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Destiny's Choice

Page 16

by Kimberly Hunter


  “I didn’t know who it was at first. Thought maybe I was losing it.” She sniggered. “He said you were waiting for me. That you needed me and I was your perfect match.”

  “In every way.” He nuzzled her neck with affection.

  “He also said that he was proud of his son’s and daughter and glad that all of you had finally found happiness.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart.” Roan’s voice was thick, and unshed tears shone in his eyes.

  “Your welcome.” She licked his muzzle, then turned to Dillon. “He also said that even though you’re young, you too have a perfect match.”

  Emerald eyes widened with surprise. “Well, didn’t see that one coming.” He chuckled.

  She was a little embarrassed to tell them what he said next.

  “That wasn’t all, was it?” Dillon’s smile was too knowing.

  She let out a breath. “He said to name our first born after him.”

  That caused everyone to laugh.

  “That man always had to have the last word,” the red female said with a watery laugh as she came up to Rivera. “I too thank you. And welcome to the family. I’m Charlaine LeGuer, mother to these three. You can call me Charlie for now. Mom when you feel more comfortable.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Charlie.” She gazed back up at Dillon. “How did you know?”

  “I’m to be the Pack seer.” He shrugged his unencumbered shoulder nonchalantly. “My power comes and goes. Won’t have full control until after I go through the First Transformation.”

  “Oh. That must be difficult.” And quite a burden for one so young.

  “You have no idea.” His eyes rolled then the baby yawned, laying her head down on Dillon’s shoulder. “Sasha, I’m taking Tala back to the house.”

  Sasha and Flynn ran up to Dillon, showering the babe with licks and canine love. Their daughter ate it up, her chubby little hands petting both wolves and giggling happily.

  As dark as it was getting, it had to be near the babe’s bedtime.

  With a last pat and lick, Dillon went to turn but stopped, those green eyes showing an old soul and shrewd intelligence for one so young. “My father’s name was Zander. Though in your case, you and Roan might want to find another name to go with that one.” He giggled as he walked away with Tala into the trees.

  “Find a…” She felt distinctly lightheaded. “He seriously can’t mean…”

  “I’m afraid so,” Sasha told her. “He predicted Tala’s birth and gender. So if he say’s twin boys, you can bet your ass your gonna have twin boys.”

  “Good grief.”

  “Oh! More grandbabies to spoil,” Charlie said with glee.

  “Granny heaven.” Flynn chuckled.

  “You alright, sweetheart?” Roan’s tone was full of concern.

  “Uh, yeah. Just kind of overwhelmed.” She shook her head, feeling her ears move. Really overwhelmed. “It’s a lot to take in.”

  “I know.” He rubbed his head against hers. “But we have time.”

  “Yeah?” She so didn’t want to start having babies now. Hell, she and Roan hadn’t even made love yet.

  “Absolutely.” His tail wagged. “In fact, why don’t we go for a Pack run? It’ll clear your head and put everything in perspective.”

  “A run sounds good.” She jumped to her feet, glad to have her mind on something else. “I’d really like to see what this new body can do.” She loved to run. It was one of her favourite things.

  “That’s the spirit.” Roan walked to the edge of the clearing where the trees were the thickest. “We’ll stop when we need to everyone.”

  Then they were off. Roan in the lead with Sasha, Flynn, herself, and the others following, racing through the forest. A full moon had risen, it shone through the trees. The silvery light sent dappled rays down on them. Rivera revelled in the freedom she was feeling. Never had she felt more alive. The sounds, the scents, the feel of her Pack with her as they all enjoyed the power of the night. It was as if she had waited for this moment her whole life. Like she had finally come home.

  After running for several miles, they stopped near a clear stream. A small flower strewn glade beside it was the perfect place to take a rest.

  “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

  She yipped, her tail wagging like a banner in a breeze. “Fantastic.”

  He laughed. “I’m glad. Come, let’s take a breather before we head back.”

  They had taken only a few steps when two large timber wolves stepped out of the forest. They were no where near Lupus size, but still bigger than the average dog.

  “Alpha Mate happy. Alpha Mate run with Pack. Is good.”

