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Destiny's Choice

Page 4

by Kimberly Hunter

  “Is this true, Ian?” Roan’s voice was a deep rumble. The bond they shared conveyed shocked disbelief.

  “You knew we’d taken her to countless doctors. Especially in the beginning. We almost lost her a few times.”

  Letting the woman go who gave birth to her with a disgusted shove, Rivera went to her True Mates side. She was shaking with rage and the need to vent it.

  “Yes, but even then, there were reputable doctors. How could you have put your own daughter through such horrors when you knew the truth? Christ, Ian, why?”

  There was no answer from the two, but Rivera knew just the same. Had known, in a way, for years, but didn’t want to admit it to herself.

  “They were afraid to let their little secret get out. And if I had really died along the way, well, a loss, but children died back then. And they had tried to find a solution after all. Didn’t matter if the doctors had been questionable, it would still look like the concerned parents tried.”

  When their heads bowed low and the scent of shame and guilt permeated the air, Roan exploded. He grabbed the pair by their necks with each hand, lifted them up, then slammed them down on the floor. Rivera didn’t even have time to react before they were cowering and whimpering with distress under Roan’s angry power. She didn’t move from where she stood though. It was more than they deserved.

  “That was it, wasn’t it? All those quacks, the tests, and procedures you told me about were nothing more than ways to kill your own child. To remove the evidence of your crime.” When they didn’t answer, Rivera felt Roan blast them with his power, making them shake with fear. “Wasn’t it?” He shouted.

  Lillah started sobbing. “She was so frail, we…we didn’t think she would live anyway.”

  “But I did. I lived despite everything that was done to me.” To say that she was numb would have been an understatement. After, when she was alone and could lick her wounds, she was quite sure a breakdown would happen. Not now though. Now was for enduring and getting it all out in the open. “I always wondered when I was little why I was never encouraged to be around the other Pack members. Why I was one of the few to be allowed to attend human schools. As I got older, I thought it was because I was different from the Pack. Now I see it as your way of further hiding your secret. With me still alive, there was the greater chance your crime would be discovered. But pushing me away and keeping me in the dark saved you both. Feeding my dislike of the Pack due to my differences must have seemed like a bonus when I ate it up at every turn.” She shook her head. “I wonder though, why you didn’t just kill me outright.”

  Roan growled at that. His eyes glowed nearly white and his fangs had lowered. And the power coming from him, it was primal. It was also very strong. He certainly didn’t get to be Alpha by being weak. But from what Ian and Lillah had said, he was the most powerful Alpha in generations. She could well believe it. He was also her True Mate, the man and the wolf. He was glorious and Rivera felt blessed that she had endured what she had to make it to this moment. She wasn’t sure the man and woman who bore her were though. Roan’s claws had come out and it looked as if he was choking the life out of the pair.

  “Roan?” When he didn’t seem to hear, she spoke a little louder, careful not to move too close. “Roan.” She knew better than to touch him in the state he was in. The anger swirling through their bond was quite potent and directed at the couple on the floor. “Roan!” And even the tamest of animals could snap at you.

  He looked up at her then. His light eyes started to lose some of their glow as he slowly recognized her. “Sweetheart?”

  “You can let them up now, Roan. I’ve learned all I need to.”

  In a flash, he was up and had her in his warm embrace. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”

  “Nothing for you to be sorry about. You didn’t know. Nobody did. They made sure of that.” It felt so good to be in his arms. She was safe here, cherished.

  An angry rumble followed Roan’s reply. “Yes, well, I know now and this changes everything.”

  “What do you mean?” She gazed up into that handsome face, his eyes diamond hard.

  “Their breach of Pack Law was bad enough. They understood the consequences despite Ian still being human. This is also unprecedented due to the fact that the crime is nearly two centuries old. To make matters worse, the child that resulted of this breach was repeatedly abused for the sole purpose of causing that child’s death, your death, Rivera. That I cannot, will not, let pass. Every child ever borne into the Pack has been precious. To learn that two people I loved like family tried to murder their own to cover up this crime is beyond abhorrent. The breach I could forgive, but not attempted murder of a child. Never.”

