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Destiny's Choice

Page 10

by Kimberly Hunter

  She looked at him, really looked. “You’ve experienced this.”

  “Yes.” His gaze showed remembered pain. “My father had his inner circle, Omega Squad, plus myself and Flynn when we were old enough, go through what it felt like first hand. His reasoning was that if an Alpha had to resort to using this power on a Pack member, then he wanted all of us to understand the true violence of it.”

  “Christ.” She shook her head, failing to see how a father could do that to his children to make a point.

  “My father didn’t make that kind of decision lightly, Rivera.” His voice held love and a deep respect for the man who had been his father and Alpha. “Hurting anyone deliberately was abhorrent to him. But being the next Alpha and making sure I knew what being in that position truly meant, I needed to feel exactly what that kind of power would do personally. To appreciate it and respect it. And to never use it to harm others for my own gain.”

  With every ounce of information, Rivera learned more about the man who was her True Mate. It was amazing really. Even with all his power, keeping the Pack safe and happy was his main concern. As it should be, of course. But Rivera didn’t understand just how much control it took for Roan to be Alpha. She was sure any other Lupus would have used that power to their full advantage. Not Roan, not her True Mate. He was all an Alpha should be and more. She got it. And it made her proud that such a Lupus was hers.

  “I think…” She tilted her head to the side and grinned. “I think your father would be proud of the Lupus you are. And even more proud of the Alpha he helped you become.”

  His cheeks flushed at the compliment, his smile wide. “Thank you, sweetheart. I know he would have enjoyed welcoming you into our family.”

  It was her turn to blush. “You think so?”

  He leaned over and kissed the tip of her nose. “Absolutely.”


  “Any time.”

  That warm glow started in her middle again, but with Dane in the vehicle, she needed to keep a lid on it. For now.

  “So,” she coughed. “I take it Steven and Mikeal also went through this?”

  Icy eyes danced with mirth, knowing what she was doing. “Yes. It’s a part of being in my inner circle.”

  “Dane?” She glanced his way in the rear-view mirror.

  “It sucked monkey balls.” He snorted. “But Roan’s father had it right. That kind of power is not to be used on a whim. Only if all other measures have failed. Of course, with the situation we’re now in, using it will be more than necessary.”

  Rivera couldn’t help but agree. “Yes. I can see where those with that high rank wouldn’t want to give it up so easily. What I don’t understand, is why does it matter so much? As a whole, the Pack has considerable wealth. No one does with out and is helped when the need arises.” She frowned in confusion. “Even though my association with the Pack has been limited, I’ve had the opportunity to expand my education with the scholarships that are set up. So, why?”

  “Like I said before, it’s all about the title and status,” Roan said. “It in no way makes them better. That’s only what they perceive the ranking means.”

  Dane grunted. “Most of those idiots aren’t powerful or strong enough to have a real ranking in the Pack.”

  “But with the title and status, they do,” Rivera surmised as she finally got it.

  “Correct.” Roan nodded.

  “Hmmm…sounds like the tale, The Emperor’s New Clothes.”

  “Unfortunately.” He sighed. “The way it stands, I have ten high ranking Pack families. None who head those families are even near strong enough in power or strength to keep that title if it came down to a real challenge. Only half a dozen family members have the power or strength to really hold the title. But, those members are either too old, stepped down, or not in line to receive it.”

  “Which is a joke, by the way,” Dane sneered then went on to explain just why and how.

  “I never knew the Pack had such a detailed history.” Rivera said as she shook her head with awe.

  “It’s taken many decades and lots of eye strain to pour through so many documents, but everyone who’s contributed to the Pack’s history has done so to keep it alive. And to make sure we don’t repeat it,” Roan added quickly.

  “Learning from your past to create a better future.” She had no idea where she heard that quote from, but it was appropriate.

  “Exactly.” He beamed at her.

  She turned to face him, laying her palm against his stubbly cheek. “I know that whatever decisions you make won’t be easy ones. But I want you to know that I support you and will stand by whatever you decide is the right course of action. You have the Pack’s best interests at heart and that’s what matters most.”