  Searching the small glade, Rivera had no idea where the voice was coming from. It was male, but odd sounding.

  “Alpha Mate make Alpha man very happy.”

  Another voice. This one female.

  “Uh, Roan. Who’s that talking to me?” She continued to search the glade, but none of the others were close enough to carry on a conversation.

  “You can hear them?” His eyes were wide with surprise.

  “Hear who?” She looked at her Pack Mates, but they were all getting something to drink or lazing about. The only ones near her were Roan, Sasha, and Flynn. And she knew their voices, even in wolf form.

  “The wolves.”

  She turned to him. “The wolves?” Now she really was confused.

  “I think I can shed a little light on this, Roan,” Tristan said as he calmly padded up to them.

  “Yes. Omega help. Omega tell Alpha Mate,” the male voice said.

  Tristan chuckled. “Not to worry, she’ll understand in a moment.”

  “What’s going on, Roan?” She felt a bit out of her element as she looked between her True Mate and great-uncle. And the night had been going so well.

  “I’d like the answer to that myself.” He didn’t sound upset, just deeply curious.

  “Sorry, Roan, Rivera.” Tristan gave them a sheepish expression. “I really didn’t think she’d have the gift. It skips generations and usually only the males have it.”

  “What gift is that?” She was a little apprehensive. With all the revelations dropped in her lap since shifting, her mind was getting a little too full too fast.

  “The same one I have, of course. Communicating with animals.

  “I can what?”

  “She can what?”

  Roan and Rivera spoke at the same time.

  “I’m just as surprised as you two are, believe me,” Tristan quipped. “The last female to inherit the gift was my great-great-grandmother. Though with her, she could only talk to birds. The fact that Rivera can communicate with the Alpha pair of the local pack speaks volumes.”

  Holy mother, she was a female Dr. Doolittle. She shook her head. “Why do you say that.” She asked.

  “Because even the males who have inherited this gift, have only been able to talk to prey animals and a few domesticated species like dogs and cats. I’m only the second male and the first Omega out of our entire family history that can talk to any and all species. That includes the Alpha’s, male and female,” he explained. “None since I’ve been born have developed the gift. Until now.”

  “Wow.” That was definitely something to get her head around. If the nine day coma and future twins weren’t enough, she now had to add talking to animals to the list. It was kind of cool, but still, a lot to take in. “Are you sure I have the same gift as you?”

  “No.” He chuckled. “You’ll have to test it now that you know. It could be that like Roan and Sasha, you can only talk to Alpha pairs. Or just wolves. Or even all canines. You won’t know until you experiment. But your strong, Rivera. Since you shifted, we’ve all noticed the difference. It’s not anywhere near the Alpha’s, of course. Still, you’re more powerful than any of the other females in the Pack.”

  There was no way she was believing that as she shook her head. “No, that can’t be right.”<
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  “He’s right, Rivera,” Roan agreed. There was such pride in voice, he sounded almost giddy. His light eyes were shining with it. “We all gain or stay the same after our First Transformation. Even before, you were strong. But now, even without the gift, your strength makes you second female in the Pack.”

  “But…I don’t feel any different.” She stared at them as if they were talking nonsense. Her, second female? No freaking way. “Wouldn’t I feel it?”

  “Unfortunately, no.” Sasha sighed. “Like you, I still felt weak and plain after my First Transformation. But once I spent more shifting and talking with the others, I gradually began to feel the difference. It’s a slow process for those of us who have never known anything but weakness.”

  “Yes. Alpha Mate strong,” the male spoke again. “Alpha man need strong Mate. Not lesser female.”

  Rivera blinked, still finding it hard to believe that a wolf, a real wolf could communicate with her. “Uh…”

  Roan chuckled, coming to her rescue. “Why don’t I introduce you, sweetheart?” He padded over, sitting beside her. “This is the Alpha pair of our local timber wolf pack.” He nodded toward them.

  “I am Beauty,” the female said proudly. “Alpha female give me name. I beautiful and strong.”

  “Oh, well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Alpha and Beauty.” She just looked at them, instinctively knowing not to bow her head or bare her neck. Both actions would be seen as an act of submission.

