone else. Yes, I agree, it will hurt the club, but it won't kill anyone, or get anyone else arrested, and the club will recover."

  Neil stood and put his hands on his hips and looked at the floor for several beats, and then nodded his head, saying, "I agree, but I still need some time to think it through. Is that alright?"

  "Of course Neil," she said. "We all need to agree with something this potent. And yes, you should think about it, and so should I and Sydney."

  "Good, then we'll talk about this again on Saturday," he agreed.

  "What about Friday?" she asked. "The girls are supposed to come over and spend the night with us. Should we cancel? If there's even a chance that he could be telling the truth..."

  Neil shook his head and said, "If he hasn't done anything by Thursday, then he's bluffing. What concerns me though is what prompted the bluff? I need to make some calls and try to figure that out. Why this week and not last week? Why bluff at all? Why not show up and make his demands? Or, at least, prove to us somehow that he's not bluffing? Like I said, he's not stupid, and he doesn't act without reasons and counter planning. He's a dangerous enemy to have."

  "I'm starting to get that, and I'm sorry now we ever got involved with this shit in the first place — other than it brought you into our lives," she told him.

  He gave her a smile, "Think I'm worth this shit?"

  "I think you're worth this and a whole lot more. You're worth my heart Neil. The whole thing," she told him and stepped into him, wrapping her arms around his waist and putting her forehead to his chest. "I'll be happy though when this shit is over, and we can just be us, living together as a real family, without homicidal maniacs — intelligent or not — trying to kill one or all of us."

  He reached down and took her ass into his hands and fondled it with deep probing fingers. She sighed and pressed her cheek to his chest, purring.

  He kissed the top of her head and then said, "On a change of subject, how you would feel about making a few movies for me?"

  She looked up to his eyes, and asked, "Movies?"

  "I'm going on tour in a few weeks, at least I will be if this stuff with Anton is settled in a satisfactory manner. So, I would like something a little more than a few pictures to take with me," he told her.

  The gleam in his eye begged her to ask, "Are you talking about sexy movies?"

  "Yes I am," he agreed.

  "How sexy?"

  "As sexy as we can make them," he told her.

  "We have a history of getting pretty fucking sexy around here Neil. Are you thinking of filming us fucking?" she asked.

  "Yes," he told her.

  She bit her lip, and turned to Sydney raising a questioning eyebrow.

  Sydney said, "When?"

  "Oh," Shayla said, and looked back to Neil. "I, um, well, what do you want me to do?"

  "Nothing right now. Right now I would like to borrow your car. I need to go pick up a few things and they won't fit on the trike. It will only take me a little more than an hour. Then you two can go to the gun range, because I do think that is a good idea. Sydney and I both have guns in the house, and while we keep them safe, you should know how to at least handle a gun."

  "I don't see a problem with that. Sydney?" she asked.

  "Well," Sydney said, disappointment in her voice, "now you got me all hot to make pornos for you. So, you better get out of here fast before I rape you. Both of you."

  "Shayla will be staying here," Neil offered.

  "Well, then you are going to be missing out on some photogenic moments while you're gone hubby," Sydney told him. "Hurry back."

  Neil gave her ass a squeeze and then disengaged from her, saying "Good luck."

  As he walked out, heading for the front door, she said, "I have the strangest feeling that I should be mad at one or both of you right now, but I can't figure out why."

  "Is it because you are about to get used like a Roman sex slave for the second time today?" Sydney asked with a mischievous grin.

  Shayla shook her head slowly, bit her lip and let her eyes go sultry, "As long as it's you or Neil using me, you can have me as often as you like lover. Treat me like your whore, any time, any place."

  They heard Neil open and close the door behind him. Then Sydney looked back to her, "Then get those clothes off and come out into the living-room and dance for me."

  "Alright," she said and undid her bikini knot behind her neck and followed Sydney out to the living room. "Mind if I put on some music?" she asked on the way.

  "Put on that ambient one of Neil's," Sydney said and pulled her boxers down her sexy legs. For a tom-boy, Sydney was anything buy boyish in her looks. Her breasts were round and perky and firm. Her ass was round and tight. Her shape was a nearly perfect hourglass, the shape most women go for, and few of them achieve when they are naked. She could easily be a model for Playboy. From what Shayla had seen of the magazine, which was admittedly not much, she was exactly the type they go for with their centerfolds. Since they started working out, which Sydney took to with a vengeance, like she was pissed off at the machines and wished to punish them, she was even sexier than she had been before. There was no girlishness to her body any longer. Sydney was all woman now, and a fine example of the species.

  She put on the music Sydney asked for and then finished pulling off her clothing, slowly and with as much grace as she was able. Sydney sat on the couch, watching her, and removed her tank top.

  "Can I ask you something Sydney?"

  "As long as you are moving your hips while you do it," Sydney told her.

  Shayla smiled and started to dance to the music, moving her hips and running her hands down her sides. "Are you still thinking you want babies with Neil?"

  Sydney paused before answering, "Not really. Not like I was. I think that was more or less a lack of language skills. I mean, how can you know what 'intimate' means if you've never been intimate with a man? I said I wanted babies with him, because that was the most intimate and committed relationship bonding I could think of at the time. Now, we are so fucking close and loving with him, that having babies is sort of superfluous — or maybe just redundant. If he asked me, I'd stop using the pill and have one as soon as I could. No doubt in my mind. But I don't think he's in a hurry and I'm so overwhelmed by our intimacy level, and the commitment we have to each other, that I'm not in any hurry either. What about you?"

  "Pretty much the same," she said thoughtfully, trying not to let the thought affect her performance. "You put that well — a lack of language skills."

  She let thoughts of babies and the future slide out of her mind. She didn't want to have babies right now either, basically because what giving birth would do to her body. She wanted to be sexy and alluring for her wife and her husband. Her hips weren't as well shaped as Sydney's, but she had a nice heart-shaped ass, and long firm legs. Her abs were well defined now, though they were pretty good before going to the gym. It seemed that having multiple crunching orgasms several times a day was a good stomach muscle workout. Her breast were teardrops, and seemed larger than they were because they were large for her body. They actually were a bit smaller now from the workouts they were doing, but much firmer took. Sydney was a tit-hound, and she was even more enthralled with her breasts than ever before. Most mornings she woke up with Sydney suckling her, after having had morning sex with Neil. During movie-time, she massaged and fondled her for more than two hours, never tiring of the sensation of her breasts her her hands.

  Since she was a tit-hound, Shayla began rubbing her breasts and arching her back to accentuate her breasts, offering them to Sydney, telling her with her body's motions that her breasts and everything else was hers for the asking. She also rose up on the balls of her feet while she moved, so that her legs looked longer and more shapely.

  They danced together for Neil at least once
a week, but this was the first time Sydney asked her to dance just for her own enjoyment. Looking over at one of the photos of her on the wall, she touched on an idea and tried to bring into her mind the emotions and agonizing arousal that Sydney and Neil liked to bring her too by intense sessions of foreplay. She kept the emotions off her facial expression — just flooded her mind with the sensations she experienced when she was so wanton she'd gladly perform sexual favors for Neil's friends if he told her too.

  While she did this she kept eye-contact with Sydney and tried to let her body express her level of desire for her. Then about halfway through the song, she let go with her eyes and just let the music move her, turning her around, sending her hands into her hair, being as open and free as the music itself — exploring and enjoying her own sexuality.


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