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War of Wings

Page 6

by War of Wings (ARC) (epub)

  Lucifer felt powerful and he felt a great deal of rage, but he also felt thoughtful, as if a part of him was watching everything that happened with cold detachment. He took careful notes of his thought processes on the rock and in the sand beneath the plush green. He named his new power wrath, and the third of the seven deadly sins was formed.

  The second sin he had discovered, envy, was formed toward God not too long before this rampage, and Lucifer quickly realized it was all throughout Heaven. He took pleasure in this feeling because it gave him a sense of power. It gave him the fuel he needed. It fed his drive to get even. He knew envy was something many angels felt toward him, but it had never been defined. He knew they envied his position in the ranks, and he would use that to his advantage.

  The most powerful of all the sins was discovered first. Pride. Without pride, he would have succumbed to God. He loved that he hadn’t. Lucifer kept track of these sins as he discovered them. They were like precious jewels. He realized quickly, without shame, that there was power in each of them. He was the only one who truly had a hold of who he was. He knew himself and he knew other angels. He knew their deepest desires that had never been spoken of. They were subtly expressed, but in almost every being in Heaven, Lucifer had glimpsed those traits, and he meant to bring them all out.

  The heavenly virtues that God held dear helped guide Lucifer to their polar opposites. God was well-known for his virtues—chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility—and Lucifer was intent on discovering the antivirtues that were the exact opposites of these. Why was there more power in wrath than patience? Why was envy a stronger motivator than kindness? The opposite of humility gave him pride. The opposite of charity gave him greed. He felt proud of them and wasn’t done searching for more.

  He wanted to find the coldest place on this new formation and rid himself of God’s warm, bright influence so he could think. He went into the mountains as far north as there was land and dug his way as deep as he could go. He spent much time traveling across the solid land mass and discovered countless places that attracted him with their wild, hostile forms. Lucifer found glacier caves that suited his needs perfectly—deep in the ice on the northern side.

  As he discovered the answers he was seeking within his antivirtues, he realized not only who he was but also the truth of everything in the cosmos. Now he alone had discovered the physical realities that made up the universe. With everything he learned, it pushed him further away from his faith in God. He saw imperfections on Terra. The fact he could control life made him realize God wasn’t the only powerful one. His reason and his faith contradicted each other. He began to despise warmth and light and instead yearned for cold and dark. He found comfort in it.

  It was time for a change. He devised a plan to make the change a reality amongst the vast corridors of Heaven.

  Time came and went. Lucifer had stopped keeping track of it. One day, he saw Saraquel hiding. He was crouched behind a hill of snow, but Lucifer recognized his stringy black hair sticking out.


  The black hair disappeared behind the hill.

  “Saraquel, I saw you.”

  “Forgive me, Lucifer!”

  “Why are you hiding?”

  “I am amazed at your power. I couldn’t turn away. You told me to find you.”

  Lucifer reached out his hand as he approached, and Saraquel began to bow.

  “No longer bow your head to me. You will become my brother this day if you will accept what I have to say.” Saraquel’s eyes grew wide, and his mouth dropped slightly. It was a moment or two before he could speak.

  “Of course, Lucifer. Please tell me what you would like from me.”

  “I want nothing from you except for you to make your own decisions based on the knowledge I am about to give you.”

  “Yes, sir. I can do that.” They began to walk across the snow, and Saraquel fell into step beside him.

  “Let me ask you some questions, and I want you to answer as honestly as possible. The throne that you had built for me, by what means did you construct it?” Lucifer asked.

  “Well, I had my angels work on it for me—in your honor, of course.”

  “And they followed your commands because you are an archangel and their leader, correct?”

  “Yes. They were eager to serve you as well.” Saraquel twisted his hands together.

  “You had them build this for me. Why?”

  “Because you asked me to.”

  “Why would you listen to me?”