  His eyes closed and it looked as if he was fighting to stay in control. Then he smiled, eyes opening, glowing with icy flames. “You are my match in every sense of the word and I’m truly blessed that the Fates chose you for me.”

  He leaned in then, nearly taking her breath with a soul scorching kiss. The mastery of his mouth on hers was simply bliss that ended all too soon.

  Finally coming up for air, she lay down on his chest, snuggling close in his embrace as his arms wrapped around her. No more words were needed. She knew her place. It was at his side.

  Looking up, Dane caught her eye in the rear-view mirror. He gave her a slight bow and a wink. It was all the approval she needed.

  A comfortable silence reigned until Dane let them know they had arrived. Looking out the window, she watched as Dane pulled the Rover onto a very long drive way with large live oaks on one side and a white rail fence on the other. On the inside of the fence was an immense pasture with over a dozen horses in various colours grazing. They didn’t stay that way for long. In fact, one horse in particular broke away, galloping at full speed toward the Rover. When he made it to the rail and kept pace with them, Rivera could see that the horse was a magnificent leopard spotted Appaloosa. A stallion, he was sleek and one of the biggest Appaloosa horses she had ever seen.

  “I see Zephyr is welcoming you home, Roan,” Dane said with humour.

  Rivera couldn’t help but smile. “The name certainly fits.” She glanced back at Roan briefly, not wanting to take her eyes off the beautiful animal. She’d always had a thing for horses. “I take it he’s yours? Or is that, you’re his?”

  Roan chuckled as he sidled up next to her and rolled down the window. “The ownership is mutual. Though in Zephyr’s case, his attachment is a bit more. As you can see, he’s big for an Appaloosa horse. It happens sometimes. Unfortunately, his mother didn’t survive the birth.”

  “How sad,” she gasped.

  “It couldn’t be helped.” He sighed. “With Blaze’s age and Zephyr’s size, well, the odds weren’t in the mother’s favour. There were a couple times when we thought we were going to lose them both. But my mother is a great vet. With Tristan’s help, they saved Zephyr. And after taking one look at him…”

  She kissed his cheek. “You big softy.”

  Those cheeks pinked. “He was worth the late night feedings.”

  He put his hand out the window and closed his eyes. A moment later, Zephyr put on a burst of speed and shot past them, waiting until they came to the front of the house and parked. The three of them got out of the Rover to see Zephyr rear back on his hind legs, front legs pawing the air and letting out a loud whinny. When he was back on all fours once again, he shook his head, his glorious mane flying around, pawed the ground twice, and then took off. When Rivera looked back at Roan, his cheeks were still pink and he was smiling widely.

  “You can communicate with him, can’t you?”

  “Yes.” He nodded. “But unlike Tristan, my abilities are limited to those animals that are dominant by nature, are natural born Alpha’s. Zephyr isn’t merely a big stallion. He now controls the herd and won that position in fair combat from the older stallion we keep in the lower pasture.”

  Said herd was
now mingling by the fence as the passengers climbed out of the other Rover. When the mares and foals spotted Tristan, they got excited.

  “Go calm them, Tristan,” Roan told him good naturedly. “They won’t settle otherwise.”

  Tristan rolled his eyes but chuckled, doing as he was bid as about a dozen mares and foals all vied for his attention.

  “Is it always like this with him around?”

  “No.” Roan shook his head with a grin. “Even though Tristan can communicate with any animal, he has a very close affinity with a few, falcons, wolves, and horses. This herd in particular. Since being an even better vet than my mother due to his skills, he’s assisted in the birth of most of this ranches horses.”

  They both watched as Tristan touched each horse. The foals poked their smaller heads through the lower lattes to make sure they weren’t left out. It was cute, causing her, Roan, and Dane to laugh. Then, when the last head was petted, Tristan sent them away with a wave. He turned back to them, his cheeks flushed with happiness and his golden amber eyes shining.

  “Sorry about that, Roan,” Tristan said as he came over to where they were standing.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Roan waved his hand. “I knew it would happen.”