  With that said, he reached into his pocket and brought out his cell phone. He punched one number then put the phone to his ear, continuing to hold her close.



  The word was like a verbal slap to Ian who hastily shut his mouth. His mate huddled in his arms as they remained on the floor.

  “Mikeal, I need you and Steven out here at Ian’s place immediately. I’ll explain when you get here.” He rang off then punched another number. The person on the other end picked up on the second ring. “Flynn, I need you to call Morgan, Kyle, and Boone. An emergency meeting needs to be set up.”

  “What’s going on, Roan? You sound seriously pissed.” With her Lupus hearing, Rivera could hear Roan’s brother loud and clear.

  “I’ll explain once we’re back in Montana.” That made Rivera look up at Roan with surprise. “For now, I want you to contact those three and have them get to the house ASAP. And find the St. Paul’s, Phillip especially. They need to know what their daughter and son-in-law have been up to. I want them all there as well.”

  “This sounds serious, brother.”

  “Attempted murder usually is.”

  “What? Who?”

  He looked down at her, his expression showing tenderness as he smiled. “My True Mate.”

  Chapter Four

  “Shit! No wonder you sound pissed. She alright?”

  He looked down at her blond head, nestled safely under his chin. She was quiet. Their bond wasn’t telling him much which meant the calm before the storm. He needed to get her out of here and soon.

  “She is…coping. Once Mikeal and Steven arrive, I’ll take Rivera back to the cabin were she can rest.”

  “Wait, you mean Ian’s daughter, that Rivera?”

  “The same.”

  There was a pause then a hearty laugh. “Well, seems Angel isn’t the only one who never does anything by halves. Congrats, brother.”

  Roan couldn’t help but grin with happiness. Leave it to his twin to be supportive and humorous all at once. “Thank you. She is unique and my perfect match. I am truly blessed.”

  “I’m happy for you, brother. You deserve it.”

  “She’s all I could have asked for and more.”

  “And that’s all that matters,” he said. “Now, I’m sure you’ll explain the how’s and why’s after you get here, so in the meantime, Sasha and I will get the wheels started on this end. Although Sasha could probably get those three here faster than I ever could.”

  “Damn, I should have thought of that.” He let out a gusty sigh.

  “No worries, Roan. I’m sure your mind is otherwise occupied with more pressing matters. And having Sasha deal with the heads of the three highest ranking Pack families’ saves me from having to do it. You know how I hate dealing with those assholes,” He growled.

  “Vividly.” Roan chuckled.

  “Alright, smartass get your True Mate settled while I have Sasha do her thing. I’ll track down Phillip and his parents. Though it shouldn’t be all that difficult. The St. Paul’s are pretty active with the higher ranking Pack families and Phillip’s usually not that far away from them. Last I heard he was schmoozing the Lennox’s youngest daughter.”

  “What’s that you want me to do?” Sasha’s southern
accent came across the line.

  “Roan is calling an emergency meeting, hon. He wants Morgan, Kyle, and Boone here ASAP,” Flynn told her.

  “Oh goody, I get to tweak Boone and his bitches’ nose again.” The fading sound of footsteps could be heard over the phone as Sasha apparently walked away to make her call.

  Flynn snickered. “I think we created a monster.”

  “Hardly.” Roan snorted. “Boone and Elise needed to be brought down a peg or two anyhow. They’d been getting quite insufferable. Though Elise challenging Sasha was a surprise.”

  “Elise loosing wasn’t.” Flynn chuckled. “In fact, their personal physician called the other day to let me know that she was finally able to shift without any pain in her left shoulder or arm.”

  “She’s lucky Sasha didn’t rip that arm off and beat her with it.” Roan huffed. “Being broken in three places and nearly torn from its socket is mild compared to the alternative.”