  Saraquel paused. He began shaking slightly in confusion. Finally he answered, “Because you are the highest cherubim and it brings me great joy to serve you. Was I not supposed to, your highness?”

  “Yes, of course, you were, because of the order of things between the angels and the tiers of power. I am above you.”

  “Your virtues surpass ours, and there is no shame in praising you.”

  “Thank you, but who truly says that is how it has to be?”

  “God does. I am as God made me, and that is how it should be. We all have our roles to play. I live to worship Him as my unique self and in my unique way.”

  “What if I told you that you could be a throne, a seraph, or even take my place as the highest cherubim right now? Would you take it?”

  Saraquel visibly hesitated, like it was a trick. “God made me who I am. I am content.”

  “I am your friend, Saraquel.” Lucifer felt nauseous at his own words, but if his plan was to work, he would need support. It might as well begin with this pitiful angel. “You are in a safe place. I see the desires in your heart, and they are more than you say. Does it not sound intriguing to be more than God has made you?”

  Saraquel looked away. “I am an archangel, that is all I will ever be.”

  “That is all you will ever be according to God.” Lucifer waited until his gaze came back and forced a smile. “I say you can be more than that.”

  “But God made the classes of all angels. He wouldn’t let you change that.”

  “What if I told you the rules were arbitrary, that His rules are based on His deceit?”

  “I wouldn’t believe you. God loves us. Why would He lie?”

  “He doesn’t love us,” answered Lucifer calmly. “He uses us and lies to us. Look at who is on top. Who sits on a throne while you take orders in Heaven?”

  “But He created us.”

  “That is what He would have us believe. Let me ask you this. How does a tree or a plant grow and bear fruit? Where does it originate?”

  Saraquel answered quickly. “It starts as a seed. Then it grows until it can bear fruit.”

  “What if I told you that I have a tree that never started as a seed? What if I told you it just always existed?”

  Saraquel squinted his eyes and took his time with his answer. “That would not make sense.”

  “Yet that is how God explains Himself. He claims to be the only One that never had a beginning: a tree but never a seed.”

  Saraquel stood silent. Lucifer could sense his heart beating fast and his mind racing wildly. He almost had him. “I know how you feel. I too was disappointed when I first accepted this truth. But the disappointment will soon pass. These are hard questions, and I do not know all the answers either. But I do wonder why God has one set of rules for Him and another for us, yet we were supposedly made in His image. If you figure it out, will you let me know? I believe the glory of God can only be magnified by our understanding of His great design.”

  “He tells us to have faith in Him, so that is what I do.”

  Lucifer’s eyes lit up with energy. “Think of what you just said. How do you fool the masses into believing something? You make them believe in you. Then you tell them what to do and they do it. What if God has done that to us?”

  “That is impossible.”

  “Is it?” Lucifer saw on Saraquel’s face that he was teetering on the brink. “God speaks of the importance of wisdom. Why the
n does reality contradict His very teachings?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I know you don’t because no one can answer that. And the only one who claims He has an answer says He had no beginning. But I asked Him personally. He simply says, ‘Have faith.’ Well, no thanks. Not anymore. I encourage you to think for yourself. Don’t let Him do it for you. It’s time for a change in thinking. And that time is now.”

  Michael always thought he knew everything; that was nothing new. Gabriel wasn’t going to let it bother him. Besides, Arrayah seemed to have forgiven him for the building incident. Compared to how things had been progressing, this was practically time for a small celebration. Gabriel’s fondness of Heaven’s fruits was tempting him; saving half the angels could wait. He worked his way over to the Spiritapple Field south of the Great Mountain and the Provender, where he could feast on the sweetest fruit in all of Heaven.