  Tristan nodded. “I’ll need to go out to the pasture today or tomorrow.” His happy look turned to grim concern. “The older mares have spotted and scented some snakes near where the foals play. They’re worried for the little ones.”

  “That’s fine.” Roan lifted his arm, looking at his watch. “It’s a little after one now. I hope to have all this cleared up by evening at the latest.” He then turned to Steven and Mikeal who were standing quietly by, each one holding onto their guests. “Go ahead and take them to the clearing. We’ll meet you there shortly.”

  Both nodded, practically dragging Ian and Lillah away and behind the house. A house that Rivera now noticed was a massive, two story ranch house, complete with a wrap around front porch. It had white siding and dark green shutters on all the windows. There was even white and green wicker furniture and a dark green painted porch swing to complete the picture. She just knew there was a red barn in back. What real working ranch didn’t have a red barn? But before she could ask Roan, the front door swung open and a man who was clearly Roan’s brother stepped out with a small but very striking red-haired woman fast on his heels. When she spotted Rivera, she came down the porch steps and walked right up to her. The woman barely came to Rivera’s chin, but Rivera knew instinctively that this was the female Alpha. Of course, the power radiating from her was certainly a good clue.

  She looked Rivera up and down, her unusual coloured eyes, a vibrant green with a ring of navy blue, seemed to bore into Rivera’s heart. Then she spoke.

  “You’re strong.” She drew in a deep breath with her nose. “What I can sense of your wolf is also strong.”

  Rivera couldn’t help gasping at that. “My wolf? You can actually sense her?”

  “Oh yes.” She smiled then closed her eyes. Her red head cocked to the side. “She’s…sleeping, but…restless. Very restless.” When she opened her eyes, they held a dim glow. “I’m Sasha LeGuer, Alpha female.” She held out her hand.

  “Rivera Montgomery, Roan’s True Mate.” They shook hands and a jolt of energy shook Rivera to her core. “What was that?” She quickly let go, fighting the urge to rub her palm against her slacks.

  “Roan’s tie extends to the Pack as a whole, whereas my tie is stronger to the females. What you felt was your bond to the Pack clicking into place, as well as your tie to me.”

  Rivera frowned, feeling a sense that she belonged, where before was emptiness. It wasn’t unwelcome, just odd. “How? I didn’t exactly give any consent for such a thing.”

  “You didn’t have to.” Sasha shrugged. “Even asleep, your wolf acknowledges me as the Alpha female and knows who’s stronger. And yes, once fully awake, I’m sure your wolf will be quite formidable. But she’s nothing when compared to me and she knows it. Plus, you’re in my territory. A show of dominance had to be made.”

  “Ah.” Rivera nodded, her ire soothed. “Not to worry, I could care less about gaining a title or higher position in the Pack. I think having an Alpha as a True Mate will be more than enough.”

  “Amen to that,” came a mumbled retort.

  Sasha snorted. “Flynn, don’t make me tell mom about your bad manners. Come over here and greet your new sister properly.”

  He did as bid, looking anything but contrite with his big grin and laughing light eyes.

  “My humble apologies, Rivera.” He reached out and shook her good hand. “I’m Flynn, as you no doubt have guessed. Welcome to our home and family. When you’re more settled, I’ll take a look at that wrist.” He then grabbed Sasha, wrapping her in his arms. “How was that, baby?”

  She stood up on her toes and kissed him. “Jackass.” She giggled.

  Rivera could see the love between these two. It was more than just on their faces, it was as if it totally surrounded them in their own bubble.

  “Sasha, could you explain how you knew she wasn’t bonded to the Pack,” Roan interrupted, breaking up the snuggle fest. “I didn’t feel the absence until her bond snapped into place.”

  He didn’t look unhappy per se, but his deep frown did convey confusion.

  “Oh, well, it’s probably because all your thinking is focused on the True Mate bond.” She turned, leaning her back against Flynn. “Your senses have no doubt been on overload since you found each other. And considering that bond pretty much supersedes any other bond she’s ever had, I’m not surprised you didn’t feel it.”