  “Alpha man chose well,” the male said with praise. “Strong and smart.”

  “Thank you, my friend.”

  “You give Alpha man many cubs,” Beauty told her. “Make Pack stronger.”

  “Oh, uh…”

  “I chose well.” The male licked his Mate’s muzzle. “We make good cubs. Have strong pack.”

  “Never fear, my friends,” Roan said with amusement. “We will make the Pack stronger.”

  “Is good. Alpha man need Alpha Mate. Alpha Mate need Alpha man. Make Pack whole. Keep Pack safe.”

  The Alpha male’s words were simple but no less powerful in their truth. Now that she had survived and Roan had no doubt implemented his plan while she was in the coma, the Pack would be better.

  “Yes. Whole and safe,” she agreed.

  “Is good.”

  “We run with Alpha man and Alpha Mate,” Beauty yipped happily, her tail wagging. “Good run bring Pack together. Make Pack happy. Happy Pack is strong Pack.”

  “I chose well,” the male said smugly.

  “That you did, my friend,” Roan agreed with humour.

  Rivera couldn’t help but be amused as well. These two animals were highly intelligent, yet animals just the same. Put into basic terms this was what every Pack needed to be a cohesive unit. Their Alpha’s Mated, to feel safe, happy, and whole. It all added up to a strong Pack.

  “Alpha and Beauty are very smart,” Rivera told them.

  The male raised his head regally. “Pack is family. Protect family. Keep family fed. Make family happy. Care for cubs. Be with Mate. Pack is all.”

  “Well, there you go.” Tristan nodded. “Pack is all.”

  Scanning the glade again, Rivera noticed the others were now standing, their bright gazes trained on her. She could feel the bond with them, a low hum singing at the back of her mind. It wasn’t near as strong as the bond she had with Roan, that was an orchestra of notes and keys. But together, the combination gave her a feeling of closeness she never had before. Everyone here accepted her. Not because she was the Alpha’s True Mate, but because she was one of them. She was Pack. She was family. Pack was all. And heaven help anyone who tried to take this away from her. She may not be an Alpha or have fancy powers, but she was strong in her own right. She would do everything in her power to keep them safe. Her True Mate especially. He had accepted her despite her shortcomings and stood by her through everything. She would fight to the death to keep him and her new family.

  “Yes. Pack is all,” she told them.

  Roan nuzzled her neck then licked her ear. “Let’s take our Pack home, sweetheart.”

  “Our Pack.” She returned his affection, rubbing her head against his muzzle. “Yes. Our Pack.” She looked up at him. “I like the sound of that.”

  He gave her a canine grin then stood, throwing his head back, and howled. Soon enough, all the others, the Alpha pair as well, joined in. Rivera felt joy and elation flow through her. It was wondrous. She joined in as well, adding her voice to the mix.

  “Let’s go!” Roan took off as the last howl echoed through the night.

  Rivera didn’t waste any time. She leapt forward, fast on his heels as her fellow Pack Mates followed. She could hear yips and barks of laughter. Feel happiness and the thrill of being together overflowing from them. But above all that, she felt Roan. Her True Mate was elated. He also cared for her a great deal. More so than she thought possible. Of course, he did have nine days on her in which he was at her side, tending to her. It wasn’t the ideal way to begin a relationship, but she was sure she could make it up to him. Very sure.

  She rubbed against his side as they ran through the trees, making sure to flip her tail over his. Those icy eyes heated at her brazen move.

  “You’re playing with fire, sweetheart,” he warned her playfully.

  She merely laughed, continuing to rub and flip her tail at him. He gave her a mock growl, nipping at her flank and bumping her side as well. When they finally reached the clearing, they were both nearly out of breath. It was fantastic.

  Taking a few to rest, the Alpha pair padded over to where Roan and Rivera lay together. They quickly got to their feet.

  “Good run. Happy Pack.” The male said. “Alpha man and Alpha Mate welcome to run with our Pack.”

  Beauty yipped in happy agreement. “Yes. Be happy together. Show strong cubs.”