  “Yeah, I have a feeling Elise will think before she opens her big mouth again,” Flynn said with dark humor. “Alright, enough of this. Go do what needs done. I’ll see you and your True Mate soon.”

  “In the morning.”

  “Right, in the morning. Bye.” The phone clicked off.

  Shaking his head with a smile, Roan put the phone back in his pocket.

  “You’re going to have them tried and executed, aren’t you?” Her voice was soft but strong.

  “If this crime had happened sooner, I’d have Mikeal and Steven witness their executions. But nearly two centuries is a problem that has never been dealt with before. Morgan, Kyle, and Boone are the heads of the highest ranking Pack families. And while I don’t need their say so in carrying out Pack Law, consulting with those three will not only mean having justice served, but will also put into motion a new law that will hopefully prevent something like this from ever happening in the future.” He lifted her chin up so she could face him. “It must be done, Rivera. The time limit notwithstanding, the severity of this crime must be addressed and punished.”

  “I know and really, I have no objections. They knew what they were doing and the consequences of those actions. It’s just…” She grimaced. “There’s bound to be talk about us. Well, about…me.”

  “Rivera, you are my True Mate. The bond is already in place and after the First Mating it will be even stronger. Despite your supposed inadequacies—”

  “Not being able to shift is more than just an inadequacy, Roan.”

  “Fine, supposed inability.” That earned him a very unladylike snort. “There is nothing and no one that can come between a True Mate pair. In fact, the Pack’s Law’s are very harsh on anyone stupid enough to try.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “You’re not getting rid of me, sweetheart, so rest easy.”

  “Alright, but just fair warning. One of those little upstarts gets in my face again and I’m ripping her head off. I may not be able to shift, but I’m a Lupa in every other way and I’m done putting up with the BS,” she told him with fire in those mismatched eyes. It was the first sign of her old self he’d seen since all this drama had started.

  “I’d expect no less from my True Mate, sweetheart.” He kissed her nose again with a grin. “ I have the distinct feeling that you and Sasha will get along famously.”

  “Yeah?” A small smile peeked out.

  “Oh, yes. She too doesn’t suffer fools lightly.” It was somewhat of an understatement. Since finally understanding her role as female Alpha, his sister-in-law had become a force to be reckoned with.

  “I think I’d like that. From what little I heard on your phone, she sounds…different.”

  “She is at that.” He nodded with a big grin.

  Before either could say more, Steven and Mikeal walked in.

  “Sweetheart, why don’t you go grab a bag and put enough for a few days in it while I give Steven and Mikeal a quick run down.”


  “It’s all right, Rivera. I promise they won’t think less of you for not sticking around.” He could feel her anxiety and the need to run.

  “You sure?” Her gaze darted to his guard, no doubt taking the measure of each man.

  Mikeal Reynard was tall and slender with dark hair and eyes. Steven St. Patrick was his opposite with light blond hair, blue eyes, a medium build and height. They were also strong and powerful. Mikeal was third to Roan after Flynn, and Steven wasn’t far behind as fourth. They were all good friends and two of the few he could trust with what he was about to impart without them making any snide comments or judgment calls.

  “Positive,” he assured her as he brought her hand up and kissed her knuckles.

  “Okay. I really didn’t want to hear it all again anyway. Once was more than enough.”

  “I know, sweetheart.” After a quick peck on the lips he let her go.

  Once he was sure she was upstairs and busy, Roan told Mikeal and Steven everything. They were overjoyed about Rivera being his True Mate despite her inability to shift and the scum who sired her.

  “It’ll happen,” Steven said with confidence. “She’s just a late bloomer, is all. My cousin Carl didn’t go through the First Transformation until he was twenty-one.”

  “Hmm. Maybe the virus in her system just needs adequate time to become potent,” Mikeal surmised. “I mean, being half human, its possible that’s what’s slowed the virus in her system down and its taking longer to make her fully Lupus. Unlike when a human gets attacked by an elder.”