  Gabriel descended to the orchard and grabbed a spiritapple from the ground. It had green, pointed leaves, and the fruit inside was protected by a hard outer skin. He simply pulled on the leaves on top, and it exposed the white fruit and its sparkling mist. Inside the fruit was a narrow chamber filled with its ever-so-sweet juice. Gabriel took a large bite, and it immediately sent endorphins from his toes to his wingtips. It heightened his mental clarity and boosted feelings of happiness, openness, and love even as he became hyperaware of sound, light, and movement. This was just in the first sip. Most angels only enjoyed one like they were supposed to, and they followed proper protocol by replanting the leaves in the soil. Not Gabriel.

  By the time Saraquel approached him, he was lying on his back and at least fifteen square feet of the field had been plucked, opened, and the juice sucked dry. None of them had been replanted. Gabriel had every intention of cleaning up his mess—just not now. He was feeling good. Very good. He almost got up when he saw the angel flying in, but it was Saraquel. No big deal.

  “Gabriel, I see you are a fan of the spiritapple,” said Saraquel as he landed.

  “Would you like some? There’s a few I haven’t gotten to, and you’re welcome to them.” He felt rather magnanimous offering this, as he would not have minded draining another dozen. It must be the juice making him so generous, he reflected.

  “You know you are supposed to eat the fruit and not just drink the juice, right?”

  “Of course.” With that, he tipped another and drank its juice in one continuous slurp. “I have had an excellent day, at least one small part of it, so I am celebrating.”

  “Have you heard anything strange from Michael lately? I am actually concerned about him.”

  Gabriel laughed.

  “Why are you laughing?”


  “I just spoke with Michael briefly.”

  “You did? What did he say about me?”

  Saraquel looked confused. “He didn’t say anything about you.”

  “Oh. Well, God has been speaking to him personally lately, and he said He showed him something unbelievable.”

  Saraquel fidgeted nervously. “Has he spoken to God in person?”

  “He said God showed him something in a dream. A seraph has recently spoken to me as well. There are some strange things going on.” Perhaps it was the spiritapple juice, but Gabriel felt perfectly content to share everything on his mind, even with Saraquel.

  “I would agree. Things are changing.”

  “That’s for sure.” Gabriel ripped the top off another spiritapple and gulped the juice inside. “These are so sweet. Here.” He tore the top from another and tossed it to Saraquel, who almost dropped it.

  “Listen, I think Michael has been trying to move up the ranks, so he is acting like God appreciates him more than the rest of us,” Saraquel said. “We are archangels too. Why wouldn’t God tell us or show us these things?”

  “Easy now. Michael is my best friend.” He felt a moment of irritation and stared at Saraquel. He tipped up another spiritapple shell to enjoy its juice, and the pleasant feelings returned. The sky looked oddly multicolored. He squinted to refocus. “I don’t know why He wouldn’t tell us though. That’s a good question. He did say God talked about me. Isn’t that a laugh?”

  “How many of those have you had, Gabriel?”

  Gabriel watched him counting the shells that littered the ground. “These aren’t all mine.” A moment later he realized they actually were.

  “I’ve never seen anyone have more than two before.”

  “I’m fine. So is Michael. Let’s talk about something else.” Saraquel began to glow brightly, and Gabriel squinted again. He wanted to touch him.

  “Gabriel, I know that Michael is your best friend.” Saraquel raised his hands as if backing off. “I am just telling you because Azrael and I have seen how Michael manipulates you into always following him, and we aren’t the only two who have noticed. I mean, he told you that God was talking to him about you. Wouldn’t God just come to you if there were something you needed to hear?”

  Gabriel stood up and put his hand on Saraquel’s glowing shoulder. He shook his head and the glow disappeared. “First of all, God does talk to me. Second, I know Michael better than anyone. Thanks for your concern, but Michael is not manipulating me.” He wasn’t so sure anymore after the comments Michael made about Arrayah, but Saraquel was the last one who needed that information.

  “We are just looking out for you and Michael.”

  “I’ll watch out. Thanks.”

  “No problem,” said Saraquel. “You know, Gabriel, I have always thought of you as the real leader of us seven archangels.”