  Rivera wasn’t ignorant of the trust the Alpha pair was giving them. Nor, it seemed, was Roan.

  “We would be honoured, my friend.” He dipped his head just a fraction, acknowledging the other male.

  “I would love to see your beautiful cubs, beauty.”

  “Yes. Cubs strong and beautiful.”

  The male nipped his Mates shoulder with clear affection. “I chose well.” Then they were off, melting back into the forest.

  “Well, I never expected that,” Sasha quipped as she, Flynn, and Tristan strolled up to them. The others were still close by and resting.

  “Nor I.” Roan sounded completely surprised.

  “He’s never asked you to run with his Pack before?” Rivera asked him.

  “No.” He shook his furry head. “They’ve run with us plenty of times though.”

  “He trusts you now,” Tristan told them.

  “Now? I thought he already did to a certain degree. He is still a wild animal, after all.” Roan grinned.

  “He is, yes.” Tristan chuckled. “Whether you’re in this form or human, he can still sense your wolf, a kindred spirit. But you were a lone wolf before Rivera. Not exactly a threat to his Pack, but his instincts were to keep you away.”

  “What changed?” Flynn asked.

  “He’s Mated now and the Pack is stable and happy. You’re not a threat when you have everything you need,” Tristan explained.

  “Ah.” Roan nodded with understanding. “Why try to take over his Pack and Mate when I’m more than satisfied with my own.”

  “Exactly.” Tristan gave him a canine grin.

  “Hmph. Didn’t ask me and my Mate to run with them.” Sasha sounded a little put out.

  “I’m sorry to say that you are a different matter altogether, Sasha.” Tristan laughed softly.

  “How so?” Rivera didn’t understand that either. “I mean, she’s the Alpha female. Shouldn’t she have been invited as well?”

  “Uh, no. You see, even though Sasha has her Alpha Mate as they see it, Beauty and her Mate aren’t going to allow an Alpha female around their cubs.”

  “I would never hurt her babie
s,” Sasha said with affront.

  “No, you wouldn’t,” Tristan soothed. “But we’re dealing with animal instinct here. A mother’s instinct. She may trust you out here, let you touch her, pet her. But her cubs are the Pack’s strength. Their future. Having another Alpha female near them would mean danger despite her knowing who you are. Understand?”

  “Yeah.” She sighed deeply. “A mom’s instinct is strong no matter what species you are. Damn, I really wanted to see the little buggers too.”

  “Not to worry, little sister,” Roan spoke up. “Maybe Rivera and I can get a few pictures.”

  “I’d like that. Thank you.”

  That seemed to mollify her. Then the faint sound of a baby crying floated on the night breeze.

  “Seems our own cub is calling, my love,” Flynn said.

  Sasha just nodded. Then a flash of bright white light lit up the clearing. She stood in human form. Flynn followed with a flash of blue/green. When he stood on two legs, Sasha took his hand.

  “Come on, Alpha Mate.” She gave him a carnal grin. “After the baby’s put back to sleep, maybe we can practice making another one.”

  Flynn didn’t hesitate. He simply picked her up, slung her over his shoulder, and strolled from the clearing.

  “Flynn! You caveman!” She giggled.

  “Only with you, my love.” His masculine laughter echoed back as they disappeared through the trees.

  The others soon took their cue. Shifting back to human form, they all gave Roan and Rivera a respectful nod before leaving the clearing. Tristan, Roan, and Rivera were the only ones left after everyone was gone.

  “If I may, Roan,” Tristan began. “I’d like to stick around after my work is done. Rivera will no doubt have questions regarding her gift and well…I’d really like to get to know my niece.”

  “I don’t see a problem with it.” He then turned to her. “Sweetheart?”

  “I would enjoy that as well.” She grinned. “Thank you, Tristan. Or should I call you uncle?”

  “Please.” His rolled his golden amber eyes. “I look young enough to be your brother. Tristan is fine.”

  She laughed at that. “Alright. Tristan, it is then.”

  “Good.” A flare of spectrum coloured light lit up the clearing, showing a naked Tristan once it faded. “I’ll see you two later.” He gave them both a respectful nod then left.


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