  Roan nodded thoughtfully. “That sounds more plausible than the dormant gene theory. You and Flynn can talk it over after we get settled at the house in Montana.”

  “Knew that course in virology would come in handy some day.” Mikeal smirked.

  “And what about these two?” Steven asked as pointed to Ian and Lillah. “No offense Roan, but I’d rather we just took them out back, ripped their heads off, and let Mother Nature take care of the rest.”

  “As much as that appeals, a quick death would be too merciful.” Roan grinned at Steven’ bloodthirsty attitude. “Besides, this opens up the perfect opportunity to move forward with our plan. And its past time I set an example.”

  Mikeal sighed deeply. “Brother Dearest and his stooges making waves again?”

  “Shallow ones, but waves nonetheless.” Roan nodded again.

  “Jeez, didn’t Elise getting a mud hole stomped in her privileged ass work? Damned if it didn’t impress me.” Steven huffed.

  “Yeah. And from what Flynn told me later, Sasha was holding back. Otherwise, Elise would be missing an arm right now instead of healing from a busted one,” Mikeal added.

  Steven whistled. “So neither Sasha nor Flynn knows just how powerful she is?”

  “Her powers are still growing and developing,” Roan told them. “As she is right now, her power is on par with you, Steven. Another year or two and it could surpass you, Mikeal, and even Flynn.”

  “You mean to tell me that in time, her powers could be on level with yours, Roan?” Steven’ blue eyes were wide with the question.

  “It’s certainly looking that way, yes.”

  Mikeal and Steven exchanged a look then both burst out laughing.

  “Poor Flynn. If he thinks he has his hands full now…” Mikeal snickered.

  “Your dad must be having one hell of a good laugh. He always said the both of you would meet your match someday and damned if he wasn’t right.” Steven grinned as he shook his head.

  “No doubt.” Roan chuckled. “But I have the distinct feeling I’ll be thanking him for that prediction everyday for the rest of my life.”

  The two men nodded then Steven asked, “So, what’s the plan? Other than making sure these two get all that’s coming to them?” His sky blues began to glow as he stared daggers at Ian and Lillah.

  The two were sitting up now, but otherwise hadn’t moved from their huddled position on the floor.

  “Oh, they will, never doubt it,” Roan promised. “Reminding the moron triplets of
their place is just an added bonus.”

  “Excellent.” Steven rubbed his hands together in apparent gleeful anticipation. “Though no offense to you Mikeal, but your brother and his cronies have been cruising for a while now.”

  “He’s been warned on several different occasions about his lack of respect for our Alpha as well as trying to undermine his leadership. It’s past time he and the other two paid the price for their stupidity.” Mikeal’s face was stony, his scent conveyed anger. All if it, no doubt, aimed at his brother and the two who followed him, Roan thought.

  From the moment Roan became Alpha, by defeating his only challenger, Mikeal, Boone Reynard had shown in small ways his dislike of who the new Alpha was. Not being nearly strong enough to challenge for the Alpha position himself, Boone had been using his influence as the head of one of the highest ranking Pack families to try and topple Roan that way. But the only ones he had convinced to aid him were Morgan Salaud and Kyle Montblanc. While both were the heads of two more high ranking Pack families, they were just as low in power as Boone. Roan had, of course, been aware of Boone’s schemes, but it wasn’t until after Sasha had fully stepped into her role as female Alpha that he had made his move. Using his Mate’s greedy nature against her was just the first step. One that had ended badly for Elise. Others had come in the form of business deals gone sour, complaints from Pack members about Boone overstepping his authority, and even stirring up the younger generation in regards to the Packs dealings with humans. Specifically, encouraging the young males to seek out human females for the sole purpose of using them for sex. Lupus had a high sex drive, males especially. And given that the Lupus were significantly stronger than a human; there had been a few incidents.


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