  Gabriel smiled. Saraquel wasn’t so bad after all. “Well, thank you. I’m honored you say that, but I can’t say I agree with you. No one should ever follow someone like me.”

  “I disagree. In fact, I know another high angel that would disagree too.”

  Did he know Arrayah?

  Saraquel finally took a bite of the spiritapple and knelt beside him. “How would you like to be more than just an archangel?”

  “We would all love to be cherubs or seraphs, but it’s not going to happen. What high angel are you referring to?”

  “The highest angel. Lucifer thinks highly of you. He was asking me about the seven archangels. It seems as if he is choosing one for a very special project.”

  “Did you mention my name to Lucifer?”

  “I told him you were the one that brought all of us together. You get along well with everyone, and even Michael listens to you.”

  “What is the project?”

  “There is a revolution coming, Gabriel. A revolution of the minds of angels. The ranking system and orders of angels is going to change.”

  Gabriel’s stomach felt queasy. Had he heard right? Maybe the euphoria of fifteen spiritapples was turning into madness. Michael’s statement about his dream was too similar to Saraquel’s for comfort. He had to see God. He never saw God, but he would today. Maybe it was heightened boldness from the fruit, but he was going to march up those golden steps for answers, no matter what.

  “I have to go.”

  “Wait, I’m not finished. We have a place for you.”

  “We can finish this later.”

  “I need your support as a fellow archangel. I must please my new master.” Saraquel tried to hold Gabriel’s wing back. Gabriel ripped it out of his hand and spun to confront him.

  “Did you say new master?”

  “I just mean I need your support.”

  “Right. Yes, we are archangels. But don’t use that as the very manipulation you accuse Michael of. I have only one brother. Watch how you speak of him around me.”

  “I am sorry. But I’m not the only angel who feels he is trying to exalt himself. He could be in some major trouble if he keeps it up.”

  Gabriel looked through Saraquel’s strong, dark eyes. He wasn’t backing down the way he used to. The entire experience felt surreal. “You should go now.”

  “All right, Gabriel.”

Saraquel drifted away, but Gabriel’s discomfort lingered. Saraquel was troubled and acting strangely. What was going on in Heaven? Gabriel picked himself up and waited a few minutes for his head to clear a bit. Then he flew up the twelve layers of the Great Mountain.

  He entered the pearl gates on the southwest side, and one of the dominions opened the gates for him. Once near the ramp, he slowed to a walk. He passed all the way up and crossed over the bridge above the River of Life. Then he began the long journey up the staircase. He thought about how inconvenient accessing God was. He was right to never visit Him. After all, when had God ever cared about Gabriel? Maybe it was the lingering effects of the fruit, but it was difficult to focus his thoughts, and they seemed bold and daring, even to him. He eventually got to the thrones, who greeted him less pleasantly than he would have imagined.

  “I’m sorry, but you can go no further,” said Kaldeczar. He was the leader of the thrones and was decorated accordingly. He wore a tall hat decadent with jewels and boasted golden armor. He looked way too tense.

  This only added to Gabriel’s disquiet. Why was the leader of the thrones on staircase duty? “I would like to speak with God.”

  “I regret to inform you that that is not possible. He will see no one right now, not even the seraphim.” Kaldeczar stood firmly and without expression in front of Gabriel, as if using his body language to suggest Gabriel would have to go through him physically.

  Gabriel was unimpressed. “Why? What is happening?”

  “I have told you everything we know. Maybe He is busy with something we don’t know about yet or don’t need to know about at all.”

  “That is absurd. I need to see God, and I think I have a little idea of what is going on. Michael the archangel said He spoke of me. Do you know Michael? Is he up here?”

  “I do not know Michael, and I haven’t seen an archangel up here in a while. I’m sorry, but I will not let you pass.”

  “Please get out of my way.”

  “No.” Although Kaldeczar was much shorter, he moved squarely in front of Gabriel and tensed up as if ready to strike.

  Gabriel didn’t have time for this. “Move, tiny angel!”


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