  He let out a harsh breath. “I seem to be doing that more than a I care to.”

  “Cut yourself some slack, Roan.” Rivera quickly came to his defence. “A boat load of problems and responsibilities dropped into your lap all within a twenty-four hour period. You’ve had to act and make decisions accordingly. And because of that, a few minor details get overlooked.”

  “Your bond to the Pack is not a minor detail, sweetheart.” He reached out and took her good hand.

  “In this instance, it is when you have more pressing matters to take care of.” She let his hand go, placing a finger over his lips to stall any further comment. “You’re not perfect, Roan. Nor would I want you to be. Perfect is boring and overrated. Besides, I’m bonded now and that’s all that really matters. Not who knew and who did it.”

  He grinned, shaking his head as he took her hand back. “Alright, sweetheart, it’s done. But I reserve the right to be perfect in other areas.” Warm lips grazed her knuckles, his icy gaze heating up.

  Her response was immediate as arousal began to course through her blood. “Roan-“

  “Ahem,” Sasha cleared her throat, effectively throwing a wet blanket on the smouldering desire between them. “Sorry to interrupt and all, but Quinn is waiting in the clearing and the moron triplets are waiting in your office.”

  Giving Rivera, a look that promised wicked delights later, Roan turned a thunderous expression toward Sasha. “Why are they in my office when I expressly ordered them to the clearing like everybody else?”

  “You’re joking, right?” She snorted. “Boone’s ego is so big, I’m surprised he could fit it in the house. The other two just follow in his wake.”

  “His reasoning was, if you wanted to see him, it would be more civilized to do so in your office,” Flynn explained.

  “Civilized. Sure he is,” she chortled. “That jerk is so full of crap, his eyes are brown.”

  Rivera couldn’t help but laugh at that. “With all I’ve learned of Boone, it sounds like his mind in nothing but a cesspit anyhow. So the description seems valid.”

  “Honey, don’t even get me started.” Sasha rolled her eyes. That southern accent seeming stronger with her annoyance.

  “If it’s any consolation, Cole stayed with them,” Flynn said.

  “And the St. Paul’s?” Roan asked. “Have they arrived yet?”

; Flynn shook his head. “They’re about fifteen minutes away. Phillip made sure to call just before you arrived.”

  He nodded then turned to Dane. “Everyone in place?”

  “Just waiting for your signal, cuz.” Dane grinned.

  “Roan LeGuer, what are you up to?”

  From the amused expression on Sasha’s face, Rivera could see that dealing with her brother’s mysterious schemes wasn’t new.

  “All in good time, little sister. All in good time.”


  He chuckled. “Yes, I am quite aware of your aversion to mysteries. But never fear, I won’t draw it out for long.” He reached into his pants pocket and brought out what looked shiny and gold. “In the meantime, I would very much like for you to wear the female version of this, if you please?”

  When he held out his hand, Sasha squealed with delight and Flynn whooped with joy. In Roan’s palm was a gold torque. It was thick, about the diameter of her middle finger. It had wolf heads at each end with emerald eyes. And it was old. Very old. Rivera had dealt with antiquities enough over the decades to recognize one when she saw it.

  Sasha didn’t need to be told twice. She turned tail and raced back into the house.


  He turned to her with a sheepish grin. “Sorry, sweetheart. With everything going on, I totally forgot to tell you about the Alpha Torque.”

  The explanation was quite vivid with ancient documents hidden in a puzzle box and reincarnation of the Packs greatest female Alpha. Of the twin torques fashioned by the Alpha himself for his True Mate and an old seer who apparently knew too much. Rivera would have thought them all a little off if the evidence in Roan’s hand and around Sasha’s neck as she strolled back to them didn’t give credence to the tale.

  “May I?” She held out her hand. “One of my thesis papers was on ancient metallurgy.” That raised a few brows, some with clear confusion. “Sorry. I’ve spent all of my adult life learning a myriad of different things. I hold several degrees in literature, ancient history, and biology. Then there are a few PhD’s in anthropology and ancient architecture. I also speak, at last count, seventeen different languages fluently.”


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